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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree confident he will survive Friday’s eviction
Former Member I get the impression that he has led a very sheltered life. One filled with his family always telling him how wonderful he is, how special he is, how everyone else is jealous of his specialness, etc., etc. He has never had to endure a word of criticism, from anyone and does not know how to deal with it. I'm not condoning his behaviour by any means. Just pointing out that his parents and family have done him a great disservice. [ more ]
Perones pmsl lmao [ more ]
Perones He can't really be confident can he ? no one is that thick skinned surely ? so many hm's have pointed out how rude he actually is omg I've just remembered him walking in with his union flag top and indian flag - how contrived ..remember how he was nearly in tears when he 'up' for noms by default in the first week do you like indian boys.... ...creepy.. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whilst you are all complaining about the heat
Blizz'ard Oh, Ella, I just had to come back in for a while. It's so hot and sunny! [ more ]
old hippy guy I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this weather, It could be like this EVERYDAY and I would NEVER complain, we only get a handful of these days a year, the rest of the time it is dark grey dull cold and wet, make the most of it while you can, [ more ]
Former Member I'm enjoying today because for the last couple of days in Brum it's been humid but very dull and grey and today its boooooootiful sunshine [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please stop using the word `gameplan` as a derogatory term
storm I agree. Haven't they ALL gone in there to win? [ more ]
Hotpants Helen Even those who claim to just being themselves have a gameplan. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I did qualify my post a couple of posts later saying I have no problem with gameplans as it's a gameshow I think most of the best contestants in BB have a coherent gameplan [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which BB10 housemates will be of interest to the Celebrity agents?
jennywren There's almost no BB interest in Heat this year so I don't think the girls are guaranteed to be bap fodder this year. Seen it all before, so to speak. Siavash is turning out to have quite some comedic talent and to be quite an interesting character, so someone may pick up on him. Freddie will make his own way anyway, regardless of BB. All he has to do is keep his nose clean in The House so he doesn't have embarrassing stuff to hit him in the face when he eventually becomes Prime Minister,... [ more ]
Kaytee The girls will get offers from the lad's mags then disappear onto a digital channel like some other past HMs.....that'll be it [ more ]
Hotpants Helen Marcus: Mullet Weekly. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's that hot, My NUTS have gone soggy!!!!
lisagotnoshame I know somebody with a baby that goes to bed with the 'middle of the night' bottle feed clamped between her thighs to save buying and waiting for a bottle warmer!!!!!!!!! [ more ]
lisagotnoshame Oh gawd! I've slightly scorched them....there is a definate aroma of burning nuts in my kitchen right now.....this is awful....brings back memories of the night my rabbit started smoking and nearly burnt my chuff........ I wanted cake! Have to go to Morrisons now! [ more ]
jonono just give your nuts a quick pat with some kitchen paper and they'll be right as rain [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie's Gameplan
squiggle On the other hand if he keeps quiet and does nothing then he is playing right into Lisa's hands, she would like that even better [ more ]
squiggle Its a faint desperate hope but I'm hoping that Lisa will be so convinced that they need someone really really popular to stand against Freddie that she will agree to one of 'them' standing against him. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Pubehair! *snorts tea all over keyboard* I'm going to store that one in my memory banks Blimey, I go to Sainsbury's and one of my BB discussion threads has reached 4 pages! *faints* TY everyone [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well there's no doubt that ......
Kaytee I like Freddy as an HM, especially as he's bringing out the worst in Team Lisa. However, I wouldn't like to have to live with him myself [ more ]
Ells Exactly! I don't really like Freddie at all, he would annoy the hell out of me if I was stuck in the house with him but I think it's really unfair what the otehrs are doing so I would back him against any of them but apart from that he's a bit annoying. [ more ]
Lord Lucan He's very popular on the outside and the last time I looked, he was the favourite to win (according to the bookies). [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GMA Yep, and I'm a veggie so I didn't even do the fish! Don't start me Kelly, Yes, but water was a part of the reception, sweat was the rest! I threw my wedding ring at him last night - it needs an MOT after 28 yrs btw! He's trying to sort out property with his Mother - long story, blood's thicker than water, that will say a lot. [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly I would do if there was anything to laugh about. But hes very very very very very sexy! For future reference if i connected the phone to the computer with a usb would i be able to upload it straight off that or would i need to install the phone softwear? [ more ]
Former Member Ideal opportunity to upload his, erm, photo here I'd say. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
my neighbour had a framed collectors item of
Garage Joe I hope that you have a genuine item but in general they are going for about a tenner on ebay at the moment. One of the issues in this area is forgery. People were knocking these things out for Jackson, Elvis and co, and were usually for sale in the scratter press. [ more ]
Ells Tell her to put it away for any grandkids she has and they can sell it in years to come. Or, buy it yourself and put it in the attic for your own grandkids to make a few bob off [ more ]
Former Member Take her up on it! Wait a few months and then flog it! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dogs overheating in cars - CAUTION don't read if you're sensitive.
Hotpants Helen And he isn't even suspended. Beggars belief really. [ more ]
kimota I read that too. You would think they had more sense, but some dog handling units clearly don't . Anyone else remember a few years ago that case where a dog handler kicked a dog to death? At that training centre, it was common to punish dogs by tying them up on a fence and laying the boot into them. A young trainee who protested that this was'nt the official way to train dogs was told something along the lines of 'ignore that rubbish, this is what works. If you disagree, you've no place... [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michael had a girlfriend
Former Member I doubt that most black people are trully African these days - especially those who have descended from slaves. Those plantation owners were right randy! Ainsley Harriot did that "Who do you think you are?" programme and found out that one of his ancestors was a slave and another was a slave owner. [ more ]
Garage Joe I doubt it. I tend to agree with the last London taxi driver I met c2006. "If Jackson came anywhere near my kids I swear I'd do time!" [ more ]
Croctacus Yes but she wasn't fully black herself....she was part native American/part African American and part European. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie is really peeing me off
watcher1 At last!! Thought I was the only one who could see through Freddie. Like you, I'm not a fan of some of the other HMs but can't believe that Freddie is as naive as portrayed. He's there to raise his profile as a politician..nothing wrong with that, save I'd be worried if he's as naive as he'd have us believe. He'll no doubt succeed with his 'charm', intellect and guile but you can only fool some of the people some of the time.... [ more ]
squiggle The FM's that I have been speaking to about Freddie really do seem to like him for his good qualities and not just because they hate other HM's more. It took me a while to really 'get' him and I think its probably only when you do sort of 'tune in' to the guy that you can see what a quirky guy he is. I think he is totally honest, and he doesn't backstab. I can understand that to some he is just plain irritating but its a mistake I think to assume that his supporters are only supporting him... [ more ]
Former Member I.m starting to think that way too. Sree staying would really wind up Marcus and Noirin, but dont want Freddie to go cos Lisa will think she has won [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cannot wait to find out who was right or
jeppa It was Kat and Mo and they had their suitcases and belongings taken away from them for weeks, it`s about time we had some punishments in there this year. [ more ]
kattymieoww Well they got punished last year for eating the bananas in the "Monkey" task,Mo and someone else? Even though it was the daft jail..I think. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I don't know but they started it too far in so there was only time for two lines when there should have been time for four - nawty BB [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
did anyone ACTUALLY see Kris telling halfwit that he's been up eviction every week
cologne 1 I completely agree with that. [ more ]
boink didn't kris say it when freddie was talking to him about lisa bitching about people and etting them nominated ? [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! thats what I think too. I dont think Freddie gives a toss that Kris/they dont like him. I'm pretty sure he is just trying to show Kris/them up for what they are, ie - that they hate Freddy but cant actually give a reason for it [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have just one word to say before I remove Karly from my signature.
cologne 1 If they hadn't been so nasty to him, he'd still be happily ambling along spreading love and contentment. Team Nasty have made a rod for their backs by behaving the way they did. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon It's a brave and courageous act to remove her from your sig Maths. She has proved to be a right snippity little madam, who goes along with the majority to avoid nomination. She has shown little individuality and much less compassion. She is always in the mix when there is a Freddie-bashing session going on and seems to be the one who enjoys it the most. Keep her off your sig. She's not worth it. [ more ]
Puss she's a sheep, with an irritating voice and an over inflated ego [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mazzystar Had laryngitis at the weekend and seems to have headed south.Sadly for forums this only affects the types word...not the spoken one!! [ more ]
Croctacus hayfever? [ more ]
Former Member A little girl died from it near me, but she had underlying health problems - immune defiency something or other. It scares me, as does the regular flu. If I caught it, the least I could expect is a month in hospital. [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you dislike Kris more than me?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) What have the Fillipinos ever done to you? [ more ]
themaster I cannee argue with that... Kris is such a tosser... and a bully to boot. Refusing to answer why he doesn't like Freddie reaks of cowardice and I cannot stand that - say what you think and say it rather than being Charlie's bitch... And Karly speak proper scottish ... rather than an abomination of [ more ]
Dark~Angel He makes me want to sing in a Freddie-esque way while I repeatedly kick him in the bollocks.. such as he has.. to paraphrase Dan (bb5?) 'he's soo deep in the closet he's nudging Narnia..' and he's a vain f*ckwit *runs away.. muttering* [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does everyone from team Lisa (ie; Kris, Sree etc) go running to one another ...
subatomic partygirl Think in-group, out-group behaviour. Team Nasty are conforming increasingly more rigidly to the norms of their chosen group (norms pretty much instigated and drafted by Lisa)....and every in-group uses the out-group members as a basis of comparison for to strengthen their shared social identity. Hence, when Lisa, Karly, Kris and Charlie get even the slightest opportunity, they run to the other group members to confirm the out-group status of the target, by default reinforcing their in-group... [ more ]
bozzimacoo she sings like she's been trained. having mastered her part, i got a distinct impression she was determined to shine in this task. her rants came from an inner confidence - biatch! [ more ]
bozzimacoo is this a reverse 'vote freddie out' plea? the jibes are wearing him out, but i think he has a strong resolve. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else unimpressed?
Thingy Yes i'd have to admit as a scot i was surprised he made it to the final too and also agree if he had been up for eviction he would have went, And i've sort of lost interest in this years BB which i am surprised at as i've watched every BB so far, I do still watch and try and keep up to date but not as much as i use too, Still give my two pence worth from time to time thou on some of them [ more ]
MoFo Tis always the same.....I've never forgiven BB for Jason making it to the final - if the viewers had been able to have a say he would have been out long before. I know it was years ago but I CANT LET GO!!! [ more ]
Former Member None of them impress me much. However, the way they are ganging up on one particular HM is disgusting! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chocolate STICKS sree ...
Shar Hmmmmmm ... maybe he purposely got the orders wrong because he knows he outta there on Friday and wants the others to fail the task ... I take it back ... he's not a gobshite ... he's just eviiiiilllllll [ more ]
CaptVimes Yes it is but once you have lived in a country for a period of time you can understand better than speak it. I can understand German much better than I can speak or write it. But I didnt spend any time studying German before I lived there. That is more the norm with people that are living abroad. He really does have a problem with listening but i dont understand why sophie doesnt answer the phone because he is obviously struggling with it. [ more ]
Tayto. Personally me think he knew exactly what he was doing. He's superior intelligence worked that one out. (do I know what I talking about). [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Advice Needed Please
ozzycam I feel for you too, Velvet every day i ask the same question why are some kids so cruel, its so hurtful......You try and have a nice summer too..... [ more ]
Thingy I feel for you Ozzy, Im in a similar position with my son who is only six and im trying everything to keep them apart but in a nice way if you know what i mean and im doing similar things to what most have already suggested taking him days out and to his nan's and visiting my friends who have kids ages with mine so they can play and telling the little bou when he comes to the door that my sons not coming out because he's going away or something like that im glad i have 7 weeks summer hols... [ more ]
Puss I would get in touch with the school immediately and tell them how she is effecting your daughter and get the girl removed from the school completely. That is terrible. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Being Dogface...
Cold Sweat Being liked by all the other housemates helps. Her only nomination to date was from Angel in week one. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Well, i doubt she could make it across the pool without getting wet - so that game is out. Seriously though, the skill sets (or lack of) are now identified, and i'm sure they all have faith that Dogface will do her best in the tasks. [ more ]
cup wish she would do something anything lol [ more ]
See all 13 replies...

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