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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
put in a corner OMG
kazzy He asked a very direct question, she gave him a direct answer. What would you prefer.... that she lie to Freddie? Lead him on? "Do a Noirin"? Surely not [ more ]
fifilapew I can only go on the HL, but it seemed to me she'd been giving him a bit of a wide birth for a couple of days now. He must be very thick skinned, in which case i don't think he'll be down for long bless him. [ more ]
Lazybug Such a bitch and making poor Freddie feel bad for asking that question - what a cow. I've so gone off her I'm no Freddie fan but that was just mean - her tone was nasty and without feeling after days of making him feel like they had something. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David is the food bandit
Roxi Yeah he always has food in his gob so he must be stealing food [ more ]
shar69 In previous years if a hm had done something that wasn't shown on hl and other hm's brought it up a few days later, Marcus Bentley would say 'earlier in the week, (insert guilty hm name) took Vera's biscuits and ate them', then they would show the clip of the accusations and fallout from them...... But this year is really bad for us being in the dark over things that have supposed to have happened, BB don't seem to be showing us any proof or referring to it. Does this mean that it didn't... [ more ]
Felix123 How ridiculous is halfwit, "oh bea doesn't get upset unless someone bullied her..blah" So sleazy .. ... the halfwit beatch pukus are the bullies and liars! Playing the viewers [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T - Your favourite toy as a child?
Aimee also my red tommerhawk (sp) bike, my brother had a chopper and i wanted one *that sounds so wrong* and the skates where you kept your shoes on [ more ]
fabienne Ha ha, I know the feeling. Love dolls houses. [ more ]
Mozart a huge dolls house,it was my pride and joy and kept me busy cleaning and tidying it for hours. Now i have my own house and some how i dont seem to enjoy the cleaning and tidying up so much as i did then [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
He lies and he steals..........................
tupps I nearly hacked off my own ears the other night. Ok.. banal conversation aside.. it was like listening to a pair of bitching and whinging old women flapping their gums across a garden fence. [ more ]
Hyperglad she goes on enough in the highlights show, he is a bit of a numpty but harmeless. She is a coniving cow [ more ]
tupps I always bear in mind that we don't have LF.. so it is very difficult to say whether a HM has a point.. However.. the other night I watched LF and was subject to Dave and his fag-ash Lil sat at the bus stop going onnnnnnn and onnnnnnnn and onnnnnnn.. and that was a relatively short time. If he was like that for some or most of the day and I was stuck in a house with him, I would probably have buried him under that bus stop by now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would you Adam and Eve it
DanceSettee ooh i couldn't promise that i wouldn't, i'm norty that i'll pass on your kind offer [ more ]
Paradice By your defensive response, I can only assume that you have seen an image of Thor in a Tunnock's teacake [/QUOTE defensive why? look i have to go but if you're interested pm me tell me your thoughts n if i'm in a good mmod i may may respond, do me a favour don'y do mind games [ more ]
DanceSettee By your defensive response, I can only assume that you have seen an image of Thor in a Tunnock's teacake [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Backstage argument during Sunday BBLB?
Hotpants Helen Was it another fake row like the "Attempted Murder" one. [ more ]
captain marbles Maybe Noirin was boo hooing because Isaac had made it impossible for them to come back on BBLB. It was obvious that they were glaringly absent at the end of the show on Sunday . Maybe we'll know tomorrow because the evictees usually come back on the Tuesday from what I remember. [ more ]
Pip* I heard Isaac had a go at a make-up lady thinking it was Grace...George apparently intervened and they had to leave, which is why George and Ian did the camera run instead, George mentioned it on his radio show this morning Gawwd what a pair [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin: Rodrigo is a two faced arsehole
Videostar Lets hope it doesn't work...last year they wanted Darnell to win and Rachel seemed to get alot of stick, but look what happened. Keep the faith...Freddie forever. [ more ]
squiggle Don't you think its interesting that people like Isaac who wasn't in there any time at all spout the official BB line "Charlie should win"? Just goes to show us very clearly who BB's chosen winner is, and has been from day one. Interesting too that 2 women Noirin and Bea have done such damage to the favourites that we on the forum like, Siavash and Freddie. Makes you think. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs The only reason she likes Charlie is because he was crawling up her and Isaacs backside the other night and also because Noirin said she wanted him to win. Otherwise she wouldve said the same about him too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin in Daily Star - "I’ve been stuck in a house with a bunch of dickheads"
Videostar I beg to differ. [ more ]
Mazzystar She causes cognitive confusion by saying one thing verbally and demonstrating another using body language.(I'm quoting a psychologist there....!).She knows exactly what shes doing in doing it too.Its how she gets any recognition and status in a group by attaching herslef to the (percieved) alpha male(Sree was a bit of an oddity tho). I loathe the word slapper,whether applied to men or women.If people wish to be free with their sexual favours,and they're not messing with anyones heads,let... [ more ]
cheerio My type of woman. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oooh, guess what, guess what, guess what???
Mazzystar The moving of the jet streams responsible for the weather.Usually it sits between Scotalnd and Iceland allowing warmer continental air over the country,but this year it has slipped south and is directly over us pulling in atlantic weather systems.The weather we have where I am is fairly typical weather for my holidays as I holiday in the West of Ireland!! [ more ]
cup same here erin lol [ more ]
cup I bought new table and chairs for sitting out the back they are just getting wet gutted I sat on chair the other day with my coat on letting on it was fine lol [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus' yellow stained vest makes Sophie gag!
cup old bea wouldn not noticed because she wears dirty t shirts as well that havent been washed [ more ]
Former Member Sophie has always been sneaky. Said all along, she's not as dumb as she looks. [ more ]
Senora Reyes I'm glad Sophie hasn't been suckered into thinking Marcus is a nice guy. Last week, I think she simply realised that Marcus was the lesser of the two evils. Smart move on her part. [ more ]
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