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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris's ex girlfreinds to join the house!
suzybean Kris bores me rigid. [ more ]
Noty I hate Kris. So anything that gives him more camera time gets the thumbs down from me. And with the greatest of respect , I doubt any ex of Kris's can bring anything to the show we've not already seen. Never mind the fact that Sophie's reaction is likely to be a couple of fake facial expressions and an incoherent mumble to Karly. [ more ]
boink its the rex-nicole thing again!" how original that was so rubbish last year they try it again! it might explain why they get away with openly talking about nominations! not point putting her in if kris or sophie is kicked out saying that it would great if kris's ex fancied freddie [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wow, wasn't Marcus great
mummymaz i know exactly what you mean Noty, sometimes i think yes i really like him - he talks sense and says things that we all are thinking on the outside (Sree for example!) But then he goes and gets under the covers with Noirin and makes a tit of himself and i am back to being wary of him... [ more ]
Noty I can't make up my mind on Marcus. Loads of things I like about him, loads of things I don't. How he handles things now that Noirin has put him straight will be interesting. I can't say I'm optimistic though [ more ]
sinkthepink He has to get rid of his drooling with Norin and wake up then he could become one of the favourites [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bethni It should have been on last night's H/L's but they cut it out. You seen the bit leading up to the incident...then it cut to the diary room. BB dont want you to see it. [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** They should stop the witches from voting this week but I dont think they will because there would be a chance Kris would be up and that would spoil it if Krises ex goes in. [ more ]
Reality Junkie Re: Lisa [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Siavash more insightful about HM's than Freddie?
Noty Exactly what I was going to say Ducks He has brilliant powers of observation, apart from thinking everyone wants to have sex with him [ more ]
kimota Freddie is insightful about social dynamics, but really does'nt have much emotional intelligence. Siavash has both! [ more ]
china siavash is a 'people watcher' i thought he was a proper idiot at first but he's starting to come across as ok apart from his bloody awful fashion sense and his face painting i keep expecting him to emerge with 'spiderman' or a 'tiger' on his face, like they do at kids parties [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin tells Marcus she just wants to be friends (video)
Towno :) I think Noirin has herself to blame for a lot of the unwanted attention from both Sree and Marcus. She should be clear early on about what is and is not acceptable and if it was looking like it was going pear shaped then she should have repeated it. She's too scared of rocking the nomination boat in there. She needs to be firm and clear about not wanting any attention in that way. Snuggling under a duvet and giving cuddles is not how you tell someone that you don't fancy them. Sorry - but... [ more ]
jonono lol when someone says they 'just want to be friends' they mean 'I don't fancy you' I wish I had known that sooner, it would have saved me a LOT of time! [ more ]
frenchbread im sure in his head Lara is giving him all the go ahead signals [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question for all slim busty girls out there?
boink when you put two beach balls up your top its hard to find anything to fit [ more ]
kimota A classmate at school was slim but was 40DD or something. I commented that her school sweaters were always too short and she told me it was the largest she could get and invited me (then a skinny boy) to try it on. It came down to my knees almost. We fell about laughing, to the bemusement of a passing teacher! [ more ]
Mazzystar Same here Pepsi I'm a size 10/12 bottoms(depending on the shop),but often have to buy a 16 in a shirt so it buttons up. I do find a size 12 jersey dress does stretch over my bood tho [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who do you Dislike and Like?
Dobby1 I think in a different bunch, Charlie and Rodders could be a laugh. The problem is Team nasty won't allow them to have fun and pranks. Kris is my most disliked, closely followed by Lisa, [ more ]
Former Member I've gone with Kris as I dislike him the most (although there were quite a few others I could have chosen) As for liking I've gone with the Vash but I also like Freddie [ more ]
kimota Like Freddie the most, Kris the least. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FGS Noirin does not have special powers
Blackpudlian My Mum's washing machine repair man told me I was a flirt (I had made him a cuppa). I mentioned it to Mum and asked her if I flirted with him and she said, "Don't be daft, oh course you don't - he fancies you though". [ more ]
GMA She's so pious and patronising to name but a few things I dislike about her - I haven't liked or found any of the girls funny or interesting this year tbh. [ more ]
Teddy Bleads I find her tiresome. It's the same-old every week but with a different chap. Shree, her first conquest, was the only one to nominate her so far (I think) so it will be interesting to see whether the pattern continues. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this the start of the Gay Romance ?
stephsparkle That's a very good point! But, even if you choose not to be part of it, most people are AWARE of what that kind of environment is like... at best Charlie is just a bit naive, a worst, manipulative and sneaky. [ more ]
Former Member Or he doesn't hang around in the gay scene. It's not mandatory. Think meat market nightclub versus pubs and friends. Lots of gay people prefer the latter. [ more ]
who is she sexual tension [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OPINION: What was your opinion on, Noirin? And what is it now?
kimota I liked her a lot early on but she has been up and down a lot in my opinion. I do think she gets a lot of unreasonable dislike here though. She is not that big a flirt, she likes male attention but is certainly no Sara (BB9)I think she is a typical attractive girl who likes to be friends with men and have them fancy her (a little) but when they get overkeen feels it's mean to just say 'you're not my type, it is'nt going to happen' She drops heavy hints instead, but some men fail to... [ more ]
jennywren I quite agree with your opinion. She is also vain and loves to have the likes of Sree and Marcus fawning all over her telling her how beautiful she is. She would rather have that sort of male attention than no male attention at all. She was out of her comfort zone with her fake glasses and tache so kept well-hidden and quiet because, as she said: "This is not who I am", meaning, a clown. [ more ]
Former Member I liked her initially but that soon wore off. I find her lacking in the personality department and think she gives herself more credit than she's worth in many ways. Very up herself and a practised tease. Is it just me that doesn't see her as a beauty? She's not bad looking at all, but I just can't see 'beauty' there. Or maybe she's one of those people who IS lovely but just doesn't look good for the camera? [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I went to the X-Factor Auditions last night!!
Lockes I really dont like the fact they have a live audience this year, its too much like BGT. I think that if they are going to keep this format then no singers should be allowed on BGT, cause basically its just the same thing [ more ]
mummymaz No worries!! Take plenty of water too, and some snacks - have your tea before you go as we werent out till 11pm! Oh and a few mags or the book you are reading, queuing really is deathly boring!!!!! [ more ]
Clair_Witch Thanks for the tip. I will make sure we're there as early as possible. I did notice the ticket said it does not guarantee entry. I'm really looking forward to it now. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus Is So Deluded
frenchbread Yes she made it clear but he still thinks he is gods gift to women [ more ]
Lord Lucan Just came across this so she told him last night then? If you watch it all, he is STILL dillusional but she's made her feelings quite clear I think! [ more ]
fabienne Hearing Marcus talking about Noirin in the Diary Room last night made me think he suspects Noirin fancies him like mad, but is struggling to keep her feelings under control. The truth is she's struggling to keep him off her. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus's middle finger to the PC brigade :eek:
Former Member *dusts this off* You make it sound really sinister. Let me give a marketing example of the power of words: "We have a new, really cheap product called X" or the much preferred "We have a new, low-cost product called X". The marketing people are avoiding one word which triggers a particular view of product X and using another to describe the same product at the same price but triggering a different response. It's not really a way to thought control in an Orwellian stylee, is it? It just... [ more ]
Leccy Hahahaha [ more ]
Former Member That's why they're so great [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Throwing someone in the pool with a cover on???
kattymieoww Can't stand Kris and Charlie pair of *****s. [ more ]
Puss Even to put him in that stupid duvet was dangerous, he could of suffocated, broke his bliddy back, anything. I tell ya, those twats are evil! Reminds me of the time my eldest son was pushed round the village in a wheelie bin (but that was funny) [ more ]
Liverpoollass Those two are really pathetic along with their pathetic little pranks. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Bex in hospital
pigeonpie She was staying at the same hotel as my daughter last week in Magaluf. Here the food was abit dodgy! [ more ]
Mozart Nah its nothing serious, she was just going to have a fitting for one of their special white jackets, you know the ones with the very long sleeves. [ more ]
Former Member You're on Luke's twitter? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin has told Marcus
Hotpants Helen Wait till she wants a can cider. [ more ]
Mozart Marcus will come over all macho and pretend he hasnt had a knockback, and that he doesnt really care one way or another. I dont think that he will nom her but if he knew that Lisa had spoken to Noirin about their friendship then he would definitely nom her. [ more ]
Puss oh dear, Hell hath no fury like a window fitter scorned [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Disabled Facebook
TanyaHyde Thanks VB will try that if i have to - still no reply this morning - it's strange not being able to log in cos it's a habit I've had for about a year now xxxx [ more ]
Former Member It's probably not much consolation Tan but when I had to rereg I did contact one of the games I used and explained what had happened and asked if they could find my game under my old name and email. And they did So at least I got that one back - I didn't bother with the others though. If they won't give you your old a/c back then just email the game people and they will probably reinstate your stuff - they must have it saved on their own servers [ more ]
TanyaHyde Yes completely gone [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dont tell me Marcus will now nominate Freddie.
Pumpkin If I were Marcus I'd have to know that my best chance for staying in the house were if I didn't go up against Freddie, so I'd do my best not to get nominated. Which possibly means sucking up to the people with the numbers to vote me out. Or it could be trying to get one of the others nominated. Or a little bit of both. [ more ]
cologne 1 Sorry, I meant Marcus would be as gracious and pleasant as he could possibly be in order not to be voted off. Knowing that Freddie must have a fanbase which keeps him in week after week, I don't think he'd spend the week slagging him off because that would only offend the fans and result in the opposite effect. That's if they're up together. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I agree with you in the respect that Marcus may be thinking short term atm but I tend to think that Marcus is a long-term strategist and is thinking of the bigger picture, ie winning the show outright and seeing Fred as the competition. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh that's sealed it for me now!!!
Heatseek ARSCUM WANKER [ more ]
langster I had Modern Warfare 2 with my (ex) wife [ more ]
old hippy guy I get bored outa my skull with it at times as well as going red in the face SCREAMING at the tv at some camping tosser, or some "martyrdom" user, but I am DETERMINED to get the "gold cross" before the new onw comes out,...its modern warfare 2 by the way,....they(Infinity Ward) aint nothing to do with "call of duty" anymore, [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fz She has very nice fact a lot of them this year have very nice teeth. I approve of nice teeth. [ more ]
ishan2003 I can't believe how rude people are on here...she is a nice girl but less in the brain and personality department...but one negative thing causes such horrible things to be said about someone...quite sad to see this on here. [ more ]
Roxi Yes lol ttwo good points on her chest. But nothing in her brain [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Massage me or else...
fookat it must be very subtle bullying cos Ive never noticed it.. [ more ]
old hippy guy AHH BUT lots of the time on THIS forum "bulling" means having the audacity to dissagree with me,....worse still more than ONE person, and IF these people KNOW each other AND they ALL dont agree with ME then OBVIOUSLY they are bullying me, I will not post again in this thread just in case someone feels "bullied" ....seems they feel they can say whatever the HELL they like about a HM and no one had better DARE disagree [ more ]
frenchbread Snowman i was on the C4 site with the same name last year i did not and do not like Luke or Bex. I supported Darnell [ more ]
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