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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL Whose side were you on in the Bea/Noirin argument?
skive Oh yes! Her face in tonight's HLs after Lisa told her to stop going on about it was a picture. She's never liked Lisa and sown a few seeds of poison about her already but now she's plotting a dastardly plan and Lisa doesn't stand a chance! [ more ]
CheekyPixie ROFL! 70% for Bea Who would be on the side of a sneaky sociopath anyway? Thank God I do not have to watch this creature anymore! And that boyfriend of hers was VILE! [ more ]
captain marbles Bea had Noirin sized up the minute she walked the door and she was delighted to have the opportunity to show who is number one in the house. Lisa's next on her list but she'll use very different tactics against her. Bea is quite a girl. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Seriously, what's with all the Bea hate?
captain marbles I think 90% of this forum would have liked to say what she said to Noirin. Shame she doesn't get the credit for saying what most of us are thinking. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo C'mon guys, she was brilliant with Noirin. Telling her what for. Bea to come 2nd please [ more ]
Gel she is wonderfully articulate, I adored her explaining to wancus why he was totally selfish in ripping the board off in the diary room and having to forfeit his tokens it will always stick in my mind She doesn't back down [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
смешной фильм шутки
Paradice mabe but Человек шел по дороге, когда он услышал из скандировали за высокий деревянный забор. "13 13 13 13 13 13", люди говорят. "13 13 13 13 13 13", они становились громче. Заинтригован, мужчина пытался увидеть через забор, но он был слишком высок. "13 13 13". Народ был ускорен. "13 13 13". Человек сейчас отчаянно пытаются узнать, что происходит. "13 13 13". Там, небольшое отверстие узла. "13 13 13". Человек толкаемых лицо от забора, и посмотрел через отверстие. "13 13 13". Затем палец... [ more ]
squiggle چه کسی می خواهید برد؟ [ more ]
jennywren Большой брат не так хорошо сейчас [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
By 'Eck! 'Appen It's Yorkshire Day Today.
LowonIQ Aye Yorkshire Day reet. Flying the white rose here in cumbria. Ahm Leeds an I'm proud of it. Ahm Leeds an I'm proud of it. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I ave that, ad it since wedensder, been feelin rite poolie i ave, on the up now tho so no need to book the hirst [/QUOTE] Well am glad thas on mend anyroad up. [ more ]
Former Member Eeeh lass! Is tha not in fine fettle? 'As tha really got swine flu?![/QUOTE] I ave that, ad it since wedensder, been feelin rite poolie i ave, on the up now tho so no need to book the hirst [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
best girl band ever..?
Rocking Ros Rose testing [ more ]
charmer im gonna sit in my basement and listen to kirsty mcall, nat king cole, carpenters etc.. my OH has just turned up, with a few girls, knocking the window and asking me to smile, they know ive lost my front tooth and they think its funny you women are a bloody horrible lot im going downstairs, where its quiet good night [ more ]
Senora Reyes The Supremes, Destiny's child, Bananarama, Sugarbabes. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
List the housemates from favourite to least favourite
mandala freddie marcus bea siavash sophie rodrigo hira charley lisa david [ more ]
cup I would love marcus david rod To get to final week siavash the g/f stuff has put me off fred bea stuff has put me off but they do deserve to get to final week Hope those two do something makes me really really like them again sophie hira charlie lisa bea [ more ]
Hurricane Siavash. Rodrigo. David Sophie Hira. Charlie. Fred. Marcus. Bea. Lisa. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
captain marbles I've wondered if her campaign might actually hasten the end of the Gurkha Regiment. No pension money coming in from the british government means that the Nepalese government has got no reason to allow its citizens to serve in another country's army. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Why not Joanna Lumley? I think it is great that someone who could get the cause some publicity, stood up for something she believed in rather than sit back and wait for someone else to do it. [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL duffy has disappeared i got it - she's off fighting for justice for the native american indians [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Isaac - More like a body guard than a boyfriend.
Blackpudlian Which is why their 3 year relationship has been littered with breakups and reunions. [ more ]
Gel I don't see the problem, he likes to dominate, she likes to be dominated [ more ]
Former Member I thought that I saw it from her Blizz...he just looked angry with her to me, but was trying not to show it. The more I thought about it I began to get scared for her re what would happen outside of the house. If that video was when the cameras were on, it terrifies me what it'll be like when they are not [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
maggiep I think that as we no longer see all of the nominations,and the evicted housemate does not get to see who nominated them,it just adds to the suspicions that there is a lot about this series that is "dodgy" Maggie [ more ]
15:10 I agree it's bollox and away to avoid Davina grilling them. [ more ]
Saint Yeah why no "Who do you think nom'd you?" More revealing than Jo Whiley [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Obvious What Charlie Was Doing
Cold Sweat 4 housemates went into the DR - 4 out of 12 is not the bigger group, by my calculations. But Noirin had been paranoid (regardless if Sophie got the running order wrong) - she turned 'Bunnygate' from a rumour into a self fulfilling prophecy - that played out over subsequent weeks. For instance, just a couple of days ago, Noirin said she could tell that Sophie had nominated her because she would not look her in the face. This, as we know, was untrue. At a guess, 100k is the immediate figure... [ more ]
Videostar The day ends in a Y, so yes they have. [ more ]
shar69 Funny how people see things differently. A lot of fm's commented on Sophie in the diary room plea for Marcus, most thought that she looked uncomfortable. I saw it as her 'wanting to be part of the biggest group'. Another thing that I noticed on live feed last night was something that Sophie said about 'Bunnygate'. She had a conversation with Siavash the other night, when she revealed that when Siavash saw them doing the bunny thing, it was actually a dinosaur impression that was aimed at... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do they think charlie deserves to win
Kaytee Agreed Baz Anyway this is BB not X-Factor, sob stories shouldn't come into it. The boy is simply desperate to win and avoid nomination [ more ]
Baz Leaving aside his mum bit........I have no idea Aimee.... because apart from a couple of times, when he made me smile, all I have seen him do is act (not very well) hurt, tittle tattle (while saying all the time how he loves everyone), and tell us what a nice guy he thinks he is. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon He told Marcus about it on the night/day that Marcus and him stayed up until daylight. He came out to comfort Marcus and they talked for ages. It was then Charlie mentioned his mother and her being in a coma. It was the first I had heard of it, and it came as a bit of a shock. He said if he won he would be able to help his mother in some way. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Task- Token Gesture
Ducky Thanks Free I didn't want to use the link. [ more ]
Free Thinking ----- It's been calm after last night's storm in the House today, so housemates were delighted when they were all asked to gather at the table. Bea was called to the Diary Room and when she returned with a laminate from Big Brother a huge cheer went up. Then she read out the instructions for the Task, and there was a long, worried silence from everyone except Hira, who shrieked, "Yaaay! This is a good one!" as being told they all had to become entertainers to win tokens. "I don't know what... [ more ]
Gel he can be quite sweet, he's totally out of his depth, but god bless him at times, he stands up for people even tho he doesn't understand [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea asks Marcus for advice about Freddie?
Tayto. I agree that it's all a game and who plays it best . I also agree that Freddie would get on my nerves if I had to spend every hour of the day with him but if she is turning on him it will put Noirin's actions into the ha'penny place. [ more ]
WILDER X The game will become more clear in time.. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. She knows marcus likes to be seen as the wise one. Don't know if she trying to put a wedge between marcus and freddie. [ more ]
captain marbles If she is gathering allies then I dont see the problem. It's traditional in the BB house to try to keep yourself from being nominated while ensuring that the person you dont like gets as many noms as possible. She's probably on Lisa's radar both as a traditionally vulnerable newbie and as someone who's had a run in with Lisa and Bea is surely expecting that Lisa will encourage her little gang to nominate her. Where's the issue if Bea is working on that perfectly reasonable assumption? [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Done Nominations And I Have
Baz We surely will..... and I can see Bea going into either uber baitch mode, or uber nice mode.....both of which will be equally nauseating ...IMO And I cannot believe that if Lisa is up against Bea, I could actually be rooting for her to stay... what a state of affairs we have come to [ more ]
BBBS bea=ch vs lisa vs david would be a win/win situation, even better if it was a midweek double. [ more ]
brisket There are so many I do not like, but I would love to see Lisa and Charlie up (week after week until they are both gone.) Freddie is nominating well I think. I have been getting the impression recently, that Marcus and Siavash are tiring of Charlie a bit and they may soon feel they have had enough of his false "I love everybody" speeches done with quivering lip. I think Siavash and Marcus are beginning to think he has "cried wolf" too often. So Lisa and Charlie for me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you got any good task
Former Member OMG Shar, have you seen this? Row If that is what happens when the cameras are still on Gawd knows what happens when they are off. She needs to get away from that guy and QUICK UPDATE:Seems it's probably a spoof [ more ]
Former Member I just watched the vids on C4, she keeps saying how much she loves him, he NEVER says it or anything approaching it. Remember when he came in and 'made' her apologise for what she'd done and asked her to never drink again?..She did as he asked... If he's not mad at her then I'm bliddy Mother Theresa 'Tis easy to get caught up in her other behaviours, even she believes it sometimes, and 'tis easy to castigate Bea for pointing out what really happened..that sent the poor girl into a complete... [ more ]
shar69 You know what, it did niggle at me that she told him that she kissed siavash and slept in the same bed as him for the last few nights, he kept saying that it was a drunken kiss. I thought he was only saying that to shoot Bea down. Bliddy facinates me how we can watch something and not think anything of it until someone points it out. I better go try catch a few hours sleep. Will speak to you later, goodnight [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aaaaahhhhhh The memories
Gel I don't mind being underneath, I have quite an interesting ceiling [ more ]
brisket It was like having to abandon a sinking ship. Then being rescued by lifeboat (Bovrilking & GaGaJoyJoy). As each forumer was picked up by those already here it became more and more secure and safe and warm and friendlier. Maybe my sense of drama runs away with me. But I agree it was a nice feeling - and remains so. [ more ]
lainy m Not only do I want a list, I wanna be on top [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Field of Dreams...
charmer its a good film! 'build it and they will come' i'd give anything to see my dad again playing on a field and he'd say 'WTF-i could never play baseball in the first place!' as del boy says 'silly boys rounders' good film though [ more ]
jacksonb my mum goes all faraway and gooey when she watches ray liotta, she must have watched corina corina at least 20 times..i tend to leave... [ more ]
Leccy Thanks Comrade and Croc! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
if you had to choose your..
Dame_Ann_Average Denzil Washington and any old bag [ more ]
charmer i came back home-my OH told everyone not to make a big deal about my missing toof but all everyone did was stare, and not saying anything-so i sat outside in the rain, smoking like a beagle in a lab -next to the bouncy castle that no one could use cos it was pissing it down so im sitting here on me jack jones listening to tears for fears blimey! [ more ]
Kaytee I'd have Joan Collins as my mum and Stewart Grainger as my dad. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Guardian compares Sophie to a 1980s John Hughes Teen movie character!
Guest John Hughes movies were loads better than Big Brother. Fact. (agree with what dirtypretty said about Judd Nelson ) [ more ]
disley21 Somebody from The Guardian in talking nonsense shocker! [ more ]
Cold Sweat The Breakfast Club represents an interesting analogy; 5 kids from diverse cliques forced to spend time together in an authoritarian environment. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you har Norin say last night on BBLB
cinnamon girl Hmmmn I seem to remember her saying that she had not had sex for 6 months until just before she went in the house. Wonder who that could have been with?! She's had a plan right from the start re her and Isaac. What a fake, fame-hungry skank. [ more ]
Former Member Arse says on this vid that he hasn't seen her for 8 months...wish they'd get their bloody stories straight! channel 4 vid [ more ]
kimota She could have been referring to her manager at work. Shes right there as they have let her go! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF last night - Lisa and David slagging off Marcus last night
mandala hira when you do see her always sounds so high pitched just hope she doesnt want a career in singing [ more ]
longcat Sorry but this years house is full of people who bitch, backstab and spout drivel. The only one i haven't heard it from is Hira but she is invisible. [ more ]
mandala It's not his's him [/QUOTE] too true as a northerner the accent dont bother me but the drivel he spouts out of his mouth does and his laugh is torture [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think Noirin has amazing sexual powers?
Kaytee Elstree Tates I think Davaina has a soft spot for Tom.*smirks*. I don't know why he was there,but I bet it was to watch Noirin's reaction...which was true to form [ more ]
15:10 A simple response, NO! I don't know what all the fuss is about *shrug* [ more ]
jennywren I read somewhere her father was a minister. If so, then he must be Protestant. Yet, with a name like Kelly??? I also read or heard she has seven or several brothers. I imagine she has spent her whole life using her femininity to attract attention. If so, that's all she knows. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why don't they show who nominated them any more?
paace Agree with both. I was fuming at Davina last night with so much time given and wasted to those two on the panel. The girl from Radio1 made some good points but instead of letting Noirin respond Davina went on to the psychologist who spouted a whole load of stuff. They must go back to a one on one interview. BBBM which follows is far better now at asking the evictee probing questions. [ more ]
fookat BB is a shadow of its former self. I really miss watching live feed in the morning at the weekend. Now to watch any live feed I have to stay up too late and keep oversleeping as I cant wake up for work [ more ]
Rosy Darling There is a lot of stuff they don't do since the cutbacks sadly I used to like the hour long show once a week with the psychologists, it gave a really interesting insight into some of their behaviour [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Isaac appeared bored and disinterested - superior attitude
Luxor I am truly in awe of how so many can judge a character by observing a few hours of edited highlights by a third party. These talents are wasted on a mere forum and surely could be put to better use in the real world. [ more ]
Marguerita I did not think he would walk you were spot on about him [ more ]
cologne 1 I think that meant just the opposite. [ more ]
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