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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin - Liar, or just plain dim-witted?
Mentalist Both [ more ]
Former Member The girl has no real awareness of the mess her hedonistic nature leaves behind. Nor does she care enough to learn. The girl has no social skills, as her cool, emotionless & aloof nature shows. When she talks (even around the supposed love of her life) she's monosyllabic, and sounds grumpy & sulky the whole damn time. And let's got even get into her peppering every other word with an expletive. The girl has no flair for life and no imagination. She's one of those women whose attuidude... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I think what we're seeing here is Isaac's influence. The whole "it's none of your business" line was his, remember? Isaac has worked out his own strategy for dealing with the situation and Noirin, whether consciously or unconsciously, is picking up on it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't think Bea wants Lisa to get any money from her Tax's
watcher1 Following intereview, I think I'd prefer to employ Lisa rather than Bea. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung Ive een out of work since feb when i was laid off a job i loved n ive been trying very hard to get a job n like lisa only done factory or warehouse work but no jos here where i live n i even tried fo cleaning jobs but for every job 50/100 go for seeing the doctor with depression now cos of not having a job so we r not all work shy [ more ]
Marguerita I agree he does not know what she is saying about him and he might be gutted when he finds out ,but he joins in with her and agrees with what she says so why is he any better. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Bea actually like anyone in the house???
Dame_Ann_Average She knows she's not got a cat in hells chance of winning the money, but she's certainly made it more entertaining, love her or hate her! [ more ]
Luxor To be honest I think she looks alright, nothing spectacular mind. When she had that blonde wig on I thought she was the spitting image of the blonde from Abba. [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Hay Luxor Is it just me or does she have a sour face? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wasnt it nice of Marcus to get everyone Fish & Chips
15:10 Yep it was nice of him. [ more ]
GMA It did cross my mind it was for the viewers etc, but at least he made an effort in the right direction - I'm beginning to 'prefer' him to stay over Noiren by far - she has to go; she has no redeeming factors imo. [ more ]
Canicant . It was so obvious he was doing it for the voters and as an extra it helped get the hm's back on side (he played a blinder) and yes it was just game play but it begs the question why when Noirin used her looks to advantage (game play) she was berated for it... double standards if you ask me and btw I don't like either of them . [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone smell a rat.....
bigbaws They both scripted the whole lot, just how much BB were involved, I dont know. I never knew she shagged on The real World, when Siavash was kissing her on the couch under the duvet, she said to him, "my parents are watching", hmm so was her Isaac the boyfriend. She has played a blinder though, she will make the most out of the show, cash wise, the rest are pawns in the Noirin show really. [ more ]
Heartache Agree with you did'nt get why he was making her apologise for kissing Siavash, which she did, if he is/was an EX. She kept saying she was single and do what she liked in the house. So why was she apologising. She shagged Isaac in that other TV programme, so surely it could not be for behaving like she has on TV. [ more ]
Sooozy For what is is worth here's my Noireen knew Isaac was going in all along and was surprised when he wasn't one of the newbies, she then maybe decided he hadn't made the cut so made her move on Siavash as she is thinking mag deals and was running out of time...then woooosh in comes prince Harming and the S H one T hits the proverbial fan.... all making her the centre of attention which is air and water to this girl. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Like a fart in a Spacesuit.
SazBomb ah yes, I see what you mean I dont think she does consider their feelings... its all about her [ more ]
Luxor Serves him right. No sympathy for him at all. If Noirin wanted him she would have stayed with him, same as Marcus. Some you win some you lose. Nobody gets a certificate at birth stating that life will be fair. [ more ]
Clumsycat what i meant was she does not even consider others feelings....but you could be right [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have nothing to add ...
The Devil In Diamante My OH reckons I watch too much 'make believe TV'...Corrie etc...when he said it about BB I reminded him it was reality TV and therefore his argument was null & which he walked out of the room!! [ more ]
mummymaz this is true, actually he does alot for me that bloke - i think i'll give him a big smacker next time i see him.. as long as BB isnt on [ more ]
Heartache Yes but he did buy you that lovely laptop, so you have to cut him some slack. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
this is Siavash GF according to HEAT
stonks Re: this is Siavash GF according to HEAT [ more ]
Former Member Very exotic......she looks too good for him. Sorry [ more ]
kimota Thats what she claimed to be, however a few weeks later another friend was saying Siavash had been going out with his girl for 6 months. I take this to be the real truth as 'Vash himself seems to have told several different stories to various people! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea contradicted herself last night
Luxor Oh! I did not see all the others behind her with their concerned faces wondering how the dynamics of the house were going to be affected. That was not her intentions it was purely trying to embarass, but she failed. Way to go Isaac. [ more ]
Flossie The grunt's entry into the house and Noirin's reaction had a huge effect on the morale of hms and in particular on Siavash, and Bea had every right to discuss the issue with Noirin, and as the grunt was by her side all the time she could not avoid dealing with him as well. Quite why you think she didn't have the right is beyond me. [ more ]
shirehorse Totally agree Jen. I thought she was great when she first turned up, but to me, she's basically in love with the sound of her own voice. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT..... I need fake sympathy
Cinds The nails OK thanks, but the toe itself seems to be getting more and more purple, and its a very funny shape now, don't know whether that's due to the swelling or that it is just mashed in to an odd shape now Minx is fab, I really love it. I've seen some of the other colours / patterns, but I prefer the silver. [ more ]
Former Member It's nice to give How is the toe and the nail this morning? Btw I never paint any of my nails, just useless at the girly stuff but I loved that Minx site. The Silver ones are brilliant [ more ]
Cinds Ooooh Yes, and offer it as a gift to the locals. [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
God that guy is sinister!
kimota Its interesting that Noirin got close to Marcus who is quite controlling and we know find that issac is also very controlling. I quess that Noirin is attracted to this quality, but I think in the long run she will always kick against it! [ more ]
DanceSettee and who's to say that Isaac didn't fulfil the same role in the other reality show they were in, and will do so in this one? There's no chemistry between them despite how much she was wittering on about true love I'll put money on it that she'll be off with some celebrity "hard guy" as soon as she's out...someone who can intimidate Isaac into going away . [ more ]
Free Thinking She was never into Siavash though she just thought he might be a favourite and get her more airtime than Marcus did. That was a mistake as she couldn't really like Siavash anyway and it was all a bit of a fake friendship. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa' "I'm loving it"
sweet_tooth Loads of people loved the awkardness, why cant lisa? That was the whole point surely? [ more ]
DanceSettee Exactly.....oh the hypocrisy on this thread Of course Freddie laughing is different, he is probably compelled by his "super-dyslexia" and would not be considered nasty for a second I think it's obviously funny...can't blame anyone there for laughing their wotsits off at the irony [ more ]
ali just what i was thinking, i was sniggering too at the whole scenario. felt sorry for vash though [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love blossoming right under our noses...
Free Thinking Upping their game. Tom gave Rodrigo encouragement but Charlie has got increasingly worried about his chances. [ more ]
Luxor Just a ploy to get air time. They know that the BB soap is running the Noirin storyline at the moment. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I wonder if they will actually damage each others chances of winning by getting closer - and end up victims of a split-vote? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I need help, they are winding me up into a froth!
Green&Pink And to think! I used to credit her for being fiesty!!! *cringe* [ more ]
tupps Noirin is not the chained up little person people would seem to like to think she is. Marcus did not control her and imho neither does Isaac. All this 'daddy', 'first rule' caveman BS and her coquettish responses are reminiscent of some kind of pseudo-traditional relationship in a 50s stylie.. but she bliddy loves it. She isn't suppressed or repressed or controlled. She loves 'daddy' taking care of, standing up for and protecting his 'baby'. [ more ]
Flossie You never find it easy to judge fairly, we all know that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa ....
*KG* Can't bliddy STAND her, and she's even more unbearable with her side-kick 'Dave the Dickhead' GEDDEMOFF - but not before Noirin though [ more ]
brisket I agree with you too Syd. It`s almost as if she has 2 distinctive modes - attack and defence - which is surely unhealthy. Most people only use those positions in extreme situations. [ more ]
Syd Yep...must of been really anti Lisa during highlights or Livefeed when I made this thread...still agree with myself tho..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone think Freddie's sussed Bea yet
brisket I agree with your last post Yellow Rose. [ more ]
Yellow Rose From such limited coverage I think he's trying to hold back from voicing opinions on HM's since she told him about all that, so he's become more of a listener when she speaks. If Bea has changed her mind about Freddie re his personality and what wears her down she has a right to her feelings. I like them both for different reasons, I hope they remain friends. [ more ]
KeenViewer Bea's a nasty piece of work, and I think Freddie was initially blinded by lust... but he's catching on now, and distancing himself. Wise move. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lisa and bea at bus stop
Free Thinking Of course Lisa is playing the game as well. And what makes you think Bea isn't playing this game seriously? I don't know exactly what someone is supposed to get out of the 'experience' either really, ultimately the HMs are the playthings of Endemol and that is meant to be the entertainment. Big Brother is a game of survival, the toughest last towards the end and the weaker get pushed aside. [ more ]
cup I think lisa helped freddie come out and stand up for himself,and turn it around for him to see him grow in confidence and so likeable I think from bea went in freddie has taken a few steps back,and hanging on to and agreeing with every word she says He dosnt seem to be the same at all [ more ]
brisket Bea has brought a much needed shake up to the house. She is doing her business with some flair and gusto in broad pantomime brush strokes. She is playing this game wholeheartedly. Lisa is much nastier. She does it deadly seriously. She is not playing, and is probably not getting as much out of the experience. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why did Noirin let out a little shriek the minute Isaac walked in?
stoory Was that meant to be Irish He sounded like Dick Van Dyke. [ more ]
feebs He said something like fish & chip delivery in an Irish accent, that was before the door opened. If they were together 3 years I imagine he would have imitated her accent many times. I think she recognised the voice. [ more ]
*BB* "Then when she got closer, she let out a shocked scream - she'd clearly just recognized him. (And desite what some have claimed, recognizing a loved-one who's wearing a crash helmet isn't that unlikely.)" But he spoke before he raised the visor! She must have recognised his voice! Also, she was actually looking down at the table when she screamed out that it was her boyfriend. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie is the latest to jump off the sinking ship that is LISA.
brisket BEA: "Charlie is a bit upset" SIAVASH: "He gets like that" Siavash then went on to point out that he runs between one person and another with gossip and tittle-tattle. Marcus concurred. This is not news to them, and they appeared to have little or no sympathy for him. They were more or less implying that Charlie brings it on himself. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Charlie will always go running back to Lisa (until she's evicted). He'll never commit to jumping ship while she's still in the house. [ more ]
Videostar Yep, and I dont think he really likes anyone in tere, just being on TV and not having to do any work. [ more ]
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