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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RODRIGO: Stop saying you want to go home, just open the Diary Room door and go" Woo!
watcher1 You gotta love the guy! [ more ]
Marguerita I think when someone is belly laughing about it you would get angry with them ,it sounds like Marcus dosent care everyone else is up when it should have been him and Bea and Bea would probably have gone. [ more ]
cup I agree with you they are cocksure they arent going no where i would love it to backfire but it will not rod has a point there a good one Marcus can break whatever rules he likes and others get punished as does siavash and that is wrong they are getting away with it and laughing at big brother they are invisible and they love it. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Hira doesn't go on Friday
Crunchy Nuts Rodrigo is boring, but I thought he'd be more popular among the members of the public that were resonsible for Rachel winning BB9. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Bea's going nowhere. She's a polarizing HM: lots of haters, but also a lot of fans. Indeed, the conspiracy theory would have it that this is the reason why it's a vote to stay - Bea's got a better chance of surviving a vote to save than a vote to evict. Actually, the HMs at risk who might surprise you are Rodrigo and Charlie - 3rd and 4th bottom on DS's "Favourite HM" poll. (Lisa and David are the bottom-two.) [ more ]
SazBomb I cant believe anyone cares enough to vote [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why the change in heart about lisa
Lacey She's awful! Hope she's booted on Friday. [ more ]
watcher1 Very objective post, cup, with which I totally agree. [ more ]
cup he was indeed he had karly kriss and lisa on his back dave has bea fred and marcus on his I am gobsmacked at freddie i dont think it is his form at all the way is he getting sucked in he is trying to prove something to bea and marcus especially bea and imo i dont like what i am seeing him doing anymore than i did lisa no doubt lisa was worse [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marguerita It is not fair they are all up and Freddie and Marcus laughing in their faces about it has started it all kicking off, smug pair at least Siavash had the decency not to laugh in their faces I will give him that. [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't believe Marcus intentionally broke the rules concerning nominations, whereas we all know Siavash very obviously did. A huge difference. It's just part of the continuing anti-Marcus crusade of Endemol. Maybe it's been done to take the pressure off Siavash a bit as well to try and make him stay. [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't like those who just go under the radar though. It may be the best way to play the game in the house but it hardly makes for entertaining viewing. Anyway it's likely to be one of the new HMs who goes as they haven't had much time to build up support. That has less to do with the gameplan than time seen on HLs. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't think Lisa will go
Joyron I like your thinking and sincerely hope you are right. In this instance I would SO like to be proved wrong. [ more ]
cup I think it will take a miracle to save her evict would have been so much better you feel more passion for the baddies lol [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes I would prefer it if Bea, Freddie or Marcus went... The way these three have ganged up on poor David because is disgusting.... Freddie forgets how it is to be attacked ... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
would it be good tv if they
cup because i hate nominations getting messed with someone will go unfairly bea and marcus should be up because they were put up by housemates and although we dont always like whos up this is the way it is on bb And siavash well he wants out of game go then he has caused or part blame for them all going up Its the punishment of others i find unfair when they have played the nomination game by the rules thats all [ more ]
lightfoot Why?I know they do not have good traits, but as HM's they have turned what would have been a very dull show, into one we can all debate about. [ more ]
cup oh your right i forgot about that yes when kat was shouting yessssssssss yessssssss when all her mates were staying [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so will you be voting?
Wicked Pink I hate a vote to save when there are so many up. If there's somebody you can't stand you would need to spend a fortune voting to keep the rest of them. Fortunately for me I never vote anyway - well until the final then I might do a couple of votes lol [ more ]
old hippy guy YEAH, I am gonna vote, I am one of those strange people who like to give money to tv shows that treat their fans with utter contempt I am, MY ARSE!!! I wouldn't vote even if it was FREE, [ more ]
Former Member not a hope in hell of voting this sham. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HMs kicking off again...
Senora Reyes Re: HMs kicking off again... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Freddie has his own mind though and his own opinions, maybe he is getting influenced by Bea because he likes her more than friends and Marcus because he's his friend and that could cloud his judgement but David is also being influenced by Lisa so he's no angel and if Lisa went he would be a different person no doubt. [ more ]
cup Its all for bea the sad fool i dont think he thinks dave has a plan,the only plan dave has is to eat chips curry and spaghtetii imo freddie is doing it for bea and marcus and its sad its not his style what a change in someone [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you lot cooking me for dinner? (Tea for you common folk)
Former Member Ooooo lovely, had rack of lamb Sun- one of my faves...What about pud? Pineapple tarte tatin for me [ more ]
Soozy Woo Just nipped in here as I'm cooking right now. Rack of lamb, sautee potatoes, home grown cauliflower, carrots and beans. Potatoes sauteeing as we speak ....byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Re: What are you lot cooking me for dinner? (Tea for you common folk) [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Considering how many dimwits and airheads watch Big Brother...
mandala and they get the watered down hl show waiting to see what angle bb will play it this week [ more ]
Mathematics Fortunately the dimwits and airheads don't know how to use the internet. They can't fathom it. We're safe here, but they do exist in their hundreds of thousands. Out there. [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss Some people will even vote for Siavash in the full knowledge that it's vote to save. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My "dont like Marcus" brain is now wondering
Kris Is Bliss No. Nice try though. If he'd watched BB before, he would know like the rest of us that the typical punishment for noms talk is being put up with whoever else is nominated. The whole vote to save fiasco is due to Siavash being a big baby and throwing the toys out the pram. [ more ]
Senora Reyes You have a good point, but I am loving the fallout from this. Lisa's mask has slipped big time, and she's bricking it. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg Marcus to stay [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vote to save this week is all Siavashs fault, GET HIM OUT !
Senora Reyes Brilliant repose! well said KG. [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss Fair enough KG, of course you can support who you wish and it'd be dull if we all shared the same opinion. I call him an overgrown baby because his behavior is.. well, imo childish. He's decided he doesn't want to play any more because the game isn't going his way. [ more ]
*KG* 1. Firstly, I respect the fact that you are respected by some members in here. 2. Why do I support Siavash? I don't answer to you and don't have to explain myself - its not a condition of membership. But if you're really that interested, you can always check out my posts. 3. To liken Siavash, to the likes of Brian Belo is totally laughable. 4. I suggest you ask yourself why you chose such an analogy in order to get your point across re Siavash being 'an overgrown baby' Brian Belo was gauche,... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why haven't they punished Siavash?
demonickitten Just evict him,its so playing Monopoly but not buying any property...its game get out if you dont want to play. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants siavash is a plonker......if he doesn't want to play the game anymore then bugger off and let those who do play it....... he's said he refuses to nominate anymore for as long as he's in what are they going to do next week???? i think they should call him in the d/r and tell him he has til the next round of nominations to decide what he wants to do...... if he chooses to nominate fair enough.... if he doesn't and carries on with his petulant grizzling then his bags will be ready... [ more ]
Reality Junkie all because of the love of a women. Wonder what his ex thinks. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone notice Rodrigo was about to kick off?
justafriend here ya go spider from channel 4 bits of what rod said Gathered to listen to this week's nomination results, the housemates looked quite chipper. But there was a surprise in store, and it wasn't long before the smiles were wiped off their faces. "OK guys," said Siavash, in anticipation, knowing he'd broken a rule yesterday. Big Brother first revealed that the housemates with the most nominations this week were Marcus and Bea. "However," said Big Brother, as Marcus and Bea soaked in the news. [ more ]
sazzysuzy Yes, but thats because Siavash and Marcus had disrespected the BB rules Its disrespecful ! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBLB now
Bethxx Hideous? ah come on now... [ more ]
Jenny I find this very contrived! I'm sure they are doing it to try and get more airtime/support. [ more ]
mary_bee I don't think anyone could deny that he's definitely lost a bit of his sparkle since she's gone in there, and it's such a shame Also, I'm worried as to when the hell she'll ever go. I couldn't bear to have her in there until the very end [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So it would have been Marcus v Bea
Bovrilking What amazes me is that we all knew Vash wouldnt vote and will face a punishment of some kind and as we see resulting in all HM's up for eviction ...but Marcus talked noms, well lets be fair he didnt really talk about them, he just said he would like to go, then Dogface made a comment about it, 'are you trying to influence nominations Marcus' 'you are going to be in trouble for that' It reminds me of the Emily/Charley thing in BB8, ok its not the same thing in that way but the pointing the... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Oh yes indeed [ more ]
cup There should only be one of 3 people going bea marcus as they were up or siavash for causing it all [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Isaac: Siavash is a little rookie
Trollop Still I wouldnt mind him being King of Arse for a day...just a day mind! [ more ]
Former Member Who honestly cares about anything that stupid pirck has to say? Push off home Prozac, and take your other half with you! [ more ]
DanceSettee In fact he knows a lot about the anal area full stop....from his lube, constantly talking in terms of it, and even portraying it in dance form. He is indeed the King of Arse [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A vote for Hira is a vote to evict Lisa
Kris Is Bliss Talking about noms ? HMs do it all the time, typical penalty is being put up with whoever else is nommed. No denying it, it was exclusively the actions of baby Siavash. [ more ]
Free Thinking Blah, they all discuss nominations in some way or another. Why has Lisa never been punished ever? Endemol has tried to deflect some of the blame from Siavash this week but hopefully neither the HMs or the public will fall for that. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Further to my theory that Lisa will go this week; Hira is Alice in the task, so she'll get more air time, they've just shown her on BBLB trying to eat a giant cake to find a key, very funny, and they've also just showed another clip of her in the most entertaining task. BB want her to stay, they want Lisa out. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB just want more money
Kaytee Very possibly Super...but it could end up much the same, unless a heck of a lot of viewers make multiple votes. BB doesn't have a heck of a lot of viewers any more though [ more ]
LGS it really annoys me when they interfere [ more ]
Former Member I was just thinking that maybe they'd get more money if everyone was up the vote was to evict rather than save? [ more ]
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