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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
George Lamb just accused Marcus of PERVING over Sophie
pigeonpie My 12yr daughter old was asking me what's pervy mom, honestly! George should stick to bigging up those h/m's that BB want to win, Roddy and Charlie! [ more ]
disley21 It's not pervy, it's normal. [ more ]
old hippy guy so let me get this right...2 straight adult MEN look at a scantily clad young WOMAN walking past....and...that ...makes....ONE ...of them a perv? WANKER that lamb bloke is, and of course its NOTHING to do with trying to get the suckers public to vote, [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For any American Idol fans...
MysTerry I like Paula I'll miss her ramblings [ more ]
Ruthy_Babes I think it was heat mag last week were tossing up the odds between Cheryl, Amanda Holden & Maria Carey .. obviously just guessing though.. Agree re Paula, definitely on another planet .. [ more ]
redtriangle so the worst singer of the Spice Girls (the one who can't sing and so never got any proper solos) is going to judge other people's singing talents - that's rich. Hopefully Idol will flop and they will replace it with X-Factor USA [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie will benefit if Bea is evicted...
jennywren Utterly agree and Freddie will be a lot better off without her to distract him. [ more ]
squiggle But don't forget erinp that we never did find out why BB didn't punish Lisa when she was drawing names with her finger at the bus stop and mouthing names to Karly, Sophie and Kris. And they all voted the same names week after week. [ more ]
CaptVimes Yes Lisa will go back to being a nasty piece of work and remind those who have forgotten what she was like for 6 weeks. Then next week it will be Marcus v Freddie and I am not entirely sure Freddie would survive that remembering the tatical voting that went on with Orlaith v Science. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I strongly dislike Bea
Bethxx This thread is about disliking bea but alot of the comments are about getting Lisa out before bea. I really think Bea needs to go first though, she's a devious, lying sack of crap, she's a complete bad influence on the house dynamics and I cant stand her. Her face when she heard she got most noms was priceless, total shock and I would love to see her evicted Miss.Thinks she is so loved [ more ]
Baz Lisa used to be a positive for Freddy, while showing herself up at the same time.... until he started to play her game and retaliated.... [ more ]
Mollie Have a feeling Freddie has given Lisa a free pass,,,I doubt she will go tomorrow... having said that I have no idea who is.. probably david or rod,, maybe charlie?? hira?? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Anyone Watching C4 Now?
CheekyPixie I agree Queen. If rich/well-off folk want to give money and support poorer people or give to various causes, then so be it, and good for them, but there is something about it being televised and the rich giving the money 'letting' themselves be 'seen' to be giving to the poor, that makes me cringe, and feel a bit nauseous. The whole show is just so patronising and condescending IMO. I get the impression that they are saying and thinking "Oh the tragic poor folk, isn't it a shame?" Icky,... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I dunno, it just feels a bit exploitative and wrong to use poor kids to teach rich kids how lucky they are. It all just smacks a bit of the Victorian concepts of the deserving and undeserving poor. I know that the poor familis are grateful and it's great that they are getting help. I just don't think an entertainment show is the right way of achieving that. I won't watch it again, I just didn't feel comfortable with it. [ more ]
charmer is she really gonna sell face cream? blimey [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Luke From BB9 and £100,000
SazBomb That lot were desperate, but I dont remember them mentioning it at every given opportunity... and Luke is still bitter now, a year later [ more ]
disley21 I think it's quite sad that the muppet is still obsessed with the prize money even though he blew his chance at it... [ more ]
~Lee~ You were right Marguerita....He should be more concerned about Webecca doing herself an injury with a wine bottle. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea now favourite to go.
Former Member good shes a right little witch. [ more ]
Videostar How does Lisa have no chance of making the final if shes never up for eviction again.? SHE WONT BE UP AGAIN AFTER THIS WEEK. [ more ]
squiggle I wouldn't be too sure of who BB wants. Remember that Lisa was blatantly influencing others' votes. Drawing shapes on the bus and mouthing suggestions at Karly, Sophie and Kris. She was never punished for it by BB. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
will Lisa thank halfwit for keeping her in on Friday
squiggle They do say "be careful what you wish for" and perhaps in a few weeks there will be people complaining and wondering why Lisa is in the final. [ more ]
Baz It would be the best bit of BB yet And will even outdo Kat's *don't take any of my friends* [ more ]
Azure. yep and smugwit has the biggest game plan. Oh I would so love to see his and Mucus face, it would be the best scene of BB10. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where has Lisa got all these fans that are saving her?
Roxi Lisa has no fans [ more ]
squiggle Very true but some will not see it until it is too late. [ more ]
Papillon If Lisa stays, she will be there till final week. Her group will have the bigger block vote. Bea be out next week, Marcus week after, Siavash or Freddie week after that. So we'll have Lisa, Sophie, Charley, Rodrigo and either Hira or David for final week [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo, Charlie and Sophie...
Marguerita Rodrigo wont be swayed by any group he has voted Lisa and I think Karly it depends what is kicking off the week they vote and thats how it should be, Lisa would have voted Freddie out every week which she has not done he has voted for her every week ,there is nobody worse than Freddie and Marcus to try and influence the voting lately. [ more ]
Videostar Team smug is so 4 years ago...theres no more a smug person in that house than Lisa. [ more ]
Cold Sweat It does make me smile when i see fans of Team Smug saying this about Lisa - whilst trying to influence the public vote themselves!!! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aisleyne has called Bea 'Pathetic'
Azure. nor did she lie or use people. Its an insult to Aisleyne to even put her in the same sentence as Beatch. *FAKER 280* [ more ]
CheekyPixie I was thinking something similar. Maybe she is making a living out of being on BB, but heaven knows how. [ more ]
CheekyPixie Like I said, maybe she is in magazines and suchlike that I never read, but I have never seen her anywhere since she was on BB, except BB related proggies. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just read that Bea knows who she will nom next week
Former Member update on the website says that Freddie was speaking to Sophie/Roddy/Charlie ,they asked him who he thought would go Friday ,he says Lisa/David that they would be the only two in the running ,it would be 80/20 and Lisa will go . [ more ]
strike well she knows or thought she knew that everyone on the outside hated Lisa, she will be very confident Lisa will be out on Friday, the shock on her face if Davina says "the next person to be evicted is ..... Bea" [ more ]
Baz I agree Erinp, and in the same way losing Karly and Kris wiped the smile of face Team Lisa, losing Bea would do the same for Marcus & Freddy... as well as making a classic BB moment [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Red sky at night
CheekyPixie I live in the mids, but we spend a few days in London last week, and it WAS muggy there. Not too bad here though. Certainly don't think it's been an AWFUL summer! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing *packs suitcase* <--- & shades! We have two fans going in the lounge... and all they are doing is moving the thick oxygenless air around. My dog can't get comfy anywhere... panting away! [ more ]
Clumsycat Re: Red sky at night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
May I point out the difference?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Bad Ducky! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Ducky no walking the plank activities . [ more ]
CheekyPixie You're welcome your Royal squiggleness. Don't like bad feeling on here, especially when the OP didn't mean for the thread to go that way, and I think most people who are anti-Freddie or have gone off him, are pretty much OK; there is just the odd nasty one. But I have been surprised at the adverse reaction to what happened yesterday. Oh well, never mind. [ more ]
See all 97 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ronnie Biggs Is Being Released
Former Member Hurrah. It demeaned the whole country to insist he serve his dying few weeks in prison. [ more ]
Former Member He is being released on compassionate grounds as he only has a short time left to live. He has hardly got off with it as he has served over nine years for his part in the robbery (which is more than many people serve for murder). The government has had it's pound of flesh, in my opinion, and I'm glad he is being released. [ more ]
Anmarie Good im glad to hear it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, I admit it, I cried.
Soozy Woo Yes but ........if there was ever a war that needed to be fought WW2 was the one. Should everyone have laid down and let Hitler exterminate all Jews and ride roughshod over all of Europe? Sometimes War is the only answer was never gonna be sorted round a table. [ more ]
Former Member Andrew Motion's? I couldn't really get on with that poem. Loved the programme though. What gets me about Harry and his comrades is that when WW2 happened, they must have been horrified. I guess, like him, most were too old to be called up again but they must have had sons go off to war. [ more ]
Moomin Re: OK, I admit it, I cried. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
food - what you having for tea..?
queenshaks Rice Beef ladaube (Maurtian kinda stew) Cucumber and onion salad I didn't make it. [ more ]
Sunnie I had toad in the hole, boiled potatoes and peas with a loverly thick gravy. [ more ]
Darthhoob i had two salmon steaks (with lemon and herb sauce...not as bad as i thought it'll be), half a plate of creamy mash(with skins on), carrot and brocolli i scoffed it all too! i must have got my appetite back today though my 1 year old and the cat helped me a little lol [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sorry but I cannot find the thread I posted in but ...
Scooby doo Yes, Lisa needs to go. [ more ]
squiggle Or from me, I think we all do a bit of this from time to time. Something occurs to you when you make a post and then you think that a thread on it would be interesting. Don't see anything wrong with it myself. Don't get downhearted Joyron [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* oh bugger why didn't I do what I normally do and read a whole thread first before posting. . no point in typing a long post out only to find the thread is full fo people banging on at each other. .sheesh ! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It would serve Freddie right if Bea went and Lisa stayed...
Former Member Bea to go for me ,it would create an even playing field were non of the hms know who the viewing public favour.Last night watching Freddie mock the way David speaks really p***** me off,if Lisa stays she has Freddie to thank. [ more ]
carotino That's the outcome for me [ more ]
SpiderMonkey David's an easy target, just like Freddie was for the first few weeks, ironically. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How can I get Charlie up for nomination?
Former Member The reason why Charlie is popular is because of the praise lavished by Davina and George. Charlie has been lauded by the two of them since the beginning. If Davina and George think he is wonderful, the sheep follow. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Unfortunately, he is there for the final and is already polishing his crown. [ more ]
WILDER X Micky last year wasn't that popular on forums, but he nearly won. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie Vs Lisa
Heartache I can understand him taking delight in her discomfort. She avoided being up the last time the majority were. However part of it seemed to me that he was trying to provoke her into doing more. She's already had two warnings, and obviously hates him, it was like he was nudging her towards being physical or threatening. [ more ]
~Lee~ No not for that we are as god made us and what we lose out on in one aspect we gain in another....Pity for being a whipping boy for Bea Marcus and Freddy....Good lord to listen to Freddy you'd think David and Lisa were the only ones who nominated Bea....He assumed they did but chose to see it as a game plan....Are Freddys nominations part of his game plan I wonder. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Way to go Freddy and about time [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa calling the public 'ars*holes'
Heartache I don't know about freddie saying that, but l certainly heard Lisa calling the public who kept him in 5 times ars*holes. [ more ]
LowonIQ Love Freddy usually, but did not enjoy his orgasmic performance, just not funny. [ more ]
Former Member Thanks Capt....Never watched 4OD before until you pointed me in that direction last night...That explains it, I thought I was going round the bend Re Marcus, No, I noticed that when I watched BBLB and thought 'this is different' [ more ]
See all 6 replies...

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