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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*KG* OH, MY, EFFING, DAYS!!!! Can we say that here? PMFSL! I finks I wubs you, OHG [ more ]
Kaffs Ever thought of writing romance novels OHG? I agree though... between her capacity for alcohol and Kris's legendary package, I doubt if she'd even be able to tell. [ more ]
old hippy guy "I had sex with Kris" is what she SAID, she thinks Kris 'knocking the top off one' and blurting it up her back while she slept, means 'they had sex', stupid girl. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Conspiracy theory..........
sandra sounds like it [ more ]
Eugene's Lair BB Online are confident he is, but they're not sure when. They originally said he'd go in during the Friday show. The reason given for him not doing so was that BB were still carrying-out security checks, etc. BB Online are now suggesting tomorrow to tie-in with BBLB. Personally though, I'm just going to wait and see... [ more ]
globulemc Are they all with the same agency????? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom...what a twat.
HyacinthB You've encapsulated pretty much everything I wanted to say spider. Marcus made sure that he spouted bile to the likes of Charlie, Rodrigo etc about Tom and they, being gullible, believed his drivel and Tom ended up quite isolated as a result. Marcus will still continue to put Tom down stating the usual of how he had the measure of him within ten seconds of his walking into the house and his eyes were too close together etc!! Marcus thinks he knows it all but he knows absolutely nothing. He's... [ more ]
Videostar Tom left for his own reasons, he's been talking about it for days now. But i like what advice he gave Sophie about Kris...DUMP HIM. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Yep, and Tom would in time have earned a lot of popularity with the public for his similar treatment. He certainly had my sympathy for one. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Tom is a Wanker thread
Yellow Rose Thank you Comrade O. We all observe different things from the HM's and the extremely limited coverage we're shown. On that limited basis we're all making judgements and decisions, who knows who's right or wrong about any of them lol. [ more ]
Yellow Rose What I like this year on this Forum is although people have different opinions about Hm's is that the posts aren't as nasty towards FM's as they were at Ch.4 Forum [ more ]
Yellow Rose If he leaves just maybe it's not because he's a wimp but because he has standards in RL and doesn't want to change them just because of BB. When he has an interview maybe we'll learn more about him and his values. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: Noirin angry with Marcus!
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг lol I laughed out loud when she said that to him [ more ]
Heartache It's because she said to Tom l thought were stronger than that, Tom did'nt like it. Marcus pointed out what she said, she said she was just joking. And Marcus pointed out Tom did'nt see it that way. So she told Marcus to F Off. [ more ]
Videostar Whats Tom leaving got to do with Marcus? Tom has already stated that he cant deal with the clowns in the house who are performing to camera (Charlie, Rodrigo and Bea) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Awww they missed showing the bit where Marcus trips over his wanking quilt :(
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг No supposition? According to you, she was called a rabbit by them, as you haven't actually seen or heard this, then, I'm afraid it is supposition on your part. No Ad hominEm here either, I don't know you to attack you or any of your characteristics, I also backed up my argument with substance, whereas yours is based merely on your opinion, no facts in sight. When you said "I havent actually seen them use the word rabbit or the action." if I'd had a case here, I'd have closed it Also, Siavash... [ more ]
CaptVimes Flaming? In your dreams. Yea a difference of opinion like you said. No supposition here so you can keep your ad-hominom and passive agressive stuff for another person. Ive seen plenty of Lisa and her minions and yes that includes Sophie bitching about Noirin moving between the groups. I havent actually seen them use the word rabbit or the action. But the main complaint of Noirin was asking if they had said she had flitted from group to group. They denied this as well as denying the rabbit... [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг You have your views, and I have mine. As you said yourself, Sophie isn't the sharpest knife, so why would she KNOW where the hell Siavash's accusation came from? Plus, I haven't seen any footage of them bitching about Noirin and calling her a rabbit because of it. I don't jump to conclusions, I wait to see the evidence, that, as yet, has not materialised. I'll leave you to your supposition and flaming, and I'll stick with what I SEE and HEAR, thanks [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus is a brick!
globulemc I feel quite sorry for him...... He's stuck in a timewarp, his intellectual mentality stopped growing somewhere in his mid teens, that is obvious (see my O/P) so this is why he like he is........... He hasn't grown up yet................. [ more ]
miss lippy Re: Marcus is a brick! [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг Plenty of people grow up without mothers or fathers, they don't turn into sociopathic, nasty, bitter, lying ****wits. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus: "I bet this is the ******** BB ever"
Yellow Rose If this is the last series I couldn't care less [ more ]
*KG* Marcus is a prize dick, but he's spot on! Its become a bliddy Borefest! All this NOIRIN BULLSHINE! GRRRRRRR! She ain't no freaking oil painting and she ain't got gold bullion up her minny FFS! Can we get over her and start talking about the show again? Fanks! [ more ]
subatomic partygirl ******** Shittest? Crappest? Scariest?(Because of him) Freakiest (Because of him) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cup good point about hira wonder what she done in auditions [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I can forgive the producers re Hira: some previous HMs who've looked very good on paper have found themselves overwhelmed by the reality of the house. It's an unnatural environment and it's difficult to predict how people will react. I do agree about Kenneth and Tom though. Ken should never have been considered in the first place, and it looks like Tom had unrealistic expectations of the house. [ more ]
cup we are back to square one now [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get NASTY Marcus OUT !!!
SpiderMonkey Fair point, but you must admit that his behaviour has degenerated even further since the arrival of the new housemates, Tom in particular. [ more ]
Jet Blue corrrection, Marcus has always been loathsome. This is not a state of affairs that has only existed since the new housemates arrived. The man is a creep, a perv, a slimeball. [ more ]
*BB* He sounds like a typical bloke the way you put it. I wonder just how many FMs are reminded of their OHs when watching Marcus? [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Isn't it time that Sophie and Freddie...
Cold Sweat That moment alone would be priceless! If they both reached the final it would give BB the opportunity to bring closure to the 'joke' - and return their proper names. Davina at one point during BBBM last night said Sophie and i have also heard her make this error in conversation with George Lamb. Within the house, since the newbies arrived, i reckon Freddie is being called Halfwit more than at any time before. [ more ]
faerykelstar Very true! I hope that if they do make it to the last week, they'll give them a chance to win their old names back. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen It may have been a silly task but without it they may not be in the house now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why are they showing 100 greatest
Aquarius That is so sad. To go so young and leave little kids.... life really is too cruel sometimes. I'm going to give l/f a miss and have an early night. Early? rofl. Nite nite hun. [ more ]
Aimee so happy at your news my cousin died 2 years ago of bowel cancer at 36, she died within 8 weeks of being diagnoised (sp), living 5 small kids behind, such a horrible illness Hope everything works out well for him [ more ]
Aquarius No, right person. He's doing really well I'm pleased to say. Got the all clear a month ago and we are SO grateful for that. He has a long road ahead to get truly well....but then we thought he had no future 6 months ago so we're just over the moon. Thanks for remembering him Aimee. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why is she so scared of marcus?
WILDER X Spot on. [ more ]
Free Thinking That is precisely it, and she has really messed her gameplan up. She really overplayed her hand. She was with one of the big players in the house (Marcus) and she gambled and tried to get close to one of his major rivals (Siavash). Whether it was for insurance or just being greedy to increase her power in the house I don't know, but it didn't work. Then she lusted after Tom on top of all that. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen I don't think she is scared of Marcus. She is scared that the public hate her. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
you know what it is.
cup They are all as bad as each other All have their own agenda reason why they said and done stuff with the other Now will tom go there surely he will have heard today what has went on Now if he goes there good luck to him with the track record Maybe noirin will get the THE BIG BRUSH off from him [ more ]
jacksonb he's an odd one, i really like him, but his guard dog routine is just weird. and all this gibberish about how she has 'hurt' the blokes in there is total garbage, how can you meet some one one week and be so deeply involved 2 weeks or even 2 days later, and in those circumstances, that your feelings are deeply hurt? ego may be a bit dented, that's about it. [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг Because she talks to every man in the house that makes her a bad and stupid person???? So why aren't Lisa, Sophie or any other female in that house the same? If the men CHOOSE to chase her and fancy her, that isn't her fault, and she doesn't deserve to be branded a slut or anything. Let's get it into perspective, she hasn't had sex with anyone or made any promises of undying love! [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are we meant to believe that Toilet Cam is only on when the girls are chatting?
Cold Sweat It might have been BB8, but i'm sure one recent series did not show any toilet footage. I suppose in the context of these girly chats it's better to have footage than to just be looking ar sub-titles and the door. Interestingly, they seem to assume the same positions - Noirin usually out of site from the camera. [ more ]
CaptVimes I would like to think that they only turn it on if more than one person walks in there but then im too trusting... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Re: Are we meant to believe that Toilet Cam is only on when the girls are chatting? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hate Big Brother "Romances"
Yellow Rose Yep, I remember her saying she'd worked too hard to get there, which is why she volunteered for the glasses [ more ]
Free Thinking People should really talk about alliances rather than romances, because Big Brother is a game. But I suppose that doesn't suggest enough of a human interest angle for some people. [ more ]
sandra on the first night noirin did say she came so far she would do anything ( or anyone) hence the drew on glasses , to be on BB [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who Would Go Between Noirin And Marcus
darloboy (Play The Game!) Noirin probably, but they would both be safe against Lisa if all three was up but against the others they are toast. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I think it would be very VERY interesting to see Marcus in the house, without his 'excuse for being there' (ie to chase Noirin around). I'm not wording it very well, but I think what I'm saying is... it would be MORE interesting to see how Marcus gets along without Noirin. Noirin would get along just fine without Marcus - she would have the Vash and Tom to fill her days.... without the bulldog keeping guard [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i'd vote out marcus....... he really has crossed over to the nutty farm...... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
when Noirin spoke with Siavash she ended the convo with "We have the rest of our live
slimfern I think she probably knew that was gonna make highlights..cos she made a big deal of taking Sophie into the toilets to tell her a secret.. just a feeling.. [ more ]
Shar I disagree with her taste ... Siavash is much more lush ... ... but I don't see what is so bad about a girl admitting she fancies someone and what she would naturally like to do with that 'someone' ... [ more ]
Tequila No she kissed Siavash on thursday night and they weren't told till last night that there was no eviction [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soooooooooo Dogface had sex LOL
cup I remember it reported in paper at time and thought lies oh god why did she tell [ more ]
Twee Surgeon it was a bit random FT, wasn't it. Why leave it until three weeks after Kris left to tell people now? She does have a fondness for gossip, I agree. And an aptitude for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But I digress ... like someone said up there ^^^ it didn't make the HLs show, if it happened at all. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Which magazines are you referring to? I don't know of any that are likely to pay for a story this season. The journalist from Heat that was on BBLB said her magazine had no interest in Kris and Sophie. The journalist from Loaded that was on BBLB said that his publication would be interested in Sophie, and Sophie only. Sophie had a multi page exclusive photoshoot in Nuts last week and a similar one in Zoo the week before - of previously unpublished pictures. Clearly, the lads mags will be... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I really
Tina night pp hope you feel better tomorrow [ more ]
pretty_p Thanks for all the replies everyone - right now i think the best thing to do is go to bed as i am absolutely knackered - goodnight!! [ more ]
Former Member yup, that's often the way of it.. when you were at uni you were busy and all that adrenalin had an outlet, sometimes it's when the pressure's off it all catches up. Just be good to yourself! If you feel the mood's not shifting, see your doc and maybe get meds reviewed. Remember, it'll pass!Take care [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
See-er-vash...its fecking SIAVASH you stupid bloody woman!!!
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I must admit - the way she say SeeRRRRvash really REALLY does piss me off drives me bloody mad [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i know that accent of her is awful and as for Marcus your right he has been defeated shes screwed his head right up i think if he wasnt so arrogant he would have left the house by now . [ more ]
tupps You mean Sea-bass? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So is she going to dump Siavash now and get with Tom?
Eugene's Lair Of course she is, but she's running the risk of the whole thing opening up again, causing herself even more problems in the house. Bea's advice to Noirin (which was heavily edited in the HL show) was to bring everything into the open, and that meant telling both Siavash and Marcus about her feelings for Tom. IMO, it was good advice, but Noirin decided to stop short. Only time will tell whether this was a good decision. [ more ]
WILDER X She wouldn't stand a chance with rodrigo. I get the impression he not that fond of her. [ more ]
feebs With Rodrigo being bi he is her only option once she disposes of Tom. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie - the Go-Between
Former Member I agree with this I don't think she's malicious at all. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Still laughing at her blurting out to the nation that she had sex with needle dick Kris. [ more ]
brisket [QUOTE]Originally posted by Cold Sweat: This thread contains a number of questions, yet the title is a statement - suggesting that the OP has reached a conclusion - before hearing the answers. QUOTE] Sorry Cold Sweat. Perhaps you would have preferred if I had put a question mark in the thread title. But that too would not have been accurate because I already know that she "goes between" people with messages and information and advice. What I questioned was whether it was innocent fun or... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom challenges Bea over her friendship with Freddie?.
Former Member Hardly. I was privately educated too. And I somehow manage to get by - without the need to earn a living [ more ]
Marguerita I agree he is very rude when he was giving it all in jail to Marcus what I did not like was not once did he make any eye contact with Marcus he kept his head buried in the blanket that spoke volumes for me [ more ]
WILDER X Go for tom videostar. LOL. [ more ]
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