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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
WOOOO! News just in - Charlie and Rodrigo had a smooch!
Mazzystar You obviously know way more than me about it!! [ more ]
Kaytee I agree [ more ]
Free Thinking Charlie always does things for the cameras, probably more than anyone else in the house. Rodrigo even if he might have a bit of an attraction can't be so stupid as to not know what the game is here. There's more genuine a connection between Rodrigo and Sophie, but please don't make that into a 'romance' either. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When Noirin met Issac...
Former Member They might have edited that bit.. [ more ]
Lindsxdx What gets me about this story is she met him and was sleeping with him within the space of what, 12 hours? This from the girl who says she doesn't give it up as easy and Enlgih girls!! Bloody hell, we would have had to bed him right there on the streets of China Town to get in any faster. [ more ]
brisket I agree. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo, Freddie, Bea, Sophie, even Marcus...
*KG* She's the stuff that a good 'gut-wrenching PUKE' are made of I am still finding myself, rocking backwards and forwards, in the Mental Institution, wondering why the hell anyone likes people like her? Questions: 1. WHO would trust her with their partner? 2. Is she REALLY THAT beautiful? [ more ]
sinkthepink Did Vash really give a shit when trying to cover his arse with Marcus and look good in front of the viewing public when he said 'you are my best friend man, i love ya man, i am sorry man' and then jumps back into bed with Noirin 10 minutes later. If he was really bothered with how Marcus felt then he would have got back into his own bed. [ more ]
Kaytee Marcus would not have been human if he hadn't had a little gloat,but at least he didn't do so in fromt of Siavash. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*VIDEO* Marcus tells Siavash Noirin think's she is staying!!
Lister_of_Smeg she gets on my bloody nerves now she is claiming that she is staying even before friday pick up the phone you know the number 090 16 16 16 10 [ more ]
tupps Several ways to interpret that. You could say that was said and Charlie's take on it was that it was a joke. The only way to say for certain is to hear the conversation. It doesn't negate the fact that whilst Marcus may be 'unreliable' as a witness he allegedly wasn't the only one and would be stupid to make up what she said, even if he put his spin on it. [ more ]
Mollie No one saw Noirin say that to Marcus, and as we all know he is so good at twisting things, I want Noirin out for Saivash's sake but I doubt she said that to Marcus, in the tone he suggests, I would say she was kidding with him for sure! [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Really not looking forward to eviction
*KG* That's what I've been trying to say, Tupps Failing miserably, obviously, because peeps are missing the point that Marcus was hurt by Noirin. The fact that she didn't fancy him, doesn't diminish how he feels - or has felt. Why on earth people can see this more clearly where Siavash is concerned (although he's only really been 'with' her for about a week) is beyond me, and I actually really love Siavash. Noirin has spent most of her time in there, around Marcus so it seems obvious to me that... [ more ]
sunny dayz putting it like that...marcas i [ more ]
Saint Who needs to be put in their place more? Mucus OR Noreeen? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Email from BB
Blizz'ard I'm afraid that is a snippet from Midnight Train to Georgia! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing You had to write them in the tone a chastised 5 year old would use... i.e. "I am very very sorry, I was very very bad, I now see that I was very very bad and nothing could excuse my behaviour. I promise I will behave myself in the future." (and then try and erase the self loathing you felt for actually having to send such tripe!) [ more ]
*KG* Somehow, my grovelling emails to return never quite hit the spot So I just got 'new outfits' and came back anyway! I left for a few months though because I got sick of being banned for what others weren't being [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So... what about Noirin's other ex then?
Sunnie Brilliant, should have put all the ex's in a bedsit for 6 weeks then thrown em all together! [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I think Isaac was the one from Australia as that was where they met on the realtiy show wasn't it?.. am a bit sketchy on the details of the one in numero uno position tho... and yeah Saz throw Siavash's ex in as well.. if they are going to go down that road lets get em all in. . oooh and lisa's ex GF too.. BB has become a parody of itself anyway so why not just mess the whole thing up completely then turn the cameras off [ more ]
Liverpoollass Re: So... what about Noirin's other ex then? [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have read somewhere that Issac put Bea in her place
cologne 1 I agree. I'm up and down with Bea, but she was only telling it straight. He's the outsider, but thinks he's the bigshot because of Noirin. I would have had to say a few things if he had spoken to me the way he did. [ more ]
Saint great point - BEA shud butt out totally She does not know - and she is stirring Dislike Issac but he is right .................................................. Ummm i think i've changed my mind, lol If Issacc does not want their relationship and wot 'might' be happening with him and Noirinn etc . . . He shud NOT have went into BB - it goes with the territory (as he well knows) [ more ]
stonks I could see she fancied him.... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
well at least Marcus is now talking to Siavash again
Free Thinking Siavash was bitching with Noirin about Marcus earlier yesterday, he's suddenly had to change his alliances now. Ironically he's still seeking sympathy though. First it was seeking it for the guilt he said he felt to Marcus and now it's for the hurt he says he has received from Noirin. Marcus is far more talkative and open than Siavash was. [ more ]
squiggle That was good, pity we couldn't have had subtitles! [ more ]
captain marbles It's ironic that Marcus is the big winner of the incoming of Isaac after having by far and away his worst week in the house. Going by the bookies odds it was a very close call as to who would go on Friday but Noirin's cold-hearted attitude to Siavash has made her almost certain to go. I'm watching the LF from last night and he's looking pretty smug about the whole thing. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash, “I want to hook up with Bea just to piss Noirin off,"
Free Thinking I'm not saying that he didn't have a bit of lust, after all he jumped into bed with her the last few nights. Maybe the conditions of the house, the confinement, exaggerated some of it. But more than anything I think he knows he has just looked silly on national TV and that's what hurts him as much as anything. [ more ]
Blizz'ard “I think if they put my ex in I’d just have sex with her all the time,” said Marcus changing the subject. Do they have puncture kits on the shopping list? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Yeah he was doing what some people do when they are hurt and talking things through with a mate, which is to throw out silly scenarios about revenge tactics, things we would say but never do, I've done that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HMs plotting...
*KG* So, if YOU think that you're not delusional, by your own theory - it probably means that you are? [ more ]
Flossie I was referring to the public at large who are even misinformed than people who watch some of the live feed. You are more irrational than misinformed, but we are all misinformed to a degree. And by the way, part of being delusional is not to think you are delusional. [ more ]
Flossie It is a game but almost all viewers make moral judgements on the hms. Most of the comments made about hms on this forum are related to the morals of an hm. Many viewers are prepared to excuse minor moral in fractions for a range of other reasons such as being particularly entertaining or if the viewers can relate strongly to the hm, but mostly it is a moral judgement. I really don't think that a couple could pretend to do what you suggest without some emotional trauma. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why is there lots of sympathy
jennywren Early on in the show, Siavash pretended to have a girlfriend, so that he would not get involved with anyone in the show. He advised Noirin to do the same to try and put Sree off the scent. [ more ]
Flossie Marcus has not recovered at all. His is bursting with resentment and anger and his reported pleasure at Siavash's comeuppance is further illustration of this. [ more ]
*KG* That is totally how I see it too, and thanks for putting into words what I've been thinking since this all blew up. Boys that my mates fancy, or have been out with are just soooooo off limits to me! You just don't 'go' there, and Siavash did. And as much as I feel for him having been bitten, I also feel for Marcus who also hurt despite the fact that his feelings were more about a passion unrequited. TBH, Marcus had a lucky escape and has snapped back now. Siavash on the other hand might not... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh goody just what the house needed!
Mollie I completely agree, I think putting Saivash in this position is awful and just hate they did that, would hate if they did it to anyone in there! [ more ]
*KG* Reality Show Veterans And so 'up themselves' they've no clue about how cringeworthy they actually are I'm even prepared to watch The Ming for another couple of weeks, if we can get her out this week and him next! [ more ]
carotino Just pass the two of them onto the next sucker production company. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last night LF Marcus told Siavash...
The Guru Actually, that was what they planned. Bea, Freddie and Charlie were chatting about it, saying it would be so funny if Bea flirted with Isaac. Siavash and Marcus joined the convo and Marcus said it probably wouldn't be a good idea as BB could edit out the joke part of it and just show the flirting - Making Bea look bad. [ more ]
Scotty I watched it on LF and he was defending Noirin for most of their conversation. He wasn`t trying to get Siavash to be mean, quite the opposite. When he told him about her "storyline" remark he was sharing his worries with him. It wasn`t said nastily. He looked concerned that she may be right. [ more ]
Mollie To be fair to Noirin, Marcus twists most things people say (remember the Tom and jail night for example) I didn't see that and she might have said it totally joking,,, but Marcus is trying to get Saivash to be mean about her and he isn't... by the way I want her to go this fri too! more for Saivash's sake... but I like to be fair too [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It IS SO IRONIC Siavash an marcus
*KG* What exactly has Siavash achieved? Some kissing, some hugging and the possibility (she was very clever to not rule anything in or out) of 'something going on, on the outside' and now th loss of a friend, loss of respect from other HMs for falling into her trap and now, feeling like absoulte shite? That's not called an achievement in my world. [ more ]
Luxor Do not judge everybody by your own standards. [ more ]
kazzy pre fukin cisely lmao [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus defending Noirin
Liverpoollass Marcus seems rather animated since Isacce entered the house. Wonder why? [ more ]
DanceSettee Exactly...i didn't see many people on here overlooking Kris' bad behaviour cos he was a pretty boy. Marcus is a twat, and would still be a twat if he was gawjus. He does have a heart though, that's obvious as everyone can see that it's been broken by Noirin. Whether it's a good one is debatable, he seems too much of a selfish f*** to me. The only reason he will stick up for Noirin is because he probably still thinks of her as his property [ more ]
MysTerry Not everyone is so shallow that their opinions are based on someones looks Are we not allowed to be critical of a persons behaviour if they don't fit into the 'model mode' ? I don't like Marcus because of his behaviour. I think he's a brat. As for looks, I think Ray Winstone is as sexy as hell He's about 30 years older than me but he just has that 'something' [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
well well the sun has confirmed Noirins comments about Siavash
Former Member People lets remember here that she's only ever 'friends' with any of these poor sooks [ more ]
*KG* LMFAO! 'A drunken kiss?' What, one in particular, or all of them? And what about when she was stone cold sober and said in the kitchen that she didn't want anyone else huggin and a kissing with Siavash? She's a fooking JOKE! [ more ]
LGS Re: well well the sun has confirmed Noirins comments about Siavash [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash is a grown man, Pathetic !!!, he needs to get a fcuking grip fgs !!!
Felix123 Marcus was more upst that the object of his obsession finally told him to eff off! [ more ]
kazzy Do you know what.... you are right! In hindsight I think Marcus knew Noirin was beyond him romantically but I think he truly believed.. rightly or wrongly.. that they were true friends. She made him believe it. As much as I like Siavash...get the fuk over it man!! I think Marcus feels the loss more [ more ]
Kev Great post. Noirin WAS/IS a lot closer to Marcus. She betrayed a friend, she lied to him. It's not about whether Marcus fancied her or not...which he always denied, he just said she was sexy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I See Issac With Sophie Not Noirin
Essie I see him with a webcam, Dirty Den stylee. [ more ]
Free Thinking Marcus genuinely liked her as well, for more than a few days unlike Siavash. Siavash was more like a one night stand, or a one night fake romance. [ more ]
Mollie This is a cruel twist for Siavash!! he so liked her, slept with her for last few nights and now thrown away... very different situation to the Marcus thing... I soooo want Saivash to win and dare I say it... get her out this week, so siavash doesn't have the ex and noirin situation rubbed in his face! so sorry for him... he really genuinely likes her... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus is back in action. Oooo yeah!
Free Thinking Marcus has been having a long chat with Siavash which he didn't have to have but he did. That rather destroys your theories doesn't it? Someone who went behind his back while he was in jail and touched up his friend on his bed while pretending he was strongly attached to his girlfriend. And Marcus has got over this is about 2 days. But there will still be strong prejudice on him here just because people don't think he looks cool. [ more ]
Mollie Wish Marcus would stop with the trimming of the underarm hair eewwwwww [ more ]
old hippy guy looks like they are making up now, I just hope she goes on Friday, SICK of the Noirin show, [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LOL! Live feed (+1) is tooooooo funny :D
langster EH? I just put some Dillinja on because Siatrash was borning me. You Mad Brummie Night mate back at you PCE Hiya babes It's 3am already Insomnia x3! [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Hello hun [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! lol - only joking!!!! Make sure u give my love to PCE (DnB) laterz eh??? Think I might slope off to bed, cant stand any more of Marcus trimming his arm-hair niterz [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What happened to the "Black Stuff" on tonights Hl show?
langster One word for you dude. TOTNES! [ more ]
old hippy guy WELL me being the carefull type...IF it was black....and IF it was stuff..... I would be inclined to examine it detail, but I aint seen any of it around for a while,..... [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! very depressing lol - I watched the overnight stuff today. he was either acting the arse to get attention (which they chose not to show) or indeed, he found something (which they again chose not to show [ more ]
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