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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Dogs Have Eaten One Of The Sofas
kattymieoww Saying that rabbits can get on well with some dogs as long as they are brought up together,obviously not hunting/chase type dogs,terriers and greyhounds. [ more ]
charmer awwww! thats a shame, theyre sitting at the front door waiting to go theyve got their shoes on and their umberellas ready and everyfin.. i'll tell'em theyre not needed [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Roxy the greyhound says she'll come and "play" too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Possible eviction spoiler from BB Spy.
Mollie I agree, I would hate him to walk, and the others will be furious with him, having said all that it is nice to have option as to who should go... for me the worst person in there is Marcus then Bea.. Lisa after that... [ more ]
Joyron If that is the twist then it's fine by me because it means we will be able to get Lisa out. Unfortunately it will also mean she can say she was not put up for eviction by the HMs but by BB. Also I have a feeling that if this happens Siavash may walk. [ more ]
GorgeousMimi I suggested that this would happen yesterday on here. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint Marcus revels in his own self importance Discusses subject no mature adult wud touch Harbours behaviours and attitudes towards women that make me fear he needs counselling ... and is old enough to know better Totally beyond help [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Ok... not Durty as in Christina Aguilara Dirty.,... Durty as in filled with horror and self loathing! [ more ]
Demantoid Shouldn't have touched it then I agree with KG a bit though - why did the others follow him into the bathroom when he announced he was off for a tommy? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David "It were called 'remedial' Lisurr "
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I think it takes all sorts to make this world, for instance my brother is very practically minded, can do almost anything round the house and is not academically minded. I'm hopeless at DIY, can't even change a plug, and was academically minded. Thankfully my brother managed to find courses at college that helped him, he had a rough time at school but now he has a good job and is happy and is always willing to do my DIY - bless him! Still I do his correspondence, and bookwork so we're quits ... [ more ]
Puss I think it's really sad. None of us ask to come into this world. Some have the backing of wealth, which goes a long way in ensuring that children come out of education with a good start in the real world. The likes of Lisa and David have worked damn hard, without the grafters the world would not work. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I would have been at secondary school the same time as Lisa, she would have been in the year below me, not as that matters, and at our school we had what were called Remedial Classes for English and Maths. As I remember, the kids who attended these classes seemed to spend most of their time then doing practical subjects, preparing them for work where most of the other kids, myself included were doing academic work with a small amount of practical (usually typing), to prepare for clerical... [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Changed my mind .............................. BEA OUT NEXT!!!
Former Member Ok Bea is melodramatic + crafty, but the show would be stagnant without her. While she overreacted bigtime, David WAS pig ignorant to her in the kitchen. He was trying to be unpleasant to her - but didnt have the guts or the brains to see it out. Just loved his tearless crying too [ more ]
Bojangles The bitch to go.They have to put new HM's in as Siavash is now out of the game.There just isn't enough people in there to finish,unless they finish the show earlier than planned. [ more ]
watcher1 Even Marcus thought that her butting in when he was talking to David in the kitchen was wrong. Haven't voted for any HM yet but would do if she's up (hopefully) this week. Hippy, my arse. I want her out!! [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well, I was wrong about Bea as well then...
watcher1 Agree that the house can be dull but I find Bea cruel and condescending. I could do without her barbed comments and hope she's out this week, [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I was taken in initally by her niceness and thought she would be a good friend for Freddie, then all that business with Ken happened and her true colours were exposed with her nasty side truly coming out being manipulative and two faced she's playing the game and good on her, but can't see her lasting long in there now. [ more ]
LGS all is forgiven now Shire, you have seen the light [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
little miss perfect on tv tonight at 9pm..
charmer im like that plus the slippers flying at the telly [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Wrong, so wrong on so many levels. I saw the recent one on BBC3 and was shouting at the screen during the whole programme. [ more ]
Puss thank you charmer ooh no, I don't like to watch those kids being exploited. IMO it's the parents trying to live their life through their children. sick [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brian Belo backing Sophie!
Big Sister Hmmmm, nice looking blonde with big boobs (albeit bad hair extensions), who has openly said that she likes blackmen and the two of them together would maybe give them another 15 minutes of fame.... cynical - never [ more ]
kimota Know thats a suprise, Brain backs the big boobed blonde! I had him down as a Freddie supporter! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Heat no longer dedicate front covers and huge articles to BB as they once did. In fact, a former winner writing a blog on their website represents the “minority interest” status that the show has become. However, on a plus, I wonder if this lack of mass appeal is making the show more of an open contest? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T, long post, just for a laugh....
~Lee~ Brilliant. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Oh gma, you are making it sound horrific! [ more ]
GMA That's hysterical and true! I had a personal trainer for about 4 months and used to be in the gym by 6 am (he was no Greek God btw) a nice guy who wouldn't take no for answer - he'd play REM's 'every body hurts' and 'I would walk 500 miles' to name but a few tunes and about 2 yrs ago he decided to let me 'try out' some new gym equipment alongside his addiction to 'core exercises' and flaming 'lunges' - well for nearly a week after I couldn't go to the gym, I had to grit my teeth to go and... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash not nominated?
captain marbles Thus removing the HM, Nikki, that Jayne had duct taped herself to in order to sail through to the final. The irony was delicious. [ more ]
Demantoid I'm going right off Siavash. Why do HMs like him and Marcus behave as if they're being forced to do something against their human rights, just because BB has rules? They knew what the deal was when they went in, FGS... [ more ]
Luxor To punish Siavash BB should tell everyone that he has been given a free ride to the final and everyone else was to continue as before. This would make him very popular in the house and of course he would continue to be a source of merry entertainment. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie two faced little cow
Free Thinking I don't think that's so. If anything he probably has been the one saying they should do things in turns so everyone gets a go. In other ways around the house he may be more opinionated such as in getting the tasks done properly, but then if they don't pass the tasks it's harder for them in the house. You will always have some people who are more the leaders in the house and others how are more the followers, that's just how it is and it's not necessarily bad. [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't remember Marcus saying he would give Sree a beating (I think you are making that up), he said that Sree wouldn't dare to act like he did to him on the outside, most likely true. Sophie has been making remarks about Marcus behind his back from day 1. It's hard to know how much she has said to his face as we don't have live feed. Marcus has been supportive of Sophie though for example over the whole Kris issue and trying to calm her worries. [ more ]
fookat sophie has no real loyalties. She was mates with Noreen wasnt she? Look how quickly she turned there.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fookat definitely sign up with agencies - I got my last 3 jobs with them. You cant keep on crying everyday And I would speak to your husband so he can support you. [ more ]
Dobby1 I take my hat off to all you carers. I think you do a thankless task. You will be snapped up by either another care home or a home care agency. Experienced carers are like gold-dust. (I live on the other side of this coin btw.) [ more ]
jeanoj Awww Pigeon that is awful! apart from the dislike of the job, are the older people getting proper care? I would leak the whole thing to the local press - they won't use your name if you request them not to. Papers are often the best place to get changes made. I would also voice your concerns to the Inspectorate of Residential homes - they have an obligation to investigate. They might make an unannounced visit. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The overnight "Latest News"
Saint For God's sake BB - liven it up [ more ]
Mollie Re: The overnight "Latest News" [ more ]
Mollie It's becomming obvious that Noirin is being missed in the house!! shock horror! BB really made a balls of things by bringing in Issac.. they went for the short term boost and now it's terribly boring.. no one really interacts with each other.. Marcus likes no one in there, Siavash is lost without Noirin, Bea is trying to be the stirrer but she is negative and it's all going against her (thank goodness, as she is not a nice person) and as for the rest,,, surplus to requirements!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina leaks nominees on Twitter?
shar69 I think the show would have been much better if we had live feed and knew what was going on. I wonder if the crappy tasks and lack of parties is BB getting even with C4 for the live feed withdrawel. Just a thought and not fact before anyone jumps on it. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Bea will go, She has had so many bad edits this last week.. [ more ]
Saint Don't get me wrong - i'm loving this year I mean the way its been ran - the attitude etc. . .from people who make the show [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa - where the hell was she last night then?
shar69 He doesn't repulse me, but he does annoy me. I didn't know he had said that to Sophie. I think he does many things wrong, but a lot of his lies and stirring get missed because most of us are about his wanky blanky moments or his dirty comments. [ more ]
bigbaws I dont see anything entertaining or funny about Marcus, he simply repulses me. Ive not heard him be so crude to Bea as he has been to Sophie, Noirin. Sure his Mother would be proud of a 35 yr old man asking a 21 year old woman "Do you like your f....y being licked" awe, I could post a hurdred reasons why he makes me want to throw up [ more ]
shar69 I agree with you. Have you noticed that since Noirin left, he has been telling hm's that Noirin said this or that, when in fact it was Marcus that has said them to Noirin. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bleach Attack In Restaurant
Luxor I read the Independent and occasionally the Guardian (for some light relief). I do not think I have ever bought a tabloid. But I still think our justice system is bias and to much emphasis is placed on the perpatrator and not the victim. [ more ]
Former Member I spend plenty of time in the real world, thanks. I work, I'm very well travelled, mostly to places off the beaten track, I've lived in a number of places around the UK, including South London, and I've worked for a charity for the disadvantaged when I was younger. The difference between you and me is that I'm used to trawling data, I know where to look for what I want, and my opinions are usually formed and grounded on facts. [ more ]
Former Member I think it might be as much the other way too: that Daily Mail readers are fed certain stories, regularly, and in such a way that it changes how some of them view the world. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie put on lots of weight?
*KG* Oh noes! Sounds really early!!!! I am up earlier than then, but I can't imagine starting work at that time cos my brain would still be trying to make sense of the world I'm fine by this time though One name then, Lass: David or Bea I know its a toughie, but I'm going mainly on last nights show, TBH LOL (BTW, I'm not liking Lisa and her Odds are not looking good, but I'm leaving her alone for a min) [ more ]
Liverpoollass Morning I am always up early during the week. I start work at 0800 Yeah, I know about the food which is why I said nothing a bit of exercise wouldn't sort out. I would imagine it's easy to put weight on in there if you are just lying about. She looks ok to me, but she will probably diet like mad when she gets out the house [ more ]
*KG* The basic rations are all very carb-loaded, Lass which is great as it provides energy but only if you're actually burning it off I think she looks better now, than 'then' but I know that the few pounds she's put on will be quickly removed, once she leaves the house. I think its a shame, because she clearly loves her grub - just a shame that there aren't any healthier options available Morning, BTW! You're up early LOL How are you finding it, this year? I've been okay, apart from: Noirin, her... [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest BETTING odds
*KG* As others have said, Yellow Rose, its way too early for the Bookies to commit any serious odds on who they think will win at this stage of the game As you know, things change in there from day-to-day LOL, much less week-to-week! In terms of the odds, this weeks eviction ones so far, I don't really understand the intricacies of it all but it was explained to me in lay terms like this, and I kind of got it: Lisa has odds of 17/10 which means that for every 17 punters who vote, its predicted... [ more ]
*KG* Thanks Brisket! I've made a note of the linky and will keep an eye on them too [ more ]
CaptVimes Did you see my post? Only people who dont understand the show would bet on a winner at this stage. Or at least take a very risky bet. Dont read too much into it. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie: "Marcus has only washed his clothes once since arriving at the BB house"
*BB* According to what I have read about Marcus, his mother walked out of the family home when Marcus was 15 years old leaving him to fend for himself. She apparantly lives in the Midlands but Marcus lives and works in London. [ more ]
brisket Question please: Are some of them using the duvets without the cover on? If so isn`t that rather dirty? [ more ]
Senora Reyes On BBLB they said he lives with his mum, but I also heard he has his own place so who knows. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else notice that Bea has stopped referring to herself as a hippy?
darloboy (Play The Game!) Have a good time fz . [ more ]
Senora Reyes LOL's Yes I loved the dress, it did suit her too. [ more ]
Former Member Have a fabulous time, fz Senora - re The Dress? Different strokes, I guess I thought it looked like a couple of sheets she'd frou-froued together to create that fussy pretentious "out there" look I'm 5'8. So I don't do "frou-frou". I'm more a Collezioni Armani classic kinda gal. Anything other than clean simple lines & I'd do a runner [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fish odour syndrome..!
charmer now stop being an arse 'sole' anyway maths i wasnt intending this to be a piss taking thread-much-but i wouldnt fancy it, and theres no cure! just a change of diet [ more ]
Darthhoob not yet [ more ]
Mathematics I watched a documentary on Fish Odour Syndrome several months ago. It can actually be quite life destroying. There was a young boy featured who gets bullied for having it, even though there was nothing he could do to cure it. His mother has to wash his bed every single morning, and as far as I remember, the kid has to literally scrub his skin red raw in the shower, and even then he still smells of fish. It’s terrible. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Arrrrrrgh! She's bleedin Professor Higgins now!
Senora Reyes Big hug and smile to you too love. [ more ]
brisket **big smile** to Senora. [ more ]
fz Freddie also chose to move away as soon as bea lay down and rested on marcus's outstretched arm ....I think a combination of the two things made him move away possibly....but as soon as he did, she no longer needed marcus's arm and sat up straight again....job done for her, got Freddie to move. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa to David: "I was just about to come in to the kitchen to defend you"
Senora Reyes Yep that is true. [ more ]
fz I think St.Freddie actually started it, by tellling marcus he had a 'feeling' david was snaffling food.....and as we know freddie's feelings are usually spot on . Marcus then repeated it to bea....who tackled david on it. [ more ]
Senora Reyes I think Bea is irritating me rather than me hating her or disliking her. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa - why is she so hated?
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг The same way I don't understand why some gay men act so feminine, surely it's an oxymoron to be more feminine to appeal to men who like men? [ more ]
jennywren I can't understand why some lesbians want to look like men. Can someone explain this to me? [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг VS, this was just said in another thread btw Providing the bullets anyone? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie Bea Was Acting Not Feeling Hurt
Senora Reyes Re: Freddie Bea Was Acting Not Feeling Hurt [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I share your disappointment. I'm starting to have the attitude that whoever gets evicted from this point onwards would mean one less bitch in the house. Team Lisa member or no. [ more ]
cup what has he become since she went in all wrong calls,following marcus and her into kitchen to watch marcus have a go at david when this all happened to him and it was wrong,then the cringey stuff she will do a noirin take him down and walk away not giving a s..t. I am so disappointed in freddie thought he had more to him than to get involved in that s..t [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can someone fill in the blanks for me please???
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг I was laughing SO hard! They apologised for Noirin saying s***, then had to apologise for Isaac saying f***, the announcer in the ads apologised again, they go back to the house and Marcus calls George a c*** before galloping across the beds It's the first thing Marcus has said that I actually agreed with! [ more ]
cup I thought when issac was in the house he seemed well mannered and not to bad On bblb he was ignorant and rude big shot and noirin was not giving a damn about anyone or anything she done I never thought i would say it but god help noirin if that clown was taking my daughter to america i would be on my knees with the rosary [ more ]
jennywren And they had that argument on Friday night, mock-up or otherwise. A match made in hell. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea's odds are drifting very quickly / Siavash no longer second favourite
SpiderMonkey Post monday highlight update: Freddie 13/5 (no change) Charlie 5/1 (slight gap increase from Freddie) Sophie 11/2 (slight gap increase from Charlie) Siavash 6/1 (continuing to drift a little) Rodrigo 7/1 (odds shortening) David 27/1 (odds shorten nicely - good HL) Marcus 43/1 (drifting a lot again) Hira 47/1 (drifting from yesterday) Bea 55/1 (odds continue to drift - bad HL) Lisa 130/1 [ more ]
jacksonb bookies have lisa as fav to go next. bea in 2nd place, dave in 3rd. [ more ]
BROXI Great if that ego maniac Siavash is moving down. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...

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