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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I fear "nasally" challenged Dave will be up on monday...
15:10 lol I think you could be right [ more ]
Rosy Darling He is the spitting image of Wallace from Wallace and Gromit, he is actually not too bad until he gets anywhere near Lisa [ more ]
kimota He will probably get a lot of second noms from those who are'nt fond of Lisa. I am sure Marcus will be up yet again, probably Lisa and maybe Dave. I think Hira will pick up a few noms from those who want to play it safe and just say 'she contributes nothing' I reckon Charlie and Sophie will do this. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do the evictees still get mag deals
Marguerita I was in the shop yesterday when I was getting a paper ,I looked at the magazines covers and did not see any them anything BB related, I never looked inside so there might have been something but usually there are some of the HMS on the front covers. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I think the usual glossy magazines still give BB some coverage, but less than in previous years. I flicked through some the other morning, Star magazine, for instance, had a Karly interview and plenty of pleasant pics of her. OK coverage seems limited to a column by Nikki and Heat also had a little feature, i believe. The weekly lads mags Nuts and Zoo still thrive on BB, Karly has done a shoot for Zoo, and both magazines have recently contained 10+ pages worth of previously unpublished... [ more ]
Moomin Karly has had her fizzog (amongst other things) on Nuts or Zoo - forget which - already. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you think he was going to propose??
Latecomer I love your way of putting things ... I didn`t see any chemistry between them, but think they`re well suited to each other. They both love themselves, and would be too busy trying to work out how they`re coming across, to notice the lack of real feelings... [ more ]
Bojangles I hope she dumps Isaac and gets together with Tom. [ more ]
Former Member Maybe she did Or maybe with shallow Noirin, it's more a case of "Love The One You're With". Anyway, the whole point was to sell Noirin as the callous Femme Fatale. So job done, I guess Especially after Davina's gushing endorsements last night........ But I like to think about "what ifs". And I still can't help wondering how Noirin would be regarded today IF there had been some SERIOUS female competition in that house with her [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*** ISAAC WALKS *** - VIDEO and Article - CATCH UP
Kaytee I think my cynic's hat was the right one to wear after all. That departure was so staged it was hysterical. Isaac, bought and paid for, for as long as Nobbin was in the house...contract fulfilled [ more ]
Latecomer He had to hurry though, so he could make BBBM on time! When you have two reality show professionals, nothing is as it seem ... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Thanks for that swg...yesssss...they're gone!!! Was that a different equally horrible cap he was wwearing, or was it the one he gave to Siavash???? I wonder if she kept the earrings??? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin answers questions..Video
Azure. hello love yes she is very cold, I wont forget her screaming shrewish rants at sree and angel over drink, she really is a very dislikeable person. [ more ]
tupps You know, when an odious character comes out of the BB house I usually find myself thinking, 'oh, they're not that bad after all'. Not with this one. The more I hear her 'justify' her behaviour in the house, the more I wonder whether some proportion of it was to make her 'ex' jealous. [ more ]
cologne 1 She could start by showing some humilitation. Oh wait, she doesn't have that emotion. She wont move on and up, it will be on and down. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That bloody knob Charlie.
Moonbeams I think he might think that we'll find it endering. But it just makes him look like a plank. [ more ]
Clipboard I couldn't have put it better myself - GET HIM OUT [ more ]
Hotpants Helen He always has a gormless look on him whenever I see him on either LF or the HL show. Gob slghtly open and a vacant look in his his eyes like everything in the house has gone over his head "the whole time" [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Little Miss Spurs Hmm, maybe she was part of the reason, but still dont like Marcus anyway. "Dont **** up the task Sree" hmm, remind him of that methinks next time they talk about "losing tokens" I am glad Noirin went, but hope Marcus gets the boot pretty soon too! [ more ]
Free Thinking I wouldn't say I 'love' any HM. And anyway I don't consider I know them personally, I only see what I can with the bits that are shown on TV. But as I said from what has been shown it seems Freddie and Marcus have been through enough in the house to deserve winning and they have some good traits even if they are not perfect. I don't like fence sitters winning. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Hmmm... (having to use quick reply, cos forum being sticky!) You're typing looks fine to me LMS! Right so... LMS & Free.... which housemate do you LOVE or even LIKE? [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie is my winner!!!
Little Miss Spurs Was just saying on another thread that shes one of only a few hms that has not annoyed me and has made me laugh! Like her too [ more ]
DanceSettee It would be awful if Sophie won...what has she done there? The only interesting thing she did was to lie in a bed with Kris. If we want a bland wallpaper-like winner, why not go all the way and vote for Hira [ more ]
Canicant . Sophie is the winner for me but we'll see there's still loads of time for things to develop/change I just want rid of that pillock Marcus first . [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Bea call Isaac a Redneck or a Hillbilly?
Garage Joe wow, does that mean I can wear shoes when you take me to your local bar? [/QUOTE] Otherwise the sawdust would invade the area between your little piggies. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen She called him a redneck initially but admitted she didn't know what the word meant. Then likened a redneck to a hillbilly. Not sure what is the worst insult. [ more ]
Puss Yes indeed! I am also a gentleman redneck. [/QUOTE] wow, does that mean I can wear shoes when you take me to your local bar? [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Norion treated lightly in interview/BBBM
Scotty Bumpety for those who missed it. [ more ]
Scotty Exactly Shar. There was also a slip where she said in her main interview that he came to the house because he wanted to split her and Siavash and get back together. On BBBM Davina asked him about this. He said, no he was already in Britain and waiting to go into the house BEFORE her and Siavash got it together. Egg on face again. [ more ]
tupps They might have wanted to challenge the whole 3 years thing too. She met him on The Real World Sydney which was filmed from Feb to May 2007. Or maybe she didn't.. maybe she'd met him before that in 2006 and they managed to pull the wool over MTV's eyes. Either way the pair of them are shonky. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've had a thought
Moomin What could have been more absorbing than the Nasty Nick chain of events - that was one of the things that really made BB successful in the beginning, not the freak shows. I'm sure BB never expected that to happen, but it was compelling viewing without any need for "set-ups" [ more ]
jacksonb i think, all in all, this years crop of hm's have been good.A bit depressing about noirin and isaac being jobbing reality tv wannabes but she has been watchable for all that. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Tis easy.... all housemates chosen from THAT years auditions. No 'dry run' people. No seeing people put forward by agents (in fact, it should be part of the contract that when they go in the house, they don't have an agent). And, understanding that normal (as in everyday) people are interesting. That bizarre and weird characters often have that persona cos there is little underneath the facade. Choose people who we would find interesting to talk to in real life... not who we would run away... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie I ain't buying it....
Senora Reyes Re: Charlie I ain't buying it.... [ more ]
Former Member Quite - and I think he believes he'll win, which he could I suppose, but I doubt it. I'm looking forward to the Friday night the false little twerp hears his name called out. [ more ]
Senora Reyes I know Siavash was very dubious about him from very early on, and has nommed him more than once. But the rest of the HM's think he's great have fallen for his sob story, so Charlie has guilted them into not nominating him. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Issac has walked
fz Thanks....amazing what not having to sit up and watch a live feed does for the hand/eye/brain co-ordination and the caffiene has kicked in early. [ more ]
MysTerry Excellently said typed. [ more ]
fz Must admit was really hoping he'd stay to take on Bea....but in a way his leaving will effect them far more. In, out, flights paid for and cheque in the bank.....meanwhile they are all still slavering away trying to win. He didnt need to stay....he didnt need BB as much as BB needed him....and he is off back to whatever deal he has already secured, via a nice pay day from the red tops over here. No wonder he called it a job. Endemol probably upped their coffers with a hysterical phone... [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Issac got out the house quick something fishy is going on???
Flossie This is all complete drivel. There is no conspiracy, because it was a Friday and all the arrangements were in place for one eviction, press, psychologists etc it was easy to arrange for another hm to leave. And of course Endemol love to edit in prescient remarks or remarks that are relevant to future events, so of course if Noirin chats about her bf, as she did often, and he is going in, they will include this remark. The deluded types in here will be dismissing moon landings next. [ more ]
Mercedes78 Don't you have to wait for family to come down, so your don't come out alone, and as it seems Noirin went out his friends and family were allready out there, so he could go right away. [ more ]
Soozy Woo they're in the house together 24/7 ............they really dont have much to talk about. do you not even suspect a teeeeeeensy bit that her talking about her ex might have been edited to look like a big deal because they knew he was coming in? [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
noirin a miserable mare didnt say good bye to any one
Hotpants Helen In all fairness the camera lingered for so long on Bea's smug face it was hard to tell who she said goodbye to after the rather bad air kiss between her and Hira. [ more ]
Hurricane Honestly, I feel she'll be laughing all the way to the bank and good for her. Bea Sting could well end up having to take refuge in a commune if she continues as she's been doing . [ more ]
Soozy Woo it was nasty wasn't it? I know I've been slated for my views but ...............what did she do that was so terribly wrong? How vindictive/manipulative to bring in her ex? in all honesty the time Beas done .....she'll have far more to be ashamed of ......nasty back stabbing bitch. the smelly top story?????????? How low can someone stoop? did she not have a clean one in her suitcase if it was thart bad? Nasty cow! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Isaac said he wanted Charlie to win
Scooby doo Isaac only saw what he wanted to see. He saw Noirin only have one drunken kiss in there. I don't think that Charlie should win, there is only one person that deserves to win in there and thats Freddie IMO. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Maybe Isaac never saw Charlie attempting to trash the eviction outfit that Angel was making... or the cruel game of hide and seek that Kris and he played on Freddie. I cannot think of a less deserving winner... [ more ]
Joyron I would rather Freddie won than anyone else in the house. My opinion obviously!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If they can afford to fly Issac in from the US...
Former Member Re: If they can afford to fly Issac in from the US... [ more ]
Former Member And hence 'Don'tHira' [ more ]
old hippy guy All very well, BUT, I dont think for one minute that stopping LF had anything to do with the cost, and more to do with control over what gets broadcast, they (channel 4) got into lots of bother over the past few shows, goodiegate, powpowpowgate, spitgate, Nwordgate, newspapers had a feeding frenzy, the bloody PM got asked questions in parliament, it almost caused a 'diplomatic incident' between the UK and India fer christ sake!!! they were NOT going to risk anything like that THIS time,... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was BB
Mollie hear hear! [ more ]
BBBS which of course is why the sky run bb italy has 4 feeds available with the required dips on tv and an additional set of uncut feeds online, and of course the main reason so many bb fans want to see bb run by another channel over here. [ more ]
Former Member Don't know BB, I didn't have a personal pc 'til 2003 [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is there a Hira fan club?
Former Member There could be I've started 3 fan clubs for people I don't like: Sophia, Saffia and Noirin..all have been gone in a flash afterwards Not sure it's q time for Don'tHira yet 'though, I'll sleep on it She is bloody that's for sure, of all the thousands of people who auditioned why did they opt for her [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Is there a Hira ? [ more ]
Eugene's Lair There is, but its member's sigs are invisible... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you was in the BB house what would you be like?
Former Member Oh and I'd get really stressed out about my hair 'cos if I didn't have a dryer/styling implements you lot would take the p out of my 'natural curls'...and I'd have to keep dropping hints by singing Mary Poppins songs [ more ]
Former Member I'd probably be a bit like Bea but would cook a lot and look after people and I'd have to sleep outside 'cos I couldn't stand the cooped up atmosphere in that bedroom.....and if I was x years younger I'd probably s**g Siavash [ more ]
Blizz'ard I'd be thrown out, for hygeine reasons. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm so pleased Marcus is still in
*BB* It appears that his mother left home when Marcus was just 15 years old. He has lived on his own ever since. He also never talks about his father. I was only reading earlier that he told Noirin that no-one remembered his birthdays when he was a child. Then a Sunday School friend gave him a chocolate bar for his birthday and he was so happy he waited two weeks before finally eating it. No wonder he asked Noirin for hugs, he just craves affection I think. [ more ]
Blizz'ard He was brought up by wolves. [ more ]
stonks Why what BB? I don't know anything about where he comes from or his background.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Everything is not as it seems
CaptVimes Exactly and if they have had plenty of time to ask him in the DR what he would do if Noirin got evicted as well. Its just a matter of Isaac to the DR please. "Do you still feel the same way and want to leave the house now Noirin has gone?" Isaac "yes" "Walk out the other door we have someone waiting for you." [ more ]
feebs Noirin told Davina Isaac had made the decision earlier to walk if she was evicted. He more than likely told BB too. [ more ]
Former Member Eastenders or any soap doesn't ask you to spend your money. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MysTerry That's too simple. Bea-ch was sitting there with an 'M' clearly printed on her 'T' shirt, with her baa-lambs beside her. btw...It may surprise you, but I didn't support Noirin. I just absolutely dislike people that claim the moral high ground but the only reason they look down on others is because of all the hot air that keeps them 'up there' [ more ]
Videostar Ok then, so HM's who just changed their opinions then on both sides, no backstabbers. [ more ]
MysTerry Siavash and Marcus weren't even talking for 3 days, but suddenly, he loves Marcus. That makes him a creep in my opinion. Bea-ch for being.....Bea-ch. A Black Widow spider is safer to be around. Freddie I'm sorry to say he's lost any respect I had for him as he has just proven to me that he has absolutely no b*lls of his own. They belong to Bea-ch. Sophie well, she nominated Marcus, but suddenly decides that she loves Marcus. She wasn't very convincing but she went along with the gang. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hira is just a thoroughly lovely woman
MysTerry lol [ more ]
fz aawww isaac told her she'd be a wonderful mother one day as he left... [ more ]
DanceSettee She could be lovely, she could be a total shit I'm not going to base an opinion on the one sentence she has uttered since entering the house, instead i am going to judge her totally on the fact that she sounds like a weasle being strangled , and for that alone I want rid of her ASAP [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB producers/Ch4 please just pull the plug right now
fabienne I'm really enjoying it at the moment. I think the show's benefited from BB's creative editing. [ more ]
Mollie Indeed, and not a second before!!! Siavash rocks!!! [ more ]
Pink Plastik I think saying "if you don't like it don't watch" is an easy retort. The point is, this was a show that I used to love and absolutley enjoyed watching. It's now dying a death and I would like to see it end purely due to the fact that I don't want to remember it as a failing show and as the great show it was years ago. [ more ]
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