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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie Marcus talking after nominating this afternoon
pigeonpie Agree, I could'nt stand the ghetto-girl, but I do like Bea! [ more ]
Saint FLOSSIE - calling Ashleen a bitch !!!! Well . . . [ more ]
kimota Nah, that was just Ash's 'character armour' that she grew through her negative experiences. At her core she was a sweetheart which is why so many loved her. The street girl persona certainly helped her though . With all the spiteful bitching she attracted from Grace and co. before even opening her mouth, it helped that she appeared a tough no nonsense sort! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vote on this poll
Mollie I'm not so sure about Bea, she is smart and nice but there seems to be a side to her that likes a drama, so long as she's not the drama... maybe she sometimes say nothing!!!! I did like the advice she gave Noirin the other night though... but ... sometimes she says too much and causes a stir! and I have a feeling she is aware of this [ more ]
Kaytee and me [ more ]
WILDER X Norin more popular than rodrigo. See bea not doing well. Thank god. lol. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus Monday SIT, thought it was apt lol, 27/07/09
Sexy_Kelly Hay PCJ Dont congratulate me yet. Iv not even burst into tears for no reason yet. The hard and desperate times are still to come. [ more ]
Saint KELLY - i shall read with mouth open - as usual PussyCatj - i was being a bit dramatic, lol But i was v v v tired - but i'm much better thanx !! YOU? [ more ]
Puss hi Renton, do you feel any better now that you have had a good sleep? cooeee Kelly, well done you [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Playful Dolphin strands woman?
WILDER X I don't either. I love my cats but many a time had to go and save a bird or mouse there playing with. I hate that side to them. But they don't understand. [ more ]
GMA I don't really understand cats tbh - but all my best friends are cat lovers - I was brought up a dog lover and still am - but as a veggie for 40 yrs, I don't like cruelty to any animal. I do understand nature etc, guess humans are different in some ways...? [ more ]
WILDER X I know. I don't mind a quick kill but torturing them is very cruel. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why havent bea and sophie told siavash the truth
Saint maybe they have - or not Having no L/F makes it so difficult to know wot is really going on [ more ]
CaptVimes If you remember Bea told Noirin to forget tom. There is no Tom as her advice. Now she is hardly going to say that as advice to Noirin and then go and tell Siavash she fancies Tom as well is she. [ more ]
stonks I think Bea has a different HL edit in her head than the rest of us..Sophie just likes an easy life.... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nominations have started
Mollie I have a feeling Hira will get more noms, just purely on she's a newbie and seems very quiet, therefore not connecting with others... mind you we don't really even know that as she is also at the mercy of the edit! [ more ]
Saint I really don't think Charlie and Roddy will nom each other [ more ]
brisket Because I like Freddie I would want nasty Lisa to go as she is likely to be hunting him out, whereas Marcus would probably not target Freddie. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some more info on Issac Stouts arrival
Former Member What a load of trollox. After a convo with Siavash away back weeks ago when Sreegate was happening. She told Siavash that she wished she wasn't SINGLE! Siavash more or less told her to start saying she was carrying a torch for an ex. She employed this tactic, and now it looks as thought the silly girl is believing her own lie. She spouted it to Sree, then conveniently wafted the same story under Marcus' nose. It's her 'get me out of this nightmare and away from this creep' clause, and she's... [ more ]
subatomic partygirl If I'd been one of the thousands who auditioned for the programme and were rejected in favour of 'Noirin the Serial Contestant', Kenny the 'Hitcher' and 'Bea the HM by Virtue of Connections with Freddie'...I'd be pretty naffed off. I gave up (years ago) wondering why they bother with the audition farce anyway. They should be honest and procure the HMs that can deliver their 'script' by contacting agents and previous HMs. Hang on, they probably do. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy I second that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
'Friend'/'gf'/'bf'/'just seeing'/'f buddy'/'one night stand'
Former Member [QUOTE]Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Awwww ...think I rushed in too early with mine! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing But as my posts show Soops.... I kissed ALOT of frogs, in all of the above categories before meeting THE ONE! I was the person that no one thought would ever settle down! And my hubby is NOTHING like any of my previous men! He IS my happy ever after! [ more ]
Pip* I know. That's why even after the kebab breath walk home he hasnt become the f buddy [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Parking Ticket Appeals...clarification required on the 56 day rule thing.
queenshaks Well done Croc We had a ticket overturned many moons ago but I know it can be hard, so much bloody red tape! [ more ]
sweet_tooth Feeding the meter- I thought you weren't allowed to do that no matter how long you had been there. I don't think it says so on the ticket machines, is just one of those rules you either know or you don't I think. [ more ]
jeppa There`s a local councillor here who has been having a running battle, now nationwide, about parking charges, he`s been on a number of tv shows. The only time I experienced one personally was 3 years ago. My husband was having chemo and had been to the hospital that day, we called back into the town for me to do some shopping and parked where we always do with our blue badge and clock and my husband waited in coffee shop whilst I did shopping. When we returned to the car we had a ticket as... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many friends can a friend have before somebody shouts..
Blackpudlian That's because you know where to draw the line, tupps. Noirin likes to use her body to manipulate others. [ more ]
tupps I do. I even give them cuddles and kisses. But I draw the line at snogging, groping, dry humping, talking about a possible future with them and under the duvet fumbles. Especially with ones that have expressed any interest in getting into my undercrackers and it is not returned. They're lucky if they get a handshandy handshake... [ more ]
Blackpudlian And shares in the company that makes Chapsticks, I presume? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what to do about Siavash
tupps I agree Menty. They're muppets. [ more ]
Mentalist I do feel that Noirin is playing a game and as some have said fairly obviously. So why are we acting as if the men are used and abused. Everyone of them has said on different occasions that they know exactly what she is like, so why do they keep going back for more. I have no sympathy for them, if they are stupid enough to keep going back then they have to take the consequences. The only person I would feel sorry for is Siavash girlfriend (if she exists), other then that they all deserve... [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Aldi seein' ya on the chip paper, Noz. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many more weeks are . . .
mummymaz 7th is 5 weeks from today - i know this cos in 6 weeks today (14th) i am going to Florida on my jolly holly-days! [ more ]
Mozart thank got for that, i start a new course on the 7th september, cant have BB distracting me. this forum is one distraction to many. [ more ]
Saint Oh my word so there are STILL 6 weeks left? At this rate i will have no FM friends left, lol (calm down Renters - ya fool) Thank yoo Greek (((hug))) [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you have a dog
Queen of the High Teas How old is she? Have you thought about getting her a companion? Getting another dog after our old lab died made a massive change to Paddy both mentally and physically. [ more ]
Trix-ster I have a cocker spaniel who we can't take for walks anymore. Used to have a Labrador and when he was a puppy he went on 2 walks a day and was always cleaned up after- unfortunately when he was still quite young he got severe arthritis so we had to take it down to one walk and the cocker spaniel used to come with us. After the Lab died ( just before xmas) we used to take the spaniel out as much as possible to tire her out because she wouldn't settle due to the grief, but it ended up with just... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I have a dog... he gets a minimum of two walks a day... and yes of course we clean up after him!!! Surprised at how many dogs insist of doing it in their own garden... mine is the opposite... is a last resort for him to poop on his own land (gotta love him!) And as for car journeys... he loves the car! He has a harness attached to the seat belt... so just loves to stick his head out of the window! Gets very excited when its been raining... as likes me to drive through puddles so he can... [ more ]
See all 74 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Odds on BB AXE slashed to 2/1!
subatomic partygirl I think you're spot on; the GBP goss (even about the banal stuff) keeps it vital. [ more ]
Marguerita Not getting LF 24/7 the show is dying a slow death BB is editing the show to suit them not the viewers, we dont know what is really going on in the house and I do think a few might walk. [ more ]
BBBS because it has no live feed, without it there is no forum buzz and little or no press coverage and so nothing much to talk about with others, the result is that it doesnt encourage anyone else to watch. you see what ch4 have missed is that its OPINION that drives big brother not straight facts, "tom has walked" is just a fact as fed to the press by ch4, but with a full live feed all the lead up to it would have been on the forums and lots of differing opinions about it would have driven the... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HMs complaining about being bored
Blackpudlian I can't understand why they think it is BB's fault they are bored. Why can't they understand that THEY were put into the house to entertain the viewers? They don't seem to have made up many games to amuse themselves (and us). Face painting isn't much of a spectator sport, is it? [ more ]
Cold Sweat Housemates now seem to be reflecting what the viewing public have been saying about BB for the past 2 years. [ more ]
figtree I would be bored silly if I was in there! I would go stir I did hear Noren say that BB takes everything off them.BB plans it that way so there is more time to gossip and stir up senseless arguements.Especially when there is a lack of food. Yes they could do a little more perhaps, but I cannot judge them unfairly on this. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
for all members wanting to post pics (how to)
Former Member Right click on the photo, select properties at the bottom, then in the pop up box highlight the address - this bit When it is highlighted, right click on it and select copy then open up one of these boxes in the thread you want to post it in. Click on the green envelope looking thing in the bar at the top and paste the link in there. It should work [ more ]
mad4cavs if i wanted to post it on another thread how do i do that [ more ]
Tina the boy is my son queenshaks and yes your right its olivia thanks veggie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie is totally under control
pigeonpie I agree, and I don't see that Bea is harming is chances of winning at all! [ more ]
kimota I like Freddie and Bea, but do feel that Freddie was more entertaining when he was struggling to survive in there during the first few weeks. Hes got things too easy at the moment! I am hoping he plays peacemaker between Noirin, Siavash amd Marcus. It would be quite an achievement if he can do that! [ more ]
figtree Totally agree with you RJ! Sour grapes on Tom's part! [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who Thinks Marcus Has Turned Out To be Worse Than Lisa
watcher1 Took the words out of my mouth. Although I don't particuarly like Lisa, she's not the only one who bitches. I don't find Marcus' sullen demeanour and threats of physical violence entertaining. Initially, he seemed to be 'striking a blow' (no pun intended) for the common man but his true character has since been exposed. Fed up with watching him from behind the settee - want him OUT!! [ more ]
Mollie Senora, I agree with you, and seriously I hate to say anything too negative about anyone,(but I will lol) I am very serious when I say this btw, there is something VERY sinister about Marcus, I think he is unstable in a big way! I cannot believe anyone would think lisa or Noirin for that matter are worse them him... and for the record I am not a Lisa or Noirin fan... but i like to be fair! [ more ]
Free Thinking They all try and manipulate people in the game, some people however are alot more real and loyal in their friendships than others. Noirin does a heck of a lot more ass licking than many others in the house. You saw her before nominations last night? The only one as manipulative I think is Bea. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poltergeist 2
mary_bee When I was younger my mum told me this film wasn't scary so I watched it and couldn't sleep properly for almost three weeks afterwards. [ more ]
Former Member We couldn't decide whether to watch this film or the Keanu Reeves one so we watched him intstead. I went to bed about an hour in, it was really rubbish [ more ]
WILDER X Spelt documentary wrong lol. I fine thanks pwillow. Take care. Goodnight. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus in the pool, for how many hours??
sinkthepink Re: Marcus in the pool, for how many hours?? [ more ]
Saint Nope - mine smells of a light summer breeze [ more ]
sinkthepink I bet unless they have a days supply of chewing gum or something all their breaths will stink, the smokers must be worse, the tea or coffee drinkers must just be as bad. Cup your hand over your mouth in about 4 hours time and breathe in deeply, i bet it stinks as well [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm fed up with it all now
Saint Awwww Fluffy - nice to see you [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus is gradually getting over her though, and he doesn't have to speak to her if he doesn't want to (she just wants to make herself look better). Anyway the common link in your post is Noirin, someone who changes her friends every few weeks in the show. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Hi Renton. I've been in the HLs thread mainly and a bit of L/F. Don't seem to have much time for anything else at the moment, though do manage to get the odd comment in here and there. I don't avoid anyone generally, but sometimes we are, coincidentally, not in the same place at the same time. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Green&Pink Marcus can look around the room for 10 mins and can tell you what is going to happen in the next month (was it?)and what he predicts ..."it shall come to pass". Didn't see Nor and Shives thing coming though did you Marcus????? [ more ]
jennywren He's on the Forum? Didn't think they had laptops in there. Wonder what they would say about us, if they did. [ more ]
*KG* Spongey does it again! He is genius though, I mean he's the stuff threads are made of! [ more ]
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