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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
?? 2 questions about Charlie ??
squiggle I always think that's when he's acting, like most of the time You know like kiddies when they are trying to do the "who me?" innocent look. I don't trust the guy. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen He always has a gormless look on him whenever I see him on either LF or the HL show. Gob slightly open and a vacant look in his his eyes like everything in the house has gone over his head "the whole time" The whole time. All along, for weeks, the whole time. [ more ]
stonks The only thing that amuses me is his bad acting.... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love Isaac...
longcat I liked him too. I liked the fact that he and Siavash were able to talk with no ill will between them. Noirin spoiled it by not listening to what Isaac was saying and going off into a round of f**ks. I think if Isaac had been an original HM without Noirin he would have been very entertaining. [ more ]
Cariad Ike behaved that way because he knew he was top dog. I have no bias and was hopeful he'd be a decent housemate. I was wrong sadly. [ more ]
Cariad I rather put it down to being a twat. [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB is DEAD : Long live BB
Saint IDEA NOs. 2 EVIL BIG BROTHER Go back to the original concept of George Orwell - Big Brother is all powerful (it may look after your welfare) otherwise it is NOT there to be bargained with, it does not feel pity or remorse. Bring back EVIL BB - task setter, rule changer, punisher!! It wud be great [ more ]
Saint IDEA Nos. 1 Endemol own the rights to BB around the world so . . . Plunder all the greatest ideas that occured in other Big Brothers For instance ... During that boring Cameron win, Davina cut to South Africa BB to see wot they were doing, a guy had been given one hell of a great task!!! Even Davina sed, "Oooooooo!!!" Simple - nick your own ideas Endemol and pack them into the show [ more ]
cup I think another channel might take it on never use the AXED word I still love it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why would you....
Cinds You should really post a picture of it either on here or FB, you know its the right things to do. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen There are forums which specifically cater for those "real life babies" [ more ]
Former Member LOL Do you remember the awful commemorative plates of Freddie Mercury that were made after he died? An old lady I used to work with came from the same village in India as Freddie Mercury's parents (or summat). To honour him she had cut a picture of one of these plates out, mounted it on cardboard and stuck bits on doily and beads etc round the edge. When a mate of mine saw it she found it so funny that she made one for me as a birthday present - it is, without doubt, the most hideous thing... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Right that's it! I'm getting off the fence.
Felix123 I would NEVER celebrate the likes of beatch, her behaviour is despicable and beyond gameshow rivalry. The thing that I find hilarious, is beatch and pukus are playing you the viewer.. and like sheep.. [ more ]
Former Member Blimey. Is that a mixed metaphor too? [ more ]
Liverpoollass She is an excellent HM, no doubt about it. I veer from really liking her to wanting to deck her [ more ]
See all 107 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should Charlie Drummond win on the sympathy vote?
Scotty Why would Freddie get sympathy votes? [ more ]
The Guru Ok back on topic.. Charlie shouldn't win on a sympathy vote because he's a nasty, spiteful little shit. From his spiteful prank on Angel to impress his equally spiteful mates, Kris and Karly, to then kiss her arse on eviction day, oh i really like you, hope you don't go, sound familliar? He pulled the same stunt with Noirin/Isaac. Hedging his bets. Then not having the balls to tell Kris and Karly to lay off the Freddie bashing, whilst telling Freddie on the quiet that he likes him. To all... [ more ]
Hotpants Helen Absolute classic. [ more ]
See all 107 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prawn fields?.
Former Member i hate her. Bea: why am i talking about this" *pretend confused face* Me: "cause you took over the conversation you patronising bitch when marcus (thick but harmless) was talking about pop corn!" [ more ]
Leccy Ooooh this thread seems random without live feed (I Presume live feed?) Anyway... [ more ]
Mozart yeah. farmed prawns i believe are freah water prawns. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Siavash a self pitying tw@t?
Former Member Just watching LF now.......he really is starting to push the pathos a little too far now. Worra complete wuss he is.......bloody going on and on and ON in that continuously droning monotone voice Always talking in frikkin riddles - like some MI5 reject. [ more ]
brisket Now he is saying "I`m going to take myself out of the game." Yet another stupid misjudgment on his part. He gets so much wrong. Self-pitying and attention-seeking. [ more ]
mrMiller I agree with you about marcus but i think siavash is contradicting himself by saying I don't want pity then acting like that. [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight's HL show opening moments. Brilliant production.
Soozy Woo I agree but she really interacting with anyone? i dont know but awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww bless .she's a bit lovely and naive and you've gotta love her for that. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I don't think she'll build any muscle or tone with those exercises lol, but bless her as from the miniscule bits BB have shown she seems really nice. I think BB are laughing at her with those exercises. They should treat her as a proper HM. Maybe then we can get to know her [ more ]
Blizz'ard It's like when you need a wee. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash - me and Marcus agree.
*BB* Well he was thinking with his todger and not with his brain at the time. A typical man. [ more ]
Shar I agree senora ... it has been talked to death ... [ more ]
Mollie I think saivash didn't have to keep saying how sad he was about losing Noirin, pretty obvious... how would you slate him if he did... wait let me guess... pull yourself together, she was a sl*t... seriously can you not read between the lines?? or are you also relying on marcus to tell you how things are! sheesh! [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash's earrings.
Mollie last night after Noirin left, bea ran to her locker to see if she left them...Note: Bea and I think Marcus RAN to Noirins locker! pair of losers! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Yes they were very Lacroix. [ more ]
Shar *And breathes* Wait ... wait ... what ....??????? She took them with her????? I know the Vash made a big deal about not wanting them back, but she could have returned them quietly and without any fuss ... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
has anyone
*BB* Also tomatoes and tomato juice, in fact anything with tomatoes in it and of course bananas. [ more ]
Mozart i get terrible muscle cramping in my calfs at night, and its bloody painful and sore for a couple of days after too, a banana a day is good, something to do with the potassium in them, i eat one a day and only suffer night cramps occassionally now. [ more ]
*BB* Thanks Skive. There is no specific treatment for it unfortunately. Two types of medication that have been developed for other illnesses have helped people with PN by lessening the pain to some degree but I wasn't one of them. It's progressive and it's now reached up my legs to my waist an has spread to my hands. I just hope that one day a drugs company will come up with a painkiller that targets it. But I suppose there's not much financial incentive for them. In the meantime I will carry on... [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin my story in the star tomorrow
jessejay very true [ more ]
cup Well they all do the stories well if they are lucky enough to get a deal no surprise no one would turn it down for a price Noirin like her or not had a great run in house,extra press for her eviction so why not make a few quid,i think they deserve it all of them Its like saying sophie isnt going to do zoo mag etc of course she is and why not they all want to make from it. [ more ]
Roxi Her story??? what else can she possibly tell us??? [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betfair latest
jessejay me too [ more ]
WILDER X I agree. [ more ]
Yellow Rose If there was something to be done, wouldn't the hospital have done it.[/QUOTE] I read somewhere here she's been in a coma for 2 years. I've known 2 people in that condition, one lived one didn't but I never heard of an operation being involved. If that's his mother's condition I really feel empathy for him and his family but I can't see how him winning could help her. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash: "Don't hug me"
cup Cant stand people gloating on eviction night no matter whos up hated it when lisa give off to freddie hated kat for it hated grace for it hated bea for it The women has no concept that people although glad to see her go was with her for 8 weeks and they did have some good times together and got close she is in a week never been up for eviction and knows none of them she is nasty There was nothing to gain there only show you up for what your really like what happened to spread the loves give... [ more ]
Shar Because he's a total gentleman soozy and would never say that ... even to a witch like Bea ... I have to say that this whole episode with Siavash and Noirin has made me respect him even more than I did previously ... Noirin screwed him over and yet he is still her friend ... because they did genuinely connect ... same with marcus ... Some day soon Noirin will wake up and realise what she has lost ... [ more ]
Hurricane Clearly trying to provoke Norin. Norin should have agreed on that point but added shame you'll never get to know just how hot lol [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin and Isaac.... Are they a really 'well-suited' and genuine couple??? POLL
CheekyPixie Ooooh. 53% agree with me so far, [ more ]
CheekyPixie Well said [ more ]
stupidcupid The only couple I believed in were Helen and Paul from bb 2. Even Chantelle and preston seemed contrived just to make money. I did believe in them as a couple at first until they went for the big mag deals and fairytale nonsense. Noirin and isaac met on reality tv and are no more a genuine couple than noirin with Sree Marcus siavatch ANYOTHER [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea for beatch....
figtree I was fully behind Ais... but not Bea! She may seem direct but there is more than a hint of spitefulness about her. The gloating face on Norins eviction said it all really..and I didn't even like Norin! She maybe playing 'a good game' but I am not sure I personally enjoy her kind of game! [ more ]
Bojangles Yes so are a lot of con men. You can't fool all of the people all of the time. [ more ]
Shar I disagree ... she does give a shit ... she's been working on getting people 'on side' since her entrance on her broomstick into the house ... Anyone not buying her fake hippy crap/telling it like it is line are automatically moved to her 'bitch list' and she then proceeds to stir and snipe to anyone who will listen to her (increasingly annoying) voice ... [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hiras Exercises...
Shizzlex she was sweet when she said to Bea 'is that not mean'when they went in the D/r to protest for mutley [ more ]
Former Member Maybe she's a slow-burner, cap'n? She surely is, if her excercise regime is anything to go by! [ more ]
captain marbles Once, just once, I'd like to see her cut loose and throw a few cuss words into a full blown rant. I think the house would be stunned into silence and she'd probably go on to be the unlikeliest winner ever. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Isaac pushed to leave by HMs???
captain marbles They are hoping that having the pair of them available doubles the price of the story. [ more ]
Selina K I think it's sheer arrogance TBH. She has such a high opinion of herself, she thinks she can do no wrong. She's a bloody brilliant actress, I'll give her that! What a stark contrast her real personality is to her "I bring you peace and love" character when she entered [ more ]
Yellow Rose sure hope so but someone mentioned betting odds, which I don't understand lol. I'm wondering why some think he has a chance of winning [ more ]
See all 18 replies...

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