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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Books to read on Holiday ...
subatomic partygirl I enjoyed 'Labyrinth'. Not too heavy, MM? I've worked my way through Dan Brown's catalogue this summer...and now can't wait for his new book due out. [ more ]
Breatheout Have you read any of Lee Child's books ? Recently read Karen Rose - Scream for Me & Die for Me which i thought were both brill . [ more ]
Kaytee I liked Labyrinth, but her second book was a disappointment [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So did Rodrigo punch Charlie ?
Former Member Charlie lying in bed pretending not to hear BB calling him ,David went over and told him but Charlie went back to pretending to be asleep.I would hate this guy to win. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Me either! [ more ]
paace Absolutely, this was never more apparent then when they were asked to perform an entertaining piece. He did his clown act which was rubbish, and after Freddie screaming his Spring Time, along came Hira who had everyone laughing and clapping only Charlie, who sat there stoney faced that he'd been upstaged. I cannot believe this fake is now joint fav to win. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll : - What do u think of Freddie now?
Former Member Had this clarified last night LMS, I watched it on 4OD and it had been 'cleaned up' for PG viewing hence the 'ar*eholed' 'orgasm' and Marcus' swearig had been edited out apparently [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs and just watch his eyes when he was going on about how the so called "game plan" worked. He looked very very deranged! [ more ]
Former Member spreading the luuurvvee [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting Latest: Bea and Lisa will be both staying this Friday
SpiderMonkey You're right. The rest of the housemates are self obsessed attention seeking drama queens. Hira is completely out of place. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey You're describing Freddie during the first few weeks when he'd bitch about people keeping him awake beyond 11pm and now he's favourite to win so that spoils your argument entirely. [ more ]
swg hira is shit all last night, she was asleep while everyone else was having fun, playing pranks, etc. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what are your plans for tonites eviction?
The Devil In Diamante As the OH has been a grumpy old git all week and is trying to make it up to me, I shall probably be watching it Tonight instead of recording it and watching it Tomorrow!!! I usually catch up on a Sat because he won't watch it...he has NO choice Tonight though!!! [ more ]
LGS yep but without the wine for me [ more ]
GMA Recording the shows and slyly going back and forth the LR for a peek as we're fitting a new kitchen (damn these things to get in the way of BB!) I want the penny and the bun here! We got rid of our old TV in the kitchen so I have to await a new one on the wall! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Evicting More than one
demonickitten *Gets out Rosary beads* [ more ]
Teddy Bleads I though I heard that too. Could be wrong. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Wishful thinking, I'm afraid. From the official Voting page: "Voting closes during Friday's results show on Channel 4. The Housemate with the least votes will be evicted from the Big Brother House on Friday." If they were going to make it a double eviction, they'd have told us by now. There would be a major row if they changed it after the phonelines opened. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest BB news 7/8/09
demonickitten That Charlie is a dim witted oik. [ more ]
justafriend dont know whats happening because alot on here said rod punched charlie and thats why he was called to diary room. ive no idea what happened and dont think bb will say either. [ more ]
paace The director/editor of the LF was panicking last night and decided to censor most of it when it got heated so we just don't know what really happened. Charlie is one nasty git. He deliberately jumped into Rodrigos bed wet just to make Rod mad. Rod has told him countless times to stop winding him up and he just ignores him. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All this BB stuff seems so trivial tonight...
GMA I don't know how people cope at a time like this - as you say , damn this flippin' war' life's so precious and short and it does put things into perspective - I guess we do cope eventually after a lot of anger, suffering etc - send my love and wishes. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I am so sorry to hear that. God bless him and his family and friends. [ more ]
Moomin That's terrible - it seems there's news like this every day ATM. Prayers for you, your friend and all the soldiers. [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea on LF last night
Eugene's Lair Going by what Bea has said about other matters, I get the feeling she's one of those people who broods and get's concerned over past "mistakes". I can understand her not wanting to dwell over a missed opportunity like that. I'm not sure what I would do, as I've never been in a similar situation. [ more ]
LowonIQ Just shows she's not a true fan as she didn't want to watch the show. She turned it down, her decision. If it was me I'd def. watch, and probably be more interested as I'd see what I could have been doing, and what would I have done in certain situations, etc. etc. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I missed the start of her conversation, but that's essentially what she said. I think she had already made plans to go abroad, and so decided not to go on the show. As you say, she later regretted this, and that's why she watched very little of BB when she got back. Freddie ended the conversation by saying "Well, you're here now." [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I never ever thought i'd say this ...
kazzy I've gone the other way. I quite liked Sophie but I am seeing the bitchy two faced side of her more and more. The two faced stuff with Marcus last week was the final straw for me Dont like her now [ more ]
GorgeousMimi She is harmless enough, Siavash to win for me still though [ more ]
captain marbles Funny how she's suddenly become funtime Sophie when there's a eviction in sight. She's not as silly as she likes to make out. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T, the penny pinching MOD........
The Devil In Diamante I understand exactly what you are saying Though I do think the MOD should look after the Soldiers should they come back injured....especially with the loss of limbs etc, as we all know that they are not provided with the right equipment in the first've got me thinking now jackson! Hmmmmmmmmm **Freddie styleé** [ more ]
Former Member My youngest sons best friend is in the army and has completed one tour of Iraq. Apart from having old and recycled equipment which frequently breaks down, our boys and girls aren't being fully protected kit wise. They are not issued full body armour like the US. They are only issued with frontal body armour which leaves their back completely exposed to bullets, etc. Good old British Army, eh! [ more ]
Croctacus I'd agree with Jackson....if you join up to an admin role injuries are not an expected part of your employment....if however you join up to be a soldier especially in times of conflict then you do know in the knowledge that there is a very real risk that you may get injured or worse. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed thread
MrsH No Fig .......... I was laughing too ....... dont be embarrassed it is good to laugh [ more ]
figtree Am I the only one that laughed last night! [ more ]
MrsH Sophie asking Siavash if he wanted any TM!! he said no and she then asked Freddie .... he wanted to know what TM was and she said she could only show not say ..... Siavash then changed his mind and said he wanted some , Sophie ran across and started tickling him saying this is what TM is, it is Tickle Monster , she then tickled Freddie who jumped from bed and chased her and this is where the Sophie pulling down Freddies pants happened ....... in the meantime Charlie has pulled the duvet off... [ more ]
See all 251 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just pocket money ... grrr!
prettycocoaeyes Yes it was the same Freddie... Lisa has worked for over 20years so has paid her dues..... Its somehow ok if its Freddie though, he is the messiah ... [ more ]
jacksonb and anyways, just because his family has money they aren't obliged to support him , once he finishes education. [ more ]
longcat Was that the same Freddie who sat with Bea and laughed and agreed while Bea ripped Lisa apart for claiming dole since she was made redundant. Lisa as probably paid more taxes than those pair put together. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just under 50 men .
Darthhoob i didn't say fear of pregnancy is only reason to be selective, dunno where you pulled that on out of. i've said several times in previous posts that if you use protection, sex is fine. i'm not on about shagging random strangers either. i've NEVER gone home with a bloke from a club, but some people do....who am i to judge how people live? as long as they dont go round infecting everyone else or getting pregnant willy nilly and turning up on jeremy kyle for a DNA test. i also have a respect... [ more ]
Mozart Lisa said that she had had around 50 girls/women is it because she is 41 that it makes it ok for her. Its not an age related thing its what your moral standards are like, some care some dont but either way its their body they are messing around with. [ more ]
Trollop You sound like Goldilocks and the porridge! Actually I dont like the use of the word porridge in that sentence [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chanelle Hayes overdose?
BBTENNER Someone dsaid she was a milionaire and very successful since leaving BB... Seems like money and success dont bring you happiness.... Poor girl.. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Oh and as for Chanelle... very sorry to hear that she felt such despair. Here's hoping she gets well and that age (or this incident) will bring a little perspective for her. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Re. the psychological testing. I have NO idea who the psychs are that conduct the testing or give advice on applicant psychological suitability but I can imagine that, whoever, their input (and liability) ends at the point of handing over a report. Whether BB Production takes that advice is entirely up to them. They won't be 'bound' to it in any way. I also suspect (hope) that the shelf-life of the psychs is pretty short as they witness their advice disregarded and rapidly leg it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ooooh 'citing.. who goes..
sazzysuzy hmm i would cheer if Charlie, Lisa or Bea went .. And is this Russell asking the question ?? Citing indeed [ more ]
GMA I know, can you imagine! I too think it'll be Hira through lack of votes but want Bea out to wipe the smug grin off her face. (although she is entertaining and has us talking but I don't want to give her the satisfaction of thinking she's all that! ). [ more ]
kattymieoww I'd love it if Charlie went.He'd look totally gobsmacked and then melt into a big puddle on the floor. Alas he's got the teeny vote. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo Looked So Cute In The Cheshire Cat Suit
kattymieoww He's a desperate whiny little git. [ more ]
The Guru ..... Then he spoilt it all by acting like a whinging crybaby. [ more ]
*KG* Voice of bloody reason! I couldn't care less what he looks like, he's a whiny, moany-arsed whinger! He's pissed-off because he's been put up - that's all. And I'm sick to death of seeing him chuck his toys at Charlie and then kiss him at night! I find him annoying and confusing. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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