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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bad editing on highlights...
feebs If Tom hadn't been in jail im thinking things would have got ugly, he was raging mad with Tom for telling him a few home truths. As much as I dislike Noirin Marcus twisted everything she said. [ more ]
frenchbread Marcus got let off [ more ]
sunny dayz BB should get involved as marcus is getting too much, noirin has told him in no uncertain terms she isnt interested. GOod for her for talking to him as she didnt have too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If it is never me, who is the first person?
lightfoot My cable company (who also have planes) were on time,promised between 8 and 12, arrived 8.30. and I must say have never had any complaints at all.Been with them for years.. And they don't break down at the first downpour, or high wind..Maybe in a flood they might faulter.. [ more ]
Moomin What time did he turn up, EC? [ more ]
Former Member I had an appointment with a virgin techy person between 8 - 12 and he also turned up at 11.45 I'm never first on the list - never [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin - From Sree to Marcus to Siavash... and now Tom?
Heartache God l hope so, and l really really hope, she is lying in Tom's bed at the time. [ more ]
figtree 'I'm going to to wash that man men out of my hair and send him them on their way!' [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Me too....which I suspect he may; he might just reject her simply to pee off Marcus (or demonstrate to him what kind of girl she is). He came across as quite perceptive and decent tonight. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Finally given up on Noirin
berraquita True, I have to admit that. Another disappointment... *sigh*... [ more ]
CheekyPixie But what has Ais done since she left, apart from pose for some nuts magazine type pix and move from one nightclub to another? [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i gave up on Noirin the second she kissed Siavash because im sure we all know she doesnt fancy Siavash shes using him to get rid of Marcus its been said in the sun today trhat she said she fancys Tom so Siavash needs to watch his back in the future . [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo and Freddie argue over butter?
Scotty Excellant mozart! [ more ]
Mozart Freddie- "oh shut up Rodrigo". Rodrigo- "no you shut up, dont tell me to shut up". Rodrigo-"i never tell you shut up". [ more ]
Marguerita The HMS seem to really like him they have all said he is a lovely guy ,shame about his petty arguments but I would think there were more Hms in the house to hate than Rodrigo.. oh and I dont hate any of them [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looking forward to Highlights tonight - Can't wait for the classic BB moment where...
Twee Surgeon haha Lee, no it's not Marcus! But I happen to share the same view about Tom. That is probably the only thing I would agree with Marcus about as it happens .... [ more ]
tupps I think he might be doing that anyway.. he is the only one to have the 'nads to say to Marcus what every HM thought (namely he was being creepy etc.).. [ more ]
~Lee~ Marcus is it you?. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What the heck
tupps She was called out, that's different to having an open and honest discussion.. And lets not forget she gave a different reason for the predicament and her handling of it to each person she had a pow-wow with.. She made a mess, but she was the only one smirking about it.. that's not the sign of someone who gives a toss about people or their feelings.. that's what is wrong about Noirin.. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I think she did. I may be wrong but ........i dont think so. [ more ]
tupps No... she didn't tell Marcus.. Marcus already sussed her attraction to Tom. One time he actually got it right. She didn't fess up to him like she fessed up to Bea and Sophie at all. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Had Enough of Her..Please evict Noirin when up..
Tayto. I'm not excusing her VS. She's not pretending to be anything else, that's all. There's more going on in the DR than we are hearing about. I'm convinced of that. BB asked her why she was giggling and she said 'you know why'. What did that mean? I don't believe for a minute it was about Siavash. Don't know I'm probably wrong. I just hate all the name calling and using someone else who has made mistakes to further the cause of another HM. I wanted Darnell to win last year but I still fought a... [ more ]
Videostar But she still shouldn't be useing her looks like that, she has been quite fake in the house, remember her coy looks to camera only on yesterdays HL show when in the DR talking about Siavash? He clearly didn't mean that much to her only a day later. The men should know better and Siavash has messed up BIG TIME but Noirin shouldn't be excused for useing people like this. [ more ]
Tayto. Finally we agree on something VS. She was castigated here the other day for saying in her VT that she's manipulative but she has chatted with Marcus regularly about using her smile etc to get what she wants. So she has been upfront about it. She admitted to being spoiled and is trying with the 'help' of Marcus to change all that. No one yet has called her plastic or fake. Now that's funny she's a trollop, a tease,a ratbag but not fake. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bunnygate Solved
CaptVimes I know you brought up captain caveman to which I said captain caveman was a legend. I dont know why you keep bringing it up though because it has bog all to do with dinosaurs which was what Sophie used as an excuse for doing rabbit impressions. I can read perfectly well thankyou. I am now jealous of your chair [ more ]
Soozy Woo P read back and you might see. I was simply making my own observation ..........nothing to do with Sophie et al. It's not surprising you misinterpret things TBH obviously dont read things properly. And I'm on a leather swivel desk chair for your information [ more ]
Marguerita He said he was told then he said he thought then Freddie lied saying he was in the loo when we were shown he was not he was sat there,Siavash is a stirrer dont trust him he assumes too much he should get his facts right first before saying anything [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
On looking at the VT of Noirin awkwardly telling Marcus . .
slimfern I thought she did quite well.. [ more ]
Soozy Woo yes but in doing so she has finally severed the ties. He needed to be told ....everyone was treading on egg shells - it wasn't healthy to keep everything from Marcus ................his 'connection' and 'friendship with extras' to Noirin was getting completely out of hand. He needed telling .......I for one am glad it was Noirin that told him. The guy is delusional - his bubble was gonna be burst at some point FGS> [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
for cinds (convert pdf pics to jpg the easy way) (how to)
BBBS sorry, i'm just not used to knitting needles or crochet HOOKS and that kind of thing although like yourself i did have to endure a selection of home knit jumpers etc, luckily i cant find any pics of me when younger except one as a baby but i'm not wearing anything in those so cant realy post them even if i did have a scanner, i did find one one of my oh when he was about 10 though (but he'd kill me if i posted that) [ more ]
Cinds It's a hook [ more ]
BBBS you'd best check it works for you before getting out the crochet needles [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why all the sympathy for Siavash and not for Marcus ?
~Lee~ The same pretty girl he was doing all he could to turn Tom against....Tom who in Marcus' eyes has an agenda [ more ]
Tayto. Yes Lee, he said it that last night - "it's boring why wouldn't I chase a pretty girl around". [ more ]
~Lee~ Marcus the man who said he only pursued a pretty girl as he was bored....Marcus who said he didn't fancy her but would shag her. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It was like watching an episode of Armchair Theatre wasn't it?
fookat still watching! its great! I keep having to pause it to get some housework done [ more ]
Yellow Rose Great viewing I watched it all. I thought Bea gave great advice to Noirin, without her doing that it could have gone on for ages with nothing being said to Marcus [ more ]
Former Member It was fantastic, watched it all, it was like watching a film lol. Miss LF now, wonder what they are up too this morning [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Noirin scared of the ex?
Tayto. She's playing them all for fools - fair play to her it's working. I don't agree with it but it is a game show. [ more ]
queenshaks Oh.. Again she can't be or she wouldn't do what she was doing. I mean the whole bleeding country can see what she's doing. [ more ]
Tayto. Thanks for that. He said in the DR the other night that he made it up because he didn't want to get into a BB romance. He told the other HMs that he has a gf for 2 and a half years. I've also heard him say she's not really a gf because it was only going on for a month and someone said here today that it's been going on for 7 months. Whatever you think about Noirin at least she's being honest to them. She told both Marcus, Shree and Siavash that she still fancies her ex. She didn't try to... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I apologise for my 'Marcus has been removed' thread......
Heartache I think you are both lucky, l'm here with lots of traffic, gazillion tourists. And the dirt and noise that goes with both. [ more ]
Jingo I apologise for sniggering at the people it upset. not [ more ]
Dobby1 So, let me get this straight - Marcus ought to be removed but hasn't been, You've taken matters into your own hands, posted a thread hoping that Big Bro will like the thread and remove him, and are you are not sorry. All seem reasonable enough to me, ignore the FMs they just don't like brainwaves *runs awsy. [ more ]
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