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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
An unashamedly blatant request for sympathy - First Meal !!!!
Former Member Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Sorry to hear about your illness. Hope all is well now. Cheers GJ. Yes much, much better thanks. Glad you're on the mend EC [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Sorry to hear about your illness. Hope all is well now. Cheers GJ. Yes much, much better thanks. [ more ]
Garage Joe Sorry to hear about your illness. Hope all is well now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Royal Mail stake to be sold off, George Osborne announces
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I'm not a fan of the Blairite lot as you know. I was being ironic. Did you see your photo I posted elsewhere btw?? I know! What photo was that? [ more ]
Carnelian Unimpressed with Mary Creagh on QT. She agreed with the bloke on the post war Labour government but then will tell DM readers that the NHS needs 'modernising' - i.e. hived off to private sector vultures, in right wing Newspeak. [ more ]
Scotty ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Harry walking around the house naked
Cosmopolitan Her attitude is offensive, disrespectful and confrontational. None of this would be my response if I liked the person [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts I wouldn't find it uncomfortable at all to be honest. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Kaytee: There is no reason why anyone would walk around naked in a house that she's only been part of for a few days.....unless she's an attention grabbing, camera hogging, desperate wannabe that is It seems a bit odd that she keeps doing it when no one is actually finding it amusing (except for Nick) Teenage boy voters perhaps Aimee True, she will still be nominated though [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone know what Marcs job
Kaffs Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: an organic chemist for a pharmacutical company. Organ chemist maybe... That said, I didn't mind him in last night's show (that I've just caught up with) I need to see more, but it's apparent he's just in there as a WUM,but - I don't think he's totally above having the mick taken out of him. All the 'you need to come down to my height' stuff - not typical for someone with wee man's disease. Jury's out, but I don't want to kill him so badly now. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I think he is a fully qualified pain in the rear. First class degree in it. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I like him Jen. There, I've said it. I've started to warm to him as well, it's the odd comment that will be His downfall, I wonder if it's an act or will he be able to keep it up till he leaves [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carriages crash on Alton Towers ride Smiler
Jen-Star Originally Posted by pirate1111: im always the one holding the coats while everybody goes on these stupid rides i just dont 'get' them i watched the air ambulance fly over from alton towers evening i said to lisa 'bloody hell, its been 4hours since the accident' poor sods It said on the news last night that the ambulances weren't called for 10mins and the fire crews a further 30mins! My kids have been on it..... AT THE FRONT! Won't be happening again.... [ more ]
pirate1111 im always the one holding the coats while everybody goes on these stupid rides i just dont 'get' them i watched the air ambulance fly over from alton towers evening i said to lisa 'bloody hell, its been 4hours since the accident' poor sods [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities That supports my totally rational fear of rollercoasters. Sounds like some were injured. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBC Journalist announces the Queens death on Twitter
Videostar Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Originally Posted by Videostar: The next tweet should be about the sacking of a BBC journalist. I don't see why,just the wrong click on a screen,hardly major crime. Hehehe, yes of course, all an accident. [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by Videostar: The next tweet should be about the sacking of a BBC journalist. I don't see why,just the wrong click on a screen,hardly major crime. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Videostar: The next tweet should be about the sacking of a BBC journalist. Damn right..! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest betting odds
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Yogi19: If I remember what Mr Yogi taught me, and those figures are odds to be evicted, then Eileen is now favourite to go. I don't want Joel to go, but I'd rather Danny or Jack had gone before Eileen. Yay !! I got it right I think we both got it the wrong way round! Every year when BB is on, I have to ask Mr Yogi to explain again how it works! [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Joel's favourite to go. However as CS says, it's very close - to the extent that the odds really aren't all that meaningful at the moment (and are likely to stay that way). Current odds on Betfair (to evict): Joel: 4/7; Eileen: 5/4 [For those not used to betting odds, the way to think about them is as fractions: the smaller the fraction, the more likely the outcome (eviction, in this case). The first number is how much you win if you place an amount equal... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Joel's favourite to go. However as CS says, it's very close - to the extent that the odds really aren't all that meaningful at the moment (and are likely to stay that way). Current odds on Betfair (to evict): Joel: 4/7; Eileen: 5/4 [For those not used to betting odds, the way to think about them is as fractions: the smaller the fraction, the more likely the outcome (eviction, in this case). The first number is how much you win if you place an amount equal to the second number, so if you... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's been the worst case of bullying throughout civilian BB?
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: For civilian BB, I think the treatment of Shabaz was easily the worst. For a single incident, watching Charley verbally abuse Brian Belo (at the time her only friend in the house, remember) over a 30 minute period in BB8 is time I wish I could get back - nasty stuff. There were loads of others, but a couple that stick in the mind are BB11 Sunshine harangued by the others for the... [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: For civilian BB, I think the treatment of Shabaz was easily the worst. For a single incident, watching Charley verbally abuse Brian Belo (at the time her only friend in the house, remember) over a 30 minute period in BB8 is time I wish I could get back - nasty stuff. There were loads of others, but a couple that stick in the mind are BB11 Sunshine harangued by the others for the temerity of not sharing her meal... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I remember that Dame Afternoon girls fun times Velvet [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2015. Highlights & BotS chat thread. Tuesday 2/6/15 from 22:00.
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Yogi19: I notice Cristian turning his head so he can hear better. I've noticed that a few times, I wonder if the other hms know about his hearing I haven't heard him tell anyone about his hearing problems, but I suppose he might have done and CH5 haven't shown it. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Yogi19: I notice Cristian turning his head so he can hear better. I've noticed that a few times, I wonder if the other hms know about his hearing [ more ]
Scotty ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Windows 10?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: picture of my message Jen, it will download but you don't have to install it...I got muxed ip I like that. Both 'muxed' and 'ip' are computing terms. [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: picture of my message Jen, it will download but you don't have to install it...I got muxed ip [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average picture of my message Jen, it will download but you don't have to install it...I got muxed ip [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Madame Arcati: I'm not Alistair Cambell's biggest fan but it is a beautifully written and very moving piece, in my opinion I agree Madame on AC, but it was it was a touching read [ more ]
pirate1111 he was in politics to help others & not himself i thought he seemed a really decent honest bloke shame that none of the latest lot have his direction & his morals, his passion & commitment [ more ]
Madame Arcati Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by Madame Arcati: RIP, Charlie I was struck by this line in Alistair's summing up - ''He spoke fluent human...'' I'm not Alistair Cambell's biggest fan but it is a beautifully written and very moving piece, in my opinion [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We are a hot topic on a DS thread right now.
Crunchy Nuts Hot Topics! Hot Topics! Hot Topics! wiiiiiith Imogen! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by Amythist: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: DS is just so soulless. Can't stand it...full of moaning nit pickers I post humour on DS now and then, well posts that I intend as humour. It rarely goes down well,I am usually called upon to explain myself and there are always lots of these involved in the request --->!!!!!!!!!!!!?? Casting pearls before swine, Jackson! [ more ]
jacksonb Originally Posted by Amythist: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: DS is just so soulless. Can't stand it...full of moaning nit pickers I post humour on DS now and then, well posts that I intend as humour. It rarely goes down well,I am usually called upon to explain myself and there are always lots of these involved in the request --->!!!!!!!!!!!!?? [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
o/t the kardashians...
Ells Is that really today, Crunchy? She's pregnant and running around with no bra on! I would say she will regret that in later years but she's stuffed full of plastic and will just have it replaced when it sags. I bet she is fuming that 'Caitlyn' stole her thunder with that Vanity Fair cover at the same time that she announced her pregnancy. Or else she announced it to try to steal Caitlyn's limelight. That wouldn't surprise me at all. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Kim today Picture Credit (dailymail) [ more ]
Ells I have to admit to watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians quite a few times, mainly just to scoff at how obsessed they all are with fame but one thing I did pick up on (and had confirmed from the usual gossip sites) is that those Kardashian and Jenner girls didn't stand a chance of a normal life what Kris Jenner as their Mum. She is a fame whore and has (quite literally) sold her daughters into the media. She orchestrates every single bit of drama/publicity and if the price is right will... [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2015. Highlights & BiggerBotS chat thread. Monday 1/6/15. 22:00.
Aimee He doesn't seem to realise that the public voted for him to get evicted on the very first night, you'd think he'd be trying to get the public on his side [ more ]
Amythist Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Got side tracked and caught up today. I can't believe how thick he is choosing that route Intelligence obviously isn't his barometer. He just wants to be remembered somehow so being a baddy will have to do [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Amythist: Had my first strong feelings about BB watching last night. What a horrible snake that ridiculous man Simon is.I was nodding off to sleep when the nomination stuff got me so I had to go and make a mug of chamomile But yes, he's a smarmy g..t!!! [ more ]
See all 507 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eileen "Game On"
Amythist Originally Posted by velvet donkey: She's a fruit loop. Maybe the teeth'll come out. I think her teeth are ratcheted on and a fruit loop she may be but at least she isnt a malevolent scheming fame ho like that showbiz nob. [ more ]
Amythist Good for you Eileen! Simon is a snake in Spence clothing. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by MrsH: I think tonight we might see if she is *game on * - results were shown to the house and by whom apparently it got very heated with old housmates V Simon from the clips posted I always expected that they would show the people nominating (and so should the HM's). This series does feel quite open when it comes to what people think and say and do for that matter. Marc is a good example of someone who has come in and actually 'stirred up' the house - many say they will,... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ejected Aaron
Mount Olympus *Olly* pftt Aaron is a desperado . just banter my arse ! if he does it with his mates then shame on him for that too and shame on them for putting up with it. . there's flashing then there's outright in your face sexual type advances Marc better watch out with his 'banter' with Sam. . She's gay and he's constantly going on about shagging her .. if he gets drunk and starts flashing her too and making suggestive movements he should be out on his ear as well [ more ]
MrsH Big Brother 2015: Aaron Frew speaks out about removal: 'It was just banter' Ejected Big Brother housemate Aaron Frew has spoken out about his axe from the show. Aaron was removed from the house last week after drunkenly flashing fellow housemate Joel Williams before chasing him around the bedroom naked. Big Brother told Aaron that his behaviour was “inappropriate” and that they had no choice but to remove him from the house . Aaron sobbed in the Diary Room last Thursday: “I’m really, really... [ more ]
Baz And I reckon BB only reprimanded Harriet because of the backlash on FB !! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*** Spoiler Alert *** NOM BOMB
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Kaytee: It's Eileen's time to go, but the reason is poor Nah, she can win this's certainly NOT her time to go. I think she is pretty weird and not my cup of tea at all but, I really do want her to win now. . mainly as a poke in the eye for the ageist in the house altho one has gone now thankfully [Sarah] . . 'showbiz' should watch his back, he's practically ancient himself in comparison to the others, and if he truly believes... [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Kaytee: It's Eileen's time to go, but the reason is poor Nah, she can win this's certainly NOT her time to go. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I hope there's more noms to come, don't like idea only Joel and Eileen being up I've just been reminded that there hasn't been a head-to-head eviction since BB13 (Lauren vs Luke A)! C5 don't seem to like head-to-heads... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think Marc will stay or be
Eugene's Lair As others have said, the crudeness and nudity aren't reason enough on their own to remove him. It would take an outright rule break and/or unacceptable behaviour towards another HM. The classic example IMO would be Jay in BB12. Jay easily remains the most disgusting HM ever, literally smearing his bodily fluids around the house in a manner and to an extent that would shame a toddler. And yet: BB couldn't/wouldn't remove him. From what we heard afterwards, it would appear that Jay had them... [ more ]
kattymieoww I want Jack and his dressing gown out the door! [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Kaytee: He's a PITA and very crude with it. I know he's shaken them all to the core and that was what BB required of the Newbies, but this person just has to go very soon Have you read his latest Kaytee ? [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2015. Highlights chat thread. Sunday 31/5/15. 22:00.
Cinds Originally Posted by Syd: I HATE Marc and the likes of him......Rude, obnoxious, nasty.....then apologises with a smile......then is Rude, obnoxious and nasty....Again..... GET MARC OUT!!!!!! He's vile. Speaks volumes that the shower of shite from Geordie Shore are tweeting their support for him. (Danny too) [ more ]
Cinds Please tell me that Marc is wearing these for the bantz. [ more ]
Cold Sweat That felt more scripted than ever and like a soap opera at times - especially all the little gossip groups. I know it might simply be the editing but it does feel more than ever like watching a group of actors. [ more ]
See all 389 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many of them are professional RTV contestants?
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Viewing figures for Big Brother W/E 17th May Best Viewing Figure BIG BROTHER (TUE 2101) 1.94 Worst Viewing Figure BIG BROTHER (SAT 2119) 0.90 Saturday is usually the worst day - i think even the hardcore fans feel they deserve a night off once a week! It does make you wonder just how low those figures might go and if the "cull" will have a significant impact. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Viewing figures for Big Brother W/E 17th May Best Viewing Figure BIG BROTHER (TUE 2101) 1.94 Worst Viewing Figure BIG BROTHER (SAT 2119) 0.90 [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: C.S. One of the points I refer to when criticising the show and why I really would not care if it left our screens for good. I think of this as Pre-Celebrity Big Brother . If Channel 5 were not so intent on milking the celebrity magazine interview market (see chavs, TOWIE & MiC) we may see some truly genuine members of the public who could have a proper 'journey' without the semi-celebrity lifestyles and experiences this lot have. IMO... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saturday's BB HL Show - Catching Up!
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Dom - Baring her breasts. What's not to like. But...didn't you feel a bit deflated after the exposé from her bed? A bit like asking for a pint and only getting a shot glassful? So deliciously mean Oh Cosi you crack me up I'll be better later when I've had my days gin quota [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Dom - Baring her breasts. What's not to like. But...didn't you feel a bit deflated after the exposé from her bed? A bit like asking for a pint and only getting a shot glassful? So deliciously mean Oh Cosi you crack me up I'll be better later when I've had my days gin quota [ more ]
Former Member ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Simon is so happy to be back in the Big Brother house that he spontaneously combusts... if only. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Jen-Star: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: It'll be coitains for Showboat at the first opp. Still think he's a ringer. I think Ron Seal is a ringer. How convenient that he knows Jade. And a convenient spat with Danny within minutes of arriving too. I hope Showbiz drives him crazy How about a week-long task where they have to be locked in a room together! With no cameras Nice one Jen [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: It'll be coitains for Showboat at the first opp. Still think he's a ringer. I think Ron Seal is a ringer. How convenient that he knows Jade. And a convenient spat with Danny within minutes of arriving too. I hope Showbiz drives him crazy How about a week-long task where they have to be locked in a room together! With no cameras [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2015. Highlights chat thread. Saturday 30/5/15. 21:00
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Kaffs: I bet she's SO glad when it's bra off o'clock... So will I Did you not watch last night? it happened [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Kaffs: I bet she's SO glad when it's bra off o'clock... So will I [ more ]
Scotty That seemed to go quickly. Didn`t catch it all, I`ll watch again later and read back on what the speed typists had to say. Night in here [ more ]
See all 370 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marc v Danny
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Tale of the tape measure . No need for full sized, you'd get change out of a 6" ruler [ more ]
Aimee I think he will be nominated and out as soon as they can vote for him [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: As for Danny he was one of the quiet ones for me so wasn't sure what to think of him. I'm glad he stood up to Marc and told him not to talk to the girls like that but address it to the men. Why Marc thought his comment to Chloe was funny eludes me. I like Irish humour but how the heck was that funny???? It's his MO: he uses the smokescreen of "banter" as an excuse to say whatever he likes. If anyone takes offence, it's... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sarah :We all thought that Big Brother loved Danny more than Big Brother loved the rest of us!
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I really worry about the English Universities. Unless she's doing it by post. From the Far East. VD - MA, MSC, LLB, PHD (Botany and Latin), BD. All that and I got change from a tenner! ROFL!! Absolutely brilliant [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Unless she's doing it by post. From the Far East. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan So it's just a bit s**t that we just got kicked out basically because we were the ones who were liked in the house." ....which has got s*d all to do with what the viewers/voting public think or want. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FA Cup: Aston Villa v Arsenal
Cosmopolitan Mr Cosi will talk footy to anyone, EC - regardless of who they support; you'd get on fine The Gunners/Spurs situation used to get a bit 'hyper' back in the day but now that they've left home I don't have to care or play Harry Gibbs* anymore! * Old boxing referee. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Are you a Gooner then Cosi? It's a long story, EC, but suffice to say that 1 son is an Arsenal fan and the other supports Spurs. My daughter supports Charlton! Mr Cosi's the fly in the ointment: he's a dirty Leeds fan That is a hell of a collection of teams. I suspect the Gunners/Spurs clash is interesting at times. Mr Cosi - Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. My Sympathies. Again I suspect if he knew you were... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Mr Cosi named his two pet rabbits Billy and Jack after Bremner and Charlton Was that when Bob Stokoe jumped all around the pitch doing a victory dance, Velvet? If so, I remember that as if it were yesterday! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone else think there's more
Cosmopolitan As for Plankman & Ms Shaganything... They're just - excuse the term - p*ssing on each others chips. Jealous of splitting the possible Irish/Reality TV fan vote. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Just had a thought... imagine if they put Velvet in? He'd be my ultimate housemate to rock the house! Oh how gooooooooood would that be And Velvet - Kirk my @rse! [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Just had a thought... imagine if they put Velvet in? He'd be my ultimate housemate to rock the house! It's a front Rog Ever watch Dear John? Well I'm Kirk BBC - Comedy - Dear John Just read that Velvet I remember that series! Ahhh yes... Kirk/Eric. Mind you there's shades of him in us all perhaps? The most... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kieran : 'Everyone was getting on too well'
Baz I think it's a shame he went ...most * normal * one in there .... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Aimee: Still seems a really nice bloke can't see them being allowed back in as people paid to evict, then again they let Nikki back in BB got into a lot of trouble over Nikki re-entering the house, and the producer later admitted it was his biggest mistake on the show, so there's no way they'd do that again. Simon wasn't evicted by a public vote - and even the viewers voting on the "shortlist" of HMs for the twist weren't directly told one of the HMs chosen would be... [ more ]
Former Member Thanks Mrs H Seems a nice, articulate bloke. Hope they pick him to go on BOTS commenting as the series goes on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Twist Alert Secret Nomination Poll
Baz Originally Posted by MrsH: 2.31pm: Jack doesn't look that impressed because he's just heard about a big NOMS TWIST! Not another one ! I voted for the two girls ....but do we know if it's only the newbies that get to vote ? [ more ]
MrsH 2.31pm: Jack doesn't look that impressed because he's just heard about a big NOMS TWIST! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: I think Simon will vote fairly Strangely, so do I! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm needing help again please
Scotty Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Scotty: I need help too please. How do you post a photo using the attachments thingy? Errr could you explain that in a bit more detail Scotty? You mean when you get an attachment pic with an email? You'd first download the attachment/pic to your pc. Then go to one of the uploading pic sites like tinypic etc, and follow the instructions there. Usually a wee box opens... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Scotty: I need help too please. How do you post a photo using the attachments thingy? Errr could you explain that in a bit more detail Scotty? You mean when you get an attachment pic with an email? You'd first download the attachment/pic to your pc. Then go to one of the uploading pic sites like tinypic etc, and follow the instructions there. Usually a wee box opens up allowing you to browse the files on... [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Scotty: I need help too please. How do you post a photo using the attachments thingy? Errr could you explain that in a bit more detail Scotty? You mean when you get an attachment pic with an email? You'd first download the attachment/pic to your pc. Then go to one of the uploading pic sites like tinypic etc, and follow the instructions there. Usually a wee box opens up allowing you to browse the files on your pc to find the pic you... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by velvet donkey: He'll be on the super-unleaded by noo Cosi My eldest is out celebrating... so I've been told. It'll be a messy ending. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by pirate1111: cockney w@nkers You may think they're w@nkers but they're not cockneys [ more ]
pirate1111 im home most of the lads have been at pub for early breakfast 10am-its all getting a bit lary-lisa refused to come home with me...we only live 2mins from pub...i'll get the wheelbarrow ready to pick her up & take her home [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
As a fan of Sarah...
Cold Sweat What’s the male equivalent of a fishwife? [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Glad she went, not only did she support Aaron and blame Joel for encouraging Aaron she was ageist too.. I heard her say a number of times, as well as in her interview, that it was a young house and Eileen had no place there.. think Harriet agreed with her too.. Good luck out in the big bad world Sarah where people of all ages get along fine together [ more ]
Cold Sweat Eileen, Cristian and Joel should now coast through the process without Sarah to appose them. The show should be about the interaction between housemates and not constant manipulation from the producers. You could see after the week one eviction that Sarah was sussing the game and cementing her place - which her turnaround in week 2 nominations proved. The combination of the unfair twist and the fallout from Aaron's ejection sent her falling from second joint favourite housemate to win the... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
** Spoiler** It's all Kicking Off
Aimee Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Has it been mentioned if the newbies (as is the normal practice) will be immune from eviction this week? That's what I was thinking, so another old hm will leave next [ more ]
Yellow Rose Top of BB's agenda seems to be choose hm's that cause arguments and division [ more ]
kattymieoww It's very contrived ,they obviously want fights etc.Marc is following a script,the musclebound numpty. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mrs. H was right
Former Member Originally Posted by MrsH: well nearly a day in and I loathe beef man Marc - will give the girls a bit more time but I really hate new additions not sure about noms this week but am assuming they will be immune unfortunately as I think Marc and showbiz will have picked up a few but if they are but can nom then it will be interesting who is up Sure will Mrs H [ more ]
MrsH well nearly a day in and I loathe beef man Marc - will give the girls a bit more time but I really hate new additions not sure about noms this week but am assuming they will be immune unfortunately as I think Marc and showbiz will have picked up a few but if they are but can nom then it will be interesting who is up [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I feel like BB have sent me back in time to the start of the show when I couldn't get into it. I'll have to start all again I know what you mean YR , but hang in , who knows , they might surprise us again Not sure I like BB surprises so far [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2015.Live eviction...eviction...eviction...eviction, highlights and BotS chat thread. Friday 29/5/15. 21:00 to 24:00
Former Member Originally Posted by Kaffs: Right.. thanks for company.... I've been ignored in better places than this you know.... *flounces to bed* Who said that? Maybe this thread has mice... [ more ]
Saint Glad four went - they deserved it - possibly except the black guy (can't remember his name). Their attitude is like they deserve to be there and BB have no right to remove them - Sara especially. And then they replace them with more of the same ! [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: I never saw this bloke as I was away. Irritating runt isn't he? I think you lost this..... C The substitute R works too tho [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I knew there was a reason I didn't like Sarah! (Spoiler)
Crunchy Nuts Watching the highlights, he did smirk when the news was broke. It's fair enough, he's within his rights to LOL if he wants. So Sarah seeing him smirk makes her observant, not nasty. [ more ]
Kaytee Oh well.......get 'er out [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Baz: What a can she is !! If she was that bothered she should have tried stopping it last night !!!! Exactly! [ more ]
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