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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Exclusive footage of Michael Jackson rehearsing 2 days before he died
Roxi Its quite errie when the screen blacks out and thats the last we saw of him alive. Very sad [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs I said the same thing this morning, before I went to work. Quite eerie and very sad. [ more ]
Roxi Yes its been said in the news theres alot more footage that was filmed from rehearsals in high defintion. I hope they make a DVD with all the footage and so we can buy it as i would love to see what the show would of been like and how Michael Jackson performed. It will be so sad to watch though Your welcome Yellow Rose and Mollie for the footage [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
scottish forum this true..
captain marbles Us Celts tan differently anyway. First we go a fetching shade of blue, then we pass through deepening stages of redness until we reach full mauve. I dont know if it's true but I have been told that spray tanning booths north of the border are stocked with tomato ketchup rather than the HP sauce you get south of the border. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Filth!! [ more ]
stonks Thats what we used to use..oh the slippy frollicking mr stonks and I used to get up too.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Imogen has 'swine flu'...
Garage Joe They'll come up with any old guff to keep them in the news! [ more ]
Mathematics On Newsbeat earlier, it was said that by the end of summer, there will be 100,000 new cases of the Swine Flu per day. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Roxi hasn't seen this yet has she, we will all have to have respect for Imogen. Seriously, hope she gets well soon, this swine flu thing is worrying. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa changes tactics
Gel It's exactly the same thing we said after watching BB from last night But Lisa is not very well educated, and is used to full on confrontational in your face argument, she doesn't know what to do with a cool calm, lets discuss it debate! [ more ]
kimota In a way shes telling the truth as she has'nt said anything behind his back that she has'nt said to his face at one point or other. Still don't like her though! [ more ]
china Re: Lisa changes tactics [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can't believe what my flatmate said to me tonight!, get this!!!
Little Miss Spurs eew, what a minger! [ more ]
Blackpudlian Poolshark is a man at the end of his tether as this girl is not only being a parasite by not paying her way, she is causing a health hazard by not cleaning up after herself. [ more ]
tupps he's doing the swf routine and she is still not complying... Ohhhhh we're at defcon 1.. I'll come up with ideas.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I cant believe its been a week since Michael Jackson's death :(
Roxi Pigeonpie good choice man in the mirror is a good song. I love all his songs its to hard to choose just one Yellow Rose dont believe these people on here. I am not a troll. I am a nice person who likes to discuss different topics. I am a genuine fan of Michael Jackson and i am so sad hes dead [ more ]
Croctacus And me.....COME ON RODDICK!! [ more ]
Former Member Works for me [ more ]
See all 118 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've not felt this much disgust for a large bunch of HM's in a while!
Kaytee Take Marcus and Noirin out of that lot you mentioned and I agree [ more ]
kimota Individually they are not as bad as some past nasties but as a group they are falling into the same old traps that the Grace crowd (BB7), Maxwell and Saskia's group ect fell into. [ more ]
Blackpudlian When Freddie leaves the house, he will be hugged & hugged by so many people. Bless him [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa mature?
Blackpudlian Well, at least Lisa has broadened her horizons and is now not only unpopular in Birmingham, but her unpopularity has gone nationwide. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I maybe shouldn't post this as it's second hand but I have a friend who spends a lot of time in Birmingham and knows Lisa by sight. He says that what he has seen of her that she is just as immature and offensive as she is on Big Brother. She is rumoured not to be popular around Birmingham, but I as I say don't have first hand knowledge of this. I wish she would just shut up and try and learn from this experience, that you can get along with all different types of people, but sadly I think... [ more ]
innais Well said!! [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Charlie Freddies' biggest enemy?
captain marbles That's what at least some of them are coming to realise. If Freddie stays then they will inevitably go. Solution: Make sure Freddie leaves, by any means neccessary. [ more ]
Former Member Charlie is either incredibly thick or emotionally as hard as nails and either way he is his own worse enemy. When Freddie was telling him how the others had been "nasty" to him, Charlie said he hadn't noticed anything of the sort! Less than a minute later they were all on Freddie like a pack of dogs. I was willing Freddie to say something like: "What do you call this then Charlie?" to him! Freddie is doing just fine, although it's sad to see him treated so horribly, and he will certainly... [ more ]
Scotty Remembered the names and everyfink. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If I was a Housemate ?
Towno :) Took all the tokens, hidden them and requested hot water with each and every one of them. Put garlic into Sree's cereal since he likes it so much. Deffo cut Marcus's hair Poured water over Lisa and Karly's fags 'for a joke' Told Kris that everyone could see how he was a total wanker who doens't have any 'BANTER' Advised Charlie that everyone knows they have to nominate and the public can't stand fence sitters for too long. Asked Noirin to make her point once, not fifty times. Ran on all the... [ more ]
mummymaz aww you really love her don't you sweaty?? its probably her glowing personality, she hardly ever says 'like' unlike most of the bimbos of today...oh no wait... like.. . [ more ]
bubble,head I am as nasty as her tats are real [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The tenors BBLB state BB fecked up!
Hicky It seems that BB started playing the music, but it didn't come out on the speakers for the task, instead of starting again they let them carry on, of course all the singing and music wa way out then, so Freddie started at the right time, but it meant that because Karly came in way out, Rodrigo was way out,and Rodrigo was only part though when Freddie's section started. Hope they explain it to them to clear Freddie. [ more ]
stephsparkle I'm really annoyed about it! They showed Freddie getting the blame for messing up the task but not showing the fact that he was RIGHT! We also have no idea how Karly and Rodrigo reacted, did they apologise or what? Grrr! [ more ]
Hotpants Helen Did BB tell them they had messed up the music ? [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GaGa Desert Island Discs
Queen of the High Teas Oh bliddy hell. I need some New Order and Specials on my list now. I'm never going to be able to do this. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Ok after some thought here goes........... Book:- "The Best of Times" by Penny Vincenzi (or anything of hers really - but that's the latest one) Songs:- 1. Kingston Town - UB40, I am a huge fan and have been since "Food for thought", but that one is my favourite song. 2. Just my Imagination - The Temptations, one word for me. Summer. 3. No woman, no cry - Bob Marley. Class. 4. Ghost Town - Specials, still relevant today. 5. Love Cats - The Cure. brilliant song, brilliant voice. 6. Blue... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I'm playing it now. 'See her eyes they are bright tonight...' Fabulous! [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
do you normally like politicians?
Queen of the High Teas I don't like his politics so I would never have voted for him but I respect the fact that is a proper politician with real political understanding and skills. Personally, I think he comes across as a fundamentally honest and sincere man. [ more ]
Garage Joe William Hague is my parent's MP and whilst I would never vote for the tories I have to say that he is an OK guy. I think that you are the first other person on here to agree with me. [ more ]
electric shepherd ours is a complete self serving biatch but i'd vote for freddie though [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ronnie Biggs Refused Parole Because He Is Unrepentant
Former Member He was only in Brazil because of his missionary work. Everyone should respect him [ more ]
Former Member He just wanted to go on holiday to Brazil too but they thought he'd escaped and made a big thing of it so he couldn't come back. Poor Ronnie. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen I'd prefer he stays exactly where he is until he has served his sentence. He would be a free man by now had he not escaped but I think it would have been highly likely he would have returned to a life of crime. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
3 people are happy you are speaking up said marcus
Demantoid I was just thinking the same thing. One of the main reasons I loved that girl [ more ]
Demantoid Oh yes If he stepped up during one of the group's feeding frenzies and just snapped, "Fer chrissakes, can't you just leave the bloke alone? What the eff has he ever done to any of you?" I'd be more impressed. [ more ]
kimota I would like it if they put her in there for the anniversary week. I think she would give Freddie a lot of moral support having been in a very similar position to him during BB7. She is firmly in his camp on her reveal blog [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many children should I have?
electric shepherd i can relate to that when i was pregnant i imagined myself with a brood, like some sort of earth-mother hen then baby came and reality hit like a goods train and by the time she was 2 o/h had had the snip, much to the horror of family and some friends it's something we've never regretted doing. sproggy's 10 now and happy and sociable but also enjoys her own company which i think is an asset. play it by ear, if you're a happy threesome keep it that way, if you get the urge to have more go... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Arwen Can't beleive you're still getting it in the neck about this!!! I think I've told you before... but... one of my bessie mates made exactly the same decision as you, before they had their daughter they wanted loads, but after she was born they felt the way you do. And... 14 years on.... they are fine, they don't regret their decision, and their daughter is lovely. She's not spoilt, or lonely, she's top of her school, a fantastic ballet dancer, a black belt in karate (cos they focus... [ more ]
loislane I only want one & am very happy to stop at my daughter. I got the IUD put in. I haven't received any silly comments about having more. I was a child of 3 always wanted to be an only child but we're all different. My cousin wants at least 3 children. If I do have anymore it wont be by choice. [ more ]
See all 152 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My brother's a millionnaire
captain marbles I thought to be working-class you had to work? I mean it says it right there, work ing-class. From Lisa's desciption of her daily routine as shown on BBLB the other week work is about the last thing she'd contemplate doing. [ more ]
Demantoid ner-ner-nee-ner-nerrr... My dad's bigger than your dad... Says one of the more "mature" housemates. [ more ]
Mentalist I do wonder sometimes what BB would do if a bunch of wealthy, well spoken people were picking on a loan, working class person. I think they would have reacted and done something by now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
freddies manky feet
electric shepherd me and o/h noticed the weird monkey feet last night. they're as nimble as little hands, bizarre... [ more ]
Cinds Hahahahahaha he gesticulates with his toes when he talks in the diary room, I noticed it a couple of weeks ago. [ more ]
Towno :) He can wiggle his toes independently of each other - it looks quite bizarre. He even managed to wrap his baby toe around it's neighbour. I couldn't stop watching his feet last night when he was in the DR. I was thinking they could be a housemate all on their own. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"As one of the more mature housemates...."
Dame_Ann_Average I don't think it actually sunk in that BB was trying to make them think about their actions, in Lisa's eyes her behavior is quite normal, gawd help us [ more ]
stephsparkle I think she said they'd 'put up with him'. [ more ]
Garage Joe In between checking to see if they were going to ask the hero Jarvis Cocker about the whacky one, I caught the mature..... Well I don't like you. I don't like you. I'm going to ignore you routine. It took me back to primary school. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My cats waters have broked...
Sunnie I just left you a msg too! LOL Thank you very much glad its almost the weekend and can see them [ more ]
BBaddict Just posted a msg to you on a different thread, oops! I am so glad that everything went well and you have 3 gorgeous kittens. Congratulations. I love cats [ more ]
Sunnie Hi all, cheers to you all, they were all fluffy this morning, the black ones look like little moles with their pinky red noses, so cute. Honey purring well and had some steamed pollack (sp) last night and plenty of milk and water. Hoping for a cuddle with them over the weekend. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lets have no more talk of Freddie playing the victim.
Cold Sweat No problem! [ more ]
Liverpoollass We will have to agree to disagree on this [ more ]
Cold Sweat Tuesday night on the LF, Freddie prepared supper for those taking part in the task through the night – there was some criticism that it wasn’t great, a point that Freddie conceded. Sophie, however, said nothing – just grateful for the food that had been provided. She is agreeable in a very positive way, gets on with everyone and rarely has any negative criticism levelled at her. I reckon she has bitched as much about Marcus and Sree as she has about Freddie; but when it doesn’t involve... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
best job in the world
Liverpoollass I wanted to see it and forgot it was on [ more ]
HyacinthB What a process they had to go through but Ben was a happy and jovial chap and deserved the job IMO. Fabulous resort island and he and his girlfriend, Brie, will no doubt be very happy indeed with their island luxury for the next six months. Good luck to them. [ more ]
slimfern It would be kinda cool...the sea did look very enticing..lucky bugger eh.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karly - lovely singing voice
Scotty Aye it is Tartan, but a really coorse one. Dog rough...woof woof. [ more ]
Hicky Well it's still her accent, you can't just make them up, no point is there. Mind you very few can understand her anyway, but if you don't know her background and life story then it would hard to know where her accent came from. Like her singing voice, wish she would sing all the time and stop talking rubbish as she does. [ more ]
serignhugrf Thanks Scotty. That is NOT a Fife accent, is it?! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
freddies eyes show he is a kind man
DanceSettee They do say kind...but they also say GORMLESS [ more ]
Yellow Rose I agree, I think most in there are extremely ignorant, Siavash is the only one it seems who understands him. How Freddie stays so calm amazes me [ more ]
HyacinthB His eyes are very expressive. Anyone know what happened tonight? I've just switched on livefeed and they're allowing Freddie to play ball with them in the garden. [ more ]
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