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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who do YOU want out next???
Barolo A double eviction would be great. Lisa and David, the Gruesome Twosome, would fit the bill perfectly. When they are evicted I want each to lose their footing and bounce all the way down the steps on their arses, accompanied to the cacophonous sound of ear-splitting boos. On reaching the bottom step it would be good if members of the gathered crowd would hurl sweet, sticky stuff at them which would attract swarms of wasps which would sting them! I don't really like David or Lisa!! [ more ]
little_mrs_bb If Siavash can't be bothered to nominate this week then I think I want him to go next. Play the game or just go, I say. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts ARe you all thick or something? I mean are you all reeeeeeeeeeally too dim to work out that the likes of Bea and Marcus are good housemates, maybe dickheads as well in some cases but good housemates all the same. Yet hardly anyone has said they want Hira out next. Do you all want it to end up like last years? I honestly cannot get over the British Public's level of f**kwittery at times I really can't. I need to leave this country. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They have
Roxi I really miss the Sunday night soaps Coronation Street and Emmerdale [ more ]
Former Member Well we have STV so we never know what they are going to give us to watch , how annoying are they getting ? ggrrrr [ more ]
serignhugrf I said exactly the same to Mr Veg However, I did manage to catch an episode of Dr Who that I missed first time round on BBC3 at 7pm. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash: "I want to be up every week, and I will no longer nominate on Mondays"
Videostar He's still banging on about Noirin. He must nominate or Lisa and friends will survive, and I'll lose any respect for him [ more ]
grannyg Don't know why, he's overdoing the broken heart thing or is it his pride and he's embarassed He's gonna spoil it for himself if he carries on like this SNAP out of it Siavash [ more ]
jacksonb the 'outcasts' as they were always implode and start nominating each other, then lisa slips the net. every feckin time! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
At this point, I would rather Hira or David win than Charlie.
Former Member i know he cant even speak English himself let alone teach it lol [ more ]
Senora Reyes When Bea suggested that Charlie could teach english to kids in Africa, I spat out my horlicks, LMAO...then I thought who would be wicked enough to inflict Charlie on the continent of Africa? [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Anyone but Charlie or Sophie will do for me . [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wasn't live feed boring last night?
Former Member Thought Charlie was more boring than usual with his school stories, he hasnt managed to move on from the naughty child he was, he now an annoying adult, and he is hoping to win on sympathy with talking about his sick mum ? [ more ]
WILDER X I switched off at l.30 and went to bed. Sick of hearing charlie and bea voice. [ more ]
Marguerita Re: Wasn't live feed boring last night? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea is catching up Lisa in the dislike stakes
Bojangles I would have thought Bea was way ahead by now in those Polls,praps not everyone here is voting. [ more ]
kimota On the other hand she is far more liked than Lisa, so in a straight head to head I think Lisa would go! Bea tends to tackle people head on whereas Lisa prefers to do most of her stuff behind the scenes. When she was holding up her fingers last night while whispering to Dave. I am pretty sure this was her saying she does'nt want 3 people in the final or that these are the choices for nomination this week! [ more ]
jeppa I know it makes sense and I really wish I could look at it that way but I just can`t help wanting the ones I really dislike out first [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The wittering idiot Freddie
fz Freddie made another huge error of judgement in the bea/david argument...walking in half way through, admitting he never heard the argument and then telling david he had obviously upset bea because she was upset.... Rabbitgate repeated....he defended the wrong person both times. His popularity stems from him being ostracized....he has now become second in command to bea, who is trying that very tactic on who she percieves as the weaker housemates. [ more ]
Heartache Quite right, l wish she would hurry up and move onto Siavash, so he could save himself. [ more ]
DanceSettee I think that's innacurate Jenny, The top 2 1/2 % are over 130 (more than 2 standard deviations from the mean) and the starting line for Mensa is somewhere around the 145 level I believe. Freddy may be bright, but he's nowhere near the genius level some people on here would suggest ....he comes across like most undergraduates do..bright, yet with a tendency to waffle bollocks ....nothing special though. It's interesting that he and Marcus are virtually the same IQ wise, yet Marcus, despite... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not A Siavash or freddie Fan But
Yellow Rose The nearer it gets to the end of the show is when editing will help define who the winner will be. Charlie's not my winner. [ more ]
fz If Rodders wasn't such a temperamental drama queen, flouncing in and out at a whim, he could probably put charlie in a very bad light....but then again would BB choose to show it. [ more ]
Baz Heaven forbid!! But then, when I work it through, there are actually only 2 people I would be happy TO win..... Rodrigo or Sophie [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Overnight news from channel 4 Bea and David falling out?
fz I reckon Bea wants david when she does take on Lisa, there'll be nobody to fight lisa's corner with her. Divide and conquer. [ more ]
Baz I think that's a bit mean. ..... fiesting Bea on the people of Elstree... what did they ever do to deserve her on their high street? [ more ]
The Guru Yep, especially as she's had 2 warnings already (which i don't think were shown but have been discussed by hm's) She's also found out in the house that she's really shit at arguing, so gets others to do it for her. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yellow Rose Some HM's seem nicer out of the house than when in. Noirin's confirmed for me she's as selfish and self obsessed outside as well, worse, she seems proud if it! awful woman. [ more ]
fookat grrrr! just watched Noreen and Isaac - what a vile couple! She has no remorse for any of her actions and he is a just a smug self satisfied sarcastic jerk! They deserve each other. I dont think George was impressed either. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I'm with you two. Noirins biggest downfall was bringing in that idiot Isaac ...he's obviously telling her how to play it ............yes her attitude stank today but I think it was manipulated by him ..he has a warped SOH. and Grace Dent !!!!Get over yourself love. [ more ]
See all 177 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David vs Bea
Tayto. She's a very clever girl the way she can just throw out insults which are so well worded the blame actually falls back on the other person. [ more ]
longcat Re: David vs Bea [ more ]
brisket But David had been purloining some food. David was lying - while being watched over by his Commanding Officer, Lisa (who added to the atmosphere by whistling.) The wide-eyed innocent face while lying puts him on a par with the odious Charlie. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
they are such a
Puss Can't every see her 'producing', she's too selfish. And as for Isaac, I could see him being jellous of a baby. Nasty individuals. [ more ]
machel i noticed it on bbbm and now on bblb [ more ]
Puss didn't work though did it Flossie? They certainly didn't do themselves any favours sings *There may be trouble ahead* [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
how crap is the DVLA?
jacksonb i took the application into a DVLA office for a peugeot, and it wasn't any faster for me, i got the same letter 2 weeks later,lol. [ more ]
15:10 I sent in the request. Got the same letter within afew days but they sent the certificate 2 days later. Don't panick, it might be with you sooner than you think. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Just a suggestion, don't know if it will help, but if you aren't too far from a DVLA office, then sometimes it pays to go and sit there and sort it out face to face. I did that when I needed a new log book and driving licence recently and it took a bit of time, but at least I was able to leave the building knowing that my problem had been sorted out. That advert about the car tax makes me laugh, there is a car in my road, still being used on a daily basis, that has not had road tax on it... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
riversider I'm getting the hang of this now, so a few more reasons why I cannot take to Charlie.. The worst thing is that he is so calculating, so never spontaneous, so careful, so desparate to win. And there's the way that he is forever repeating his character attributes..I'm mad, me... I'm always up for a laugh, me .... etc, etc. It is so contrived. Also that blatant universal smarming up to everyone at weekends prior to nominations... why don't they see through it? Pet hate has to be that... [ more ]
Kaytee Charlie to win?....When hell freezes over. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon haha shar69. I abbreviate as much as I can to save typing it all out, and it can cause confusion. I did mean fast forward. But if you really insist I can think of two words, starting with f, that can be joined together. I might get booted off the forum for typing them tho so I shall resist the temptation [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the seaside
machel i hate driving through grantham, too confusing i love the seaside but too many people skeggy beach on xmas day is great! [ more ]
Former Member noo i hate it, i hate beaches they are really hard work, and i hate sand, and i hate litter and stuff in sand. Id like sand if it was clean like in a bounty advert, but even then i think the beach would be a bit inconvenient. Much prefer pools or boats. [ more ]
fookat oh yes we used to go on caravan holidays to the beach when i was a kid - absolutely loved it. And now Ive moved from Norfolk, where I could pop to the coast whenever I wanted, to Milton Keynes i havent been for years - we are so far away from the coast here [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member ohhh yeahhh she was nice, i really liked her. Honestly why oh why did bb put this hira in. I sometimes see her walk across the room and thats the ONLY time i remember she is in there. [ more ]
captain marbles Singing to Marcus when he was in jail. Absolutely classic BB comedy. It was worth her presence in the house just for that. [ more ]
Mollie me too! maybe there is more to come, she is a very sweet lady but too quiet for a HM [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
igmorin the sun n other scumbag press
Jet Blue Me neither, but each to their own and it wouldn't do if we all liked the same level of rubbish eh. Marcus isnt my winner either, he is perv and sleezebag and do any females actually find that mullet attractive, let alone the bloke within? As far as I can see there is no outright winner at this stage. ANything could happen and I wish it would happen soon cos so far it has been pretty dire entertainment. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Re: igmorin the sun n other scumbag press [ more ]
captain marbles I'd say it has to be Noirin. Nearly every storyline this year derived from her. Quite an accomplishment for someone who isn't particularly interesting as a person. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus "Siavash will bring up Noirin every 5 minutes and keep talking about her"
Little Miss Spurs Thats Marcus for you; Judging other people by his own charecter [ more ]
The Guru Marcus still being a bitter little shit stirrer... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Absoloutely .............marcus is one deluded individual ..........apologies he is the deluded individual. What a prize cock. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Im actually beginning to like BEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Little Miss Spurs Used to like Charlie, but now it seems as if he sort of sits on the fence; like not wanting anyone to go friday, so as not to be disliked by anyone, and the tale-telling to Noirin and Isaac, making himself look good coz HE was no part of it. Also didnt like the fact that when Noirin explained to Isaac about them going in the diary room to cheer on Marcus, and she named Rodrigo, Charlie did not put her right about his supposedly best mate and tell her HE wasnt part of it either! [ more ]
kazzy Re: Im actually beginning to like BEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo YAY! Join my group [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this Queen Bea's house now?
CaptVimes Its not as simple as that. The week that Science was sent to Coventry and they were even stealing his food deliberately he was evicted. I would love to see the argument between Lisa and Bea because I think it would make great TV but I really dont think Lisa has the guts to take her on directly and prefers more nefarious methods. [ more ]
Reality Junkie I'm missing Isaac already. What a waste. Maybe he wanted to keep tabs on Noirin. Or was it the mag deals. His excuse was pretty lame. If Noirin had stayed or not even been nominated,I think he still would have shone despite her. But silly girl she had to mess with Siavash. She isnt very bright thats for sure. [ more ]
captain marbles On the other hand, with the exit of the girl of a thousand storylines on Friday, Bea is desperately needed to keep it from sinking into a boring love-in over the final few weeks. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Most cringeworthy BB moment ever?
Little Miss Spurs Re: Most cringeworthy BB moment ever? [ more ]
CaptVimes The cat Rula Lenska and George Galloway. ***shudders*** Memorable mentions: Anfonee pissing from the love shack into the garden. Kate and whoever emptying the bin that Sandy pissed in before leaving. Oh its all wet. The murder mystery night when Anfonee had one too many and being nursed by Myra Hindley . The sounds of Saskia and Marcus rutting in the bedroom before Kemal thankfully put a stop to it. Brian wetting the bed. Mikeys wank cup. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Mario to the group: "Mikey's blind, open your eyes" [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
?? 2 questions about Charlie ??
squiggle I always think that's when he's acting, like most of the time You know like kiddies when they are trying to do the "who me?" innocent look. I don't trust the guy. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen He always has a gormless look on him whenever I see him on either LF or the HL show. Gob slightly open and a vacant look in his his eyes like everything in the house has gone over his head "the whole time" The whole time. All along, for weeks, the whole time. [ more ]
stonks The only thing that amuses me is his bad acting.... [ more ]
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