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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Musical chairs romances
Free Thinking Maybe, but the real world is completely different to the house. The house is always at least partly about the game. Nevertheless you would have thought some people in there might be a bit more loyal with their friendships/alliances as it doesn't look so good to the public just jumping from one person to another. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy I agree. Noirin is queen of the fauxmance and has to go asap imo. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
bye bye marcus bb wants you
Eugene's Lair Hmmm... not sure about how that would go down either legally or with OFCOM. I'm not sure simply offering to pay back the cost of everyones eviction calls would cut-it if there was even just the perception that BB tried to rig the outcome... At the very least: two abandoned eviction votes in a row wouldn't look good... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Yeah - I think a lot of people have similar feelings towards both of them. The only reason I would prefer Noirin to go is to finish off BB's obsession with the "Noirin story" and hopefully scupper all this Isaac Stout nonsense... [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg we can get Lisa next week [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't say it Freddy.
shar69 I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Have fun goodnight [ more ]
Marguerita Her and Freddie are well matched in that department what if she has told Freddie he is favourite and Siavash is 2nd of favourite could be his way of trying to get Siavash out saying the romance is fake and wants a magazine deal out of it ,he did exactly the same thing to Kris he kept saying fake fake fake to their romance even though he was right he kept on and on about it like the public could not see it, [ more ]
~Lee~ Sorry I missed this Shar.... back at ya. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do we owe Big Brother ??
Comrade Ogilvy Wannabes don't do generally do that though, they tend to behave themselves and be good little generic HMs. [ more ]
Jenny No, but, for the sake of the concept, I don't want constant disregard for BB either. Would you want a BB full of wannabes that just do what they want? [ more ]
stoory His reaction to his telling off reminded me of the reaction I get from my fifteen year old son No eye contact, sitting side-ways in the chair, and acting like you don't know what the hell you're talking about. My son comes round to my way of explaining to him a lot quicker than Marcus though [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin and Siavash are playing the Marcus card way too much.
Tequila Hiyaa, when Marcus said about them both "freezing him out" he was talking about the week when the newbies arrived......before Noirin told him about her and Siavash [ more ]
pigeonpie It's like a scripted beauty and the geek! [ more ]
Tayto. Marcus said on the HL tonight that they had frozen him out but any time they try to talk he ignore them or says he won't talk to them. No one here can deny that. Siavash hasn't the balls to confront him and we also heard him say that on the HL show. He said he wasn't going into the living room because he Marcus was there and not because of his 'thing'. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what happened to poolies
spongebob squarepants good plan.....she's sacked me as her agent anyway....i mean doesn't she know who i am?.... ...i've worked with all the top stars i bobby crush and peters and lee..... [ more ]
spongebob squarepants bugger....... *tries damage limitation*..... what i meant to say was it was completely my fault and absolutely not down to you at all...i take full responsibility..a million billion percent... in the words of ziggy..... 'it wasn't was me' taaaaaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... [ more ]
skive ooooooo interesting! Okay forget what I said about the egg sarnie I was just joshing. You grab her, I'll put the sack on her head and we'll dump her on page 150. No-one will ever find the body. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG, livefeed, Siavash is trying to get Noirin......
pigeonpie So she bullshined her parents aswell? [ more ]
pigeonpie She just said Siavash flirted with a lot of people in the beginning? Siavash just keeps looking at her jugs! [ more ]
Former Member OMG! I thought she was looking very unattractive tonight as well. Mind you the chewing gum with her mouth open, and her bolshy attitude and shouting, is getting right on my wick. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
marcus made the decision not to speak with Noirin/Siavash
stonks There is'nt enough blood in any male body to fill 2 heads at the same time.... [ more ]
stonks He said it had nothing to do with that but that it was cos Marcus was their.... [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus is more intelligent than a few in that house. Yes he thinks they should do more tasks and quite a few of the audience would agree. That's not directly to do with the game. Marcus did try to get a group together to combat Lisa's group however and that was playing the game. But Marcus at least was quite upfront in doing that, he isn't really underhand I think. Others like Siavash can be underhand. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus hugging Bea
Flossie I thought Bea was going to be safe, and then Marcus emitted the ominous phrase "I really like you Bea" Eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk EEEEEEEEEEEEEEkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! There will be trouble ahead..... [ more ]
Roxi I thought it was a great moment . As Bea says we all need hugs [ more ]
Former Member hope Bea gets the Noirin treatment [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa gave Sophie some good advice - and a hug!
Former Member Sounded very insincere IMHO! She spouts these platitudes trying to convince that she's wise. She isn't! [ more ]
stoory Day before nominations, and sweet understanding Lisa comes out I think she doesn't really have any beef with Sophie, but she's not that caring either. The worst part of that whole scene was Charlie Sitting there, bored out of his skull, picking his nails, and waiting for any piece of gossip he could lay his hands on. He's interested in no-one, and his only reason for sitting in on conversations , is to glean information to use against people. [ more ]
kazzy Whatever else Marcus is I dont believe he is a bully. Lisa was a huge bully at the beginning of the show but each week as she saw her minnions leave over Freddie she sussed that the public dont like overbearing thugs [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, I cant defend Marcus on that one.
Comrade Ogilvy Why ? I find it very easy to defend disrespect of Big Brother tbh. [ more ]
Roxi As a Marcus fan I cant defend him either. He was wrong to do that [ more ]
Free Thinking I think that's because they took tokens away and Marcus thinks if the HMs are enjoying themselves that makes better TV. He has been trying to persuade them to set the HMs more tasks. Marcus has actually taken some of his own tokens away or some of his shopping money to make up for those lost anyway. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wow it's stll goin on give the anti marcus footage a rest
Comrade Ogilvy I can't believe how people are criticising him for disrespecting Big Brother !!! We're on gagajoyjoy because... BIG BROTHER DISRESPECTS US !!! Fcuk Big Brother, Go Marcus ! [ more ]
fz I agree BB could have shown that... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Well, what do you know? They didn't show it. For those who don't know: Marcus apologized to the group later for his behaviour, and offered to replace the lost tokens with his own personal ones, and with cash from his share of the budget. Marcus the Meek For some reason, though, BB didn't consider that worth including... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do we not have a date for the final
swg chances are c4 haven't decided themselves if we assume they want 6 for the final week like usual and no new entrants then the final was 6 weeks away last friday [ more ]
Former Member cheers, it's odd not having a finish date. [ more ]
Videostar At first I heard that the show would last for 14 weeks and was due to end on 11th of september...but now I think it's finishing a week earlier. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good GOD!!! Hira said a complete sentence!!!
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! completely agree - I BET she interacts with the others more than Marcus does [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Said this on another thread, but still: I think Hira's being treated very badly by BB here. She competed in the quiz as well, but you wouldn't have known from the edit. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! blow into a paper bag OP that will sort u out - I just had to check my temperature in case I was hallucinating [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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