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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Sree has been playing the race card
Hazy He's been doing it all along. Respect to Siavash for making it public!! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I think Sree is much more articulate in the English language than he lets himself come across, I really believe that he uses his 'accent' to say some things that would come across differently without the 'accent' barrier....I also believe he has studied BB far more than he lets on! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I posted that in another thread, he was talking about the race card, and Sivaish also said it's people like Sree that makes people dislike him becuase he's classed the same. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Back-pedalling like feck now, eh, BB?
Reality Junkie Well said and Marcus was right on. Sree has done nothing but cause trouble right from the start and as soon as he gets his cumuppance BB is on the case. Notice they said nothing when it was Ciaron V Sree. Only reason the Wolf pack tolerate him and not Freddie is cos they know Freddie is more of a contender and a threat to their winning. [ more ]
Moomin Bur Marcus's pisstake of Sree's accent was NOT in good humour, and therein lies the difference. I am not saying he was racist, but it was completely the wrong thing to have said at that moment. [ more ]
cup well fair play to marcus for letting them know exactly what he thought of it freddie is right about sree he knows exactly what he is saying and doing and what language to use He made a great argument and i bet they didnt see that one coming especially when he said about the irish accent geordie accent etc and they are all at it and what have they done nothing And why because they know it is done in good humour and everyone takes it that way because it is without any intent to insult anyone... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Answer me this why is it acceptable for Marcus....
Little Miss Spurs Re: Answer me this why is it acceptable for Marcus.... [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Me neither. Nor was he "aggressive" to the others like Marcus said. MARCUS LIES! [ more ]
Former Member This is what I don't understand. By making concessions based on a person's race, creed, colour, culture, class, etc., in itself being racist? If I don't like a housemate, it's because I don't like their character or personality. Nothing to do with their culture, or the colour of their skin. The same goes in RL. I think it does a disservice to the Asian community by demanding that we accept Sree because he is Asian. Most of the Asians I have met and know are nothing like he is. Perhaps I live... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus was right.....
Mozart probably exactly the same, once you have been accused or suspected of being racist its very difficult to make people think otherwise, so yes BB could have damaged Marcus`s character, if Marcus hadnt spoken out, good on him. (he was rather foul mouthed trying to defend himself though) [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante He was abit aggressive with his language in the DR, but i would be too in that situation! BB would've loved to get Marcus on the race card (as Sree planned), so they got him on something else least he voiced his opinions (which I believe are RIGHT), although he could've said it in a calmer manner....but hey, if you're getting accused of being racist, what would you do!!! [ more ]
berraquita @ your username!!!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Freddie dont win alter tonight i want
Marguerita He was aggressive to Sree but agree what he said in the diaryroom about being them being too PC, and felt BB and no alternative to tell him off as there has been enough phone calls to Offcom in the past about the race card and bullying they were covering themselves,but certainly dont feel he deserved a formal warning [ more ]
ilovewillyoung Lots of people out there ,cant pin point them but would say bb think they should be [ more ]
Former Member Who exactly are the PC Brigade? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus is dead on!
Born Free Spot ON Scotty!!!!!! [ more ]
Darthhoob i think BB forget that EVERYONE has a culture...not just people with a darker skin tone i agree with marcus on this one, having a similar thing happen to me (noisy abusive jamaican neighbour used the race card when i complained about her noise....and the council threatened me ) [ more ]
CheekyPixie My brother reckons that half the staff at BB are probably Indian and this is why they are being so harsh on Marcus. It's all so pathetic and really unfair. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Peter Andre
Former Member He'll be better off without her - good luck to him [ more ]
Former Member Don't think so Suzi. Perhaps our Roxi is a man and therefore unable to multi-task. he/she can only obsess over one Sleb at a time [ more ]
Former Member I can't be bothered to read back. Has Roxi/Choccy/etc. been in to declare the virtures of Katie and her wonderfulness? [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
marcus = ofcom
Lacey lol But it does annoy me because the reason there's no live feed is because of the bloody PC brigade phoning them all the time! [ more ]
CheekyPixie Ofcom should have a heads up about how BB favours non-whites It's actually severe double standards. One rule for one and one rule for another. Typical political correctness [ more ]
Former Member I've never in my life contacted either C4 or OFFCOM but tonight it did cross my mind [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Think we know why Marcus was pulled up then
Former Member I think Marcus pulls BB Bird right up over the Indian accent thing. I know why BB made such a thing of it but they haven't really got a consistent story there, especially with Kock taking the piss out of Freddie and his cultural quirks and accent. The threatening thing: I think he's missing the point a bit there. Lots of people have been behaving in an aggressive or threatening way, or what could be perceived as that, whereas he made what was undoubtedly a verbal and explicit threat of violence. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Marcus and Lisa both from the same nasty ugly vicious tree. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Think we know why Marcus was pulled up then [ more ]
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