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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest News ken would have sex with dogface if..
BBTENNER Kens off the mark there. Perhaps he feels intimidated by Sophie's oversized boobs.. She does not look overweight to me and anyway there is nothing wrong with a bit of extra on a woman. [ more ]
Amythist Ken is quite small so he likes his women smaller to make him feel more manly. Dogfaces boobs look fat and would repulse me if I was a man,I think [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Ken's almost certainly in the minority. Men are generally less concerned about how thin a woman is than women think they are. I've seen many tests on this, where men and women are shown silhouettes and asked to choose the one that represents their "ideal" female body shape. The women on average always go for a thinner figure than the men. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Peter Andre falls off stage today...
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Re: Peter Andre falls off stage today... [ more ]
longcat Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella. He is a one hit wonder who married a woman to live off her fame and now divorces her in the hopes we will feel so sorry for him that we will give him another hit. As for the "she was so mean to him on that show" they were playing a part, if that was what their life was really like he would have been out of there in the first week. [ more ]
Karma_ I totally respect the stage he tripped on [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ken re. Sophie: she's fat and dull and needs to lose weight
Lindsxdx I really genuinely hope that Karly rinses him for every penny she can get then dumps him for a sexier model just as he is getting comfy. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants jesus christ....... that kenneth needs to look at himself before slating others..he should remember the saying...'no such thing as ugly money'.... sophie is a very pretty girl....and by no stretch of the imagination is she fat.... he really is a complete knob that bloke [ more ]
Amythist Two identical threads,at almost exactly the same time I have to say I LOVE KENNETH [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jen-Star I use this and it's fab havent been brave enough to use 3rd setting yet though lol. I have actually had people comment on my lashes since i started using it [ more ]
chilligrape I always buy out of guilt, but sometimes their make up is a bit poo. I've bought some jewelry and they've been nice, and the bra's are good. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't dance I'm the boss
queenshaks Re: I don't dance I'm the boss [ more ]
queenshaks And guilty has no rhythm...not according to George Michael! [ more ]
fz Very late last night david,marcus and noirin were talking about kenny and karly...I'm sure they mentioned he was going to buy karly a ferrari....but i may have misheard.....she drives him around because he can't I know lots of people dont drive....but I think it odd that an international playboy doesnt drive....and £3000.00 for a pair of shoes ... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Missing Housemate...
squiggle Oh Lazybug that must have been so tough. This situation is so different to the one experienced by Mozart because I am sure the kids meant no harm, they just have horribly enquiring minds [ more ]
queenshaks Just last week, I was on lunchtime duty and as it was raining it wa classroom lunches. This lad in yr 4 (my son's year)...put his hand up and asked 'miss are you a muslim?' I thought where did this come you ask all your teachers/teacher assistants this! I simply replied (remember I had already spoken to assistant head the week before about the yr 3s)...'do not ask a member of staff a personal question!' He promptly shut up. My son has been badgered for the last 2 yrs about it, and... [ more ]
queenshaks Absolutely Mozart. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Frank McCourt has died :(
Lazybug Oh that is sad Angela's Ashes was one of the best books I have read - it was such an insight into Irish living back then and he had the way to make you laugh one minute and cry the next in that book. I may have to read it again now as I'm thinking about it. I loved the film too but book was better [ more ]
Former Member His brother said last week he wasn't expected to live very talented author - I think he captured the Irish perfectly [ more ]
Puss awww how lucky scotty, treasure it hun [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Bea.....
pigeonpie I still can't work out if Charlie was on a wind-up that night. Watching it on l/f feed, Roddy got Sophie to admit in the kitchen to Bea it was Charlie joking. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Me too. I hope that she doesn't let what Charlie and Sophie were saying to her, affect her friendship with Freddy. [ more ]
pigeonpie I think she's a lovely h/m, love her budding friendship with Freddie, and admired her for saying the newbies should maybe just take their chance with viewing public if, they fail the task! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What new HMs should do
stephsparkle I would do exactly what Bea (and Hira) are doing. I would do nothing too. I'd hate to spend my first (and maybe my only!) week in the BB house bitching and backstabbing. I'd rather just enjoy it and take my chances with the public vote. [ more ]
Zleet At most they should ask the HM's about Noirin and Freddie to get the house thinking about them and remind them how they may have annoyed them. Alternative would be to get the targeted HM's involved in a situation that would make the others nominate them. They shouldn't do what some (david especially) has been doing and drop stupid comments about them as it will do nothing but turn people against the newbies. [ more ]
Mozart I wouldnt do it either, "talking about Nominations is against the BB rules" and has been for 10 years, so why change it now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
marcus and noirin.
jacksonb see this kind f embellishment is exactly that, an embellishment, to support an opinion that has very little basis in fact. he didn't have his hand' up her crotch' [ more ]
Lord Lucan When Noirin was showing him her scratches at the party, he put his hand up her dress to her crotch (for want of a better word!!) and said "Have you any up there?" or words to that effect . [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Hahahahaha.. She is gonna disappear after the show thats for sure.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed - Sophie thinks Ken's been hitting on her?
Liverpoollass I reckon he is. I don't trust him at all, especially after some of the comments he has made about relationships. Snake I think [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! who is that lying next to Lisa (???) wearing a nappy [ more ]
old hippy guy IT SUCKS BIG TIME, I am tellin ya something is wrong here, we need answers, people who spent their money should DEMAND answers, WHY is this guy on there? HOW CAN he have already got a deal with MTV?...he MUST have know ages ago that he is going in, he has been in the states untill recently is what he said. was he putting the finishing touches to this "deal"...and as I say, HAS HE PAID, or HAS MTV PAID for him to be on this show,??? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Noirin a tease?
Yellow Rose I've paid as much attention as BB allows us to by watching HL's every night what else have we to go by lol. Personally I don't think she has the same reluctance to Marcus as she did to Sree but that's her decision. Yes she's told Marcus over and over again, does he listen, no, and why should he when she sends signals she likes him and trusts what he says. [ more ]
Yellow Rose of course I have. I don't think she's said it as clearly as she said it to Sree, not that it would make a difference to Marcus [ more ]
Reality Junkie He seems pretty clued up and thats why Marcus doesnt like him Funny that [ more ]
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