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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For anyone who watched the big bust up lastnight?
Dora [QUOTE]Originally posted by Kaytee: I didn't see the bit in the garden afterwards, but heard that Noirin said that Siavash wiuld be up for noms next week and that Siavash had shouted 'put the bitch up'...if that helps. For those who missed the row itself, there's loads of links in threads here and it's posted on You Tube and FB as well[/QUOTE Thank you very much Kaytee, will go for a wander and find it ! [ more ]
GMA RE: my post above - I did awake to see her on screen so it must have been her voice that woke me up! [ more ]
Former Member Even with the volume turned down, that certain whining pitch to her voice nearly made my ears bleed Every single time I see or hear that girl I always think "Gawd help the poor guy who ends up with you!" [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What happened to all the Michael Jackson threads?
Former Member I'm perversely liking the highlighted story on the Time Online website today. There's a picture of MJ along with the caption "Jackson: family wants brain back". [ more ]
Former Member Fat blooming chance of that, with all the mourn porn devotees [ more ]
wandawitch You know,the guy that croaked it the other day, the one where a billion people watched his funeral [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie - the end of the world as we know it?
Former Member I was in my local pub one New Year's Eve and one of the Old Boys had shuffled off our mortal coil during the evening. Luckily, it was noticed before midnight otherwise we might have all cross arms to sing Auld Langs Wotsits, nudged him, and been horrified when he slumped and headbutted the table. Phew. [ more ]
rusticana I thought it was the washing machine !!! [ more ]
rusticana I remember when they changed the scripts from Latin !!!! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm confused - please help (re: LF last night)
kimota It was unclear from the LF whether he said they 'thought' or 'they said' He claims he mentioned the names as people who 'thought' Noirin was like a rabbit. She maintains that he said people were actually saying this. Apparantly C4 back Noirin's version of events, but I have'nt been able to accesss their site this morning as it seems as broken as it usually is! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Thanks guys. [ more ]
swg no one knows, that convo wasn on LF What we know is that he told her "other people" had been calling her a rabbit one would assume she asked who are the other people and he said Karly and Kris. Neither Marcus or Halfwit seem to remember what names he said though [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin telling Siavash that he'll be up next week.
stonks Thats what I heard aswell.... [ more ]
Former Member He said to put her and himself up. If he got voted out, it would prove him to be in the wrong, but if she went it would show that she was the liar! Or something like that. [ more ]
Amythist according to the Overnight rundown on DS ," at 02.08 Noirin asks Freddie as a witness to the conversation whether Siavash mentioned Kris or karlys names. She relays the conversation and he tells her he was in the toilet."Put that bitch up"(for nomination)Siavash tells the other housemates. I dont blame him ! But he will get punished and so will she. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its almost obscene, the change in behaviour to Half Wit
Liverpoollass Exactly Spongey They must think we are stupid if they think we are buying that they have suddenly changed. [ more ]
kimota I caught that bit with Lisa too. She caught herself but did seem to be suggesting they give him a break! [ more ]
Liverpoollass I certainly hope that people don't fall for it because you are right, it does not excuse their disgusting behaviour before. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin Wanted her little marcus to stand by her
prettycocoaeyes I doubt the love affair is off.... They know the public love freddiw and noone dared shut him down lastnight when he had his word with Noirin... Two weeks ago they would have crucified him if he dared to speak.... [ more ]
Summer_Breeze Thankyou for posting that clip - it was brilliant. [ more ]
ali noirin really needs to get over herself, even if HM didn't say it its generally what the public think. think marcus found the whole thing quite hysterical going by his smug face in the bedroom. Liked siavash's idea of a head to head between him and noirin next week, dreams do come true, sometimes [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halfwit hits Sophie!!!!!
Mozart can you imagine if Kris had been the thrower and freddie between the targets. [ more ]
sinkthepink It looked even better because it looks like he is going for one of the bottom ones S P L A T [ more ]
Marguerita I thought she was a very good sport that must have hurt her when practicing they could not even give her proper glasses,If she would been the thrower been a different tale to tell on here eh [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are your plans for the weekend?
Trix-ster Going for a family meal on saturday night and then hopefully if everything works out today working on sunday [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich Thought I might have a few drinks For a change, like [ more ]
Roxi Lucky you where are you going on holiday to??? Soozy woo that sounds nice enjoy your sisters wedding . Congratulations to your sister. I bet she will look beautiful and you will to. I have a wedding to go to in Kent later this year in October its my aunties wedding should be good [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
01.35 All Kicking off
Soozy Woo Even more so IMO. [ more ]
Clair_Witch I'm not so sure they hadn't said it (I know SIavash said he'd said 'people') but Karly and Kris looked very guilty and edgy indeed. Hopefully they'll show us the full convo on tonight's highlights show. Noirin seems to start a row every week. She really annoyed me last night. She came across as immature, unintelligent and just a general bitch! [ more ]
Liverpoollass She goes on and on and on. I used to think she had a noice voice, but lately I just want to gag her [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT Yayyyyyyyy........
longcat Its very nice work. My sister in law is an artist i wish i could afford some of her work Studio and Gallery. [ more ]
Mozart many congrats to Mr kettle. what is his style [ more ]
Getthekettleon Thanks for all your lovely comments guys, i showed them all to my OH and his words ( as usual) were "its not THAT good" This is exactly the reason it has taken him so long to sell a drawing, he actually doesnt believe he is any good! to everyone [ more ]
See all 81 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noiriene and her gob..
brisket janito - I agree she has not made things clear to people. Her communication has been awful. [ more ]
brisket "I don`t give a sh*t about everyone else" says Noirin. She also said "F***", "f******", "f***". Foul-mouthed woman, and too used to having her own way and very lacking in self-awareness. [ more ]
janito Haven't liked her from the beginning! She might have only wanted to be friends with Sree, but she didn't put him straight or make it clear that she didn't fancy him once she knew he fancied her and she's done the same to Marcus. No wonder the rest are starting to notice. Siavash has got it completely right about her and he's tried to tell her to be straight with Marcus and now he's getting the brunt of her DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY EFFING MOUTH!!!!! Can't stand her, and who's she... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tequila Yes I know........I'm peeved too. This is the first year in the history of BB that I don't have LF during the day so have to stay up till stoopid oclock lol to try and make some sense of it myself. BTW is that you Shar? [ more ]
shar69 Yes it is, it is peeving me this no live feed. I won't like who the HL show wants me to like because I would rather make an informed opinion on what I see, not their crappy edited version of people. [ more ]
Tequila This is the trouble with not having 24/7 LF......we have to summise what they're talking about and trust whoever "looks" to be telling the truth. It's sooo frustrating [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shovel for Noirin!
Xochi Taxi for Noirin, I suspect... still like her a bit... but she's blown it tonight for GBP I reckon.. [ more ]
Mollie She really has... I don;t think she will be able to make this ok,,, even if she wanted to tomorrow.. poor Siavash.. he really got it in the neck tonight.. I did miss the beginning of this but from what Marcus said, he was being her friend... she is a ninny... [ more ]
Tequila Yep she's really dug a great big hole for herself tonight [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I said, she said, he said, you said.......
langster LOL! I just rewound it on Sky+ to find out exactly what Siavash said. And he said " I'm not the one going round saying you are fake Noirin" She then shouted for Kris and Karly, then when Freddie turned up she said "oh it's nothing, I don't know why I called Karly anyway as you never mentioned her Siavash" So really WTF? [ more ]
old hippy guy ahh it begins, they turn on each other, AND why is it suddenly so important that no one offend Noirin? AND why havent they said that lots of people think Kris is a wanker? oh listen to Charlie talking about "balls"...he will be off blubbing in the DR soon no doubt, [ more ]
Former Member its ALLLLLLLLLLLLllllllll about her thats why blah hate her ! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Fridays eviction be the same old crap or will we vote Kris out
Comrade Ogilvy Yes but I just wish people would not waste this opportunity by voting for Marcus who they are pretty much guaranteed to be able to vote for next week. [ more ]
Videostar 090 16 16 16 07 [ more ]
cologne 1 As I said on another thread, the nation will get to hear about Marcus' propensity to taken photos in the 'bathroom'. That could be his downfall. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Hubby understands Homeboy speak?
Essie Sooz, I've put them in a vase, they just look so stupid. [ more ]
Soozy Woo That is indeed a very, very poor combination .......and I dont know too much about flowers. I'd have been truly gutted with that selction though. [ more ]
Former Member How long did it take you to leap over to that corner? I mean it about The Shield, darlin. Seriously good. And you won't need the subtitles (much ) [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MJ memorial thread...
Roxi Thank you for all your replys . I agree with you all to Paris was right to say her speech which showed how much she loved her dad and what a good dad he was to her, Prince Michael 1, Prince Michael 2. It was also very sad to watch to i really felt sorry for her . I really hope those kids get through life ok without the media hassling them. Michael will live on in his music he left behind, what he did for childrens charities, he will live on in spirit and in peoples hearts and memories. And... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Thank you for your thoughts Roxi my Mum passed last year but because of her illness on one level I was prepared. On another level I wasn't because whether she had passed suddenly like my Dad, or in the circumstances that she did the end result is the same, grief, but I'm doing pretty ok, some days are easier than others. I'm glad you're finding his music comforting, I think music can be healing at times as well as other benefits it has. I was listening to some music on utube earlier and had... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Goodnight for now TS, I'll see you Tomorrow [ more ]
See all 497 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
shar69 Well as Marcus had one arm and hand under his head and the other holding the quilt, where does he keep the third hand that he managed to grope her with? [ more ]
Soozy Woo Well if you can't see the underhand sly digs he keeps getting in you must be blind. The guy is demented and deluded. [ more ]
fz How many times does he have to call her lazy because she wont do's on every HL show....when what he really means is she wont play massage. He is seriously worrying for a man of that age. She has the patience of a saint and when she gets out and sees the convo he had with siavash, when he sat there like Terry Scott chortling over 'groping' her.....I reckon she'll tell him to f**k off completely. I dont believe for one minute it happened, she pulled him up on the convo he said... [ more ]
See all 33 replies...

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