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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cheerio Re: chomp,chomp,gromfff,chomp.... [ more ]
Baby Bunny It wasn’t funny it was hilarious. [ more ]
kimota Bigger people tend to have a faster metabolism (despite what some overweight people may tell you) because they have more muscle mass, larger organs ect that require more calories to fuel them. Of course this does'nt take into account peoples other reasons for scoffing themselves, boredom, filling some emotional hole ect! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Smashing forumers.
jennywren Well said, Brisket. This forum is much nicer now it's run by GaGa and not C4. Kudos to all the FMs. We are a community! [ more ]
brisket Why that`s great Pixie. *smile* [ more ]
CheekyPixie Why thank you hun I have posted a 'do you like BEA?' poll too, and the people on there are split down the middle, some like her, some love her, some dislike her, some detest the sight and sound of her and some don't give a squit either way, but everyone on there has put their opinion without bashing anyone else. I am extremely impressed. It makes for a much nicer atmosphere, the forum is more pleasant, and no-one is at risk of getting bopped. Perfick! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea and Freddie disagreement on LF?.
Twee Surgeon But she did have the decency to come straight out with it shar. She wants rid of him too which is a factor, and shows what a little user she is. Freddie wont go down the Siavash route I don't think, because he has the self-belief to pick himself up and he also has a very sunny personality which tends to see the good in every situation. Siavash is quite different imo, in that he is more introspective and has less confidence in himself. But they both need to shape up soon, I agree. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I'll give you a cloo about the Timothy Leary thingy. Freddie's t-shirt on HLs show the other night. And that's the only help I can give you, sorry. Let's stick together is another cloo. [ more ]
Shar You are far more generous than me then TS ... I don't admire anything about her ... Best case scenario would be for her to go this week and let us have the freddie we all know and love back ... I just hope he doesn't go down the Vash route by wearing a blanket and beating himself up about it ... [ more ]
See all 123 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why on earth
jacksonb asperbergers sufferers have difficulty relating , in the same way as we do. if that's the case with this bloke then maybe that's why it's taken 7 years to decide what t do. or is 7 years normal for a decision in a non homicide case? [ more ]
Moonbeams I bumped it for you Pretty. [ more ]
Darthhoob thier illnesses are taken into account though, with aspergers it will be very hard to do that as there is next to no awareness about it. tbh i very much doubt it will be taken into account as much as it should. i dont think many people are saying she should be completely let off to be fair. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gone Off Freddie
jennywren Just as Nicole destroyed Rex, so Bea is destroying Freddie. But that's the name of the game, I suppose. Thinking about it, it's not a very nice game. [ more ]
Moonbeams I have began to dislike him more and more, he's a wolf in wolves clothing. Sits and stirrs has no real talent doesn't entertain and his people skills are only good with people he thinks are his equal. [ more ]
Former Member Didn't like him , then felt sorry for him but didn't like him, now just don't like him [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thief caught red-handed
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг I think by their very nature, you'd have to be a self absorbed, deluded, nasty and selfish person to want to even be on BB [ more ]
CaptVimes ONE night? He did a fry up every night for Anthony. Nearly set the house on fire one night when they fell asleep and BB had to ask a number of times for someone to come to the DR to turn the oven off. That was what made the whole science food thing so unpalatable for me. When all he wanted was some fish fingers. I dont think BB recruit genuine sharing kind of people. Those people get trampled very early on in the auditioning process. [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг Marcus and Freddie told Bea about it in the kitchen actually. I apologise, I seem to have lumped you in with all the Freddie supporters who think he can do no wrong and is highly intelligent, hence my words above. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Manners don't cost anything .... my pet hate! Sorry Sophie fans..
Moonbeams I wont do anything for anyone unless a please is put onto the end of the request. [ more ]
Heartache I have become a Sophie supporter in these later weeks, but l wish she would eat with her mouth shut. I dont' enjoy hearing anyone chewing, or smacking their food around their mouths. Sophie sweety you are not 6. [ more ]
Clumsycat she could at least shout, `wheres that duck?` [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David and Marcus Targeted for Nomination
Marguerita I thought it was Marcus to Squiggle but I have watched it again and it was Freddie who said it first as I put in my above post ,then Marcus called him the food bandit and then they told Bea. [ more ]
Kaytee Yep! No value as an HM whatsoever [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) The thing that gets me most about Sophie is her inabilty to have an intelligent conversation but thats due to her lack of braincells, I just find her so shallow . [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea - do you like her?
Amythist Re: Bea - do you like her? [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I have already answered in this thread, but can I have another go please? No, I don't like her! (ta... I enjoyed it so much I wanted another go! ) [ more ]
Aquarius I like her tho that statement is qualified. Without live feed I'm never as sure as I was before. I like her honesty, she never backs away when she feels strongly about something and she always handles confrontation well. What you see is what you get with her. She could keep her mouth shut (like Lisa) and exploit her connection to Freddie and sail through on his coat tails, but she is true to herself even if it damages her chances. I'm not saying she is faultless, but she has fewer than most... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My god she can ramble
paace Absolutely, we're all just expressing opinions. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I am fairly sure Bea would target me for eviction. I seem to tick all her 'wrong' boxes... 1. I was born in Yorkshire! (so perhaps all I talk about is Yorkshire puddings) 2. I love SciFi! 3. I have used the internet for about a decade now... I met my husband on the internet (and hence I apparently do not know what real love is!) I am sure there are plenty more things about me she disapproves of... ..I am not sure how I am going to live with myself [ more ]
Baz Re: My god she can ramble [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus and Siavash spotting George Lamb in the Camera runs on BBLB?
15:10 He actually was Wolverine ! Marcus. [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг I bet the producer was having kittens on Sunday, they had already issued apologies for Noirin saying "shit" and Isaac saying "f***" on live TV, and then we see Marcus mouth "c***" [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг I bloody HATE Marcus, but, thinking about it, I think I hate George more, so yeah, you have a point, go Marcus!!! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea and Hira- any sort of relationship?
Baz I second that Marge. People say Hira contributes nothing to the house, but how can judge without LF! She obviously does like to go to bed at a reasonable time, but might be the life and soul of the party the rest of the time. .. we will never know!! [ more ]
Baz I agree Chicken [ more ]
kimota Hopefully we will see more of Hira when the hms have been reduced in number. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well we know who Marcus is voting for
Former Member When Noirin went practically the first thing Bea said to Marcus afterwards was: 'victory for Team Marcus' [ more ]
Baz I agree Senora. I have to say that as far as manipulation (and baitching) goes there is now nothing to choose between Team Lisa and Team Marcus! [ more ]
GorgeousMimi I reckon it will be Lisa and David up for nomination but with Siavash refusing to nominate it will put a spanner in the works. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie: BB is messing with my mind
Baz I'm good thanks hun. No, not like last year, it's more a case of who I don't like Although I have liked Rodrigo from the start, and I think Hira and Sophie are harmless enough. I did quite like Freddy, but over last couple weeks or so I have gone right off him. As for the rest........... [ more ]
squiggle Hi there Baz yeah all OK thanks, hows you? Not taken to anyone in the house this year? [ more ]
CaptVimes One thing nearly all HMs have in common is the perception that anything that happens is for their benefit and not for that of the audience. Any new HM is viewed along the terms of who they were put in there for as if that were the sole purpose for them existing. Another example David the other night talking with Lisa and later in the DR criticising Marcus' attitude toward "biting the hand that feeds them" BB. His view that they should be grateful to be there and not to disrespect BB who is... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are the teams in the house now .
brisket I don`t actually think any of them form a strong, true and loyal team. I think it is pretence and is done for expediency. Especially now, as we are approaching the time when they are going to have to turn inwards on themselves. I know it has always been the `survival of the fittest` principle, but alliances will be truly tested now that it all becomes more intense. [ more ]
disley21 Team Edward FTW!!! Boo Team Jacob!!! Oh wait... wrong forum... [ more ]
Kaytee It will be interesting to see if team Lisa act as one this week, or whether the dropped hints from the newbies about Lisa's popularity will make a difference to Charlie,Sophie and Rodrigo [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash being selfish in not nominating.
*KG* I like it!!! And stick it up on the plasma for all them them to see, with a giant display of the jackpot on show, so they can all see the prize fund dwindling away whilst he sits there mumbling and arguing with BB in total oblivion [ more ]
MoFo I'm so sick of his little frigging victim martyr act. [ more ]
mandala Just a thought but i think bb should tell him for every minute he doesnt vote £1000 is taken off the prize fund and put in the house for all to see what do you think [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea and Noirin
Shar True ... then again Freddie just sings if he doesn't hear any music ... [ more ]
Marguerita I agree. [ more ]
fz The way I see it is noirin was pursued by men...sree, marcus and siavash. She told sree and marcus that she wasnt attracted to them. They refused to listen because their ego told them otherwise. She managed to stay friends with them without resorting to a screaming match. She did fancy siavash, she did kiss siavash and I reckon if isaac hadnt joined the house, she'd still be getting her cuddles from siavash, Once they left the house, would they be together? Probably not, as she told siavash. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member I thought pneumonic plague was still endemic in parts of Asia, and people die from it every year. I don't think this outbreak is particularly unusual? [ more ]
charmer outbreak-i think [ more ]
Former Member Wasn't there a film with Dustin Hoffman about a plague and the Merkins carpet-bombed the place with napalm to keep it contained? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"...she is a superstar now.."
prettycocoaeyes Hahahaha ... I agree with you.. Hollywood is not for everyone or not everyone is lucky enough to get that big break especially when they have appeared on reality shows . [ more ]
Former Member No doubt about that! [ more ]
Former Member Well given that he's hardly become a household name - anywhere - I'd say he's a bit of a loser too, wouldn't you? I think it's time Macho Balls gets off his freeloading ass and go find himself a proper job to help pay for his Hollywood Smile teeth. [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have an ear lump
kimota Those ones that are right in the middle of the ear lobe are hard to pop though. Do you pop from the front of the ear or the back? Decisions decisions! [ more ]
jonono I get coldsores on my nose the last one had 20 blisters and I got sent to the dermatologist at the hospital where I found out you can get them ANYWHERE some people get them on their arse. Anyway the dermatologist gave me a letter for my doc so I get a repeat prescription of acyclover tablets to take as soon as I feel one coming on. I only get them twice a year at the moment but it used to be a lot more frequently, I find eating and sleeping well and looking after myself avoids them. but... [ more ]
Cinds Bulleh [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo and Sophie annoying me tonight.
Hotpants Helen From what I have seen of last nights LF it was David eating a whole spider sweet. [ more ]
figtree They made me They were at David shoving long snakey sweets into his gob! Well I thought it was funny! Bea said that the sweets had dislocated her jaw! Didn't stop her yapping though! Apparently she is also into deep throat[ing]from what she said! Umm but she is not the sleazy one is she? [ more ]
Cold Sweat I think Sophie (and some other young models) were the “entertainment” at Ms Lloyd’s birthday party a few months ago. Her opinion of Ms Lloyd will be based upon recent meetings, as opposed to based upon CBB5, perhaps. [ more ]
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