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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
After tonight's HL,"Veruucca Salt" needs to be taught a lesson...
Bovrilking Karly wont be able to walk as she will keep tripping up on those strings that Lisa was holding for her [ more ]
Demantoid By the skin of her teeth, because Siavash wanted to pay Noirin back for the argument. Otherwise, I think he'd have nominated her and she'd have been up. [ more ]
LGS I agree, and really don't know how she isn't up this week [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what was all that about ok magazine lol
littleleicesterfox I've seen Sophie on YouTube, but she appeared to be unhappy with her outfit because she was in the process of removing it at the time... [ more ]
mummymaz too true [ more ]
Roxi I laughed at this them saying they cant wear the same thing twice if they get papped and put in Ok Magazine. They really think they will be that famous when they get out but they wont. They are deluded [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin's ego
Liverpoollass I would rather get Karly out this week, Lisa next week and then Sophie. [ more ]
inkas pal Noirin cries in the DR tonight and questions herself. I thought it was sincere and genuine. I then come to this thread and I notice not much else besides cold hearts and self centred obssessives. Sleep good. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I assume we are talking about his delusional twattery. I wasn't claiming that he never jokes, but I have only laughed at him, so far! [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
{Spoiler} Nominations revealed.
Hotpants Helen They will be worried they will be picked off next. [ more ]
Mathematics If Karly goes, there is no way that Lisa is going to be able to keep her hold on Sophie and Charlie. Sophie and Charlie are floaters by nature and will gravitate towards the others. [ more ]
kimota karly to go, I want Lisa's team reduced to impotent rage. The only one I would not mind seeing in the final is Charlie, who I think is the most likely to survive the nomination process. Of course the new hms could radically alter things in there. I would imagine BB will want to keep the groups as balanced as possible for as long as possible and will probably pick the new hms partly on who they like in there! [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halfwits Politics
Liverpoollass Re: Halfwits Politics [ more ]
DanceSettee Having met quite a few Halfwits in my time, I would imagine his politics are based on supporting the system that keeps mummy and daddy rich so that when his vegetable rights and peace based commune folds, he can run home to sob about how the proles really don't understand what's really good for them, whilst Daisy the maid makes him a comforting pot of Lapsang Souchong Tory anarchism in a nutshell [ more ]
Liverpoollass He can cos he is our Freddy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will the 4 newcomers have watched the show?
Cold Sweat I would rather they had faith in the original cast rather than bringing new housemates in at this point - even if it meant having a couple of weeks without Friday evictions. For instance, given that this is the anniversary week, with a little imagination i'm sure an alternative to an eviction - or new housemates could have been organised. The Friday Live show could have even been centred around the conclusion of the Shoppoing task with one final iconic centre piece. Followed by Davina... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair BB8 was a bit of a strange one though, with its all-girl start. IMO, It didn't really feel as if Brian, Liam, Jonathan and Billi had been "parachuted-in" as latecomers - certainly not to the same extent as the Halfway HMs later on... [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss They'll just be 4 new lapdogs for Halfwit. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why has Charlie not been nominated?
brisket I am amazed he stays reasonably popular - both in the house and with the bookmakers. He irritates me intensely. He appears not to have serious convictions. I think he would sway whichever way the wind was blowing. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Charlie is so annoying, I found him so sneaky at the start and still think he is although he is not as malicious as Lisa or Karly, I wonder if he will change tactics when the penny finally drops. He avoids peoples radars because although he is influenced they think he is going to win so a vote for him is deemed as a waste of time. [ more ]
paace Was he the only one BB decided not to show nominating? His acting in the DR must have been so cringeworthy BB decided to spare us. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Karly so bad?
jessejay I quite like karly and think the main reason she spends so much time with Lisa is because Lisa has the tobacco and they are both smokers [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss No. Not as bad as she's made out to be on here. She bitches yes but so do they all. [ more ]
stonks The double standards come from Lisa/Karly negative talk= bitching..when have you ever heard them talk possetive about anyone? Freddie and Marcus diccuss their negative and possetive point but the pos ones are normally how coniving Lisa is and how Karly gets sucked in..... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone use the subtitles on the highlights show? It was odd tonight.
*BB* You wouldn't be able to follow the highlights show using the subtitles if you can hear clearly because C4 are so often crap with the timing of the subtitles on many of their shows. I can understand this if it's a live show such as the evening news for instance, but not with the edited BB highlights. The subtitles are always least 30 seconds and longer behind the actual speech. This is very annoying as I can hear the clearer speaking HMs such as Freddie and Marcus for instance, but not the... [ more ]
Yellow Rose I don't use subtitles but this year should do so as many times I've not understood what some HM's are saying, I ask hubby if he understood and he didn't get it either [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss Kris IS Terry Christian ?? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thanks Jacko!
Yellow Rose Absolutely. Some of his songs, like this one and Earth Song had a social and humanitarian message. In the song They Don't Care About Us is the line "Don't you black or white me" In the song Black or White is the line "It don't matter if you're black or white" Some people focus on the colour of his skin as it became white, for me it doesn't matter whether anyone's black, white or any other colour, it's the person, personality and if they're nice people that counts for me. [ more ]
Mister Tea Good lyrics too. Pop music doesn't need to have much in the way of a message but I like it when it does. [ more ]
Yellow Rose it's one of my many faves that makes me want to get up and dance [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa could start an arguement in an empty room.....
Former Member She'd fit right in on this forum then wouldn't she With the lack of LF for all we know she is here already typing away [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Its gonna be interesting to see if any of them do side with her (and the reasons why). If no one does, I reckon you`re right about her walking. [ more ]
fz They are not going to be drawn to the bitter old crone siting outside alone.....I hope. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo spot on about Karly & Lisa...
Soozy Woo Nothing to do with Kris going ......he has realised that it is Lisa causing the divide ....he just wants them all to be one group. He irritates the life out of me with his crying and whingeing but I dont see him as calculating TBH. [ more ]
paace The two groups would get together if nasty Lisa went. She is the reason for the divide. [ more ]
Bethxx 100% agree, I was going to post a similar thread. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Once again Karly denies Saivash's accusations
Marguerita My problem is with Siavash he told Noireen that Karly and co called her a rabbit but when confronted he denied he said it he even swore on his mums life,he is the rabbit going from group to group planting little seeds stirring it and then will say dont say anything ,Noireen did say something and in a way I dont blame her as Siavash was playing with her head ,have you noticed everytime he says anything he will say he is right not a 100% right thousand or a million % right I dont trust a word... [ more ]
ali Well that certainly came across in the HL show lol [ more ]
CaptVimes Na thats ok, it really wasnt pleasant to watch and i dont think they edited it very well. Noirin really wouldnt let it go and went on and on and on. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halfwits ego swelling ?
Kris Is Bliss Yes, Pride comes before a fall. [ more ]
Former Member He's confident alright...and last few days he's telling everyone that he's cool as feck on the outside.... there's a long way to go ...might be his downfall...people liked/felt sorry for him when he was the victim and being picked might go all up? [ more ]
Free Thinking I'm not sure he's stupid enough to think that at this stage. Maybe by the last couple of weeks (if still there) he could start thinking like that. There's still a long way to go at this point. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hmmm, Kris goes, Freddie doesn't get nominated...
cup I can just imagine when kris and her meet up he will be telling her he still hates freddie and she has not to like him either [ more ]
Reality Junkie Kris is just jealous cos he knows hes a loser and Doface is just doing fine now without him. His ego cant take it that Freddie is popular and he isnt. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Kris is a bitter loser who is just shallow and needs to grow a backbone, complete muppet with no personality and as for that doggy style hair . It's suspicious how they have stopped nominating Freddie this week for sure. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hope Karly doesn't miss her
darloboy (Play The Game!) She'll be back to trolling Heatworld forums . [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average For weeks Lisa was in control of the kitchen and would not allow anyone else to cook. Seems she's got sick of that game since they have been on basic rations, she says one thing and means another. You can't have it both ways, they spent nearly £10 out of 14, and then she wants to eat whatever everyone else is having. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Surely though - a deal is a deal ..........£9 odd out of the budget is a hefty sum. If they said they'd live on basic rations ................then - that's what they said. It's unfair for others to go hungry in order to support their habit IMO. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone from London?
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! [QUOTE]Originally posted by CaptVimes: I wonder how well insured some of those mini cabs are. Can't comment for London, but it costs an arm and a leg for insurance for Private Hire here, as you have to have public liability insurance and our local authority is very strict on this. One other idea is to try and do some research and find out some quotes from private hire firms, most should be able to quote you on such a journey over the phone and then pre book. [ more ]
Bagel Queen PMSL karma [ more ]
Karma_ I want to flip my handbags [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus: the laying on of hands
duchess Well there's saying you're not interested and theres saying you're not interested. It seems to me that she's saying all the right things to Marcus but not following it through, she knows he fancies her, she knows he's a man and a lot of men are ruled by their feelings (to put it nicely) So she's saying one thing with her words but saying another with her actions. So I wouldn't be surprised if he had indeed touched her where he was implying! Because in my opinion she is a big flirt and she is... [ more ]
The Secretary Yes. I'm always telling fellas I'm not interested before unclipping my bra and inviting them to draw on my back for hours [ more ]
Senora Reyes I don't believe him. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie comes through
Former Member You are having a laugh He's been on a serious mission...every other conversation he had was about 'rumbling' Lisa...don't blame him, but undeniable surely? [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Marcus, Freddie, and Noirin voted the same. Rodrigo did as well, but that was completely unrelated. Compare that with Lisa, Charlie, Sophie, Karly having targeted Freddie for 5 weeks, all simultaneously switching from Freddie to Noirin. [ more ]
Former Member Freddie's follower's block vote isn't doing half bad now either! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
get off the feckin bench!
CaptVimes She thinks she has him in her pocket but she dropped the ball with him when he was upset over the furniture. Ironically its made him more friends with Siavash and Marcus because they realised he was upset over something else. [ more ]
Reality Junkie That was with Marcus. Why do older Hmts always come over in a bad light. Asked this before when whatsher name in BB8 I think ruled everyone and made us miserable. Bet Karly will wish she didnt smoke, as if she didnt may have had a better BB experience. [ more ]
jacksonb hope on of the new hm's, throws money at her... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
how stupid is this
cup you made sure she got there in the end she is happy to be going and you would do nothing only pay for her to go with her mates from school now her dad he might eventually take her and she will probably want to go with him again so bite your tongue hard i know then give it to him [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Aimee, your ex is a total twonk. At least your daughter has one parent who knows what they're doing. [ more ]
Aimee blood is thicker than water and all that [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lisa's word of wisdom tonight
ali she really is a vile creature, reminds me sooo much of a girl i used to work with, not a pleasanttime in my life, but now i see how sad, pathetic and insecure she really was. And its all thanks to lisa [ more ]
cup and told rod she is happiest sitting were she is not joining in any games and talking to others what a sad bint [ more ]
brisket She also said she didn`t want to be part of a larger (and happier?) group. She was happy being divided. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will there be an arguement over the food
justafriend Lisa will cause arguments for the rest of the week and try to blame noirin as she needs to save karly and dogface if she can. food is short so its a easy way to cause a ruck int it. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Lisa just thinks she can do anything she wants, and no one is to question her or challenge her, and whoever does challenge her immediately becomes her enemy...Little Despot! [ more ]
jessejay good point gma, I'm a veggie also, this group of HM's don't seem to have a clue when it comes to cooking etc [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i went to see my neighbours baby
Aimee me too [ more ]
Soozy Woo Not at all ..........just not a soppy old tart like me. I honestly and truly could eat my little boys .........I'm one very obsessive grandma ............I never, ever thought I'd be like that TBH ..........but I am [ more ]
Bethxx Yeah, she was delited to find yous again. Thanks a mill.. I was torn between Olivia and Imogen but Olivia came up trumps ... Is Bethni your real name? Mine is Bethany, I like it spelt your way tho! [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, WHY?????
jacksonb because if they don't put him up, they won't be against him, if they are up. [ more ]
storm Thanks all, bye bye.. see ya all soon [ more ]
brisket I saw the witch (lisa) and her 2 trainees (Sophie and Karly) sat on either side of her. Lisa made quite sure that all three of them felt the same about Freddie. She actually repeated it to make sure they understood. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love it when a plan comes together:SPOILER!
CaptVimes "I cant see anyone begrudging that" Well I can if you agreed not to have food for fags. [ more ]
kattymieoww Karly gets my vote. [ more ]
Pwillow Hiya Senora hun So true,i firmly believe in the old saying 'you reap what you sow' and Lisa and co are reaping all the spoils of their earlier actions! I'm loving the fact that Lisa's hold over the house is weakening day by day [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I recon the swear list that BB read out...
Former Member I'm not watching it this year DAB but it did used to make me laugh when BB would read out their conversations in such a deadpan voice The C4 list of forbidden words was utterly surreal I think that Jade was a trigger word in the end [ more ]
charlisock Re: I recon the swear list that BB read out... [ more ]
Lazybug I'd have loved to have heard the whole list! Hearing BB swear is like hearing your mum swear hehe I love hearing them quote what a HM says swear words and all... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will we see them nominating tonight?
Reality Junkie I think it rubbish if we dont. We dont even get DR Uncut. Used to be some of the iconic moments of BB. Look at Nikki and Victor - Priceless in the DR. [ more ]
Bethni They probably wont have time if we're going to see the bit of row that happened. [ more ]
captain marbles I dont think so. At least not all of them. It seems that we only get a sampler these days and it always seems to be the same ones. I got fed up very quickly with Karly saying the same things week after week about Freddie. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa/Karly/Charlie/Sophie all change their minds
Soozy Woo Exactly ........that wasn't the terminology used and not quite the way it came across .........anyway what has that got to do with this thread? The HM's don't have a vote do they. Cold Sweat thinks you're in love with DogFace ........your endless threads trying to pick up on anything good (can't see it myself) are highly amusing. [ more ]
Shar That's been done to death at this stage ... and she didn't actually say that ... [ more ]
Former Member Re: Lisa/Karly/Charlie/Sophie all change their minds [ more ]
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