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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aisleyne Horgan Wallace criticises Freddie, Marcus & Bea
Videostar Oh believe me I remember very clearly that she did go on about her, and yes Grace's behaviour on her eviction night was disgusting. All im saying is that Aisleyne had her enemy in the BB house too, Freddie is no worse than she was. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I don't remember her going on about Grace, once Grace had left, but she certainly stuck to her opinion of Grace's behaviour, which was appalling. A view shared by most of the viewers. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg oh well i doubt Marcus Freddie or Bea will lose sleep over the flukey ist BB finalist ever not liking them . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash doing his pre eviction night "I feel so guilty" speech to Sophie.
Senora Reyes Marcus Frenemy, Siavash & Rodders mates She's smarter than people give her credit for. [ more ]
Former Member She was a mate to Marcus as well. Protesting in the diary room saying "we love Marcus". Snuggled up to him under the duvet in the sitting room, now she slates him to all and sundry. She's a sneaky two faced b1tch! [ more ]
Mollie goodnight all !!! vid you really do look at Marcus through rose tinted glasses lol... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I wonder why Freddie thinks Marcus should go before Bea?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing He is, but that doesn't stop him from being aware that some of Marcus' behaviour may have annoyed some people. And all he was saying was that he THOUGHT the GBP would vote out Marcus over Bea. [ more ]
Mathematics Freddie said that he thought Marcus 'WOULD' go against Bea. Not that he 'should' go. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Freddie can see Marcus is a git, but is too scared of him to do anything about it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus brushing his mane
Soozy Woo Oh lawdy, lawdy ...................dear me .................I'sa gonna lose sleep that Paradice aint liking me. [ more ]
fookat i wouldnt have had him down as a Cancer.. [ more ]
Summer_Breeze Marcus: Cancer THE CRAB is the sign of the protector, the parent Emotions are a very important part in the life of a Cancerian. Although naturally defensive and very afraid of being hurt, they put their hearts and soul in to relationships and are faithful, loving and loyal partners. The bright side At best Cancerians are sensitive, kind and sympathetic, with an absolute urge to nurture and protect people around them. This is most apparent with home and family. So lies the soft side of... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie brilliant in the diary room...
Summer_Breeze Well.. I agree even though I think Marcus is all bluff and big mouth and just out to provoke. I know it really is sad but if a woman wants to go in for that sort of profession which is quite sexist still and male orientated in terms of photographers, agents and clientele, they will meet a lot of blokes who will treat them like meat unfortunately so the trick is to get a tough sense of humour to battle it straight back or just look for another career. Young girls look at high earning glamour... [ more ]
Free Thinking No, it was at another time. And another time again Sophie wanted to sit on Marcus's knees as well, the time when she was going on about whether she was showing her fanny or not. People are very hypocritical where Sophie is concerned. She can talk about sex, pose, get very flirty....but if men do it they are called 'pervs'. I can't take seriously arguments from people who seem hypocritical like that. And as for Noirin and Marcus having a may well have happened. Why are you just... [ more ]
Darcyprincess Yes, I can see where you are coming from but Marcus does not have to treat her like she is a piece of meat! [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who was it said Lisa was pretty?
DanceSettee She's the spitting image of Emma Thompson....who, to my mind, has the face of a horse, but others seem to think she is OK looking [ more ]
SpiderMonkey It was me. I said Lisa's gorgeous and I want to give her a big sloppy kiss on the bottom. [ more ]
Former Member I've said it a couple of times Kaffy, she's got a nice face and nice smile if it weren't for all of those piercings etc. Pity she's not a nice person to go with it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mollie I really like them... hey Cheeky, how come when you post or start a thread, your post is stretched across the page?? Or is it just me seeing that lol>? [ more ]
Former Member I HATE: lou lou eamon and the wife sophie elis bextar, baxtar baster whatever shes called fern cotton natasha kaplinski ohh the list could go on and on however i think im slightly in love with the guy from the t mobile ad singing cause he looks like a guy i am currently knowing. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I like them too. Although I feel as though I shouldn't. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
does everyone believe that bea is..
Marguerita I dont like her in the house but she is playing the game ,she is probably so different outside the house she has got a dry sense of humour and I love anyone who is dry humoured ,as much as she annoys me she also does make me laugh [ more ]
Leccy I like watching her, she's good telly. I don't want to start hanging out with her in tents listening to her and her Tarquins playing the bongos. But she's shook the house up...and I think she's funny. I liked the way she flustered Kenneth by staying calm...and I also think she's manipulative and a bit of a cow. Rather 10 of her than 1 Lisa! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Yes [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've chosen Sophie as my winner
Darcyprincess We will have to get a little support club going for Sophie! [ more ]
Summer_Breeze I wouldn't feel great about Sophie winning. It would feel a bit deflating tbh as I think it would be a bit gimmicky and not really justified. [ more ]
old hippy guy oh god help us PLEASE NO!!! BUT knowing the GBP, it wouldnt supprise ME 1 bit, Brain Below Rachel Unfunny Hutton ETC ETC, YEAH sadly it COULD happen, [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I never realised that...
darloboy (Play The Game!) I thought Sharon would be the person to do it since she is boss , never the less he's the guy if theres trouble going on to sort it out. [ more ]
Former Member I only noticed it last week that's why I posted a thread as it's usually him that gets brought in if they think it may kick off ,they didn't get any alchol and I wouldn't be surprised if he made that decision,if Lisa stays and Bea is evicted the same will happen tomorrow night. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I still can't forgive them for putting in Alexandra or Chanelle also . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The guy that did the countdown is the top guy
Former Member If Bea is evicted tomorrow I would not be surprised if he does the countdown ,it will kick off if she is evicted. [ more ]
BBBS ahh yes, dennis's mate phil who delayed removing him in the hopes spitgate could be whitewashed over. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen His name is Phil Edgar-Jones. On the old C4 forum he even had a fan club/supporter type thing. He is usually the one they have in the DR when they give a big telling off to a housemate. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hey you GaGa
Queen of the High Teas Oh god if only that deal was truly possible! [ more ]
Rosemary O'Neill No need to be afraid! Changes will be coming in August, and we'll definitely let you know before anything happens. Trust, me it's cool. [ more ]
GMA You can laugh! ... I'll give birth (it's easier, I've had three with no pain relief and I've been a registered child minder) and you have a go at sorting out my computer errors - my son patronises me! [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Couldn't Stop Laughing At Dave
figtree He should have done what Freddie advised and that was to eat the tiniest of morsel at a time.. did he? no! he stuffed his gob! I could tell you a story about eating something a micro morsel at a time... but never mind. Freddie had to eat pig BRAINS... UGH! That's what pig cheese is.... but he did it without the camera hogging drama by taking his own advice! [ more ]
Yellow Rose I can't stand them either on I'm a Celeb or on BB. I had to look away when Dave was eating it was so disgusting to watch. He had an hour to do it and was shoving it in as if they'd said 5 minutes, didn't he do it in 6 mins? Food tasks are horrible [ more ]
stupidcupid I switched it off till the eating task was over. I was eating my dinner and it was making me ill watching it. I hate the eating task in i'm a celebrity too. Watching people eating to the point of throwing up is not entertainment to me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
after tonight i think the house would be better off without Lisas influence
Syd Re: after tonight i think the house would be better off without Lisas influence [ more ]
SpiderMonkey According to the bookies Lisa is safe. I think its to do with the massive fan base she's very quickly acquired, consisting of Marcus/Bea/Freddie haters. The realistic choice you're left with for this week is Hira v Bea, and short of a miracle I think Hira will be going home tomorrow. Probably just as well. In a house full of self obsessed arse holes she's completely out of place. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i think she can control Freddie however i think Vash and Marcus are very free thinking and will only go along with her if they think its right to . [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Director John Hughes has died (Ferris Bueller, Home Alone, Breakfast Club)
Dirtyprettygirlthing Is it a sign of getting old that my hubby and I quote Vernon (the teacher) more than the others now! "You mess with the bull young man...." [ more ]
caigy73 Weird Science is a fantastic film. [ more ]
jackassfan I havent seen Uncle Buck in years, i do remember liking it though Breakfast Club used to be one of my favourite films, I rewatched it last year its very good but i dont like it as much as i used to, its that stupid makeover scene at the end which ruins the film a bit for me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone here still vote on a regular basis?
CaptVimes Yea I think it was after the problems they had with taking votes when they were no longer counted etc. SMS will just keep trying even if its the next day so I guess thats it. [ more ]
Lil Misz A few years back there was problems with text votes not being registerd so they just scrapped it all together. [ more ]
Ruthy_Babes I've only ever voted when I feel strongly about someone, ie: this year to get Kris out, and to save Marcus this week.. [ more ]
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