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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Teenagers are Hilarious sometimes.
Lazybug My step daughter was looking out the front window when I thought I saw our neighbours daughter walked past... I said - Is that Sarah from next door? She said - No I don't think so. I said - It looks like her... She said - No it's definitely not her I said - How can you be sure? She said - Because Sarah's got a lisp!!!! I nearly wet myself laughing - she's got one great talent to tell if someones got a lisp or not by just walking past Teenagers eh? [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Re: Teenagers are Hilarious sometimes. [ more ]
Cagney OMG yeah. That too Mine aren't anywhere near teens but they do this little thing that annoys the hell out of me. I ask a question eg..have you done your homework? They answer "what?.....yeah". Me - what do you want to eat? They answer "what?.....not bothered". Always "what?" first then answer [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why does kenny have bodyguards
captain marbles It's odd though, properly rich people, the kind who NEED bodyguards because of potential kidnappers etc, dont usually give any details of their security arrangements. I think the bodyguards mainly live in his head. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. To put his pants out for when they periodically burst into flames [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Wow - spot on with the narcissism diagnosis - he`s probably one of the best examples ever. Trouble is, because they lack feelings, there is no way of `getting` go them apart from public humiliation and even then they still think they`re right. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Karly BBLB
figtree Good for her although the way he has behaved was actually indefensible IMO. What was also interesting was when asked the question who she missed in the house she said Charlie and dog face. erm.... interesting and telling! Does she now realise that her time in the house would have been better/longer without the influence of Lisa! [ more ]
Scotty Re: Well done Karly BBLB [ more ]
Syd strikes me that that is a requirment in his ambition to be the next Stringfellow... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's For Dinner Tonight Then?
shar69 Yum Yum, fry-up cooked by OH and now eaten. I cut 2 fresh pineapples up with some grapes and melon but am too stuffed from fry up to have any. I think I will have some for supper with Crunchie Ice cream. OMG how healthy am I NOT [ more ]
Roxi Fruit salad. I am dieting so cant eat anything fattening [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Pizza, Potato Wedges and Spaghetti . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's all in the edit :: Charlie Brooker shows how they edit BB
old hippy guy To be honest I dont think BB ever "try" to keep one HM in or to get another out, what they DO, do is "manipulate" the suckers voters, in order to increase the number of suckers people who vote, a CLASSIC example.... a couple of weeks ago when Kris went, with a MASSIVE 63% of a FIVE WAY vote, they would have had NO doubt that Kris was out long before friday night, the next nearest in the voting was Marcus who was the only one with even the slightest chance of beating the Kris vote,(and even... [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy That's the very one And we're getting nowhere near the whole picture with BB. [ more ]
Former Member I'm with OHG on this and my comments regarding editing on the CH4 forum were always being deleted by the mods there. I actually remember watching an event on (almost) live feed, then when it came to the HL show the day after it was edited beyond recognition! It wasn't even in the right order, they'd mixed it all up! I was banned for bringing it to the attention of the many fans on that forum who only watched HLs. It happened day after day! Thank goodness for GGJJ, as if we were still at the... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lainy m Does anyone know how long Karly had been seeing Kenneth for?? [ more ]
paace He has to have bodyguards protecting him when he's outside. What is that all about? [ more ]
Jenny Well done Karly! Dump him like Grace Dent suggested. Karly will probably earn enough from photo shoots etc for her not to really need the git anyway. Does anyone else think she looks so much prettier since she has come out? She smiles a lot more, and it really lifts the hardness that she showed when she was in the house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG Noirinn !!
fz I dont see mixed messages, I see her treating him like a friend, she has done nothing with him that I and many others wouldnt do with their friends. But I can see how less tactile people have trouble seeing that...they wouldnt act like that. They must spend a lot of time thinking people are coming on to them....when in fact they are just being friendly. I agree that in real life it may have worn her down by now, to the point he would be avoided at all costs. She cant do that in the house, so... [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hi mazzy. Sorry for the long delay in replying. I've been shopping. It was a case of starve, or go out and fill the fridge! Yes, Rex is so norty. He led Marcus to believe that the viewers loved their love story, and it was rather wicked of him to do that I don't know what to make of this friendship. One day I blame N, the next day M. My mum always used to say that 'fits find other', and I am sure that there is a similarity between them. Noirin should have nipped it 'on the bud' (as she likes... [ more ]
~Lee~ I wanted Noirin out on Friday tbh....As much as I like her I dislike her being used as a pawn to nominate others....Some FM's who have been so scathing and caustic in their criticism of her also wanted her to stay simply to bring down Lisa. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Marcus the biggest ever BB hypocrite?
old hippy guy NOT by a long long long way, for that "honour" I give you...... Derek Laud, a BLACK man who worked for THATCHER at the very timer that SHE supported the then, racist apartheid government of South Africa, Despite the rest of the world condeming them,he was working as a speech writer for her at the time, then HE went on to say that Science "was the sort of man that makes HIM ashamed to be a black man" words fail me, now THAT ladies n gents IS a hypocrit, HE made ME ahamed to be a human being... [ more ]
Blizz'ard I don't think they answered. Noirin told him he was being rude! [ more ]
Marguerita I heard what he said to Bea and what he said last night I could not believe what I was hearing ,I dont think he would liked to be called a pervert although he has been on here, but he feels its okay to ask someone if they are one,all the woman in there have said what he is like towards woman I for one believe them. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are PM's working?
Darthhoob i thnk i'm allergic to oil of cloves. when i've used it in past i get mega sore throat and feels like i've eaten fire lol. but i know it's good for other peeps. i use sensodine atm...that calms it pretty well. they got your name wrong on the cert? how the hell they do that? march down to your docs tomorrow and get them to sort it pronto [ more ]
Darthhoob that was just over a year ago i do remember your name hoob is now just over a year old and spinning his daddy's computer chair round and round and round [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oooh, I'm shaking my fist in anger!
CaptVimes Re: Oooh, I'm shaking my fist in anger! [ more ]
Bethni Well C4 have finally done it for me....i'm officially a non watcher now. I've only been watching LF late at night with the occassional 'peek' at the hls on my pc, i've boycotted their website but this is the final straw. They change the rules to suit themselves and expect the loyal fans to just go along with it.Enough is enough and i'm outta ere. Hate doing it but i'm sick to my stomach of C4. [ more ]
captain marbles Re: Oooh, I'm shaking my fist in anger! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do we feel loyalty to the original housemates?
Blizz'ard I always think I will, but then I don't. Two of my favourite housemates have not been originals - Aisleyne and Brian. [ more ]
kimota I favour Bea and Hira and even David over Lisa and Charlie. Tom I'm not sure of and Ken is so bad I would even evict him over Lisa! [ more ]
Baz I think it will be a newbie that goes... which I think is a little unfair cos all we have to judge them on is a few days edited HL's.... plus there are at least 3 of the old HM's that I would REALLY like to go first! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Top Trumps - Viruses
Marguerita I had the flu about 14 years ago the proper flu and I thought I was dying I could not eat lift my head up off the pillow for about a week ,and was hallucinating as my tempreture was very high,I cant be bothered listening to anyone who is walking around and say they have flu its more a case of a bad cold,and there are people saying they have swine flu that have not been even tested or seen a doctor the doctor cannot always go with what they are told ,the real flu is horrendous and you... [ more ]
Former Member I reckon seasonal flu with a kidney stone attack would trump most things. You'd be barely able to move from the flu and barely able to stay still because of the kidney stone. I doubt they'd cancel each other out. Swine flu seems quite mild for some people: aches and fever but not wipeout. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas So if a man gets swine flu. They're basically gonna die right? Never mind all the advice for pregmunt women. We should be worrying about the menfolk! [ more ]
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