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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have been vomming and shivering tonight
stonks ..gone the soccer match and left me all on my own..though it was that quick coming on it was frightening.... [ more ]
Karma_ Aww cheers Yeah I'm much better now thanks. I never bought into the whole phone diagnosis rubbish and refused to accept it until Saturday morning when I couldn't get up the stairs. I dunno what to suggest to those feeling shitty, except it'll hit you like a truck and the sooner you get Tamifu the better, oh and take Tamiflu with food or else you'll want to chuck [ more ]
Former Member I hopes you are feeling better! This is such a bad time of year though, what with hay fever and all. I have a bit of hayfever - sneezing, watering eyes and all that, but I'm pretty certain that's all it is. [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
confused regarding bea!
Marguerita Bea = stirrer [ more ]
MoFo Bea is playing a very clever game....she is doing it quite well like but its hard for her to remember she is not only playing them she also has to think about us the audience watching. sometimes she is playing to the audience and sometimes she is playing the HM's. And sometimes it doesnt work as smoothly as she'd like. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs oh, gawd. Think im even more now! Cant keep up with Noirin and her men [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
And to think that Ais was believed to be Machiavellian?
Former Member IMO, BB7 was the last series that had a few housemates that weren't in there looking for a fast ticket to fame. Yeah, we had Aisleyne who had a boob job and was a 'promotions model'. then we had Grace who was also a 'promotions model' (as well as a dance teacher with no rhythm), but only did 'tasteful' promotions, then went on to do a NUTS photo shoot. Then there was Nikki who, in her VT stated that she wanted to be a WAG. Now all we have are people who already have agents and PR reps. Ahhh,... [ more ]
Carnelian Me too, Aisleyne was a great housemate. One of the few times I've ever voted on BB. Watching Nikki go out and Ais end up as best girl, getting one over all those bullies and cowards was like a reality TV equivalent of a cup final (I know how incredibly sad that sounds BTW). [ more ]
Former Member Yeah, we are pretty predictable, aren't we? For me, Aisleyne was the last housemate that I felt any passion for. Since then, I really don't care who wins. BB8 was a joke in the way Carole ruled the roost and BB9 was a total farce for me, I didn't even watch. This series, I watch the repeats in the morning, if I can be bothered, and tend to keep up on the forum. Again, if I can be bothered. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's going to be interesting to see what BB do this week to manipulate the noms
Free Thinking The whole program is manipulated. The HLs are the main means of doing this really, along with their news stories/videos. [ more ]
Roxi BB will manipulate the nominations and save Lisa, Siavash, Noirin, Marcus [ more ]
Cold Sweat Given the BB stance on nomination discussions across the past 3 weeks - i don't see how we can have a regular nomination process again this series. For instance, i have seen it reported that Noirin made a remark about Lisa being up and out next week. If this is correct - given punishments over the past 3 weeks; Noirin has to be up. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What has Noirin done that is so wrong???
Former Member i fink shes a bit of a ho [ more ]
tupps Well yes had a Sree or a Marcus sprung forth from my loins I would probably have to take myself off to the Gobi.. [ more ]
Free Thinking She hasn't murdered anyone but this is what happens with BB, Endemol wind people up into a kind of hysteria over people. I just find her a bit boring. Her gameplan lost it's interest for me a while back. [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone
lightfoot I used to work in a flour mill (many moons ago) but I'm sure the little weevils are still as common now as they were back then.. They really do just seem to appear from nowhere.. [ more ]
Cerberus Goes to throw out bag of flour that's been in cupboard for ages [ more ]
MoFo Weevils. Chuck all that stuff out...flour sugar pasta etc and clean your cupboards thoroughly -hoover them and everything. Its easier to prevent getting them in the first place than getting rid of them once you have them if you see what I mean. Even when binning the infested stuff you need to make sure they are in sealed bags and keep any dry goods in future in sealed containers too. When you hoover the cupboards wash out the hoover afterwards - a proper hot wash. They really are little... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this REALLY BB, or is it the bliddy 'NOIRIN SHOW?'
captain marbles I think Noirin, clever girl that she is, is simply picking up on the hints dropped to her in the DR. She always goes to the DR before she makes her moves and her outrage at Tom leaving after she'd set up yet another storyline on their say so was pretty revealing. BB can change the focus whenever they want to. [ more ]
Former Member So, if she looked liked Lisa, who IMO shares most of those qualities, would she still be watchable? FWIW, IMO, Noirin is: 1. Manipulative 2. Selfish 3. Intolerant 4. Lacks compassion 5. Self-centered 6. Condescending 7. Patronising 8. Lacks empathy 9. Narcissic 10. Inconsistent 11. Stubborn 12. Self-absorbed I could go on, but have recently been chastised for giving more than a yes or no answer. [ more ]
jacksonb it's a matter of perception.. open friendly watchable outspoken vunerable articulate and.... has dimples! [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Karly signed with Neon Management?
Kaffs I agree... I can only assume that whatever they are promoting at these parties is aimed at equally air-headed individuals. [ more ]
lightfoot That really does not surprise me at all, what does surprise me that someone is willing to pick up the tab for a wannabe!! [ more ]
Kaffs Didn't you hear the conversation with Sophie and Charlie the other night? She was telling him how their agents will set them up with parties etc to go to. He asked if they had to pay their own travel and almost wet himself when she said that it was all paid and they got free drinks and got to take their mates with them. They were so excited I thought 'Poor innocent kids' Sophie also said her agent tried to get her to go on holiday with Stu last year and pose as his girlfriend but she knocked... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie tells Bea he doesn't trust Noirin?
Videostar Noirin would have been up for eviction come what may...have you missed the last few days ? Bea and Noirin have been really close with Bea giving her good advice only the other night, i'll be shocked if Bea noms Noirin. Anyway Noirin talks about HM's shes annoyed with, doesn't like or thinks is lazy evey sunday. [ more ]
Felix123 It's Sunday, the weekly assessment for Nomday. It has been an eventful week and I can't see group dynamics staying the same. Freddie Siavash and Marcus are a group, Bea was cuddling up to Marcus, so she has replaced Noirin in that group, as opposed to increasing it. I'm sure Noirin will be up, against Marcus and maybe Lisa. [ more ]
Videostar Bea likes Noirin so wont nom her, but if you've seen the clip what did Freddie say that was either wrong or even close to noms talk.? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hira- any type of relationship with Bea , Noirin or Sophie?
Eugene's Lair The thing to remember here is that the discussion you're referring to occurred in the small hours of the morning, and Hira always goes to bed early. The biggest problem we have in understanding what's going on in the house is the absence of live feed, and Hira is suffering more than most because of it. Having said that, I get the impression that Hira is fitting-in pretty well. She seems to be happy to take on the household chores (like Carole, but without the control-freakery) - it's just... [ more ]
tupps She's like a bewildered Bambi with bangles.. [ more ]
Cinds Everyone is just too scared to get to know her in case she sings at them. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would Noirin have 'gone for' Marcus if he had looked different? ie: been good looking
Mozart i wouldnt know because i have not got a good sense of smell, but i just breathed in my OHs face and he didnt recoil so, it must be sweet, he would definitely tell me if my breath stank. [ more ]
sinkthepink Good for you , but truthfully when you cupped them as no doubt you did, did it smell a little bit If you say no then you are lying [ more ]
Mozart i will have you know, that i keep my mouth clean, i drink dettol and my teeth are in a bleach bath as we speak [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
George Lamb epic win or epic ahole ***POLL***
sinkthepink The guy is a prize twat, child orientated programme, with a child like presenter, watched by child like viewers with a child like audience [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Liked him at first, now think he's an A Hole with all his sly digs all the time. He obivously has his favs, Dermot did also but at least he was fair . [ more ]
lightfoot I didn't vote, but all I want to know is why does he roll his trousers up as though he's going for a plodge? [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are Noirin and Siavash
Twee Surgeon I have heard a rumour, but don't quote me on it, that Charlie is Lisa's love child before she turned gay, and that's why they are so close and why Charlie always does what his mum Lisa tells him to do. [ more ]
sinkthepink Lisa and Marcus are brother and sister Noirin and Siavash are the same person Rod lives inside his own arse and only comes out at weekends [ more ]
Twee Surgeon do you want to join the Old Romantics Club too fz? Shall I start a thread? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie accuses Noirin of leading Marcus on
Mazzystar I'm not a Freddie fan at all. But hes spot on...and I've been shot down in flames by Noirins fans for even suggesting that saying one thing is only part of communication(10% i think).Last nights HLs was the first time I've heard her say what she should have said to Marcus weeks ago.Even then,tho,she got up and made some attempt to sweet talk him back onside If you can't say it like you mean it,love...dont expect the guy to get the message well and truly [ more ]
Scotty Biased hate? Are you for real? [ more ]
carotino Who's saying he should hate Marcus? And yes, unfortunately Marcus is real [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Flying Ants
Joyron Don't know about flying ants but my son got swarmed by ladybirds at the beach yesterday. He said they were everywhere!!! [ more ]
Anmarie loads here yesterday. They kept flying at my soddin head. [ more ]
sinkthepink Yes every year but still a scary phenomenon, they all know that at that point in time they will swarm throughout certain parts of the country, how do they know, what sets it off that all on the same day its time to take to the air [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I feel sorry for Sophie...
Former Member She was asking him questions earlier on on the week, knowing full well he couldn't tell her anything. So he told her straight before he went. Did her a massive favour if she's not too dense to understand that! [ more ]
Former Member She had a good chat with lovely Rod after they went to bed so he's there for her However, I do think that she probably knew deep down that she and Kris were doomed anyway. I mean, it probably really wasn't all that authentic in the first place... I like her and she's better off without him. [ more ]
fz Freddie often needed a cuddle and sat there alone...sophie was part of the problem. Karma bites deep. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest BB betting odds
darloboy (Play The Game!) Charlie will be overtaking Siavash probably in the next couple of days . Mikey should have won but he is more memorable as a non winner . [ more ]
Marguerita Last year Mikey was the bookies fav all the way and he was pipped at the post by Rachell ,as she got the sympathy vote in the last couple of weeks the public are very fickle. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey We never really see Lisa anymore either. BB have almost completely cut her out of HL. Just the very occasional glimpse of her sat at the bus stop with David, slagging off whoever... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is there a married couple in the house?
jennywren Don't know where I got it from, but word on the street is there was going to be "a couple" in the house. Anyone else hear that? [ more ]
mummymaz when will people realise that BB doesnt keep secrets with the public! Things like this would be focused on time and time again, to hold our interest, to keep us watching for little clues that they've blown it or given it away to the other housemates?!! Come on folks, lets get real - there's no 'secret couple' !! [ more ]
Marguerita I must admit the thought has gone through my mind if they were married more than GF BF but what about Siavashes GF.. and why, I would say if it were true the the chances Noireen been nominated this week and going are pretty good,and then there is bunnygate .. if it is true in a way it would be worse I would then say she was deliberately playing mind games with Marcus and others in the house which has back fired,I dont think it is true but there is a little niggle telling me perhaps it could... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm very annoyed that Tom has gone.
Reality Junkie I think its got all too lax now. I thought they didnt get their full pay as they arent honouring their contract. [ more ]
Reality Junkie Could be but he knew he was there for a rival for Noirins affections, being as there is no one else to bag. Though he did peruse Sophie with Kenny which was very unpleasant. Should have sent in a lovely girl like Nira but who wasnt married. Now that would have been very interesting. Though suppose that was Bea's role but she is not Tom or Siavash's type.Certainly not Marcus's. Ah well I can only dream. [ more ]
fookat people shouldnt be allowed to leave. There should be something in their contract like a penalty clause if they do and they certanly should not get interviews on BBLB on BBBM!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom - the only genuine ones are Marcus, Freddie and Rodrigo.
Tayto. I don't think so. He said last night that he has 2 brains. A Big Brother one and an Outside BB one. Trouble is he's getting the two mixed up and can't see the wood from the trees. [ more ]
WILDER X I agree. Marcus was glad tom was going as he fetched the worse out in him. Marcus exposed himself and not pleasant viewing. Marcus days are numbered in the house. [ more ]
watcher1 bump [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Felippe Massa to be kept in coma
Princess Gollum Let's hope that Alonsos tyre was the third part of the triangle and there are no more incidents. Well done Lewis this afternoon, a masterful performance. [ more ]
Katerina No, that was Henry Surtees who was a Formula 2 driver. He died shortly after the accident. [ more ]
Katerina Well during this afternoon's race, the tyre has come off Alonso's car and bounced off the racetrack ....but luckily it didn't hit anyone. Hopefully there will be no more incidents, it's been very strange. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...

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