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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Duncan James from Blue is...
Garage Joe According to the NOTW playbook. The dreadful, salacious, not fit for toilet paper, rag, approaches a celebrity armed with an embarrassing story. They then invite them to agree to an article and pay 'em. Everyone's a winner. [ more ]
Former Member It would have been just a few years ago. I think people forget these days that the age of consent was only equalised, against fierce opposition in some quarters, in 2000 and that it was 21 for gay men until 1994. [ more ]
Kaytee Has he got 'millions' of fans? [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which Big Brother series would you like to see repeated?
SpiderMonkey BB7 - Amazing series. The housemates - Shabaz, Pete, Aisleyne, Nikki, Dicky, Sam, Gracey... The secret rooms - The house next door, the prison, the secret island... [ more ]
BROXI Yep. BB7 was IMO the last great series. Downhill since then. I joined the channel 4 forum then and it was intense between the Aisleyne and Nikki fans lol. Still a proud FAKER!! [ more ]
ali bb3 was my fave but also the first one i really got into [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Halfwit, Siavash, Marcus, and Noirin use their brains this week (my prediction)
The Guru If hm's know Dogbreath and Vash are already up then it might go like this.. Charlie - Marcus/Noirin Dogface - Marcus/Freddie Noirin - Lisa/Karly Marcus - Lisa/Karly Freddie - Lisa/Karly Siavash - Charlie/Lisa Karly - Marcus/Freddie Lisa - Marcus/Freddie Rod - Freddie/Marcus Charlie 1 Dogface 0 Noirin 1 Marcus 5 Freddie 4 Siavash 0 Karly 3 Lisa 4 Rod 0 Hope it gets leaked to the press tonight. [ more ]
Bethni The only reason they wouldn't nominate Freddie is if they are clever enough to realise that anyone up against him would have little chance of staying. If, per chance, one of them got enough nom's they wouldn't want to b up with him..... however is any of them smart enough to realise that? Also if they already know Siavash is up they only have to choose between Freddie, Marcus and Noirin. [ more ]
~Lee~ I'm not sure how Noirin will vote tbh....if nothing else she's always consistent in her vote for Freddy.....Will Sav Marcus and freddy have influenced her enough to change tactics this week somehow I am not sure. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB are Bonkers
Senora Reyes BB have little choice though, with Lisa & co and thier continual block voting we have lost good HM's and will continue to do so. I'm glad they have stepped in at this point, to avoid a nightmare scenario of Siavash & Freddie being up. I for one don't blame BB, I like Sophie she seems a sweet girl, but she is boring, I'd rather her go and join Kris, and dissapear into oblivion together. [ more ]
Amythist Who will Lisa's group vote for now? They may not risk Sophie leaving against Halfwit- so it will probably be Noirin and Marcus to try and save her. [ more ]
Mozart her and siavash both up for talking noms, their task was not to swear until 3pm sophie swore, so siavsh swore rather than leave her on her own. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yellow Rose Hi sweets yes I'm fine, the DVD's (of you know who lol) arrived that hubby ordered for me so have been enjoying them It's probably easy to lose perspective in there, I think they call it cabin fever lol [ more ]
Former Member Maybe he was outside being a lone wolf or something [ more ]
Blizz'ard It's humour [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Teacher has been charged with attempted murder
Former Member The poor lad could just have laughed at the singing and attracted his attention at that particular moment. If he was so enraged then I imagine anyone even slightly involved would have done. [ more ]
Former Member I've been on All Saints School's website- if they do have a bullying policy it's missing from their policy section, as are several others you would expect to see there, including Safeguarding and Child Protection [ more ]
tupps I guess time will tell.. when the facts are in. Just an incredibly sad state of affairs all round. LOL @ the reading comprehension.. just spank him.. actually no, he might like it.. [ more ]
See all 350 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The only thing I'm looking forward to on BB is...
Yellow Rose For once I'll be glad of no daytime LF, Rex will only be on HL's, hopefully, so I can turn over when he's shown same with Nikki [ more ]
subatomic partygirl I really wanted to like Rex as he was a bit different from your BOGOF HMs but...I just couldn't. He had moments of interest but not enough and they were mostly tainted with his superficial or just plain unpleasant / arrogant side. His choice of GF spoke volumes too. Then again, I didn't like any of BB9. [ more ]
Bethni I knew that's what it was going to be when i saw the thread. Wish we didn't have to wait til thursday to see him. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
News Of The World mention Chairgate.........
Shar Cheers kaytee ... Wouldn't want to risk damaging my havaianas ... [ more ]
Kaytee *hands Shar one of Primark's best...hell, have them both* [ more ]
Zleet It was bizarre to say the least. Even Kris, Charlie and that lot seemed a little perplexed by his overreaction. I was actually doing that covering your mouth shocked laughter by the strange tear filled diary room meltdown. I did like how BB was implying it was all because Charlie may go (seemed a reasonable supposition). [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My son has just brought home
Kaytee it's not [ more ]
Moomin Not sure this is the case as he won't be paying any tax - it's only a part-time weekend job while he is still at school. [ more ]
ali also it is possible he's paying an emergency tax until his tax code etc are sorted out.... in which case he should get a rebate in time. my daughter worked in a hairdressers for a few years up to she was 18 and faced a similar situation [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know this might not be popular,operative word being might
Clumsycat there are definately worse in the house than marcus [ more ]
Senora Reyes Spot on, he's also a dreadful hypocrite everything he accuses Lisa of, he does exactly the same, both have very similar traits, both want to control the house. That's why I always say when It comes to Lisa and Marcus both are as bad as each otherm both terrible examples of older HM's. [ more ]
Puss I would much rather Marcus go than Lisa, but if Marcus went next week who would Noreen have in her corner. I'm not mean, honest [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Punishment News
Liverpoollass Absolutely. I don't understand why Lisa and Karly have escaped so far. [ more ]
tupps I agree. There should be a standard punishment for noms talk (e.g. lose the right to nom or automatic eligibility for eviction).. and it should be applicable to everyone. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I think it should have been longer too. I think that changing the punishment challenges will stop the other HMs fully realising what is going on and not encouraging them to speak. If the HMs come out of the DR with their fingers over their lips everyone knows they mustn't speak - it will be harder to speak and not swear as they are a foulmouthed bunch. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sophie and siavash punished
lil_lady hope dogface goes ,she wants to anyway [ more ]
captain marbles She's one of those innocuous characters who pops up from behind the sofa on final night and you wonder how they survived for 13 weeks. [ more ]
Liverpoollass She is quite a weak character and hasn't done anything in the house to warrant being nominated (apart from her being unpleasant to Freddy). I think she will sail through to the final, but probably be the first out. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am getting ready to take my girls to Croydon now to meet
Soozy Woo LMS have a great time ........give my live to Croydon I was born and raised there .....bit different now though. Hope you've packed bullet proof jackets and hard hats I love JLS too ....hope you have a fab time. [ more ]
Jensen Junkie Ohhhh I LOVE JLS [ more ]
Karma_ Originally started by Run DMC in Adidas tortoiseshells if I'm not mistaken (along with the leather goose jackets) [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For those of you who wondered if there'd be another Craig and Anfonee...
Katerina Craig WAS BB6 for me, such a great housemate. Agree with Spongebob that Anthony wouldn't have won without him. Their double act used to have me in stitches! I can't find any best bits on Youtube If E4 ran BB6 parallel to BB10, I'd probably end up watching BB6 again instead!! It was way more interesting. [ more ]
Former Member My Craig love/hate obsession is well known. He was so awful he was brilliant - I can still laugh now thinking of his antics even though I wanted to slap him so much he was a genius hm but I bet even the production crew couldn't have guessed he'd be quite so stalky [ more ]
spongebob squarepants anfonee should really be eternally grateful to craig...... without the craig storyline anfonee was nothing.....other than an orange munchkin who thought too much of himself... one of the worst winners ever..... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB this week - need some clarification please!?!
spongebob squarepants think thats purely to accomodate the michael jackson programme at 9pm maz..... [ more ]
mummymaz also is there a reason why its on at 8pm 2nite? its not a live show or anything is it?? [ more ]
Scooby doo I'm as confused as you MM. I think HM's are nominating today because an ex housemate is going in every day this week. I think (don't know for sure) only bobbing in for the day. I think (again, don't know for sure) new housemate(s) going in after the eviction on Friday, and havn't got a clue if evicted HM are going into a secret house. This does'nt really help does it. Hope someone who knows comes along soon. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
spider watch
jacksonb i have a grudge against spiders, they wait until i manage to get a g/f home and i am being cool ,urbane and interesting and then they appear turning me into a quaking mass of jibbering uncoolness. screaming and pointing ' get the hoover!' and hiding behind a door... [ more ]
Liverpoollass We found a huge tarantula type one on the bedroom this morning. Thankfully the OH got him and put him outside [ more ]
mary_bee Oh my god [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Be aware everyone, might not be easy to evict him, he has a 1000 fans..
Marguerita He does come out with some silly things lol I dont like his pervy ways that goes without saying, but there are times when he does talk he makes more sense of what he is saying than the lot of them put together sometimes I like him and then there are other times I dont . [ more ]
Mozart Marcus is basically alright, just lives in cloud cookoo land, he is harmless enough. [ more ]
Scooby doo Spat my coffee out now [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Swapping the beds
subatomic partygirl Gathering troops to provide a geographical badge of their group identity innit. [ more ]
stupidcupid I think its more to do with the fact that sree and kris have both been evicted "el pronto" from the other corner. I could be wrong though. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Rodrigo wan'ts to sleep in Team Freddie's corner. 'The nice corner, the happy corner' Though I think it's more to do with the fact that Noirin's there. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T e-mails from friends
mary_bee I have a friend who used to believe everything those chain mails used to say. I remember her looking at me with a terrified look on her face when I told her I never sent them on [ more ]
Former Member I know a bloke who's a sucker for those warning emails about, say, premium rate numbers, or microwaving water and putting a spoon in it, or red Fridays for soldiers, [...]. Drives me made because they almost always nonsense and it takes nothing to look them up on Google to find out before forwarding them. [ more ]
Guest My friends aren't that moronic. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Black Eyed Peas
longcat I love the Black Eyed Peas. I swear Fergie gets fitter with every song. I would kill to look like her with her figure and her voice. [ more ]
lil_lady thier pretty good .liking their new one and i also like the song heartbreaker with and cheryl cole [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Perez Hilton is a loser, but he's got to make his money somehow . His whole life revolves around Hollywood and celebs. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the walking spew.
shakes the taste isn't that nice when you're swallowing lumpy bits to try and remain cool, or as cool as you can be when you're walking along eyes popping straining cause one lumpy bit has just been swallowed and it's brought another load up....i can see clearly now though, so every minus has a plus....etc etc [ more ]
Soozy Woo It's not the sight or the sound that bothers me's the smell. [ more ]
shakes i like nightime.....people can only hear you being sick. [ more ]
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