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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i've decide i like siavash
Marguerita Agree with the above and I could not trust him he flits from group to group planting little seeds in their heads ,then when he gets called on it he lies I could never trust a liar they do it once they will do it again [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't like him that much, there's something a bit slippery about him. It's funny how some of his fans say Marcus is crude and yet Siavash I have no doubt has said alot of crude stuff (he swears all the time). I think most of his support is from females as they think he looks nice. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen I cannot make my mind up about. There is something about him which makes me distrust him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
questions about the new HMs
strike no but the public do. [ more ]
cologne 1 If you assume they are on Freddie's side, does that mean you think Freddie is the better HM? [ more ]
jeppa I think they`ll have seen the show and, if they have any sense, will stay clear of Lisa and Karly. I have no doubt that BB will have instructed them not to talk about anything outside the house but HMs will be able to get a feel of public perception from their reactions. Remember when Maysoon, Belinda and Sarah went in last year and were all over Rex at first, Mario and Luke were denented as it became clear Rex was popular. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus...Taking The Piss or Deluded?
ozzycam I guess it passes the time of day for him, but still think hes deluded and its funny watching [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Taking The Piss now [ more ]
Free Thinking I sometimes wonder how many people actually watch the show. You say Marcus gets so many things wrong, but he seems to me to get alot of things right. His words about many of the HMs actually seem spot on. Even with Noiron he has said that he knows the environment is what has brought them together and outside of that it could well be a different matter. Sophie is alot more deluded than Marcus with her relationship with Kris. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm hungry!
Girlrider29 Delish! A tad salty but hit the spot. Thanks for the suggestions. The scales will NOT be pleased tomorrow [ more ]
Girlrider29 OK, so I'm going to get some sliced Matesson's sausage smeared with Dairylea and topped with Cathedral City - all done in the microwave Will report back on it's success or lack thereof [ more ]
Girlrider29 Nah, don't really do torts Yeah, if I can be bothered to get up I'll do the crisps and cheese. I've had too much wine now [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie vs Lisa
Hotpants Helen I would like to see just those two up and watch Lisa squirm all week. [ more ]
Cariad What makes us turn eh? I LIKED Lisa to start with. I liked Freddie too. Mebbe the difference is that Freddie never badmouthed her whilst she did all that to him and us Brits really cannot abide "vile bullehs" - in other terms we support the underdog. The question is ... can Freddie look like the underdog for much longer? Alternatively, I adore gameplayers. Roll on Victor and Rex. Please let Freddie play the game. At the moment he's the glorious Tickle. To win he needs to be more Rex. [ more ]
forgetmenot Gosh, if she were up, how estatic would I be!! more so than I was re kris and that silly boy whose name escapes me..she is so replusive some how, makes my sin feel quite funny and not in a nice way..then if she were up AND TOGO, would love to see the face on the scots girl, who does all her bidding!! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is the betting odds out for this weeks eviction.
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lisa has always been near the top of the bookies odds in terms of guessing who's could be up for eviction and has so far avoided going up, so at times the bookies need to cover their backs when doing these odds. Freddie being up every week would be a good bet . [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Isn't it well known that there's to be a 'twist'? They probably want to verify what it is before issuing any odds, just in case. [ more ]
Former Member cheers [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm warming to Noirin again
Bethxx But another Sree situation wont happen so long as its a HOT guy and the feelings are mutual and not one sided [ more ]
Former Member She does refer to Freddie and Siavash as weirdo's her words only a few night ago. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Noirin is looking out for number 1 , she is very contradicting in what she says i've noticed but we'll just have to wait and see what way she has nominated. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If a female goes in this week,Lisa's first words will be
ali Re: If a female goes in this week,Lisa's first words will be [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Yes because Lisa's stale nicotine breath must be such a turn on. [ more ]
jacksonb lisa,you have been evicted from the big brother house lisa,you have been evicted from the big brother house lisa,you have been evicted from the big brother house '' i am smokin a faaaaaaaaaaaaag'' [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Diary Room
Mentalist To be honest there isn't many people I could stand to live with 24/7, but at least he's a happy HM rather then the other miserable lot. [ more ]
cologne 1 I don't think he's deluded at all. He knows that most people don't think or feel the way he does, he just carries on regardless. I don't understand why some people find that more annoying than the twits they have in there. [ more ]
Bethxx Hear hear [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shut up Sophie.
Bethxx Thats true. And now that Kris is gone she'll prob come out of her shell a bit more too. [ more ]
Cold Sweat This is what i think makes her an interesting housemate. Freddie even pointed out that she is learning things about herself in the BB house. [ more ]
Cold Sweat It's called prejudice. I don't think people mean to be like that though, it's just a bass form of expression. For instance, when other housemates are critical of something Freddie says, or how he speaks - these same FMs are up in arms about it. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pretty obvious who is up for eviction this week then
darloboy (Play The Game!) It's a joke if Noirin is out before Lisa or Karly , but the pack of Wolves have too much strength in numbers. [ more ]
Aimee Re: Pretty obvious who is up for eviction this week then [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg yes if thats the case then it should be either Freddie Siavash or Marcus that goes into meet the new housemates as they will make them see through Lisa and her bullies . [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Sophie being up for eviction change her nominations?
Cold Sweat I don't think it matters who Sophie nominates, i cannot see Lisa or Karly gaining enough votes this week. Sophie will be the token sacrifice this coming Friday night. The irony being, viewers will spend good money to evict her - for BB to put in a similar girl 10 minutes later. This could be the most pointless eviction in BB history... [ more ]
Yogi19 I`m sorry. [ more ]
Swayingbruno Im not sure she is bright enough to work all that out. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Kate Price Exclusive with Piers - on ITV1 NOW!
Former Member I really don't get the whole Jordan/Katie and Pete phenonma. Ok, Pete used to be a pop star in Oz, and has some talent as a singer/song writer, but what talent does Jordan have? They tried to get into Eurovision as a duet, and thanks to JOrdan's horrible voice, they failed miserably. I don't understand the whole celeb culture at all. Yeah, there are people I admire - for their acting, dancing, music, etc., but Jordan? [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Thanks Might just watch that... [ more ]
jessejay its on ITV2 tonight at 10 pm [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
And now they think theres only 4 weeks left.
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! well that just says to me that Lisa (in her head) has figured out that 'the group' will get rid of Vash/Fred/Marcus... before THEY (the group) need to start panicking [ more ]
Videostar Count the weeks, BB runs for 14 weeks. [ more ]
*yogi Bear* I thought it was september 4th please say it is sept 4th... i made my SIL move her virgin vie party [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sexy voices...
Former Member yes and if you can just pretend your called sam it would be great thanks and then phone karma your going to be busy [ more ]
Former Member Eh, I mentioned a dead guy. I don't hear him in the middle of the night or anything, but I still love the sound of his voice. [ more ]
Former Member Do you want me to call you? [ more ]
See all 132 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Videostar Thanks for the heads up on that, it's been corrected. [ more ]
old hippy guy hehehe I see what you are getting at, but, as my old mum used to say, "it says Persil on buses, but they dont sell it" I am not, nor have I EVER been a hippy, I chose THAT name when I first registered at the old forum, about 5 years ago, cause I had just started a new job and as I am a 'biker' a person called me " that old hippy guy" and that made I larf that did, so I used it for my ID, hehe, ......cant do smileys cause I am doin this on my PS3, n they wont work, I should b alowd 2 do txt... [ more ]
Kris For President Not a terrible effort Video but can I suggest an appointment with spec savers, keep posting, it will eventually come together I promise you. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wonderful Kris
Kris For President Thats fine Cap, and this really does go to prove that poetry can be annihilated by just about anyone with minimal effort, keep up the good work. [ more ]
captain marbles I was about to go for a piss when I saw a thread about Kris I was going to give it a miss but it turned out to be hilairyiss. Sorry about the last line, short attention span [ more ]
Kris For President Why thank you Pretty Cocoa Eyes, and to think, its all due to Wonderful Kris, a hit for a miss, ive gone all poetical. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do Big Brother want Sophie to go this week?
Cold Sweat Would it not make better viewing to watch the group dynamic evolve naturally? For instance, look at this press release from earlier today: Despite her obvious limitations, Sophie is very much a popular member of the group, overall. I just feel that voting her off to even up 'The Teams' is a poor decision, at this stage of the series. [ more ]
Cold Sweat There will be plenty of deals for Sophie when she is evicted - but i doubt that any of them will involve Kris. Comments made by people who actually work on magazines and have appeared on BBLB have said as much. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Sophie is very boring and has nothing to offer....Let her come out and join her boo in scouting for mag deals [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris has dumped Sophie
Crunchy Nuts I don't believe his feelings for her are genuine, where as I believe that her feelings for him are. I think he basically wants to shag the girl and that's it. However if what that article says is true and he has dumped her a day after leaving, then the guy is even more of a tit head than I thought. [ more ]
Reality Junkie I agree with that which just shows what a "w*****r"we all know he is. Even if you take it all as Tabloid driffle I can still see him saying pretty much that. So proves we were right to boot him out. I hope he sinks without trace to the pit he came from. [ more ]
mary_bee But guys, the moment Kris met Sophie he turned into the perfect gentleman, according to Karly, so this could only be a fabrication. He really likes her y'know [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
THAT ROD ONE am i missing something
ali I am convinced he was once a woman, only a gut instinct but i am convinced all the same [ more ]
Latecomer I`ve read on here that he`s an actor, so maybe he finds it easy to act tearful and hysterical when the need arises? [ more ]
Blackpudlian Do you remember how "hysterical" he was when he thought he could be being seen in a bad light when he was arguing with Charley? He blamed Charley rather than accepting it was his own behaviour that was lacking. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm puzzled
ali link to channel 4 article about birthday celebrations which states eviction will go ahead as normal on friday [ more ]
ali not sure if thay was ever confirmed or just rumoured in the press. all will be clear when noms are confirmed and b4 voting lines open, i'm sure [ more ]
squiggle Cor its a bit hard to keep up this year [ more ]
See all 4 replies...

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