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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa's lap dog
Tayto. What kind of a man could laugh himself nearly sick after laying into someone the way he did? He also enjoyed the fact that Freddie got involved. As far as he's concerned it makes great telly but doesn't care about who he's using to do it. [ more ]
Former Member Yes, when Marcus said "We don't do things like that in this house" [ more ]
Tayto. Since he went into the Diary Room ahead of Marcus they have turned on him like pack of hounds. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So tired...
Mollie Goodnight spider! [ more ]
Mollie give it ten mins, lol... thats what I will be doing, but am taping it too! by the way... we need to start some Saivash threads tomorrow! tired of seeing same five or six people starting same threads over and over again!! all marcus fans eewwwww [ more ]
Twee Surgeon tape it spidey. I'm suffering from lack of sleep too, so I cannot hack another night watching live feed. I'm like a wasp when I don't get my sleep. Sting sting. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Charlie is now favourite to win
Baz Please... not Charlie! Or Freddy [ more ]
Swayingbruno From 12 bookmakers 9 have Freddy as favourite 1 have it a draw and 2 have Charlie.That makes Freddy favourite in my eyes.And paddy power the sponsored bookmaker have Freddy as clear favourite. [ more ]
Mollie Where did you hear that? if you look at most of the vote to save polls he is virtually coming last in most of them... he won't win.. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I do not feel sorry for Lisa.I am disappointed in FREDDIE
cup It is funny Brisket how we all have different views and takes of what happened Live feed we need all the facts Some people think freddie was right and some think he was wrong Yes he suffered at the hands of Lisa no doubt who could defend her on that But over the last few weeks and tonights climax he has done himself no favours imo and the sad thing is its all started when Bea went in and she couldnt care less about him which makes it worse. [ more ]
Anmarie Freddie done well. She's a nasty piece of work who has made his life hell from day one. [ more ]
brisket I feel like I`ve been watching a different show! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea to go friday???
jonono no she won't go as people are votin to save and I think plenty will vote to save her (rightly or wrongly imo wrongly) I don't see many people voting to 'save' lisa or hira for that matter. Plenty will vote to save Freddie and also Marcus as he is 'controversial' [ more ]
mary_bee PLEEEASEEE GET HER OUT before I explode. [ more ]
cup I would love her to go not going to happen [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How soon people forget how bad Lisa was and still is.
Cold Sweat Make sure you don't forget how nasty and vile the housemates were who spitefully threw Freddie's mattress in the toilet... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I haven't forgotten how nasty and vile she was . [ more ]
electric shepherd "How soon people forget how bad Lisa was and still is" she's very like the tory party in that respect, i bet she'd love being compared to them... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie = Devil
watcher1 Well, that's Freddie out of the running then. [ more ]
CaptVimes Well this was one incident compared with 6 weeks worth and even then Lisa was the one raging at him calling him halfwit and confident that he is going to win etc etc. He never did that back to her when the boot was on the other foot. [ more ]
Shar Yep well done Freddie ... And you're so right ... the whole episode proved more than ever how desperate Lisa is to win ... she's been keeping her head down and her beak shut the last few weeks in a deliberate attempt to avoid nomination ... Freddie did us all a favour in reminding us who the real Lisa is ... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
is it just me who laughed..
Katerina I laughed so much at the surreal scene of Rodrigo the Cheshire Cat perched on a log, grinning insanely to 'Smile Like You Mean It' whilst the others danced in the background in their costumes. Genius! [ more ]
figtree Stop it I am try not to O go on then! Beautifully engineered by BB! [ more ]
Former Member I'm STILL laughing! The best part was when Lisa's eyes popped from her head and the veins in her temples looked like they were about to burst. Closely followed by Bea, who it appears will sell anyone out for 100k, trying to jump on the 'punch' bandwagon. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ha ha ha ha ha. Lisa's up for eviction!! Nice one Fredster!
lil_lady freddie done good , i dont know why everyone is annoyed at him ...he unveiled her gameplans right in front of everyone and he should get a standing ovation for it just a shame it never happened weeks ago [ more ]
Former Member Freddie may just have saved Lisa tonight [ more ]
Twee Surgeon shar, I have to admit that I was laffin my sox off myself, t'were great. Payback with interest is always a great investment [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh god, I just agreed with Lisa
queenshaks Spot on Spongey... Bea needs to go...I wanna see his smug face then!! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants he's completely changed and is now a smug dongbat..... sitting there wittering about often do you hear him going on.'oh i see lisa is doing such and such..getting people on side'...'oh i notice lisa is talking to so and so' etc etc etc..... the fake pathetic laughing followed by 'oh lisa you're making me come'.....followed by his..'i'm staying the public love me' speech showed him in his true colours.......and they're not nice..... he won't go friday i don't think.....but i... [ more ]
brisket I thought Freddie did well there. Lisa seems to be taking the whole thing intensely seriously. She actually sulked. Good show Freddie. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am very glad of one thing!
Cosmopolitan I'm only human so I guess if I was in BB and desperate to do well or win, I suppose I'd resort to any tactic to stay alive. And if by chance someone had been on my back like she had, I'd have to tell her. And when I did tell her, I'd make sure she got my intent - no room for doubt and no niceties. They're all gameplayers; some are nicer players than others....and some can keep a lid on it longer than others. I'd have shown my hand by now given the circumstances - and to hell with the vote,... [ more ]
Yellow Rose I still like Freddie and hope Lisa leaves [ more ]
sandra did she say * i wanner gur ome ? * i missed that BB open the door [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blow it up out of all precautions...............
Hyperglad she is as sly as they come, using Freddie when she first came in, then doing the just good friends, and looking down her nose at those who she considers below her, she twists my melons goodstyle [ more ]
cup Imo it is no where on the scale of what bea as said and done behind his back the diary room stuff was disgusting And they are all at it behind the backs every last one of them except hira [ more ]
captain marbles It's a bit weird though, every time he opens his mouth I hear Lisa's voice. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I wouldn't be so sure sonny Jim
CaptVimes No thats what Lisa has extracted from people coming in. Notable that what was said in her anger. Funny how she doesnt nominate him now after nominating him every week. Not tactical at all is it. Lets get his mates out instead then. [ more ]
~Lee~ He started it tonight though...She wasn't there when he said her and David had a game plan...Is all this because HM's dared nominate Bea?. [ more ]
CaptVimes He was even told how to behave and that it wasnt that bad being up for eviction...oh the difference a few weeks make. We have 6 weeks of Lisa behaving like that and then one night he laughs and thats worse. Oh really. This is the first time shes been up and this is how she behaves. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Any other Wow players here?
Kelloggs I dont play but my son is level 80 drewid called Arteries, level 80 Paladin called Chiren, and a level 80 hunter called Toxic Shock, using servers Spine Breaker and Skull Crusher EU Before he quit he was 2k rated [ more ]
Darthhoob it is quite nerdy, or at least can be if you live it (some people play it for HOURS). game is World of Warcraft....shortened to WoW [ more ]
lightfoot What is Wow? Is that the game my Granddaughter says is very nerdy? War??? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Too far, Freddie, way too far.
brisket I thought Freddie came over very well tonight. He doesn`t seem to take the whole business as seriously as some people on the forums which I like. At least it caused Lisa to sulk and wish to leave. If it causes her to take her bat and ball home, that makes me happy. She is another like Charlie (gives it but can`t take it.) Well done Freddie. [ more ]
watcher1 Don't think anyone deserves that. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon By aligning himself with Lisa, David has become tarred with the same brush unfortunately. It is quite obvious that David is a Lisa follower so his loyalties are to Lisa. He has done himself a serious disfavour by pinning his colours to Lisa's mast imo. By the very fact that Freddie's only gripe is with Lisa, David feels he should become involved to back her up. Freddie enjoyed the revenge, it was sweet, and best of all it was served cold. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could we be in for a shock on Friday night?
bigbaws I think Hira will go, which is bloody sad, just because she is quiet and we have not seen much of her. Marcus should go or Freddie [ more ]
Clipboard I wouldn't even try to predict what will happen with this eviction - mind you I never vote now so I can't complain if a favourite goes. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I disagree. She does seem to have worked out that those saying that others have a gameplan, must have a gameplan themselves... It didn't come across too clearly amidst the shouting, but it was a valid opinion. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If that gurning knob wins...
Former Member After tonight I think we have to ask ourselves "Who are team nasty".Freddie/Bea/Marcus were vile tonight ,I didn't find it entertaining when Lisa and co behaved this way ,and I don't find it entertaining now that Freddie and co are doing the same. [ more ]
Videostar some people still dont get that this show is meant to be an entertainment programme. And Sohpie isn't even neutral HM, shes one of Lisa's henchmen, always has been, she conbines being boring and one of the nasties. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Thats just what I said yesterday. Theyre the only 3 who I have no problem with! [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David looked like he was ready to fight Marcus
cup dave you were out there for three days being a miserable git marcus no i wasnt I done nothing but laugh at them they were like two big kids [ more ]
Azure. revolting Mucus picked the wrong one this time, Dave is no Sree, Sree did'nt stand a chance with the vile oik but Dave wont back off. [ more ]
queenshaks AND when David apologised...Wankus carried on calling a **** aboit 4 times after, I don't think David even clicked. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...

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