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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Techie Help Needed re Vids Please
Former Member We have had tiscali for about 3 years or so, my son pays for it. It was always excellent but a while back we began having the same sort of problems with it. I was told by a friend that Tiscali had been taken over by talk talk. If so that would explain a lot [ more ]
Lindsxdx Its not moving on at all Its got a little circle of circles in the middle that looks as if its doing something but its not [ more ]
Yellow Rose I sometimes have similar probs with vids in that they don't run through smoothly. I've learnt that if I leave it to get to the end - slow process sometimes so I do something else till it does that. But after that it usually plays all the way through without probs [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT-what kind of sick bar-stewards could do this
BBBS as an update i've been looking for more background to this, couldnt find much but i did see that the little girls 23 year old sister is claiming it was the little girls fault and the mother is now saying "the rape didnt happen" so she wants her daughter back (possibly along with all the gifts / money donated to the daughter by wellwishers around the world) this story realy has gone global, its being reported on news sites and blogs all over the world. reading around it does seem that child... [ more ]
Moonbeams That poor poor wee girl. [ more ]
Shar I agree ... I hope the little girl is given into the care of people who will give her the love and support she needs and deserves ... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll - the winner ?
15:10 'Although yeah' was agreeing with your point. No offence taken. [ more ]
CheekyPixie Halfwit/Freddie.. Still lovin' him as I have from day one. He hasn't yet given me any reason to dislike him. [ more ]
Scotty No offence, but you`re contradicting yourself. Your saying Charlie is a possibilty for a sympathy vote because he`s not wealthy and comes across well. Yet Marcus and Lisa, who are not wealthy either, are not, because they don`t come across well. As much as Marcus gets on my wick I would vote for him to stay over Charlie. I can`t stand the sight of him. He doesn`t come across well to me. I don`t vote according to wealth and I`ve never heard or read that others do either. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The way Marcus reacted last night ..............
Tayto. That's a little bit different to what's been said elsewhere Shar. She dumped him is the popular phrase being used. It might not be to everyone's liking but it's more honest that what went on between Kris and Sophie. [ more ]
tupps I didn't mean I dislike her per se. To me they are like characters in a soap. She may, out of the BB house, be a perfectly reasonable human being. I think the same way of all of them... hell I'm even willing to accept the notion that Kenny might come out of that experience with some insight and change. In order to say whether I liked or disliked someone I'd have to get to know them a little bit first. No, what I feel about her is based purely on what I get to see and my 'compass'. I've never... [ more ]
shar69 Yeah I get you. The way I see it is that if you dislike someone, for whatever reason, you see bad in all that person does. Jeez I hate to admit this but I used to work with a woman and I detested her, no matter what she did, I always saw an ulterior motive in it. I came home one morning and was moaning to my husband about her going on about doing something for charity and that she was only doing it to make herself look good. At that point I realised how pathetic I was being and vowed never... [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa 'Your body is like a car'
Summer_Breeze That is hilarious!! *points to langster's post*. She needs a re spray, maybe some go faster stripes and flames would look better? Who wants to take a look under her bonnet? Any takers? [ more ]
langster I thought when she said it last night it was funny as it was a piss poor analogy to use, trying to seem intelligent to Tom and ended up looking like a complete muppet. Anyway Lisa's body is very much like a car. Just not a very good one. All the hot air comes out the tailpipe. She's certainly been driven a few thousand miles. Her bodywork needs serious attention. He tattoos are akin to those "Trev and Trace" windscreen stickers you used to see in the 80's. She smokes like an old banger. She... [ more ]
Karma_ 'Your body is like a car' Yeah so's mine...more of a bashed in Skoda than an Aston Martin [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noireen ,Could she be the twist?
CheekyPixie Some of them do look extremely feminine. Did anyone see that programme 'there's something about Miriam?' about a very attractive, shapely, exotic looking lady who was a totaly stunner? All these guys were vying for her attention, and they were really macho hairy-arsed geezers, and the 'winner' who Miriam picked in the end found out Miriam was a man - pre-op transexual I think, and he was really angry, and said he would never live it down. So funny. But surely someone would have blabbed this... [ more ]
faerykelstar I LOVE Alan!!!!! [ more ]
Reality Junkie I dont think its that mad now you come to mention it. She does shrink away when the going gets too close. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh God Marcus is going to show Siavash the meaning of PAIN..
Roxi Marcus isnt a pycho. He cant help having feelings for Noirin. Hes a great guy [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Oh God Marcus is going to show Siavash the meaning of PAIN.. [ more ]
Reality Junkie Will Noirin step in and say she isnt, like Tom has been trying to tell him. The way he goes on about Tom just shows what a deluded ass he is. Actually saying what else should I do but chase a pretty girl. Meaning he's not really bothered about her. So in other words he's having a tantrum cos he cant get his own way. Which just shows what a bully he really is. Telling everyone he knows everything and that Noirin should listen to him. Talk about psycho and folks actually defend him [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash dumped..............
Roxi Yeah poor Siavash got his marching orders [ more ]
CheekyPixie I would say it takes two to tango. Not fair to blame one person ... Siavash is the one with a partner on the outside not Noirin. Why is it that the 'other woman' gets the blame when a man cheats? I dislike Noirin and think she is a total b*tch and a player, but it's not fair to completely blame her. Siavash is just as much at fault as she is. [ more ]
Mollie excuse typos! late night don't cha know! [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash and Noirin being together has nothing to do with Marcus
carotino Freddie isn't all that. A lot of housemates have noticed Marcus's unsavoury behaviour - either he hasn't or he hasn't the balls to admit to it. Why can't he see through Marcus like most can, his new girlfriend included? [ more ]
watcher1 Couldn't agree more. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Or perhaps (as Freddie has also noticed) because Noirin is well aware that she's been stringing Marcus along. Saying one thing for the cameras and (as Freddie said) leading him on with non verbal communication. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
15:10 Ok since I keep forgetting that Hira is still in there, your way sounds better. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lisa, then Hira, then David. Boring housemates need to go. Noirin whatever you think of her is entertaining so needs to stay and Marcus. [ more ]
15:10 I wanted her out three Fridays ago. Then 2 Fridays ago it was Marcus and last Friday it was Kenneth. Lisa is keeping a low key now. I used to like Noirin but I would like to see the back of her now. Unless it all changes next Friday. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member I am sure thats exactly what happens [ more ]
squiggle Did she say that she has 4 older brothers? Can't you just see the scenario at home, she starts the trouble and they come and sort it out for her. What a cow. [ more ]
Reality Junkie Great idea except I dont want Noirin to be the centre of attention any more. In stead of another guy coming in ie her ex, why not a stunning girl. On that note Hira ?Yes she is stunning but why send in a married woman. I mean what good is she. Not that they need to pair off but what a waste of a HMt. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin.. leave your messages here..
Scotty Great thread..well done everybody Tiddly that`s a topper! [ more ]
Former Member Ha ha great stuff [ more ]
Former Member I wanna tell you all a story 'bout a BB house in Borehamwood There put some strangers all together just because they really thought they should Well it was a great big cunning plan To watch how they would try to interact But the cocks and hens soon tried to mate it all went wrong When Noirin planned to have them all that really is a well known actual fact! She tried at first with numpty no 1 His name was Shree, she led him on He really thought he was her chosen one. But next she thought I'm... [ more ]
See all 71 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
noirins ex going into the house
BBaddict Let's hope he leads her on then drops her like a ton of bricks [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Not only that, but I think they already have one HM to many as it is: it would appear that originally they only intended to put 4 new HMs in (3, +1 to replace Saffia). Kenneth was a last-minute addition... Whatever the reasons behind this, I seriously doubt "making up the numbers" is one of them... [ more ]
Former Member Hope it isnt true, i am becoming a bit tired of the Noirin show [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin the downfall of Siavash, Bea the downfall of Halfwit
Twee Surgeon Like you, I was convinced that Noirin did like Siavash and that it could be the start of something lovely. Obviously, she does fancy him but she sees a bigger prize on the horizon in Tom. Tom is more experienced and probably much richer than Siavash, and he is a real player. I hope she makes a play for Tom and that he makes an example of her. Someone has to teach her that playing with human emotions this way is just wrong. Do you know something Mollie, it is something I can say to you as a... [ more ]
Mollie Hiya twee, I too realised Siavash is no womaniser.. he is a little naive, but honestly I thought Noirin really did like him.. If it's true they are putting in Noirins ex tomorrow I dread to think how Saivash will feel... I am a little worried he may walk as it all may become too much for him. He said in the kitchen last night/this morning, he would walk tomorrow if he knew there could be something between them.. shows the depth of his feelings. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hiya Mollie. Noirin has been cruel with Siavash. He was awakened three times last night and he looked drained. He looked so sad when she dumped him. She is a heartless person who has shown that she has no regard for anyone. Maybe she has done Siavash a favour as he could have got in deeper. I love Siavash and it was painful to see her at work on him. I also realised last night that Siavash is very immature with women. An older, more experienced, man would have seen it coming. Bea was great. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin is a Succubus!
Former Member Where i come from a girl that sits on a mans knee for drink, has 2 or three men at her beck and call, and when the man she has led on for weeks gets locked up she jumps into bed with the nearest available man is called a tramp. [ more ]
Felix123 I did say 'of a generation'. Having been there as you have, it was not something that shocked or abhorred me. Noirin is not a tramp and isn't that footloose. She said she had six months off and did the deed a month before entering the house. That must mean Freddie and Bea are tramps because they orgy in free love. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hiya SR. This quoted passage shows Noirin up for what she really is .. a user. Freddie, as usual, got straight to the crux of the matter and said it like it is. Noirin's body language cancels out all her verbal language, thereby leaving her victims confused. She gets under a quilt with Marcus in full view of Freddie and the rest of them. What is Freddie supposed to think when he sees that? He voiced what he thought of Noirin's verbal/body language ^^^ and he left her in no doubt that she... [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't like Noirin after last night
jeppa Me too, I was convinced that it was real and I thought they made a lovely couple. I`m really disappointed and sad for Siavash. I guess the only good thing you can say for Noirin in all this is that she wasn`t doing it because she`d found out Siavash was very popular out here. If she did know she`ll also know she`s not got many fans now [ more ]
Senora Reyes Hey Spidey me too. Never too keen on her but always gave her the benefit of the doubt! No more sympathy from me, she's a hard faced unfeeling vain little cow. I watched last night Siavash was gutted he really likes her, and she was revelling in the whole situation revolving around her. [ more ]
Saint Didn't she also say her boob was falling out - showed Siavash - his hand wandered in that direction under the cover as she giggled Like you sed - morals of an alley cat [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The new HMs and their knowledge of the outside
Free Thinking Yes I know that's a good effect of the new HMs that they know that, but BB could have told them that weeks ago anyway without the need for other people to. [ more ]
faerykelstar I noticed last night that when someone asked Siavash what time it was that he replied, 'it's showtime'. I think they now know that LF is only on late at night which is why we've been seeing more of them this week instead of them all being fast asleep. [ more ]
Marguerita I hope it does not work I would not like to see her win and to be fair she is right up there among the faves to win [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sweetsensation01 Wasnt fussed on Tom when he first came into the house but after last nite i have changed my mind i really like him, never did like marcus and have no sympathy for him. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Marcus felt insecure from the day Tom went in, since then he's tried to influence every HM to see Tom the way he sees him. I hope now the HM's will make up their own mind about him [ more ]
brisket I firmly believe he will emerge as a BB baddie. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
steevvvieee Geee - Your verdict
kimota It is a little known fact that you can in fact strike first in self defence if you believe an attack is imminent. Gerrard was obviously advised of this by his lawyer and the fact the other bloke had been agressive towards him earlier obviously would have helped in his favour. [ more ]
Former Member Money and status talks - this verdict stinks [ more ]
Former Member Ah, I think it meant that one of Gerrard's friends elbowed the victim in the face and it very quickly kicked off from there. The implication appears to be that the victim looked like he was about to hit Gerrard, rather than Gerrard's friend, and Gerrard hit him first, hence the self-defence claim. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus needs to calm down now.
kimota Marcus is very perceptive except when it comes to acknowledging his true feelings about Noirin and his actions over her! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants if rumours are true and her ex isaac goes in.....the shit will really hit the fan.....marcus will lose it big time....... [ more ]
watcher1 I think that he fooled us with the 'i'm defiant of BB incident' and the business with Sree. Actually, he was proving what a bully he is, and as for his threat to damage the DR...he needs to be evicted...and soon [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
inkas pal Noirin is the star of the show. She has been from day one. The producers know that and therefore she is not going to be leaving. [ more ]
little_mrs_bb She's beginning to remind me of Chanelle. These attention seekers always change their minds and people don't know where they stand with them. On and off with their relationships it causes confusion and draws attention to them in a subtle way, imo. [ more ]
tupps poor guy.. [ more ]
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