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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Five Weeks
Roxi It does seem its been on for ages. They need to make it more exciting [ more ]
sandra it does seem longer mary [ more ]
Former Member no ,BB need to get their act together it's all becoming stale,as for putting in Kris's ex ,that will just kill the show,we need a few new HMS to kick stert some interest and also put a stop to the block vote,we could lose Siavash/Freddie this week. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie is creepy???
Scotty We should be able to claim expenses for knee cream from the church. Marguerita my fave last year was Darnell too but I stopped supporting him after certain espisodes happened, although I understood his reasoning, I didnt like his reaction. Yes, I like Freddie but I`m not blind to his faults. I wouldn`t support him unreasonably. If he mucks up, you`ll hear from me, to be sure. [ more ]
Marguerita We have something very much in common Scotty I also had a very strict catholic upbringing, I know how you feel when your favourite is being challenged I was the same last year I found being Darnell fan so very stressful ,it is only a game thats what I keep telling myself lol [ more ]
*BB* I never said there was. I just asked if he had mentioned it yet. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh no im going off
Former Member It's really depressing Will Just try and hang in there and keep pestering the agencies - hopefully you may get something for over the school holidays as other temps with little ones will take that time off. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung Like you my friend cant get a job [ more ]
brisket Nah that`s alright. Remember that it was Charlie was began the physical contact stuff with Freddie, so I don`t see a problem. (Charlie makes so many misjudgments, though, that he may now wish he hadn`t started it.) [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB need to expose the hags before noms
Former Member BB may be waiting until nomination day to bring it up. In BB6 (I think), when Roberto and ??? were discussing nominations and Craig was there during the pirate task, they waited and then showed the conversation on the plasma screen. Perhaps it will all come out. However, the cynic in me still says that Davina (or George) will announce that BB can find no nomination talk. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I'm dandy hun - hope u are too. Its a real galler tho - the WHOLE point of BB is NOT to influence each others noms and to make ur own mind up. They BLATANTLY were talking noms last night, Lisa eye-balling her intended target, dropping down so the cameras didnt catch her whilst whispering between her hands AND writing the initials of 'said person' on the side of the bus. The thing is as well... IF they had chosen to show it - they WOULD have picked up what she whispered to them bloody... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Sophie is a hottie - not a hag! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Right Hatchet Job
Cold Sweat I suppose they could let them vote - and then see if the results match the instruction given by Lisa. [ more ]
brisket I wondered that too. I am hoping they are saving it for a surprise when eviction time comes along. [ more ]
swg wasn't really that important there have been far worse talks about nominations, it's only causing a stir because it involves Lisa. Sophia's convo early in the show was much worse, she was predicting who would nominate who, Lisa just predicted who would be evicted/not be evicted [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wimbledon-Womens Final v Mens Final
Eugene's Lair As with any sport, you get good matches and bad matches, and it can be extremely difficult to predict which will be which. Although I wouldn't call the Ladies final "unwatchable", I would agree it wasn't one of the greatest. Serena's semi-final against Demetieva, however, was an absolute corker... [ more ]
The Secretary Jeez, spare me from a 5 set wimmins game [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes And the Willams sisters are so underated, I hate listening those those crazy arsed commentators talking utter shit about them... They only seem to rate a female players because for their looks.... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More Nomination Talk...
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! didnt Karly n Dogface go on to big themselves up tho, after the 'jealous' bit - saying something like, but they've seen us in the house now and probably didnt think we'd be like we are (ie that we wouldnt see them as thick blonde bitching bimbos) [ more ]
captain marbles Mmmmm. Perhaps 2 "blondes" in the house is one too many for Karly. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox OOh - an excellent point! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would somebody be gracious enough....
Twee Surgeon Charlie is a wonderful actor. He can cry without tears. He did a wonderful impression of a child who gulps in the middle of a crying session. It's hard to put into words but it was a really deep gulp and so heartfelt. But there were no tears, no siree. = it wasn't like this! [ more ]
mary_bee Well, some pretendy tears [ more ]
Blackpudlian He wouldn't get an Oscar you are quite right on that point, but he was quite good at blubbering and gurning. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Kris's ex does come in
Demantoid You've got a point But I'd still love to see it dawn on him and his clique that all is not rosy in the outside world, as far as he's concerned [ more ]
justafriend oh yeah, she looks older than me (27) and my mum and shes 49, now that would give dogface something to think about. [ more ]
Bethni Well that would be something admitted ........ but i really don't want him any more deluded than he already is. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chihuahua Watch........
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Oh I know not you deegs, but there seemed to be a bit of heatedness appearing in other areas. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Much the sort of (misplaced) superior attitude/prejudice displayed by Lisa and Kris... For instance, we do not know how severe her learning difficulties were, at this time. [ more ]
old hippy guy I know this, I am going to make a point of swearing on HER dogs life as and when the need arises, THIS I swear on her dogs life, (see I did it there) I usualy reserve the following insult for very very dim people, "I have eaten things with a higher IQ" BUT in Dogfaces case I will amend it, "I have eaten things that have eaten things with a higer IQ than her" [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris, Karly and Charlie bitching about Halfwit again! "If I was up against him and I
Shar Well the penny hasn't dropped with the thickos yet, even though freddie has survived eviction every week ... Goes to show how stupid they really are if they consider themselves 'strong' characters ... [ more ]
Videostar Kris today didn't even want to be in the same team as Freddie in the task. That guy cant seriously believe that behaviour would impress us.? [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Well, I say let Kris and Karly live in their dreamlike state at the minute, thinking that we are all mental like, if we like Freddie. In a case like this it is best to let them think what they like (for now), and for us to be happy KNOWING what we know and saving it up like a squirrel with its nuts until they are evicted. It will just give it that added bonus and frisson of pleasure when they are evicted. Have these people not watched past BBs? Do they not realise that nasty gangs are... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can see Lisa and (or) Charlie being up for eviction this week.
brisket Yes I noticed that; just plain nasty. I can`t understand the degree of hatred shown by Karly and Kris. It seems obsessive and unhealthy. Quite out of proportion. What odious people. [ more ]
Videostar Why, they dont like eachother.? [ more ]
Blackpudlian If Rodrigo & Charlie have another one of their little girly hissy-fights just before nominations, Rodrigo may nominate Charlie- obviously there would be tears immediately afterwards but he couldn't take the nom back, could he? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus punching Kris in the stomach...
frenchbread and crimes against impersonation!! i.e- Onslow!!![/quote] [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Agree [/QUOTE] and crimes against impersonation!! i.e- Onslow!!! [ more ]
frenchbread [quote)Marcus makes me sick. He's a dangerous stalker IMO... he's on one warning already - I thought acts of violence were a no-no in the BB house - he should get another one for punching as punishment (altho BB were prob applauding him too ) I'm amazed he hasnt had all sorts of warnings - crimes against fashion, crimes against manhood, stinking the place out and of course stalking the 'stalker-magnet'[/quote] Agree [ more ]
See all 37 replies...

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