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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Amazed that Freddie didn`t nominate Kris
kattymieoww Freddie hasn't heard all the awful crap that Kris has been spouting about him though,he only states that stuff in the diary room or with his equally loathsome "friends". [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! dont forget Sooz that we only have Marcus' word for it that Fred is supposedly in lurv with Noirin Its Marcus that is spreading the gossip - he told Siavash and he told Noirin [ more ]
justafriend i dont know how they nominated at all. who did he go for? lisa i guess and? [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
To evict Kris his phone number given on the bb web site puts you through to
BBBS to complain about ch4 getting people to vote for marcus instead of kris go here and complain about it. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Pretty sure Kris is going on Friday, Erin. Even with the phone number confusion, he'll still get the most votes. [ more ]
Former Member Marcus leaving will make no difference in the house ,Krap Kris leaving will shock the house ,the whole Lisa group will fall apart,it will be an explosive eviction if one of the Ganng go. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would Kris going be a positive thing for the 4 other nominated HM's?
Cold Sweat I just wish that i had been shown enough of the other housemates to judge them with any clarity. For instance, there was one DR entry from Sophie broadcast on the HL show across the first 20 days. In that same time period i wonder how many times i heard the question asked; How are you feeling today, Halfwit? [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Thanks Suzi - totally agree [ more ]
WILDER X Lisa could never sit pretty. LOL. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww I still want to hit Kris with a brick. [ more ]
ishan2003 haha...thats I have said before...I personally would get rid of Marcus over Kris but its a personal choice I I find Kris less disgusting than Marcus. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I don't find Chris entertaining, he is jealous of Freddie’s wealth and accent, he is jealous of Siavash’s style, (he must be jealous of Marcus’s long hair ). Yet, he walks around looking like a mini Russell Brand, imagine if he had Marcus’s long hair he would have been able to backcomb it just like Russells'. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why the F**k isnt Lisa up!!!
Former Member Lisa may not be up but we can get one of the gang out ,Kris.If Kris goes the others may pull away from her,the house will definately change if Kris or Charlie go .Voting Marcus out will not change the block vote and will put Freddie /SIAVASH AT RISK NEXT WEEK. [ more ]
ali I believe BB are manipulating evisctions in favour of halfwit (fine by me). Putting lisa and kris up together will split the team dumb vote therefore putting halfwit et al at risk. i think they're saving lisa for next week [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg yes thats why im voting for Kris . [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is BB protecting?
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! BB are protecting themselves IMO. We all know what we saw the other night - blatant nomz discussion. PLUS I also think that even they cant take any more the Freddie hate in the house and so have decided to put some of the others up as a warning because they KNOW Freddie will stay [ more ]
Paradice bb , me thinks, want kriss out, belive me, they should not show the noms vid until sunday bblb [ more ]
sunny dayz did they show the noms and reasons stonks? havent seen BBLB yet today! [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris to go, kris to go, Kris to go, PLEAsE!!!!!!!
globulemc Quite right.. If Lisa had been up I would be screaming for her to go over Kris... Her turn will come (and I hope it's against Freddy!!!). [ more ]
ishan2003 Lisa is the biggest smug in there...but Kris gets the boot, not fair...I still think Marcus needs to go. [ more ]
globulemc Apology accepted, Blue, just pay attention in future!! (Using an emoticon for the first time on this forum!) [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie, Karly and Kris say that Freddie bitches behind their backs LOL.
sunny dayz yes, he is lovely. But I really cant face the prospect of him being left in the house in the end or god forbid win!!! I can see how he annoys them, i see him on live feed for 30 mins and he is very annoying. He is sneaky, he goes from one person to the other stiring. He is clever as no one really is noticing it and as siavash has said all he wants to talk about is the others and in deep conversation. [ more ]
mary_bee They seemed really angry at the thought of it as well Hurry along Friday! [ more ]
mrs d freddie is a lovely guy [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i do feel a little sorry for Marcus
fz I totally believe he is a fantasist, hence his obsession with plastic toys at that age....over 2000 is excessive. A very fertile imagination and right now Noirin is his latest plastic toy....except she ain't playing how he wants her to. [ more ]
PeterCat Re: i do feel a little sorry for Marcus [ more ]
cologne 1 So if you believe that why don't you believe when he said that he had a grope? Either he's a fantasist or he isn't. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
babes of the BNP
lorraineshere OH MY GIDDY AUNT!!!! that after what has been an emotional afternoon has made me laugh sooooooooooo much ... if they are 'babes' there is hope for heather on eastenders yet lmfao !!! such an educated lot as well eh thanks for that [ more ]
SazBomb I am buying them tickets to a west end moosical as a thank you... they do not know this yet DO you mean toast, or trash? [ more ]
wandawitch And another: [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie bitched about Freddie yesterday – tonight’s HL show will send her home!
justafriend i dont know what dogface will do without kris. hopefully change abit, but cant see karly or lisa allowing it, [ more ]
Liverpoollass What's with the picking holes in Siavash then? Are they running out of people to slag off? [ more ]
Cold Sweat Well, they missed out the conversation i was expecting - bonus! But showed a little biatching session about Siavash instead! [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anybody on here from anywhere near Croydon, that may know the area?
Former Member So did you get there early enough to get the wristbands for the signing? And did you camp outside? [ more ]
Spear No worries. As a matter of fact, West Croydon station is alot closer to HMV, and again more regular from Victoria. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Ooh, yes, I'll add him to my list; My ex husband (the swine) is first in line! [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please, no matter what you think of Marcus vote Kris this week.
Videostar Thanks for the heads up on that, we dont want any mistakes. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I'm still trying to work out which one to target - based on which could be the bigger threat to Sophie. The BBLB audience seemed more negative towards her than they were towards Kris. [ more ]
fabienne By the way, I hope everyone has seen Guru's thread, about the wrong number being on Kris's voting details - on the BB website, they've put Marcus's number next to Kris as well as Marcus. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A question for sky viewers.
kattymieoww As ours in on the ground we can re-align it ourselves.It happened about six weeks ago,me shouting out the window to my niece "left a bit,left a bit!That's it!" [ more ]
kattymieoww If we get a torrential downpour here it affects the signal,mind you our dish is bolted to the front path under the living room window,they tried halfway up the wall and the roof,no joy. [ more ]
jessejay Same with me, storms and heavey rain always knock the signal out [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
charlisock Awww sorry Queenie. I don't think I've ever had the cinnamon swirl so I didn't know what recipe to look for so I gave you the link to the first one I found Good luck both of you *bows down cos you're both queens and I'm a humble princess* [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Thanks Charli. I'll get hubby to give the Frapuccino a go later, it'll give him a chance to experiment with his new Nespresso machine. The cinnamon swirl's not the same but I might try the basic dough recipe and add the fruit etc later. I think it's similar to one I've already got for my breadmaker. I'll let you know if they turn out ok. [ more ]
queenshaks Thanks Charli [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SHOPPING TASK: "Big Brother's Circus"
swg bump [ more ]
RZB My daughter took over 500 pics over the 2 nights, your were right about not crossing the hard core fans... oh my, and they say football fans are rough. [ more ]
Former Member well thank god i got rodrigo but NO NO NOOOOOOOOO RZB...i am sooo jellus. I passed up 3 seated tickets for sunday at only £110 for all 3. I wanted to take lil gyps but could not for the life of me find a third ticket taker. then when i said no i thought sod it i will just pay for it and not use it but then she had already gave them to someone else. i was gutted My friend who was there (again) phoned me though and held her phone up so i could listen ot rule the world [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Binge drinking and the Government
lightfoot Makes sense.. : Too much sense if you know what I mean.. [ more ]
Darthhoob Re: Binge drinking and the Government [ more ]
old hippy guy cause the drinks industry makes BILLIONS for the government, and they dont want people thinking alcohol is a drug....thats why they say "drink AND drugs" as if there is somesort of difference, who do you think got the "rave scene" in the 80s n 90s shut down? youngster were going "elsewhere" and not taking THEIR drug, in their millions, so "they" put preasure on the government, and now the kids all use the "right" drug on a weekend, [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris against Freddie
Liverpoollass I hope Freddy doesn't think that because those 3 are up, there are no other people up. [ more ]
squiggle I'm not that bothered as long as we can dilute Lisa's voting power, one by one will be fine although I agree it would have been very satisfying to see the smirk wiped off his face if it was just him and Freddie. [ more ]
Croctacus We can just hope Kris gets about 70%...that would be humiliating enough in a 5 horse race! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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