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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's called being individual love...
Little Miss Spurs I like Siavash. I like his style too. Nice to be different. He suits it as well. Not everyone could get away with what he wears! [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I just remembered the plank of wood has worn Siavash's cloth and rings. In fact they have all worn his red jacket every one of them, he is a jealous idiot that Kris. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I agree that Marcus is an individual of another sort. He had the absolute gall to attack BB and actually win. I admire that side of his character. But he is not a rounded character imo. His offensive remarks to the women in the house are very cringeworthy. Some things are better left unsaid (poo stories, for instance). He has also proved that he is an easy target for ridicule when it comes to his approach to romance. [ more ]
See all 71 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Dog Has Fishy Wind
Cinds The vet shouldn't charge much to flush them out for her, mine charges £12, and that's normally if we have made an appointment especially for it, other wise they do it on request if you are there for something else. But smelling fishy is usually a sign they need draining. [ more ]
angelicarwen Good Lord , my eyes!!!!!!!!!! I would rather give birth to triplets standing on my head than stick my hand up a dogs bum and squeeze [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I just can't bring myself to stick my finger up her bum. She's got those big eyes that look at you like she's about to be violated if you give her a cuddle when she's not expecting it, never mind if I come at her with my hand in a rubber glove ready to go up her jacksy. I think I'll get hubby to take her to the vet. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T - Dubai..
Shar Never been tupps ... so can't add to any of the excellent advice already given ... but ... if you do go, can I come and sit by the pool for a few days ...? [ more ]
Heartache Have to say, after reading that. That is one place on this earth l WON'T be going too. Even if was free, with free spending money. Thanks Daniel. [ more ]
tupps I haven't been but I have heard very very good things about Vietnam. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For those who haven't seen him yet
Twee Surgeon Thanks Twee, ever since I saw this last night I've been racking my brains trying to think who he reminded me of and that's it I think he suits the look [/QUOTE The minute I seen him last night I thought OMG its Ed Norton. He really does look the spitting image, especially at the beginning of the film (American History X) when the character was a true skinhead. I like his look as well, as he has a lovely little face. [ more ]
Lindsxdx *shudders* Jeez, that is my ex!!! Bleurgh, no [ more ]
kazza29 I didn't recognise him at first he looks so differnt but I think it's a good different! [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what sort of twist would you like to see at this stage then?
Liverpoollass I think they should introduce more punishments Oh and some new HM's would be good - some intelligent ones and ones that will take no BS from Team nasty. [ more ]
Mozart that would be a good one LL, then we will see just who is there for the money [ more ]
Mozart send in somebody that is really going to stir them up, and not somebody who just says they will, i want some action to bring down lisa, karly, kris(if he stays) and charlie [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katerina The Lamb really surpassed himself today, calling one of the contestants an IDIOT for repeating a question! He really isn't disguising his contempt for this show and the viewers very well, is he! [ more ]
Videostar I know but still she is favoured to stay in front of Freddie...thats sort of frightening. [ more ]
jeppa No that`s just on the eviction, if you click on the winner odds you`ll see Freddie is still favourite, Siavash 2nd favourite and Sophie about 8th or 9th [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i'd like noirin to win, now.
Joyron I have not read through the whole thread but my response to the title is I most sincerely would not want Noirin to win. She can stay there until the end if necessary, but I think she would be first out on finals night. [ more ]
Bethni She could have been killing two bird's with one stone....a little huffed cos Siavash wasn't dancing to her tune,she nominates him in the hope he's up against her other nominee....Freddie. Maybe she was thinking, well Freddie doesn't go against anyone on Lisa's team, let's see if he'll go against the other side. If he stay's she'll try a little harder, if he goes.......oh well someone else will come along. Fair play to her, she's playing a blinder. [ more ]
jacksonb yes that wasn't good, or the bitching about angel. [ more ]
See all 124 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Kris say he knows what Davina will ask him on Friday?
Demantoid They always claim we "don't understand what it's like to live with so-and-so", to justify their own awful behaviour. I'd probably find Freddie endearing and exasperating in equal amounts if I was in there. But he's also got no malice in him at all, so the way he's been treated is simply out of order. No matter what Kris says. [ more ]
Former Member Quite clearly, he's sh*****g himself. [ more ]
Roxi Kris is a bully and he knows it. His treatment of Freddie is not right [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash continues to be targetted by the hyenas
Bojangles Absolutely Spot on Liverpool. [ more ]
Bethni This is why it is important to get one of 'that' crowd out this week. They remind me of all those teen american film's of the 'popular' kid's at high school who choose their victim's and persecute incessantly. Siavash is being lined up for next week as they think Marcus will go on friday.....the following week i can see it being Rodrigo, then i think they might turn on Noirin. It's all so predictable. [ more ]
Baz I agree. They seem unable to come up with any other pastimes, other than deciding which HM to pick on this week!! I can't wait to see their faces when one of their crowd gets evicted [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Long post: Serious question about disliked HMs like Kris
Blizz'ard They haven't even managed to tell Nikki yet. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Has anyone heard anything about Sezer since he was evicted? [ more ]
captain marbles Good, well thought out post BB. I think the only time that they may get an inkling is if they do a bit of self googling to see what the online reaction was or if they pick up some bad vibes from the PAs that they seem to make most of their money at. It is funny how we quickly forget these objects of our loathing several short days after their return to reality. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why wasn't Rodrigo nominated much this time?
Former Member Perhaps, because he's beautiful to look at? Actually, that wouldn't exactly sway Lisa would it? Seriously though, I agree with Wilder - Lisa probably perceives him as the type to be popular on the outside. Sadly though I think his time is going to run out shortly. [ more ]
PeterCat He needs to wink more. [ more ]
Kaytee Team Lisa need the fiery little fella for noms purposes [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why can't most men read the signals?
Blizz'ard Not if you have to give them cider for it. I'd call that a business arrangement! [ more ]
Mathematics The way I see it, whether you are male or female, if somebody comes to sit on your crotch, braid your hair, and just generally flirt with you, you're going to think that that person likes you. Of course you are. [ more ]
Former Member I'd have been really rude to Mother Theresa if I'd met her. [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tough decision!!
Mentalist Has to be Kris, we may never get another chance and I can't stand watching his froglike face any longer. Plus can you imagine the look on his face when he leaves before Freddie 'snigger' [ more ]
Yogi19 I`ve broken my no voting rule to vote for Kris. This may be our only chance to get curly-top out before the final, as he seems to be popular with the HMs. Marcus can wait until next week. [ more ]
amelie Marcus will be up again next week, Kris won't. It was an easy decision for me and I think it will be very close between these 2. A couple of bad edits for Marcus and he could be out rather than Kris. Rushes off to do another 5 (votes) a day for Kris. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone notice last night...
stonks I think he's finally getting a taste of walking in Freddies shoes, the fear, the mixed emotions of not being able to get excited of staying or going home cos you don't know which one will come, the fear of leaving the house, not knowing what the outside world holds for you.. Now finally he and Freddie have something in common..But he's still a turd.... [ more ]
BBBS get a wii or ds its a hell of a lot easier using opera and an onscreen (point / touch) keyboard (yes we do have a pos3 and the others) [ more ]
Former Member Re: Did anyone notice last night... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why I think Kris should be targetted with your votes
Jenny Confession time here. I don't know if you noticed my OP, but I didn't say I was going to vote! I'm not giving Ch4 another penny, but thought I'd try to get those who don't mind spending their money to aim it at the right person. [ more ]
squiggle Definitely agree with you. Kris must go this week. [ more ]
old hippy guy DAMN, too late again, but THAT is my reason for wanting him out, NOT that I will be voting of course, NEVER NEVER NEVER again, C4 can kiss my arse. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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