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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa`s aim...
guku Dammit, I have been thinking the exact same thing and was going to start a thread about it! I personally think Lisa must have forgotten about her initial intentions and has allowed herself to sink into a rut of misery and bitterness. If I was the ex I'd run a mile when she comes out. [ more ]
Moomin Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average She's not only left her, but probably left the country by now if she's got any sense [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This Must be The Worst BB For Housemates Going To Bed Early
cologne 1 Yes I do, but I also remember what time it was and it wasn't 11pm. [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss You don't remember Halfwit having a hissy fit about not being able to sleep ? [ more ]
brisket I absolutely agree. It is just so simple isn`t it - bedroom for sleeping, and living area for talking? In the bedroom they sometimes behave like children on their first sleep-over. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
House dynamics. Why I think it would be best if Karly goes.
brisket Lisa and Karly moaning about the divide but as soon as Rodrigo said he wished for more `togetherness` Lisa panicked and said she was quite happy where she was. [ more ]
langster Yeah, he just wouldn't listen to anything Freddie was saying about it. To him, it was ILLEGAL so therefore there was no argument. I wish Freddie had brought up the facts about homosexuallity (and gay rights that are still nearly non existent in many countries) I thought that would have been the best comparison to show him about grey areas and the stupidity of some laws. Or he could have mentioned Holland, but he kind of got stumped at the rigidness of Rodders beliefs. Freddie was just saying... [ more ]
Teddy Bleads Must have missed that.. why, was he dead against it? He is very cut and dry for a bisexy. You'd think he'd be more laissez faire. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT/ False economy or household/food items you refuse to pay less for...
GMA Look at the fat content for the food as in Wetabix, then account for the milk separately (that's what the nurse taught me to look for and the Xenical people used to phone me at home!) however, label reading for fat content was the best tip I've been given - of course account it along with your 1500-2000 or whatever calorie count you require per day. Hope you get me. Use skimmed milk btw. [ more ]
Kaffs Sorry I had to pop out. Lid is the technical term for the prepuce.[/QUOTE] Well, you learn something every day. Now I have an image in my head that I really don't want... [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich Never gonna look at setting forth to 'score' a 'lid' the same way, maaan [ more ]
See all 109 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa; Are they all just terrified of her?
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lisa is very intimidating, she's just mean, nasty and bitter. What is so special about her that she has most of the house doing what she wants, all her gang to is suck up to her but she won't be smiling when we vote them all out one by one then herself. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Send Aisleyne in ......I loved the way she took on Lea. [ more ]
Baz Let's face it... she looks a bit terrifying in some of those get ups . But, I actually think she and Karly as as nasty as each other, so well suited, and with Karly out on Friday (fingers and toes crossed), I am hoping that one of the new HM's comes in and wipes the floor with her [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie on a diet
Blizz'ard The boobies are blocking her view. [ more ]
langster I think "on a diet" is one of the most supid sayings in the Engish language. Everyone is on a bloody diet. It's either a healthy balanced diet, or a shite diet or somewhere in between. People should just say I am eating less, or eating more healthily and trying to lose weight LOL!. [ more ]
Hicky I think, as do a few others here that Sophie, doesn't really want to go on a Diet, but as bossy Lisa wants the food but has spent her money on Ciggie then she wants food from the others, and as she's already ate Kris's food I think she wants Sophie's as well. So by telling Sophie she wants to diet then Lisa could eat hers. Best thing is to get Lisa out and she can buy her own food. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nick explains reasons for BB pull out
Soozy Woo That's very, very naughty (but I found it funny). I feel rather guilty for saying so. [ more ]
kattymieoww Federico is doing the Gymkhana task with Noirin.According to a thread on DS,he's told her about Michael Jackson dying. [ more ]
pigeonpie I know he could'nt win, and it was for a task, but just feel he should'nt have been offered the privilige of going back in anyway. I was hoping there'd be a few bb winners or runner's up going in, suppose they know the show is on it's last legs now. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB is disturbing to watch!
Garage Joe I think that after further careful analysis you will discover that BB is merely pining for the Fyords OHG. [ more ]
old hippy guy AND I am in a LOUSY mood cause I think I have broken my toe.... dropped a bloody paving slap on it yesterday, THAT will teach me to become all domesticated and work in the garden, [ more ]
~Lee~ TBH I don't find BB as disturbing as I do this place...Some of the comments are so bad I find it difficult to understand. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed on at 1:10am what a joke
hyperstar E4 is making me [ more ]
Marguerita Like most of us I stayed up to watch LF went to bed it is a joke [ more ]
Cold Sweat Could somebody tell me where Dogface slept last night, please? Geez – I feel like I sound like her mum trying to keep an eye on her! I’m just curious whether she slept in her original bed over by Rodrigo and Noirin as, despite what went down on the HL show last night – this is where she actually slept on Sunday night. Last night was such a pathetic LF that the specifics that usually appear on here, and on the WHATM thread on Dspy do not give much in depth analysis. Perhaps somebody noticed? [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
YAY! Box task + Housemates from BB4, BB5 and BB6
old hippy guy what a load of old wank, are these ex hm dickheads aware there is no live feed? they are going through all this trouble for WHAT? they are apparently "in there" all day, and WE or rather YOU get to see oh...what? about 15, 20 mins of actual "air time" as I said WHAT a load of old wank, for the first time since this BB began I am actualy GLAD there is no live feed, [ more ]
Bovrilking Egg and Spoon race in the carpark Was that it, they didnt even go in the house then, what was the point of it [ more ]
littleleicesterfox True, but it wouldn't be quite the same is the point I was making (probably not very well! ) [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else feeling a twinge of sympathy for Noirin?
GorgeousMimi Yeh I did feel sorry for her, but that's me I don't like to see anyone cry or be upset regardless of if they are the wrong or not. Im not saying she hasn't brought it on all by herself but still, it must be awful for her in there at the minute. [ more ]
GMA As a mother I do, but as a viewer of someone who brought this on herself, I don't - if you get me. [ more ]
Saint HUBRIS : overbearing pride or presumption [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa's true colours shining through?
Demantoid I've never bought the non-confrontational act. Particularly since she used her quiet time to carry on bitching, stirring and influencing noms. [ more ]
Former Member I've always viewed Lisa as nasty to the core. I believe her house hangers on are only there because they feel intimidated by her overbearing personality and would rather be on her good side than her bad side. Classic bully. I bet she was a nightmare in her schooldays. Well, except Karly - she's different from the others because when Lisa's in full rant, the look of pure pleasure on her face says a lot about her... she practically salivates at the prospect of a confrontation. I hope this... [ more ]
GMA I know! she really got my back up strutting like that! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Axis of Evil in the House (lol) are ....
Bovrilking I think the scripts are published to the HM's only [ more ]
Lord Lucan PS Why on earth did Siovash swear and put himself up for eviction? [ more ]
Lord Lucan Marcus was mean minded to Noirin when she was tense and upset lying by the pool and only thought of himself when he wanted a cuddle from her. When he said "I like you Noirin" she looked totally pissed off with him. He is mean and is playing her. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie rushing back to the bench...
Liverpoollass Re: Sophie rushing back to the bench... [ more ]
Kaffs God, anyone who enjoys the company of those two witches has a serious problem. [ more ]
figtree Sophie is a little bit like piggy in the middle.She liked by most in the house and I am sure she would prefer it if there was not such a divide. She did appear to be nervous about the food situation and decided ,possibly, to do without her share of the food to placate all concerned.Mainly though so Lisa could have her share of the food!I don't think she had a choice when Lisa asked her what was going on...likely that she would not like to incur the wrath of the revengeful one! [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie flying under the radar lately?
pigeonpie I reckon this will change come friday's eviction, when Karly goes. Lisa is gonna need her Charlie and she will probably drag him down with her, unless he grows a spine. [ more ]
electric shepherd he's been very conspicuous in his absence [ more ]
Hotpants Helen I think it is because he generally does not do anything interesting. He listens into conversations at the bus stop and washes up a bit. That's about it really. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie v Craig
Mozart thanks longcat didnt see bblb. so what is the point in old HMs going in to challenge these HMs, if they are not going to challenge them, i read that Dean built the highest sugar tower only to knock it down just before the klaxon sounded. [ more ]
longcat He lost BBLB told us yesterday. Craig even went slow so he would win. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
After tonight's HL,"Veruucca Salt" needs to be taught a lesson...
Bovrilking Karly wont be able to walk as she will keep tripping up on those strings that Lisa was holding for her [ more ]
Demantoid By the skin of her teeth, because Siavash wanted to pay Noirin back for the argument. Otherwise, I think he'd have nominated her and she'd have been up. [ more ]
LGS I agree, and really don't know how she isn't up this week [ more ]
See all 21 replies...

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