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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the housemates are convinced noirin is going tomoz
Free Thinking Siavash doesn't care THAT much about Noirin. He's only been close to her for a few days. And Marcus was happy that the fake romance was shown up for what it was, so was Freddie of course. [ more ]
mazia _______________________________________________ Noirin has just kissed and hugged Siavash. She never said she loved him. I don't see what the big deal is. I'll bet a lot of girls and guys would have done the same thing if an ex, whom they really fancied came back into their lives. [ more ]
Roxi I hope Noirin is going shes a sl*t [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Space cadet Hira quick on the up take as usual...
paace She's a little gem I think she must have a very sheltered life. [ more ]
Fifi29 aww that's too funny! Poor Hira. First night, I couldnt get over how dumb she was coming across, however I think she's genuinely a good person, a nice person, and she's comical too. I hope she's in the final 3! [ more ]
Teddy Bleads Can't we have her go into the store room and not come out. Save us all the bother. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I a 'Bad Person' like? ..............
*KG* FOOK! I is shite at the gifts, Cinds and all me farms has died a death I just can't keep up with it all cos I'd much rather be chatting my old cobblers with the likes of you! I'll go over now, and send you a pencil-sharpener (if I can find one) a gift that Hairy sent me, that I treasure. Mainly because it was soooooo small, you couldn't even see the fooker if you placed it somewhere! Oh how I cried with laughter! [ more ]
Syd More that she wants them to see her dimples and say "No, of course not"...she is given free reign to carry on guilt free...... [ more ]
sandra a bit stepford like ,,,,,,,,,,,,, only she's programmed in to love herself [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie looked better with short dark hair
*BB* She did look lovely. [ more ]
kattymieoww White peroxide blonde just washes out facial features,it's too harsh.Karly was better dark,though I think Sohie is a natural darker blonde,if she let her own colour grow in and got rid of the rat tail extensions it would suit her better. [ more ]
fz It made her look healthy and unwashed out....really suited her face. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
mr skive says "unleash the bea"
suzybean at the Kung Fu analogy, but I see it more as the art of the busy bodying, patronising, and haughty. She's very controlled in her delivery of put downs, that takes skill and practice so she's very good at what she does. I'll give her that. Unfortunately, when she gets called on it she comes across as petulant. [ more ]
skive I reckon she'd match him physically too! She's an amazon, must be near 6 foot! [ more ]
Flossie Every time Bea has been challenged by an aggressive bloke, she finds an inner strength and assails her opponent with stunning honey-covered body blows in artistic combinations, and apparently without force or effort. She has got the verbal equivalent of some Kung Fu death poke. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you like ISSAC
Free Thinking He's confident but you probably have to be to be thrown in at this stage and in this situation. I think though it's wrong to complain about him being too controlling. It was wrong of people blaming Marcus for that too. They are only giving Noirin what she wants, she wants that reassurance from someone close. [ more ]
Penelope Pitstop On first impression, i don't like him. He has a threatening, don't piss with me,or else, air about him. If he had any regard for Noirin he wouldn't have gone in there. I believe he knew she would drop Siavash like a hot potato, which would make her look bad and also gave him the opportunity to lord it over the other guys who have been lusting after her. [ more ]
Yogi19 Isaac seems cocky, arrogant, rude and aggressive. His behaviour towards Noirin is, at best, controlling, and I found all that "Daddy`s back" stuff to be weird and scarey. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Siavash would feel guilty if Noirin left but not if Marcus did
j0anne to start i thought wow what a star when he was in diary room saying he knew where he stood and blamed noone ect.... then he realised he was missing a trick and went on the blame game where he took no responsability for his own actions ...thats where he lost me big time [ more ]
miss lippy Re: So Siavash would feel guilty if Noirin left but not if Marcus did [ more ]
Senora Reyes Captain cool nutjob. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aimee my thoughts too, she likes being controlled [ more ]
electric shepherd there are women out there that respond to being treated like shyte. my neighbour's been with some lovely blokes and she's shat all-over them. but this latest guy talks to her like she's nowt and she dotes on him. bizarre... [ more ]
Free Thinking Use Noirin to attack others...typical. She is to blame for herself. If you were her partner would you want her going around shagging everything in sight? Different relationships have different dynamics, live with it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Highlights spoiler for tonight
jennywren Daddy and Baby. That tells us all about that relationship. [ more ]
cup I was wondering about this as well read that noirin said to marcus she knows she will be voted out and hated and will have no job as well and marcus went and told siavash noirin said you will go marcus you have no storyline,people will want to see me and issac is marcus telling porkies,or is this what happened who knows lol [ more ]
fracas Not showing the bit where Isaac tells Bea she's 'full of bullshit' and Bea's face falls and she backtracks like **** Then Noirin saying to Isaac when Bea had gone, "One of the things I love about you is that you won't let anyone give Baby any shit." [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Manchester aug 21 - 31 anyone coming to europes biggest?
Paradice thnx for that,shame i found out too late for this year but next year . i'll put on my glad rags n shake my booty [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Whitson Bank Holiday weekend, last weekend in May, really good atmosphere, pubs and clubs full and no hassle from anybody at all, it's great fun [ more ]
Paradice No i haven't when is b pride? Also agree with the no hasle bit men behaving happy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunnie Around the mouth, the smile....I can see that [ more ]
Mollie He does seem older, he acts more mature then Marcus for a start, who is 12 yrs older lol!! go figure! I don't care what jealous Bea or freddie says... the siavash relationship with Noirin is only fake on Noirins side... he is genuinely into her! [ more ]
Tom Bennett I don't like siavash [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
is this true about issac..?
DanceSettee my favourite is Brad and Angelina's child, Shiloh Pitt Haven't the Yanks heard of Spoonerisms???? [ more ]
Former Member Maybe she or her OH have Jewish roots? This is a common Jewish name and I believe Isaac Stout is Jewish. No different from Muslim men being called Mohammed or Irish men being called Patrick [ more ]
charmer at least madamski turned up-shes all smiley and p!ssed [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash turns on Noirin!!!!!
Former Member YOu could be right. I have never seen Siavash as having a big ego though - not compared with Sree or Marcus, or even Tom. [ more ]
stupidcupid I doubt it. If Isaac hadn't came in he would be happy enough to be seen as the one who finally got the girl. I think it appealed to his ego. [ more ]
Former Member Such a shame that Siavash didn't see what Noirin was like BEFORE he got emotionally involved - or did he? He saw what Noirin did with both Sree and Marcus, commented on it, yet still became involved??? I have to wonder if he was really involved, emotionally, or just wanted to show her as the manipulating siren that she is? [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone embarrassed/ashamed that they use to support Noirin?
*KG* Great post [ more ]
Former Member There has always been something about Noirin that didn't sit well with me. She is a beautiful young woman, no doubt about it, but IMO, she was never clear with Sree and how things stood with them. The first week, none of the other housemates had any use for Sree, especially with the inappropriate comments made to the other women in the house. But Noirin did, and I have to ask my self why? Especially when she would talk aobut him behind his back. It was the Noirin and Sree show for the first... [ more ]
Shar I still think she is one of the few HMs with any 'entertainment' value and for that reason I still like her ... I watch BB because of HMs like Noirin ... Hira and Rodrigo are hardly going to keep me glued to the tv ... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I might just sue the Met Office
Former Member booo hiss rub it in why dontcha [ more ]
electric shepherd i'm so with you there we did the same, got loads of camping stuff so we could nip off to the hills when we felt like it. we could've got a cottage for a week with what we've spent. o/h's in the middle of a fortnight off but looking at next weeks forcast we won't be going anywhere. the south east might get some sun but i don't really fancy going there. BBQ summer my arse... [ more ]
jonono there's no such thing as bad weather , only the wrong gear! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus and his nail scissors :-O
Sunnie Re: Marcus and his nail scissors :-O [ more ]
brisket I watched Marcus with the scissors, and then a little later Charlie was making a hole in a belt with a bigger pair of scissors. They must have slackened the restrictions because some time agothey didn`t allow them to have scissors or needles, or indeed anything sharp. One of the cringeing moments last year was watching Jen shove the kitchen scissors up her nose and clip her nasal hair. Then she returned them immediately to the drawer!!! [ more ]
old hippy guy AWW very honest of ya, I always felt that hes not a BAD bloke at heart, bit rough round the edges for some, but the CORE of him is decent enough, its a shame SHE was in there with her evil womens magic stuff that makes SOME men loopy, He could have been a great HM, he still might turn it round when SHE is out of the way. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can it ever work with an Ex?
Mozart i split with my ex for a year, we got back together, talked over what went wrong, married after a year of going out again, and we celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary the 2nd july. so yes it can work out with an ex. [ more ]
hippychickxxx i met my fella wen i was 15, but we broke up after a year we met up 3 yrs later we got back together - we've been married for 20 yrs now an got 3 grown up kids sometimes it can work out with an ex [ more ]
Senora Reyes Nope I still thank my horrible ex for me meeting falling in love and marrying Senor Reyes. [ more ]
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