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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope the HM's give Noirin a genuine feeling send off.
cup lol i think she well knows by now [ more ]
Videostar No, she never murdered anyone, but she did use and abuse those who had feelings for her, which is a pretty nasty thing to do. Im only saying that she should be told what they think of her when she goes, not to hang her. lol [ more ]
little_mrs_bb Good ole Bea. Something different isn't it? Mind you, I'm not sure I fancy living with Noirin's boyfriend the week after. She's a braver person than I am! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea and Freddie discuss Noirin?
justafriend i guess thats true, hes said nothing different to what most people on here have said, [ more ]
Videostar He didn't say anything that most people didn't agree with. [ more ]
CaptVimes Well she has had a lot of falling outs and every time there have been casualties not directly involved. The whole glasses hunger strike incident, rabbit gate. Sree, then Marcus and now Siavash again. I can only think of Hira and Rodrigo as being the only HMs either directly or indirectly involved in one of her cyclones that she has whipped up. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I Remember When Alot of Forum Members Didn't Take
Barolo I've never liked Siavash - I can't stand him! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the worm squirm last night! For that reason I hope Marcus is booted out tonight. [ more ]
Marguerita I agree [ more ]
pigeonpie I never liked Siavash, he befriended h/ms I did'nt like in the beginning, e.g, Cairon, he spat and swears alot. He let himself down getting involved with Noirin, thought he was intelligent but no. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
teef-can we talk about teeth..?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Dentistry got pushed out of the main NHS structure... NHS dentists were then paid so little for their NHS work that for most it was just not viable for them to do it. Since the recent reshuffles and PCTs etc Dentistry has been brought back into the NHS, with PCTs overseeing them. I used to work for a PCT... I remember going to a Dentists surgery to give a very basic infection control/risk management talk, aimed at the reception staff... the actual dentist rang me the next day and asked me if... [ more ]
jennywren In the case of dentists, about 14 years ago when my son was 16 and the dentist refused to treat him on the NHS. We changed dentists, and the new dentist actually locked my other son out so he could not attend his appointment. Then he was banned from NHS for not attending. As to my own teeth, I live abroad and my dentist here was appalled at the state of my teeth. She could not believe British dentists were so bad. She had believed them to be the best in the world. I had a bridge across my... [ more ]
charmer i feel crap about lying to get treament-but they didnt give me much of a choice [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who makes a better show?
Kaytee BTW Has anyone seen Hira? Is she a figment of our joint imaginations? [ more ]
Former Member Bea and Sophie [ more ]
shar69 Depends on what you want to watch. I couldn't stand the show when Freddie was being victimised and made to feel isolated. And I feel that Bea will influence the hm's to isolate one person at a time. On the same score if everyone was like Hira, then there is nothing to watch really is there. Sophie comes across as 'nice but dim', but she has her moments of bitchiness. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
its Happened Cat Fight
tupps We shall agree to disagree then. But remember, she does have a dry sense of humour and not every woman in the house is in there for some kind of leg-over disguised as faux-mance. [ more ]
Felix123 Y shape coffin Sorry I forgot IMO Well going on her behaviour so far, she eyed-up Siavash as a potential, but can see that he is wimpsville. Marcus is as is halfwit, so... that leaves the new talent. IMO Her starry eyed flutterings the other night, with her lil breathless flushed 'Scarlet O'Hara' look.... was all I needed to see to make my assumptions. [ more ]
Puss wahoooooo, you go Bea do you think Noreen is feeling the lurve or is she cacking in her trackies? get her ooooot! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie's going to muck this right up....
squiggle My opinion is that Freddie the same lovable guy that he has always been. I think that he is beginning to see that Bea is different now to the person she tried to pretend she was when she first came in. He is an intelligent guy and although many people flocked to his support when his back was to the wall you can't expect him to always be like that. He is quieter now and I'm not surprised at that because there are some very loud people in there now. Bea will, I think, distance herself more and... [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i don't need to get a grip...proof is in the watching..... marcus.....captain cool as he referred to himself has defrosted..... siavash...the self aclaimed mr know it all...knows nothing.... freddie....the a lap dog..... reason?.......they're led by the women..... [ more ]
Kaytee Re: Freddie's going to muck this right up.... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Predict What Will Happen Tonight
paace Remember he was in America and had no intention of going into the BB house until BB contacted him, and offered him big money to have a free trip to the UK and be with one of his ex's. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! ironic really... he supposedly went into the house because he wanted her back... will his ego let the slimmest of slim chance of him winning the show get in the way??? COURSE IT WILL! [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Marcus will point out that he KNEW it would happen and this n that and its been done before so its BORING blah blah blah... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some LF footage from yesterday
Felix123 I'm not following you around, but you always say it as I see it. .. and does she have a connection with halfwit? or know the same production team peeps that invited him onto the show? That's why I think she paused on the 'people who know eachother' bit. .. and yes Siavash watch ya back! [ more ]
Green&Pink Markus is a twat!! Shiavas was there for him!! The ungrateful Natterjack TOAD!! [ more ]
fz So marcus is still slating siavash....and bea thinks it is an unfair advantage to put in couples?? Watching the show for 4 weeks before entering the house also has it's advantages. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin doesn't deserve an easy time
jonono I hate those females who get all lippy when they've got their bloke to back them up. I hope Noirin gets her marching orders tonight and will laugh my head off when DADDY stays to mop up any last dregs of fame that he can. [ more ]
Saint Just wait . . . the crowds . . . .its killing me!!!! [ more ]
Kaytee Bea is playing the I like her because I'm being entertained. Tomorrow, who knows? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was Fake Charlie Crying For
Teddy Bleads Well I never, you learn something new every day. I went to GAY once back in the 90s (on Mrs. Bleads Insistence). Danni Minogue jumped out of a cake. [ more ]
Kaytee Thank you Brisket...curiosity satsfied *leaves thread closing door quietly* [ more ]
bigbaws Most of the evicted housemates do an appearance at g.a.y nightclub in london also the streaming is played muted at lots gay bars and clubs [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just been passed my local betting shop.
Guest Why do you think BB put Isaac in early.....they couldn't have another b/f going in to the house and the g/f evicted the same night..that happening again would just make them look silly! [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg is your bookie tight [ more ]
Scotty Linds a wee example At one bookies... If you put £25 on Noirin you would win £1 (plus your stake back) If you put £1 on Marcus you would win £8 (plus your stake back) Noirin would be a gonner. Does that help? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Isaac walk with Noirin?
Dirtyprettygirlthing I think he's strong enough to be able to handle that! I doubt he'll walk, but he'll probably get evicted next week. [ more ]
Kaytee I'm sticking with being cynical. I believe that BB hired him for a certail length of time and that when that time is up he will go. The man is a reality TV professional and a player, who has made no effort to get on with the other HMs. Why would such a professional do that if he is in there for the long haul? [ more ]
BROXI I wouldn't be surprised if he does walk. They have hardly been welcoming so he will feel isolated when she goes. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
News - Lisa ignores Bea
Former Member there there ditty **strokes head** you'll be back to normal tomorrow [ more ]
CaptVimes She was even pulling her to bits in Beas company last night. The one changing her mind seems to be Lisa to me. I can see what she is doing. Charlie, David and Lisa thats three. Add Noirin and Isaac thats 5 and a powerful group again. [ more ]
longcat Agreed. But it seems its ok for everybody to play the game but not Lisa. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BROXI I can't watch that rubbish....bunch of smug gits. Can't stand that old bint Daphne. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl I always have this mental model of Daphne as a sociopathic Miss Marple. I don;t know what CJ gets so superior about anyway...he only seems to know about American Presidents. [ more ]
kattymieoww Bunch of smug gits,I gave up watching the show because they made me shout and swear at the telly. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh no cringe moment for Siavash..
watcher1 I actually thought that was quite decent of Isaac ad that Siavash handled it well. Now on with the game.... [ more ]
shar69 Way to make someone feel unwelcome. I'm sorry but I think they are a rude bunch. What had Isaac done to them, they didn't attempt to make him feel welcome. I understand Siavash being embarrassed but the rest of them have no excuse. [ more ]
MysTerry I'm glad that Isaac went into the garden to 'introduce' himself to Siavash. It would have been more awkward for Siavash to approach him first. but poor Siavash [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin coming across as cheap and easy
Former Member Re: Noirin coming across as cheap and easy [ more ]
Moonbeams Duh because she's a woman. [ more ]
Former Member I agree that she's a hopper but all she's really done is headf*** the blokes in there. I can't help thinking that if she was a bloke, she'd be called a ladies man who's young and sowing his wild oats etc. Why is it's ok for a bloke to do it but it's not ok for a woman? I really dislike her and I hope she goes tonight and that she drags the neanderthal with her [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea Undermining Siavash's Dignity
Lion Now that would be an interesting turn of events...and I can almost see this happening...if Isaac wishes to stay he is going to have to offer an olive branch to Siavash and be seen to be cleaning the slate. I may be being extremely unfair here but he is only now asking people to forget the whole thing because Bea has become so verbal. Had she been happy to keep it to running Noirin and Isaac down at a distance within the group, I think he would still be happy to stay lolling around, sighing... [ more ]
brisket Do these people suddenly forget they are on Big Brother. Nothing is secret or private - and the producers will do their best to ensure that. On the first night Isaac told Bea it was a private matter and she shouldn`t interfere. Now we have Siavash asking everyone to forget about his indiscretion. You`re in BB chaps! The viewers want to see your relationships analysed and disrupted and discussed - that`s what happens in Big Brother. Why should Isaac be an exception. Why should Siavash be an... [ more ]
fz Bea needs isaac to stay, otheriwse she will have to use lisa as her next victim too soon, and that will get charlie, rodders and david against her. So if isaac walks its all good as it'll mean a week nearer to bea going. She has nowhere to go once the unpopular hm's are evicted. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
update on the cat fight.Siavash
pigeonpie Spot on, and I like people that are upfront. [ more ]
shar69 I think that Bea is going to turn this all round and plonk it squarely at Siavash's door. I think he is going to be her next target. Or maybe it will be freddie. Will be interesting to see fm's views on her then. She is somewhat of a hero at the moment because she is aiming her fire at Noirin, but Noirin is going tonight. Lisa answered her back and argued with her the other day, Bea hasn't quite got the measure of Lisa. I think she goes in for the kill when see smells another persons defeat. [ more ]
Latecomer And me... [ more ]
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