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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Noiricus Show
Mollie He has asked her if she finds him physically attractive and she says I see you as a friend... she feels badly for him, and doesn't want to hurt him... I was nearly shouting at the tv.. tell him you don't find him physically attractive... but then again he won't hear it... he has just said now I don't expect you to do anything in here (re him and her), she replied, nothing will happen in here and nothing will happen out there either... he is growling.. omg cring worthy... its like he feels if... [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Indeed Are they not bored of the same 'ol shit? [ more ]
fabienne "Noiricus" - liking it! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus, Noirin's Bitch!
Roxi Yellow Rose exactly why doesnt she say that to Marcus like she did to Sree???. Its cos she must fancy him but shes messing him about [ more ]
duchess sorry if this has been up before but how do you know he's never settled down?? Just wondering.. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I don't think Noirin will start anything with Tom while Marcus is around. We can give her a bit of credit even though she may not deserve it. It does look sad what Marcus is putting himself through, but we can’t blame anyone else for it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa doesn't seem repulsed by Kenny's wealth and background
Roxi Kenneth may have loads of money but money doesnt buy you happiness, love, the person you are [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose I think freddie is from old inherited wealth and kenny from hard work - although if he went to boarding school as he said he must come from a privileged background - Lisa just makes me so [ more ]
Former Member Lisa judged Freddie by his accent and background and she made his life miserable in that house,yet she doesn't apply the same judgement to Kenny,why ,because he is Karly's BF that sums Lisa up. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All the Newbies have to do is.........
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! well as far as I'm concerned, all the newbies have to do is go round each of the others and TELL THEM that they have watched the series so far and that Noirin and Freddie are NOT to be trusted and should have been out weeks ago - SIMPLES!!! (not that I want the Fredster to go, but it would seem the simplest thing to do yeah?) [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing She didn't understand it, so it's not surprising that she hasn't explained it properly. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If that Ken was my bloke....
nanalou . Good point Senora! What was I thinking! [ more ]
Hyperglad Karly said Ken would stir things up, little did she know it would be stirred up for her. He is so inadequate thats why he has to keep bragging, probably has a small p***s as well Karly needs to make her tattoo say I diny Ken poor cow [ more ]
Senora Reyes OP I have a problem with this thread...Who in thier right mind would want Ken"Brains"from Thunderbirds as a Boyfriend? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A message to Karly (if she is reading)
Kaffs She's as hard as nails... and if she bags a richer bloke while she's doing the PR stuff it'll be Kenny-boy who's humiliated. Not sure she'd manage that though... I have a feeling for all his cash-flashing he's a bit of nerdy geek and thinks all his Christmases came at once when he bedded her. She's already said she's more confident in the bedroom than he is. [ more ]
Karma_ I know....the most telling part was when Lisa was talking to him about her tattoo and he said the reason he didn't get her name done was because relationships change all the time. I'd be waiting for him with a very sharp Jimmy Choo toe. Paid for by him of course! [ more ]
Former Member Lisa doesn't seem to mind his bragging ,his money,shame she could not be like that when it was Freddie. She was a tad vicious about Freddie's background/Money. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HAHA Siavash
fifilapew that really made me laugh, my belly hurts now. he really did keep going on about his cupcake the big fairy ah ha ha ha!! [ more ]
Mollie He is isn't he!! and he doesn't lie, although he may have made a mistake lol... seems to me stopping the party to find out who drank lisas beer was a bit redundant... she knew it wouldn't get resolved!! [ more ]
brisket I cannot understand his short odds. I didn`t like him to start with and his behaviour since has caused me to like him a lot less. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone else feel sorry for Marcus?
Free Thinking 'allows herself' ? lol. She LOVES it. [ more ]
old hippy guy bloody hell!!! ya dont want to hear some of the things I say to MY OH then when 2 people are close friends they often say sometimes shocking things to each other its all meant in fun though, its a way of showing that they are comfortable in each others company, [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't think either Marcus or Sree would have sex on TV. There have been far sleazier HMs. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom to become a victim...
Former Member Nothing to do with it for me, (I'd rather he went for Sophie, )...he looks like a 'man' not a boy, he's got a v sexy voice, nice bod, nice teeth, seems reasonably intelligent, socially adept and has SOH [ more ]
fabienne You didn't realise I was saying that tongue in cheek then? [ more ]
Reality Junkie I think he handled it VERY WELL. Siavash made a right drama out of it and has gone down in my estimation. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This BB is more boring than BB4
*KG* Strongly disagree. This one was shaping up to being the best ever, and then they went and ruined it by bunging all those flipping idiots in there! Did they not learn from last year, when they threw Rex's manky GF in and ruined his chances of winning? DUH! Whoever it is that devises these crap ideas, really needs to sacked! But not before they recieve a ritual flogging! [ more ]
ilovewillyoung Nothing can be as boring as bb4 was n seeing that fed bloke reminded me how awful he was [ more ]
storm It's not brilliant this year is it? If Freddie had gone a few weeks ago; I would have stopped watching it as soon as he went. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your favourite 4 at the moment?
Jenny In no particular order (as I can't decide) Freddie Siavash ummmmmmm........... 10 minutes later Bea 10 further minutes later.... no, I can't decide if there's anyone else I like enough to put in 4th place. Maybe Hira? [ more ]
fz actually i am changing it to this....chose bea instead of marcus in a weak glad marcus is in the show, so he has to get into my top 4. [ more ]
brisket Freddie Rodrigo and I may like Bea - it`s just a bit early to say. Nobody else. (Not even in the slightest.) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea, "I don't fancy [Freddie]"
subatomic partygirl Bloody hell. I don't know, PCE. Maybe he did? Either way, he's not short of laydee attention. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I disagree with all of this. You seem to forget about all of the dirty work that Freddie was throwing at Kris and Sophie. His discussions with other housemates regarding their romance, and his DR discussions that seemed aimed at getting them into trouble with BB. Freddie says she is adorable, and none of the other housemates have a problem with her. Why should i believe you? So you get off on making nasty remarks about Sophie's physical appearance - and yet you say she isn't a nice person? [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Sophie and Charlie are just continuing Kris' dirty work for him, regarding Freddie. He has left instructions to continue where he left off. Sophie is not a nice girl, she is dim tbh. She laughs too long and too loud at Freddie, and not with him. If only she was half as clever as Freddie she would not be destined to over-exposure of her balloons in the lads magazines, and obscurity in a few years time. Freddie will have the last laugh on the chavs - Sophie, Charlie and Kris - because he is... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fed up with the "Perv" label....
Blizz'ard I'll forgive you! I'm hungry now. [ more ]
old hippy guy HAHA tell me about it, I think that we should remind ourselves from time to time, that 'fourm life' is just like REAL life, as in we meet all sorts of people, some nice some not so nice, and SOME are just downright NASTY, some are intelligent and witty, some are THICK and PIG IGNORANT, some you can engage in a reasoned debate even if you dont agree with each other all the time, OTHERS you just CANT reach and they are best ignored or LAUGHED at, [ more ]
Yellow Rose Re: Fed up with the "Perv" label.... [ more ]
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