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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus - A Jealous Guy
Free Thinking New HMs are always seen as suspicious and here I think it's obvious Tom was put in to stir things up (probably on Endemol instructions), and I'm sure Marcus realises that. Not sure if Noirin was under instructions to make a play for him or not but her actions I think just cut too personal, which I don't like. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Karly/Kenneth Sweepstake
Puss You are so right Ment, did you see on the HL's that she was hanging on to him wanting to talk, and he told her, 'come on and talk to the other's, it's rude'. I think from the way he spoke he's a real control freak. She genuinely wanted to spend some time alone with him and he wasn't having it. ummmm me thinks that Snarly does not wear the uggs in this realtionship. [ more ]
Kaytee I'm a cynic...she loves his money [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Sorry folks I should add that I'm pretty cynical about the whole thing because Kenneth strikes me as a bit dull, not especially good looking and not at all Karly's 'type' which I would think is more like Kris. If it turns out that it's a deep and meaningful relationship based on their shared interests and compatible personalities then I'll cheerfully stand corrected but this poll is, naturally, a silly joke from me. I don't think I've quite managed to pull it off and quite get the message... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why does david
kattymieoww David.. [ more ]
tupps *checks calendar* I reckon if I cut out the incident with the chupa chup.. maybe abridge the time I did the pole dance in Vegas.. and blame the corn field fire on my mate.. I might be finished by 10 February.. 2012.. [ more ]
tupps *bites tongue* no.. no.. I can't.. bad tupps, naughty tupps.. *backs out of thread* [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin's reaction to the eviction
Jenny You can read whatever you want in to it. I saw it as she was commenting on new housemates going in as one was going to leave. Then when she said "That's cruel" I felt sure she was referring to them putting Kenneth in and then kicking Karly out. I don't like Noirin, btw, so it isn't that I'm saying that because she's my favourite or anything. [ more ]
Carlos the Hackle Not much of a free thinker, eh? How would youfeel if you'd just been reunited with someone you loved after 7 weeks apeart - and then were dragged away from them after 10 mnutes Wouldn't you think it was cruel on the part of the people who did it? You obviously dislike other Noirn for other reasons, and are determined to portray ANYTHING she does in a bad light. It's the only explanation for your warped view of events at the eviction. [ more ]
Free Thinking Your Noirin love will be ending soon enough when she is evicted because most of the public sees what she is about. It was not cruel to have her boyfriend in before she left, it actually helped prepare her to leave as he virtually told her she was going to leave. Him going in is not crueler than her going in a few weeks ago. Actually it was quite nice for Endemol to let them see each other for a bit, it was like one of those birthday prizes that was given to the HMs. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've had it with Noirin
Flossie What is it like to have an opinion that is completely and obviously contradicted by the facts? [ more ]
Free Thinking That's just part of the usual game against new HMs, there are normally suspicions of new HMs from at least BB4 onwards. No doubt Tom was put in to upset things and I think Marcus understood this. But Noirin has been playing another game. It seems she was making a play for someone else and as it didn't work she went back to the safe ally in Marcus again. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Yep with you on all that about Noirin because she's playing it both ways with Marcus, behaving one way but saying another, to him and the others. Marcus is another control freak in the house which BB have had before, can't stand control freaks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Daily Star Sunday
Heartache Of course he was'nt but there was no one else left in the house for her to sell her story on. She's come out realised Marcus divides opinion, and has gone with that. [ more ]
feebs Im not surprised at her, I had a feeling thats what her story would be. She always gave one of her reasons for nominating him was his cursing, pot and kettle springs to mind. [ more ]
china i know little things like that really make me laugh i think it was liverpoollass who wrote 'no boner' instead of 'no brainer' and to make it worse it was on a thread about perverts [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Marcus for real?.
old hippy guy s true PCE I dont go around LOOKING for a row, ya should know that by now, but Roxi calls Marcus a pervert, and DEMANDS that we all respect MJ, do you not see why this might make myself and other fms angry? I do, as it happens, have some respect for MJ and his contribution to music (even though I was never a fan) but I wont stand by and let a man be acussed of being a pervert based ONLY on someones ignorance and prejudice [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes I think he has gotten mixed signals from Noirin but I agree he is deluded.... But crazy things happen in the BB house so maybe he thinks they might be a chance in there [ more ]
old hippy guy oh dear....oh dear....oh dear...well, I am oh is 45... looks like me n Marcus could have MORE than just facial hair in common then [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus confides in David
Senora Reyes Good, the only one I have time for in the living area is Rodrigo, when they were all slating Tom, he was the only one who didn't, and said lets give him a chance, and you can't judge Tom after just two days, and Marcus and Noirin try as they might, couldn't sway him, well done Rodders! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Sophie
Cold Sweat Who has Sophie hurt? If proving the fake romance rule had been broken - Kris and Sophie could have been removed for a serious rule break... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Yeah she's a young girl having fun, but she's not exactly a good endorsement is she . [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! She reminds me of a friend of mine, blonde, dizzy and big boobs!! I think she's a bit easily led though I don't like the stirring thing she does and wish she would lose the extensions, but compared to some who have been in there, she's ok I suppose. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the moon landing..load of cack or not..
Guest Does anyone want my autograph? [ more ]
storm IMO, the ones who believe it are the gullible ones And for some reason, the ones who 'believe' it are being very rude to those that don't. Why? Zaphod, your posts making fun of people, and putting sarcastic posts with the 'Nigerian scam' is really not impressive and is certainly not going to change peoples' minds. Just because YOU believe it, doesn't mean everyone else MUST BELIEVE it, and it certainly does not mean that it definately happened. Some people do not believe it happened and do... [ more ]
china you could be next on my 'love hit list' you lucky thing [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How come some of the hosuemates know eachother from auditions.
shakes Pfft...Spoilsports. [ more ]
langster But they have auditions all over the country and then they whittle them down in each region. AFAIK they get invited back a few times and have to spend time with each other in a BB type scenario where they are all put in a room/house for a few hours and are judged on how they interact together. Then the ones who make it through are kept seperate and make it into the house. So it makes sense some know each other and some don't. That's my take on it anyway. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddies Tshirt
langster Freestyler can mean many things. As in singing/rapping freestyler means you make it up as you go along. Best example is Eminem in 8 Mile. All the "battles" were freestyling. I take his Free Styler T-shirt to mean that he is Free and unique and a styler as in he is a trend setter, not one who follows the crowd. I liked the other t-shirt he had on the other night with three seperate pictures on it. With a man and a woman (the kind you see on toilet doors for male and female and it says good. [ more ]
paace Yes, could be to do with this Free Style singing he attempts. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kenneth & Karly when they were in the house...
tupps I dunt like him... [ more ]
fz Precisely....he just wants to buy into the whole glamour girl gf mularkey....which means to me for all his dosh, he doesnt actually turn many heads in real walking about with a disproportionate pair of fake breasts will open doors for him ....he obviously has zero respect for her, not that she has any for herself...match made in heaven and I give it six months.... [ more ]
langster Re: Kenneth & Karly when they were in the house... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone watch LF last night - Marcus and Charlie
CaptVimes Charlie is a snidey peace of work IMO and only trying to save his sorry ass after choosing the wrong side. I keep catching looks from him that reveals his true self like when he was upsetting Angel accidently on purpose. [ more ]
WILDER X Never saw the convo early this morning. Don't like either of them and not falling for it just because new housemates have gone in. [ more ]
jeppa I was impressed with the way Charlie handled Marcus saying that he was intending to keep trying with Noirin, even justifying it by saying that Rex had told him to keep trying. Charlie gave him good advice, telling him to hold back and just be a friend and this was reiterated a few times. As I said earlier Charlie changed my opinion on him last night. [ more ]
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