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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was Lisa Gloating last Night
squiggle Oh yesss [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Lisa was gloating last night. After all, she is the ringleader and she thinks she has got away with it and her minions are being punished. No wonder she was full of glee. Lisa herself said that one of the strong characters should go up against Freddie and it would be bye bye Freddie. She now gets her wish. There is only one thing worse than not getting what you want Lisa, and that is getting it. [ more ]
Scotty Smirking eyes while pretend placating. Not a good look [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please get creepy Marcus out this Friday
Getthekettleon Sorry, i know you are a fan, but im voting him out,he enrages me [ more ]
wandawitch Nope it has to be Kriss. Can't stand him [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg nah Kris needs to go he might not be creepy but he sure is nasty hes nasty to everyone who he sees as below him he has made poor Freddies time in the house a nightmare with his constant nasty ness towards him i really dont see what Sophie sees in him except maybe looks but even they are average at best shame he cant say the same about his wedding tackle tho eh . [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
guys someone just knocked on my door
Jenny I seldom answer my front door these days. Only cold callers and similar are likely to knock there and I just can't be arsed to answer. [ more ]
Angel At 1.06 am ... I hope you closed the door & locked it It's a shame we must be so cautious ...... but better to be safe than sorry, imo. [ more ]
Fifi29 totally agree with everything posted here - and I'm glad you're ok. I wont open the door after dark (though I know crimes can happen in daylight too) unless I know who's there. And one time a police detective called, looking for my neighbour for something, but I wouldnt open the door till he put his ID through the letterbox - I apologised to him when I did open the door but he told me I did the right thing. [ more ]
See all 122 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Right now we're back in business, Marcus 35yrs old, Action figures WTF??
Demantoid I knew it! I knew it! I said weeks ago that he was just the sort you'd expect to see in Forbidden Planet ~twirls around forum~ Look, he's even got his own figure.. [ more ]
Bovrilking Re: Right now we're back in business, Marcus 35yrs old, Action figures WTF?? [ more ]
*BB* Great post OHG! Out of all the HMs, Marcus is the only one that seems a perfectly ordinary and normal bloke. He's not trying to be someone he isn't, he's being himself with no airs or graces, an ordinary man next door who probably has a heart of gold. I think the problem with Marcus is that he reminds some FMs far too much of either themselves or their loved one. [ more ]
See all 86 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else noticed Marcus has a bald spot?
tupps I need more coffee.. I could have sworn the thread title said 'Marcus has a bald spat'.. I thought he'd revealed it was a wig and was flaying someone with it.. *goes for a Starbucks* [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Every time I see the hula dancer, or whatever she is at the bottom of your post SM, it brings a smile to my face!! [ more ]
Leccy Only the one in the middle of his chin. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will nomination tactics change if Kris is evicted?
brisket But if they try to show Freddie in a bad light, will they not inevitably be showing themselves in a bad light. Supporting and being kind to Freddie might win them more viewers support, but being unpleasant to Freddie will lose them viewer support. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I do think the nom tactics will change when Kris leaves. He is the one who has displayed the most hatred for Freddie, and has egged on the others to spout their hatred of him in return. Without Kris obsessing about Freddie all the time, the others will move on to someone else. It is Kris' constant highlighting of Freddie's faults which is keeping the pot boiling. As an aside to this topic, can I just say that it was noticeable on live feed last night that Kris was not so forthcoming with the... [ more ]
captain marbles I think the game will change after friday, because Kris will have been beaten not only by Freddie but Marcus as well. Siavash for one will be quite happy to explain the implications to them if they try to pretend that what happened isn't significant. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strange Dream, EEEEKK.
Lazybug I had a very rude dream about my IVF consultant it was so embarrassing when I next saw him and had to really cool my cheeks down when I walked into his office... He's seen parts of me that even my hubby hasn't I still think about him now hehe [ more ]
PeterCat Mimi, the one thing I know about dreams is that there's no generalised "interpretation" for them. Only you and really know what a particular dream means to you. It just takes time to work it out sometimes. [ more ]
kimota Dreams about people you see everyday are very common, and sometimes the situations will be very strange and innapropriate. Don't worry its normal! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction odds are out.
Cold Sweat This is all before phone lines have even opened, of course. Surely the content of the next few HL shows will have a massive say with regard to who goes, or stays? By the Friday night of the Week One eviction last year, bookies had Mario as a hot favourite to go – yet Steph was evicted with a huge 48% in a 4 way vote. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Why not. Too nerve wracking? [ more ]
Yellow Rose As much as I've no interest or like for that person I was hoping it would be someone else [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There's something wrong here.....
Marguerita They could all be talking about noms for all we really know but I doubt any of them will do it again [ more ]
Scooby doo Re: There's something wrong here..... [ more ]
Hicky BB will be looking through the recordings to see who said what. Maybe Freddie and Marcus won't be up this week, don't think it would make any difference anyway. Freddie won't be going anywhere either way. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
QUICK Q! How do you put images in a thread?
Rawky-Roo Oooh, thanks everyone i got it to work. Maxwell's eviction face is in my other thread now [ more ]
brisket After pressing the "reply" button, in the window which opens there is a row of buttons at the top. The button second from the right is "display image". When this is open you insert the address (URL) of the image. (You can find this by right-clicking on the image, click Properties. In the middle of that window you`ll see "URL-address". Copy it and paste it.) [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Like this? If you open a reply with quote box from this post you can see the format. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please could some kind soul tell me....
Kaytee Sorry for the loss of your doggy Deegs [ more ]
Marguerita Deegs perhaps some time in the future you may consider havng another dog ,it will never replace your two beautiful dogs but it will be company for you, I never thought I would do this when my dog passed away ,it was only two months later I got Angus and Hamish and I felt I was pushed into that decision as I never wanted another dog ,but it was the best thing that happened for me as it helped me to come to terms with the loss of my lovely Scottie dog ,I know how you feel but you have had... [ more ]
Former Member I agree. And no problem Thanks Marg That's it. I'm completely dog-less now [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
eviction odds in
amelie I think the %ages could be much closer than the odds suggest - if Lisa and Karly are thrown into the mix too it will split the anti clique vote even more. It's possible also that BB may not count the nominations of offenders which could change things again. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair The Betfair odds haven't changed since yesterday, therefore their "current" odds date from before we knew Sophie, Kris and Charlie were up. [ more ]
Kaytee Kris, Charlie and the Cabbage would be my dream ticket this week, especially if it was a double eviction and the Wanker and the Crybaby went in one hit [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How will Freddie react?
Videostar It must have felt like christmas morning to those of you who woke up this morning to find out that Kris was up. [ more ]
kimota He will be secretly pleased. I hope he does'nt let his feelings show too much because even Marcus and Siavash are showing misplaced or faked? sympathy to the people who are up through noms talk! [ more ]
Liverpoollass I hope Freddy doesn't try to hide his glee when Kris's name gets called out on Friday [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Secsy Kelly-kins - did you...
kimota Good luck Kelly, my experience of these matters is that if you make some offer of payment then companies usually have to accept it if it is a reasonable offer given your circumstances! [ more ]
tupps If you don't I'll just keep banging onnnnnnn and onnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnn about it.. I'll be more of a pain than the bailiff.. [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Just had a look on website. Advice lines open at 1:30 - 4:00 Dont worry. Deffo ringing them. As soon as i have the appointment i will let you all know. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL :: IF Kris is evicted...
kimota The crowd has a disproportionate number of young girls so it will be a mix of boos and midguided cheers. Kris is a 'baddy' and we all know Davina loves them! [ more ]
Hotpants Helen I think we may well witness the first live orgasm. [ more ]
Mollie The reason I don't particularly like Kris is his behavior towards Freddie.. I am sure Freddie is annoying but Kris over steps the mark with him.. can be very cruel.. My fave is Siavash! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leaks ????
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Yep, it is quite phenominal the rubbish they spout. Ten years of BB and they still come out with moronic nonsense. [ more ]
GMA It could be true, but don't shatter our dreams -Kris has to go - if a double eviction he can take dogface by the hand imo. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing 90% to Freddie 7% to Marcus 1% to the others. All those with the same lowest percentage are evicted. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's Great Seeing Team Lisa So Down
stonks I wanted to shoot myself in my ears lastnight..feckin ell Lisa SHUT THE FECK UP.... [ more ]
Hotpants Helen Me too. Kris will be moaning how he should never have been up for eviction. [ more ]
kimota it is, just a day ago they were so smug. Hopefully this week is the start of their week by week eviction, just as Jens eviction last year marked the beginning of the end for her group! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Davina....
Tayto. She gave Rachael a very hard time last year. I couldn't believe she treated the winner like that. I don't dislike Kris so I don't really care but she should treat everyone the same. [ more ]
stonks You watch it on +1 so we can vet it for you and if she does we'll tell you not to watch it and save you a telly.... [ more ]
GMA I hope she doesn't - give him all the way to go and big up Freddie's survival by public choice. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It'll be between Kris and Marcus
Mollie I think the phone voting is probably down this year! and now this week there will be lots of voting.. BB knows they needed Kris and a few of the bland gang to boost voting... having said that I hope kris goes... Marcus will go soon enough (I hope) he is getting very weird about Noirin.. like he owns her... creepy! [ more ]
Teddy Bleads Marcus will be up plenty in the coming weeks. This may be our only chance to see the back of Kris. It must be grasped. This will be a pivotal point in the series. [ more ]
Liverpoollass No, it's Kris, Sophie and Charlie cos they failed their tasks. Along with Marcus and Freddy who were actually nominated. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remembering 7/7!
Former Member Re: Remembering 7/7! [ more ]
kimota My brother works close to one of the blasts and he and his colleagues helped some of the walking wounded that day. Anyone else see that programme about 7/7 conspiracies the other day? Some people see conspiracy in everything! [ more ]
Former Member Re: Remembering 7/7! [ more ]
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