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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Summer_Breeze Like a dog with a boner, yes. I think I know what you mean... I haven't got a clue how much time he does spend with her, but judging by that time when he kept going on and on at her about her "party piece" I can actually imagine him asking over and over to do the painting on her back and I can imagine her agreeing simply because she might think if she allows it , it might just get "it" out of his system and just to shut him up. But also, I caught her asking "why a lioness?" (on her back) and... [ more ]
Soozy Woo What is an intimate relationship? did they kiss, share a bed, fondle/cuddle - have full sex what? I keep seeing it quoted but no one seems to know quite what happened. It's a bit like Chinese Whispers you have a link? [ more ]
storm Yep it was hilarious She was a pretty horrid old woman. Seemed to think that just because she was older that she could behave like shit towards anyone and 'deserved' respect just because she was over 60. Wrong love. You EARN respect, you don't just get it because you have been on this planet 25 years longer than me! She claimed to be partially blind and yet went to bingo [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Here are the nomination reasons
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Shame he only came to realise that when his friend was booted out (the one he was boiling his eye out over in the DR ), Roddy is not silly is he? [ more ]
Marguerita Nor do I [ more ]
Cosmopolitan At the Bus Stop Lisa, Karly and Dogface are talking about Halfwit. They all agree that he has changed this week for the better as he is more relaxed and being himself . That's for the public to hear. They don't really mean it. They're just scrabbling about to save themselves from eviction. Halfwit nominates Lisa based on the fact he thinks that she is ’scheming’ and ‘creating paranoia and fear’ in the house which is preventing people having fun. He then nominates Karly as he sees her as a... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LaToya. Jacko Was Murdered.
Former Member According to those close to him in the music industry , his drug addiction was well known and many knew it would end this way. [ more ]
Guest He is dead, the family should concentrate on helping his kids through this and not stir up shitloads of rumours Not dignified, not dignified at all. [ more ]
Guest He is dead, the family should concentrate on helping his kids through this and not stir up shitloads of rumours Not dignified, not dignified at all. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MARCUS - the dorcus
littleleicesterfox I thought exactly the same thing!! [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Marcus is a pillock but he's an amusing pillock with the occasional moment of insight and watchability... [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Having just re-watched the entire Series 1 of 'Big Bang Theory' this afternoon (isn't that what summers are for? ), I realised who Marcus reminds me of; sleazy, deluded and chonically desperate, comic-book obsessed Howard from BBT. 'Imagine the mullet and whiskers on Howie...separated at birth. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SPOILER Who do you want to go poll
ali sounds creepy, like a hand that rocks the cradle moment, very sinister [ more ]
Cold Sweat Sophie looked relaxed on BBLB and even expressed a sense of humour/irony, swearing as her name was called out. However, another clip that they showed of her on BBLB was sinister - Sophie in the bath having her hair washed by Lisa - who referred to her as mummy's little girl! [ more ]
ali just hope noirin doesn't do a noirin again this week or she'll ruin our plans [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Underwhelmed by ex hms going in
Videostar That was when they were in the little games room to look like the BB3 rich/poor divide room. Against Brian and Sara. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts What annoys me is all this '10th birthday' rubbish when clearly the birthday will only be 9 years to the day that BB started. [ more ]
Dora Shit isnt it Im gonna complain by email Once again the producers of this show couldnt produce thier way out of a paper bag ! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can you believe THIS??
Girlrider29 Blimey! I don't know what to say to that! How men can behave that way towards women is beyond me, especially in front of your son! I despair, I really do! [ more ]
Lazybug Oi my hubby drives a white van!!! He's one of the most conscientious white van driver I know. I'm the one with road rage and he's so calm and polite in his van and car bless him. Girlrider - what a git that bloke is! Glad you reported it for all its done but well done for letting the police know. It'll be on record and maybe the next time he behaves in that way and reported he might get more than a smack on the wrists. I had an altercation today with a builders truck full of builders who... [ more ]
lightfoot Was it a white van? If so gives a whole new meaning to a stupid 'White Van Man' [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anybody here never had flu in their lifetime?
Mozart never had flu or any other illness, unless hangovers count that is. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I currently have swine flu and this is the first day since Saturday where I have been able to hold a normal conversation or even lift my head off the pillows.. I am prone to respriatory infections and get a lot of colds, but this is the worst one I ahve had since I had the flu in 1999/2000. I can't even stand the smell of food and have coughed and sneezed for the whole country even with Tamiflu!! When people say they have got the flu when it's a cold it makes me laugh, you KNOW when you have... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Did you read the question carefully? [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
As it stands
captain marbles I wonder if Karly will join her over a skinny dog end to complain about how everyone is wrong except her. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lisa will be sent packing back to the Bullring at some point . [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I'd like to say I'm not a malicious person and that I hate to see people go into meltdown, but for Lisa, I'll make an exception!!! ...what's good for the goose...... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Current eviction odds
Liverpoollass Agree [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Siavash has shortened dramatically with a few bookies. However he started from a long way out, so I think it's largely irrelevant. Even at this stage, it really looks like a two-horse race between Karly and Noirin. Karly's still very much favourite to go, but I think a lot will depend on how BB edits Noirin's "relationship" with Marcus this week... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Early days, yet I know. Karly (2/11), Noirin (13/2), Sophie (40) [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin slammed in two-hour rant
captain marbles I've got to admit that when she entered the house I had no idea that she'd be the most controversial HM of the series. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I know I keep saying it, but she blotted her copy book with me when she nominated Freddy, after he unselfishly gave up a birthday treat for himself so that she could be rid of her glasses and tash. Showed me what sort of person she really is. Nothing she could do now, would ever redeem herself in my eyes. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I watched it and saw it as inevitable. after Wednesday night it was obvious that the three of them were gonna discuss it at some point. Noirin took them by surprise (as she did me) ......I like her but her behaviour that night was out of order and OTT. Surely nobody thinks they were never gonna talk about it? i dont think they tore her to shreds ..................I think they were simply going over things and re adjusting their thoughts/attitudes to Noirin. She is far from an angel but I... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
oh bb chummies!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDWARDIAN LIL oh me bottom - i can hardly get up [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL ah memories memories - best be off chummies cheerie bye bye [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL i was typing the word count and it missed out the O and I sent it! never has there been such a tradgedy (lil does STEPS hands to head action)since i called an italian gentleman MR.TOMATO instead of TOMASSINO when i used the thesarus 'thingy' didn't proof read and sent : Please note the KANGAROO............ or the time i was meant to send an important attachment re: file and send a photo of george formby instead [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is she allowing him to do that?
Liverpoollass I thought she was wrong to do that and I said so at the time [ more ]
Saint LEE stop being personal - ok I am chatting about a gameshow - we are all being outrageous at times. Its in jest - like i sed before But please stop seeking out my posts to offer personal attacks [ more ]
Liverpoollass Yep she is and the others can see it too. They must see a hell of alot more than us. [ more ]
See all 178 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nasty Nick not going into the house today
littleleicesterfox Sacrilege!!! Dan was BB5. He was fab. Nah, that list needs Jon Tickle, Derek Laud and Eugene Sully added to it and THEN it's the best ever HMs! [ more ]
cup I know sign of the times You would have been hung drawn and quarted if you had a mentioned you wanted a deal make money or had a game plan [ more ]
Mazzystar And compared to some of the things that have gone on since,it was pretty tame! [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin to stay
darloboy (Play The Game!) Nothing wrong with a bit of flirting, but it's the way she says she's not going to do it then leads them on that is a bit strange. Sara from last year was fab . She's realised who her friends are now in there . [ more ]
Saint Hello there veryone by the way, lol LOVING BB10 [ more ]
wandawitch Hi Darlo you are right, there are a few in there a lot worse. So she flirts? big deal. [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should i go for it?
Puss ummmmm me too [ more ]
cup yes veggie apparently three days wait before texting dont want to seem all keen that is what the so called experts say kelly sure you have nothing to lose give your number to groom to be passed on ,and if he calls he calls and if he dont he dont no loss [ more ]
Former Member What does that mean pussycat? I am very inercent y'know [ more ]
See all 153 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
AAARRGGH STILL SO DELUSIONAL - get the bugger out ...let him see his 'highlights'
Fifi29 yup - have heard that too. One of my colleagues has a sister who is a manger in a different Dunnes and apparently her bosses are none too happy about the way she's portraying herself on the show - after all, how can she expect to get staff to do what she asks as a manager after going on about how she can hang clothes hangers from her nipples?? Yeah, very respect commanding that! [ more ]
Reality Junkie Dunnes store, where apparently shes very unpopular with the staff [ more ]
Reality Junkie Dont agree and I suspect that a lot of Noirin supporters are men who are being fooled by the likes of Noirin. Girls like her have been causing trouble since Helen of Troy. Yes Marcus is an idiot in many ways, as any guy like Sree is, who is gullible enough to get sucked in. Marcus is a user too, in that hes taking advantage of Noirins permmisive behaviour. Ive met girls like Noirin, who it seems is a Virgo and can come across as very sexy but put on the breaks too. They have men falling all... [ more ]
See all 123 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Iam a bit disappointed
cup I have been holding out hope for this but does not look likely now One hour show has to include 4 ad breaks what went on previous day the housemate going in bloody minutes it is measured in they should reward loyal viewers who without us the show would have been nothing kept bloody davina in a job for 10 years boasted their chaneel and ratings,the amount of revenue from calls makes my blood boil they could let us have it for one week [ more ]
cologne 1 Re: Iam a bit disappointed [ more ]
Garage Joe Damp squid is fine. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you ever been let down by a pub meal?
Garage Joe Something about walkers and pubs QOTHT. I sometimes walk on the other side of the M62 from you, Sylvia Plath land and northwards. There are some great eating establishments in them there hills. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas We had a dreadful meal in a very well regarded pub/restaurant in a north Leeds village recently. The staff were rude, the place was filthy, and the food was awful and really expensive. I had steak in a white wine and mushroom sauce which turned out to be two massive bits of grey fatty gristle that I would have thought twice about giving to the dogs, covered in half a pint of cream. When we complained the waitress said oh, well, other people like it. I looked around at the empty tables with... [ more ]
Poolshark I was in there Saturday night, normally in the room on the right as you walk in, coz me and my mate know the barmaid, I never used to like that pub, but I think it's great now. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New found respect for Rodrigo
cologne 1 He has realised which side of the bread is buttered this week. [ more ]
cup that is a surprise like the rest he tried in vain to get freddie out couldnt care less freddie had to face vote,but i could never work out why he actively seeks freddie out for chats etc,he was following the crowd Now he has his eyes and ears open and knew the form this week he will skip on to final rod [ more ]
WILDER X Well done rodrigo. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How will Lisa reorganise her team after Karly goes?
squiggle Yeah she was speculating such in the H/L's. You could see it tickertaping across her face, hmmm new HM's, fresh recruits. Hope Marcus and Freddie can put a spoke in that particular wheel. [ more ]
brisket I don`t think she will be able to depend on Charlie. I don`t think Charlie has the strength of conviction; he sways with the prevailing wind. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I very much doubt that they will have been in hiding for 6 weeks, or that the BB budget stretches to having x amount of housemates tucked away on the off chance that they might be needed. How long was Nicole Cammack in hiding? [ more ]
See all 22 replies...

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