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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: Iwent for a meal in a nice restaurant by myself last night, is that wrong?
prettycocoaeyes Im happy you enjoyed yourself... Society can be too judgemental sometimes. I love solo cinema trips as well... If your friends always disappoint why not go out and enjoy yourself? [ more ]
Joyron My husband is often away from home overnight, and has to eat on his own. I feel sorry for anyone who has to do that. Often when we are out together I feel sympathy with others that I see eating alone. As long as you enjoyed your meal, all power to your elbow, as the saying goes!!! [ more ]
kattymieoww Why not! Though I will say it's still easier for blokes to go into pubs, resturants etc on their own. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Videostar He picks his arguments with people he thinks will be weak in the house that week. [ more ]
Marguerita He is not cowardly every week he will say what he feels knowing he could get nominated for having his say ,surprised he he stood up to Marcus good for him ,he said what the others were thinking Marcus just sat there laughing in there faces as soon as it was announced they were all up ,I wonder if it had been Lisa and co who had gotten them all put up and sat laughing at them would we be having the same dicussion [ more ]
Videostar Yep, his cowardly backing out of the HM's nomination protest just about summed him up im afraid. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looks like Charlie will be taking over as fav to win
old hippy guy PLEASE dont let the bog eyed slack jawed un funny flat headed ignoramous win, its quite obvious that HE already thinks its a foregone conclusion, he HATES it when another HM seems more popular, when Tom said he thinks Rod should win, the look on squareheads face said it all, Marcus, love him or hate him, has been THE most entertaining HM this year, Without doubt he IS BB10, I dread to think what we would have had to talk about if HE hadn't been there. Lets have a winner who actually DID... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Just had a look at DS's poll on who you want to save, and Charlie is currently bottom ! Admittedly, the number of votes cast so far is fairly small, and Charlie is doing a bit better on DS's "Favourite HM" poll (he's 7th), but still... [ more ]
Aimee Re: Looks like Charlie will be taking over as fav to win [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The HM's kick off.
electric shepherd *wonders why C4 have removed the link* [ more ]
Canicant . Well it just shows that the human race hasn't evolved much, still fighting tooth and nail over any perceived advantage whether real or imagined. Why do people find it enjoyable watching one person getting berated by what I consider to be the dregs of the earth? and in a pack mentality come to that. I've now come to the conclusion that Big Brother has now degenerated to the same level as the Jeremy Kyle show only with all the classes taking part, it's no longer worth watching IMO . [ more ]
Former Member Yes you could have a point there, or maybe he just feels comfortable with his own kind, so to speak. He does have a bit of a chip on his shoulder tho, that he should get sorted [ more ]
See all 127 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa "If I stay on Friday I'll laugh in Halfwit's face"
CaptVimes I would as well now simply because lisa would self destruct on the spot with her uncontained glee. [ more ]
Kaytee Hira can wait until she's up against a half-decent HM, then she'll be toast. Lisa has to go..we may not get another chance to get rid of the witch [ more ]
*KG* She's only in there to keep the flies off the perishable goods Sour-faced auld WITCH! If she had a single positive thought, she'd wonder where the hell it came from, and stub it out in the ash-tray She needs to go, but Hira first please ................... and I'm grovelling now! Do the right thing for the show - get that Hira OFF! Boring as shite, and I don't know why she's even in there!!!! Blowing smoke up Rodrigo's arse about meeting the Queen? I mean FFS! She ain't for real! GEDDEROFF! [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T The English invented the haggis
Cagney OK OK I'll give you the haggis thing....only because... An Englishmen enjoys his breakfast of toast and MARMALADE invented by Mrs. Keiller of Dundee, Scotland- reaches for his RAINCOAT patented by Charles MacIntosh of Glasgow, Scotaland, to dash of to the station on his BICYCLE invented by Kirpatrick MacMillian blacksmith of Dumfries, Scotland, whose TYRES invented by John Boyd Dunlop of Dreghorn, Scotland run on a TARMAC ROAD invented by John MacAdam of Ayr, Scotland. The Journey by train... [ more ]
Canicant and the Cadbury's cream egg I've tried them all including Curly Wurly which was a disaster : [ more ]
ContessaQ tis an h'accademic discussion about the haggis creature. [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The HM's plea to be kept in
Free Thinking It's all about exaggerating part of someone's personality so it becomes a role, then a HM can find their place on the HLs according to that. Arguably the better more interesting HMs are more complicated than that but they will still be promoted in more simple terms as per their VT. [ more ]
Free Thinking And she didn't last did she? Wasn't even shown much probably. HMs are expected to fulfill a role to an extent, then they will be covered according to that. That's how they will be promoted through BBLB and BBBM. [ more ]
demonickitten Yes remember that Bonnnehhh....Im gonna fight and everyfin.....never said a word the whole time she was in there.. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Xbox 360 .......HELP!!
Former Member Son says if you go thru MSN to xbox, change the email address password then recover the gamer tag again x [ more ]
guku I've never had to do this but you could try: It might work, it might not. [ more ]
Former Member Just had a thought, maybe you have done this already....but google the xbox site and there is a list of troubleshooting there, worth a try x [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do we judge the HM's to harshly?
Free Thinking The HMs are complicit in it in that they at least partly fulfill the roles that Endemol want from them. However there also tends to be a bias through the show as well for some HMs and the hatred is carefully ratcheted up for more phone votes. [ more ]
demonickitten Thanks for a interesting thread OP,enjoyed reading it x [ more ]
Luxor Thank you all for your input. I do not feel sorry for the HM's, after all they went in there to feed their ego's voluntarly. But I do think that sometimes we get a bit wrapped up in what is after all only a television show, and a very poorly produced one at that. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
brambles leaves loose women-
WILDER X I cant' stand the show anymore. Its past it sell by date. [ more ]
Eternal Life I actually liked Jackie but it did get annoying when she would go on and on about life in LA... I do confess to watching some episodes on youtube though I adore Coleen, Carol, Denise, Jane and Sherrie [ more ]
ןєรยร๏ภคςђ๏קקєг Or mention her kids names over and over Stanley and whatever her name is [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa is NO LONGER favourite to go with the bookies :'(
Jenny I wouldn't like to call who will go this week. Anyone of them could with a vote to save. I'll just wait and see and rely on the voting public to do what's right! [ more ]
Free Thinking When alot of HMs are up I don't think bookies can say for certain which HM is going. [ more ]
Baz I think most of the dislike of Lisa stems from the early days when she ganged up on Freddy, and now it is pay back time. Having said that I would also like to see Bea and Marcus go first, and then Lisa. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
how has he got away with it?
Former Member She needs money. He lends her the money. She needs more money, so he lends her more! Granted his interest rates were ludicrous, but she has to take a lot of the responsibility. She borrows from an illegal loan shark, then preaches to others to go to the Police about them?! [ more ]
Kaytee I agree [ more ]
Demantoid I think jonono has a point. If you're going to act like a mug, you'll get mugged. He still should have been jailed though. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MY hunny bunny has started making Freddy noises
Demantoid "I don't operate that way"???? I'd tell him to watch it, or I'd "operate" with a pair of rusty scissors [ more ]
Amythist Just leave him and save yourself years of misery [ more ]
DanceSettee I would Taser him every time he did it Sounds harsh, but if it's not nipped in the bud pronto, it would probably escalate into Freddy faces ...then where would you be........bliddy Holloway, that's where Zap the bugger !! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea for the Final !
Green&Pink Thank you. [ more ]
mummymaz snap tupps! haha! x [ more ]
tupps Marcus started off the food thief accusation and relayed that to Freddie. Bea didn't start that off, nor did she accuse him of being a food thief.. she asked about the butter. It was David who stomped off to the Bus Stop and said she was calling him a thief. Funny that... huh... coming out with something like that when that wasn't even mentioned or suggested. Someone has a guilty conscience.. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
**POLL** - Who do you want to SAVE from eviction?
swg bump [ more ]
machel vote to save does not favour the "quiet" ones so i think hira will go, highlights haven't done her any favours and crying for rodders? [ more ]
kattymieoww On a similar poll over on DS Charlie has the least votes,alas this really proves that the forums are out of touch with the general feeling out there.Charlie is liked especially over on the official site.Lods of teen texters stating he is "Kewl" and ""really funny!". I can't stand the little weasel. [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hira's tears of happiness for Rodrigo was so lovely :)
Scotty They said 30 minutes deliberating over just Hira? I must have missed that. [ more ]
Free Thinking The enclosed situation of the house and the pressure of the situation in there can exaggerate emotions though, so maybe in real life she might not have been quite so emotional. [ more ]
**Nipple Twister** I thought she was an idiot and I felt embarassed for her. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are BB using the positive vote to assess housemate popularity?
Latecomer Be interesting to see who they edit in a good light and a bad light afterwards! [ more ]
kimota Definately, as well as making them money, the vote to save gives a clear indication of the eventual winner barring major disasters and walkouts [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing It might have been some sort of ploy to get the rest of the HMs nominating him next week, but then BB diluted the possible anger against Siavash by saying they were all up for eviction because BOTH Siavash and Marcus had broken the rules. So is Siavashes punishment being up for eviction AND attracting the ire of other HMs AND not being evicted by the GBP, in opposition to his stated desire? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mentalist And strangely attractive [ more ]
guku Awesome label Beggars Banquet! A HUGE part of my record collection was released on it. They're all goth records mind. <= bauhaus [ more ]
electric shepherd he appeared at the boosh fest last summer and was a running affectionate gag throughout... i can't find the clip where he appeared (in a cupboard) but he was a reet good sport. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa and David discussing Freddie...
Kaytee Sink the Pink [ more ]
justafriend thank you tupps [ more ]
tupps She is BRICKING it. That little speech was for the benefit of the cameras and the GBP. At least Charlie had the decency to look puzzled by her protestations of innocence and walk away from the flying bullcrap... bliddy David played along. Perfect opportunity Dave to say.. 'errrr, well actually Lisa, you did talk about him behind his back, you did alienate it, you did get angry and in his face, you did bully him and enourage others to do the same'... but noooooooooooo... we get awwwww has... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea giving Freddie mixed signals
justafriend yep shes using him big time, he thinks shes a true friend its not nice to watch, and then she goes offs and slates him. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I think it is worse than Noirin. This is more insiduous, plus Bea has intelligence on her side which is something Noirin didn't have, so that could be excused to a degree. [ more ]
Scotty Come on Freddie take off the rose tinted specs. She`s using you!! [ more ]
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