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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash says that if everyone else talked to Freddie he wouldn't.
Videostar If all he's doing is covering his backside then WELL DONE to him. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Siavash like the rest is claculating his moves prior to noms on Monday, smart dude. [ more ]
Bethni It's more worrying what he had to say about Sree, though i expected a little bit more from him regarding Freddie, he isn't Jesus but i thought they were almost friends. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus "i don't do anything to attract women i just stand around looking mean..
Senora Reyes Re: Marcus "i don't do anything to attract women i just stand around looking mean.. [ more ]
MoFo Sssssh but I've been known to on occasions too - but I bluddy swear, I used to go to these Rock nights and every time you would see the gimpiest men getting attention from birds too drunk and too desperate to see how gimpy they actually were. Its probably the same where ever you go but this image stayed with me - maybe cos a couple of the girls were people I really liked but they didnt believe in themselves enough and also wanted men that they thought were like rockstars....low standards... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Marcus "i don't do anything to attract women i just stand around looking mean.. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Flipp'n hot Friday 3.7.09
Moonie If you're still about Frankie..Good night and peacefully.. [ more ]
Moonie Wigan.. You poor lady.. Have you recovered? I got all night Frankie.. Sorry ppl of Wigan..Its was meant to be a joke.. I'm fine thanks.. [/QUOTE] Ha ha, it's sooo scary in wigan when your from warrington!!! missed the last train home on a day out in Southport LOL[/QUOTE] OMG..Noooooo.. May I ask how you got home in the end then? [ more ]
FrankiesChick Not 2 bad, i got stranded in Wigan last week!!! (long story!!) LOL hows you hun?? [/QUOTE] Wigan.. You poor lady.. Have you recovered? I got all night Frankie.. Sorry ppl of Wigan..Its was meant to be a joke.. I'm fine thanks.. [/QUOTE] Ha ha, it's sooo scary in wigan when your from warrington!!! missed the last train home on a day out in Southport LOL [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forest Dammit I missed Sree bumping and grinding? Next time I would like to see Sree bumping and grinding in a mankini. Was the mankini PVC? Oh dear, I am starting to make myself feel sick now.. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Obviously not .....then again I knew that when he bragged about pissing the bed. How he ever won BB I'll never know. [ more ]
lorraineshere forest be thankful , what with the mankini and sree's bumpin and grindin its enough to bring back me dinner [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I stand by what I said was cruel
Soozy Woo a university student studying maths ..............numbers are numbers wherever you come from ..........I'm not saying that he wasn't cunning or manipulative but ................his cultural differences and relatively poor language skills put him in a place where he was open to ridicule and misunderstanding. [ more ]
Soozy Woo No not at all ......simply culturally unaware and linguistically challenged. Not simple at all ....far from it. [ more ]
Baby Bunny I'll concede he was in a daze post eviction (shock?) but that boy (because he certainly isn't a man) knew what he was up to. He is extremely manipulative and I just hope for his sake that when he does eventually get out into the real world (post uni) he grows up fast. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its not OK!
Former Member Hi jeppa You're so right. When people are talking to him he looks beyond them with glazed over eyes, already thinking about about the next thing he wants to say. But sometimes he will suddenly focus for a moment on listening to something he actually wants to hear & absorb. Mostly though he's just in his own personal thick layer of self-absorbed fog. He's impenetrable! [ more ]
jeppa seems like the only bit of the eviction interview he is willing to accept is where the psychologist said he copies other people`s behaviour and that`s so he can use it as an excuse [ more ]
Former Member .....nonononono....... ....oh, OK then God I wish I could have a drink! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so so wrong
cup curly hair and robes and we have it [ more ]
Kaffs Got a couple of years on you and totally agree. When I saw Kris going in I thought he was quite nice looking. Now I don't there's anything remotely attractive about him. Likewise with Freddie, he's become more attractive as the weeks have gone on. He reminds me so much of someone and I can't for the life of me think who. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I think I could............ gorgeous blue eyes [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was Kris doing sitting on the same side as Freddie?
Liverpoollass I noticed that. I bet she still nominates him next week. [ more ]
Cold Sweat No complaints from here! [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! all I noticed was that Kris was sitting next to his boyfriend and NOT his girlfriend - other side of the room in fact and on the subject of Kris' pretend g/f - what the HELL did she look like 2nite??? All I could think of was if she was drowning she would be safe - THOSE things practically hold her head up [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
should i watch the interview?
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! dont forget lots of 'no no no' and 'personally me' the biggest laugh for me was when Judi James was harping on about summat and they all turned to Sree for his answer and his eyes were like golf-balls and his face was like 'what the f*** is she on about' [ more ]
Tatty YES yo will see how much of BS he has painfull i am soo happy i do not have to watch his sorry ass anymore [ more ]
cup yes but it will drive you nuts eg if you asked me what i had for dinner i said well i am a good person i am only joking,let me tell this lol get the picture [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is the Racist
Fifi29 IMO it's BB. A definition follows "Reverse discrimination (sometimes called "reverse racism") is, in its simplest form[1], the practice of favoring members of a historically disadvantaged group at the expense of members of a historically advantaged group." Marcus, while not one of my faves, had a very valid point that BB had not called up any of the HMs for impersonating Freddie or Lisa or Roddie, etc. There are so many differnt cultures and sub-cultures and accents in that house this year,... [ more ]
Guest I AM!1111 [ more ]
Guest I AM!1111 [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
freddie better stay fit
Former Member I will never forgive her for that ,she has said it herself that she uses her looks to get on ,well she sure as hell is doing just that in the house. [ more ]
sandra i can see this happening though , did you see the 2 faced wench gripping his hand i cant forget the way she backstabbed him over his birthday gift to her [ more ]
Former Member The block vote will not go into operation this week ,Kris/Lisa/Karly will be sh**ing themselves wondering how the hell they can back track without losing face,it's going to be an interesting week. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what would you give for
cup yeah we will see it tommorrow but i was holding out hope she had flipping wised up [ more ]
Bethni It was yesterday she kissed and made up... then bitched about him again last night [ more ]
cup well marcus will be delighted sree went no doubt now lisa has kissed up and made up with freddie wonder if that is genuine hard to believe it is though [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree's no angel.
Selina K I'm not saying she's amazing. I'm saying the way I see it, Sree's attempts to grow closer to Noirin would have made most women uncomfortable. I feel she tried to deal with it delicately at the beginning because despite the fact she did not feel romantically towards him, she thought he was a nice person. Sree's reaction to her rejecting his advances was to follow her like a shadow, touch her incessantly, talk to her every waking moment, talk over her, use mind game techniques to try to make... [ more ]
Selina K IMHO no woman would find more than 2 mins of Sree flattering. After that it would just become creepy and vomit inducing. Put in a situation where you don't want to be rude, and know you have to live with the person for an extended period, I commend Noirin's dealing with the situation. She has more self control than me [ more ]
Videostar Shes in no way amazing, shes caused alot of Sree's problems in the house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree cant answer a question without talking about himself
Angel Re: Sree cant answer a question without talking about himself [ more ]
Sezit He is an Indian prince in his home, he will be treated as such. Because of this he thinks he can say what ever he wants and in his own mind he is always right. [ more ]
Scotty Avoided the dsylexia question more than once. He`s trying to play the innocent. He`s a dodgy character. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Freddie stays I wonder what excuse Lisa will come uo with this week
Lister_of_Smeg i dont no but it will be something rather pathetic but i suspect Kris and Lisa know that there only lying to there selves because they really fear him . [ more ]
mary_bee Numbers mix up or somnething, probably. [ more ]
j0anne well seeing as how acording to her and karly hes done nothing wrong and shown only respect blahhh blahhh i cant wait for the excuses [ more ]
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