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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stonks Féach=Feck translates from Irish to english as..To look.... [ more ]
Mollie whats weird is I swear a little, very little but my boys never swear... hmmm and they are Irish! [ more ]
jennywren Same with my Scots accent. I get worried in case they think I'm taking the mick, but I'm not. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good news for Siavash fans...
hippychickxxx i wouldnt be disappointed if siavash won this year - he's been a good HM only spoilt it for himself by letting that she-devil get her hooks into him she could have been his downfall, but i think you are right vid, this could win it for him [ more ]
Videostar I reckon when all this Isaac/Noirin thing has died down Siavash will do the right thing and tell Freddie. Anyway FREDDIE TO WIN. [ more ]
mrs d vid my love we will have to agree to differ on this one he knew exactly what he was doing plus what sort of a friend as he been to fred the only one that stuck up for in the bunnygate drama and he cant even tell him what bea is saying behind his back ok vid rant over [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie farting in the bath.
Heartache Sophie with Rodrigo offers some much needed light relief, in such a doom and gloom house. I love their interaction. [ more ]
shar69 Do quite like sophie, just a bit caution. The glamour modeling scene is notoriously bitchy and you have got to be pretty savvy to stay in the business. I so wish we had live feed. I wouldn't feel like BB was pulling the wool over my eyes if we did have it. [ more ]
cup Full of wind on lentils and beans [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A quick thought on Bea...
captain marbles That too. [ more ]
Videostar You mean she clung onto him for dear life the split second she stepped through the door. [ more ]
Cariad Bea likes to talk the talk. She's playing at free spirited dippy hippy but the reality is she's been raised by Daily Telegraph reading middle class folks and those core values are too ingrained. She might like to boast about her mates living in a threesome - and that clearly titillated Freddie. But when he continued the conversation all her basic inhibitions came screaming to the fore and she backtracked faster than Noirin. In 15 years time she'll be married to some fella called Rupert and... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash's girlfriend?
Roxi Siavash's gf should really lay into him when he gets out [ more ]
Mollie they probably did enjoy a few dates, but if he was in love he wouldn't have even seen Noirin.. its no reflection on the girl, just means it wasn't that serious... [ more ]
cup I have smypathy for her darlo he behaved like a twat and a fool i hope the girl had a few drinks at a party called lets see who the fool is now If IT was girl in house doing the dirt on b/f she would be called all sorts Now siavash has been great housemate i have liked him,but i have no smypathy he is at fault here And i do remember noirin telling him two nights ago to his face she wants no relationship he was annoyed and what did he do,went back for more [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash has his say You're History from channel 4
Mazzystar So she had almost the same chat with Siavash after they fell out as she did with Marcus???This is one lady who used to fluttering her eyelashes and flashing her dimples to get her way.When she doesnt get the response she wants she gets quite aggresive.Passive aggresive control freak much? [ more ]
Former Member Noooooooo... let her sail right into it! [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I'm loving the new icy cold straight-talking Siavash. Brrrrrrrrr Noirin, move away from the iceberg. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash beginning to close the gap on Freddie?
The Devil In Diamante Even though I feel a little sorry for Siavash becasue of the way Noirin has treated him, I also feel he shat on his 'friend' marcus from a great height!!! BTW, I am not a Marcus fan either, I just think Siavash should've kept his distance as he knew how Marcus felt about her! [ more ]
Marguerita I was glad she won over Mikey too but when she was being bullied by Rex she started to get very popular on the forums and in the betting I peronally liked her we do like the underdog. [ more ]
Moomin Crazy people'!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well Done Rodrigo!
Yogi19 Rodrigo was good last night. I loved him telling it like it was to Noirin and, later on, being supportive to Siavash. I just hope BB include these conversations in tonight`s HL show, as it is time Rod was shown in a good light. Incidentally, I don`t mind his strops, in fact, they make me laugh. [ more ]
paace Was watching Rod in the early hours having a go at Noirin and comforting Siavash. Rod to win [ more ]
Kaytee I liked Rodders at first, then his hissy fits and association with Charlie turned me off. Now, he's back on my radar and I think the boy did well.Back up in my estimation [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T A question NOT about flipping Isaac/Noirin/Marcus/Siav
BBBS you are most welcome, i'm happy i could help. [ more ]
Sunnie I've got it and Pmed you back, thanks very much BBBS, you are very kind xxx [ more ]
BBBS i've grabbed it and uploaded it as an mp3 for you so you can put it on your phone cant post a link (for legal reasons) but i'll pm it to you, reply here once you get it if anyone else wants it then pm me and i'll give you the link. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Noirin stays, does it say more about the voters....
Reality Junkie She was obviously not expecting her ex. He may have done her more damage. BB is responsible - shame in them. He should have come in over the weekend before the noms. It would have been a different story. In fact why didnt he come in instead of Tom who clearly wasnt in to it. We could have had a completely different house, as he seems like fun - for a change. As it is its all a mess. Siavash woulnt have got involved if Isaac had come in sooner and he wouldnt have made a fool of himself and... [ more ]
Blizz'ard It's pretty much 'win/win' this week. I don't think it will say much about the voters, apart from they may dislike nasty, aggressive twunts more than nasty, gobby shites. [ more ]
Mollie Yes you are right FRIENDSHIP being the operative word! he wanted something else and never was her friend.. I only want Noirin out to spare Siavash watching her and her ex... do not even compare siavash with marcus, they had different motives and very different experiences with her!! She was very wrong not to speak with Siavash last night! he genuinely thought they were going to get something started on the outside, not in the marcus deluded sense, because she led him to believe that may very... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
**VIDEO** Noirin, "Let the games begin" OVERNIGHT CATCHUP!
Kaytee Keep digging Flossie [ more ]
Flossie It is very very very very simple, when she got onto the subject of her behaviour with Siavash she started to look guilty and avoided his gaze. Other people on this forum randomly interpreted this as her lying, but she wasn't. These people clearly work on some girly-emotional-ignore-the-facts-but-watch-the-expressions type level. [ more ]
GMA She does have a command of language doesn't she brisket? She's so foul mouthed, shows her lack of vocabulary imo. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone who watched last night's live feed....
Kaffs Thanks, fookat - I'll make a point of looking for that bit. [ more ]
Mollie Noirin had a chance to be around a really nice guy, who was NOT a bully! but she has missed her chance now... she has a tendency to be attracted to men who tell her what to do, how to act, what to think... I think it's very sad that she actually can't see whats so glaringly obvious!! her downfall I guess, I hope she goes on Fri (can't believe I am saying that) not because i hate her I don't, but I feel Siavash will suffer even more watching her getting it together with her ex under his nose.... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing If I'd seen your thread earlier I'd have told you to FF THROUGH most of the Noirin/Isaac bits. But watch the Siavash/Marcus bits. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My god, Bea is worse than Noirin.
Dora NO not liking Bea I went off her bigtime last night, when on LF she said to Freddie Siavash and Charlie, she was gonna flirt with Issac bigtime to pee Noirin off. Now i cant stand Noirin , but i really think thats below the belt from Bea. Nope dont like her and dont trust her nicey nicey attitude [ more ]
Mollie I will always give someone the benefit of the doubt, and I know she had her eye on Saivash from the day she arrived... she was playing with him in the garden "can I be your g/f" (just flirty) but I felt there was a lot of truth behind the flirty play... she needs to know when it's a good plan to stay quiet... she has had some very sensible things to say, but her opinion is not alwasy right and I feel she has been unfair to freddie BIG time [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Total fake , hope she's up at some point and goes just so two faced, she is the one who pokes her nose in other peoples business. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin's odds crash over night
kattymieoww I don't think many folk want to watch "The Noirin show" episode four.I don't, get her out! [ more ]
Kaytee I hope the house gets it's act together next week and nominates David and Hira to go.Or this Isaac bod, if Noirin's out. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i think the HM will give him the week off next week because hes been up 2 weeks straight TBH the only reason hes up this week is because he screwed up that task by being cocky . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
VOTE! Even if to piss BB off for this rancid 'twist' they've inflicted on us!
Tayto. I don't think I'll ever watch it again. Whether it's the game for Siavash or not it's messing with peoples lives. Don't watch and hit them where it hurts - email Lucozade and tell them. [ more ]
*KG* Hey, come on you guys - what's all the name-calling all about? She's no slag and he's not perved anyone. She's led people on, for her own personal gain, and he's been honest about women's bodies and what he likes about them. And don't try to tell me that she'd not have lapped up those compliments, had they have come from Tom, or her 'so-called-ex?' This would never have been an issue had she not have lapped up all the compliments which just lead to him giving her more of the same! He's just... [ more ]
bigbaws A slag is good tv a perv is uncomfortable viewing [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you ever met someone like Noirin?
bigbaws I behave like Noirin when I pissed its no big deal I slap it about i just dont do it on tv I play with feelings so stop begging me in pm for shags I am just a tease ok [ more ]
SazBomb Re: Have you ever met someone like Noirin? [ more ]
jonono I worked with one who bedded half the workplace. Thing is the guys in the place were total bullies, I ended up in a tribunal situation when I left over it all, but she avoided being bullied by ahem putting it about, she used to sit on one guys knee in the staff room can you BELIEVE that would go on in a workplace? She thought she was popular but she was pretty much the work bike as far as I could see. [ more ]
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