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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Peter Andre
j0anne thet are both media whores....he is no saint shes not the ultmate sinner.... they should just both go away and learn to get along for the sake of the kids... no more tears for the press no more interviews nothing ...shes had her day...he cant sing...go away [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Did they really say the public demanded to see a dead picture of MJ? wow they must be out of touch with reality.... [ more ]
Cagney It was very bad taste...that issue. I emailed to complain and got a reply back saying that it was in the publics interest to publish the latest news. I emailed back saying it was in extrememly bad taste and said a lot about the editors of the mag and thier take on "public interest" Sickos is another thing I called them in the email. I never got another reply [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So NOW that Halfwits true colours are shining through...
Kris Is Bliss What has Halfwit ever done that's been entertaining ? Unless of course you find his cringeworthy 'singing' entertaining. [ more ]
cologne 1 Re: So NOW that Halfwits true colours are shining through... [ more ]
Free Thinking Sree really started to annoy people, he just seemed like a one trick pony. And Angel just seemed to be eccentric for the sake of it. I don't think either were meant to last, particularly Sree. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hope Siavash wins now
darloboy (Play The Game!) Marmite , as he's still near about tops in favourite polls he's second on TIBB to Sophie who's in first with Siavash in third. Fav in DS poll also . [ more ]
jeppa Freddie is definitely slipping now BBonline is usually right Who do you most want to see evicted next? Bea 28% Charlie 7% David 8% Freddie 11% Lisa 32% Marcus 11% Rodrigo 0% Siavash 0% Sophie 3% [ more ]
The Guru Siavash is a favourite on internet forums and with the eviction/BBBM/BBLB crowds. Unlike alot of the other hm's. He's got a very good chance now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBM all set up for Bea..
Puss Yes I did liverbird, and Divvy didn't like it when McC kept asking why she was so boring and that she didn't live up to her VT, pathetic, if you go on to a reality show, you have to expect to be picked to pieces. Bad BB oooh and they also didn't mention how thick she is, that could have taken up 1/2 hour at least [ more ]
liverbird Did you notice how the audience shouted down John McCrirrick (sp) cos everyone was afraid he was going to upset poor Hira? [ more ]
Jenny I just hope they have someone who isn't afraid to say something when Lisa or Bea are evicted! Am I cruel? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Lisa laughed in Freddie's face yet?
Former Member Don't think she'll laugh in his face, she thought she was a gonna and now thinks she escaped by the skin of her teeth. Much as I wanted Lisa to go, Freddie might not be so 'cocky' now [ more ]
Marguerita They were all laughing and so happy they got saved and his face said it all [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes I felt sorry for her, she was convinced she was going, thats why she had on her sunday best and makeup... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This weeks nominations
Free Thinking The HMs now seem to think that the order McCall read out the names reflected their popularity. That means Siavash might think again that he is one of the strong favourites and make him consider not nominating (because he would consider himself safe). Every time he has been up (by putting himself up even) he has used his survival as a means of justifying his actions in the house. [ more ]
Teddy Bleads well the loss of Hira's vote and the inclusion of Sirvash's might change things. [ more ]
Former Member You could be right, but some are 'floating voters' depending on events, Hira's nominations have gone and Siavash will probably nominate- could change things [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Endemol got what they wanted
shar69 Endemol always get what they want. Think of how the hm's are boxed with a nice little bow on the the hl show. They have 24 hours of feed to cut down into 48-50mins. They have already chosen which character each hm will be. Take Lisa for example, she probably doesn't spend 24 hrs at the bus stop and probably bitches a few times a day. They are going to show her bitching or argueing in hl show because that is how they have decided to package her. They probably wouldn't show her having fun with... [ more ]
Former Member Completely agree.....WTG, Vash [ more ]
Marguerita I think they made Marcus a scapegoat but Siavash was very cocky and got all of them punished without any remorse, he thinks he is clever poor Hira paid the price. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think Rodrigo will win in the end
brisket Although I want Freddie to win, a Rodrigo win would not upset me. (As long as Charlie doesn`t win!!!) [ more ]
CheekyPixie Oh God NO! Rodrigo is the most annoying HM in there IMO! I doubt he will even make the final. He really grates on me; he nags like an old woman. He would drive me mentle if I was in there. [ more ]
machel please not rodders, playing safe with this facade of "i don't argue" (the panic when he does ), don't disrespect the furniture etc etc, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed
figtree Re: Live Feed [ more ]
CaptVimes Lol its penfold in peril...right bed and no not mortal coil katty [ more ]
Former Member OMG, looks like it could be: job done, change of position and him returning the favour False alarm Bea just said: "I'm going to sleep right" and he said "sweet dreams" now back in their own beds rather than sniggled up [ more ]
See all 114 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Count yourselves lucky......oh and thank you.
CheekyPixie I'm glad she stayed too I can understand why SOME don't like her, or have gone off her, as she is like Marmite But I still enjoy her being in there. Lisa though, I just find pointless, annoying and horrid,. I hope she goes next week... [ more ]
Tayto. I don't like her Rawky but in a way I'm glad she stayed because the game in seriously on now. It was interesting to see her getting friendly with Lisa last night. She was also very concerned about what Hira might have said in the DR. I wonder will we see a different Bea before Monday? [ more ]
Rawky-Roo I'm guessing Lisa will get at least 4 votes but Bea might as well.....this concerns me [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction percentages anyone?
guku Same here, it must surely have been a tiny difference in the numbers. But hey, it means we can vote Lisa out with a record number next week! [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Agreed [ more ]
Eugene's Lair For completeness, Hira got 5.65% of the vote. Now, here's the interesting bit... Normally, BB only quotes eviction percentages to the nearest 0.1%: for example, Beinazir got 6.8% to become a housemate. And yet, they've quoted Hira's percentage to the nearest 0.01% - why? My theory is that that there was only a few hundredths of a percent in it: the HM with the second-lowest vote probably got something around 5.7%, and they've had to quote a more accurate figure for Hira to highlight the... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus And Siavash Are Now BB
The Guru Hey no need to be sorry and i'm not offended either. I'll just know for next time that you don't mind BS'ing to make your point. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Apparently im a 13yr old gangster for liking Coolio... You see what Im saying? [ more ]
Former Member Exactly! Sophie pulling down Freddies boxers... was she called a perve? Nope. Neither was she called names after she told Noirin she had had full sex with Kris. It's all very one sided in there, and in here too when it suits. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is anyone thankful to Marcus and Siavash for tonight's result?
Flossie All he "did" not all he "done". Done is a past participle and requires an auxiliary verb before it such as "has". So you could have said "he has done" or "he did" but not "he done". [ more ]
Spear Hear Hear! [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss It had nothing to do with Marcus, all he done was say he wanted to go home, not uncommon and seldom punished. Where punishment is given for nom talk it is typically no worse than the guilty HM being put up with the others nominated. Siavash was SOLELY responsible for Hira leaving tonight because he refused to play the game like a spoiled child. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie getting quite aggressive there.
LoraR I don't particularly like Rodrigo but I like Charlie even less and the reason for this is that I remember the "side" when he was hanging about with Kris. All of these practical jokes are really a way of being mean but also saying oh, I didn't mean it, it was just a joke [ more ]
squiggle Sadly I don't think you will get the chance. With Lisa staying in and gaining strength in her group I think there is no chance now and that Charlie will eventually go on to win. [ more ]
Liverpoollass It's slipped a few times during his stay in the house. I honestly cannot see why he is one of the favs to win. People slag Freddy off right, left and centre, but Charlie is far worse. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie Putting His Foot In It On A Daily Basis Now
Amythist I dont consider it necessary to love my favourite housemate/s unconditionally.Its BB and its nice to be able to be judgemental and critical when its deserved!It makes it more fun. Freddie is a difficult HM to support at times because he can get a bit cocky,and a wee bit pervy,and extremely cringey at times.However I supported him during his darkest hours ...the first five or six weeks in the house because I dont like to see anyone treated the way he was by Lisa,Kris,Karly and Dogface. There... [ more ]
squiggle I think you talk a lot of sense Cheeky Pixie. I have always taken the attitude that if I don't like a HM I don't say much about them. I would never join an anti HM club and I was taught that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all. [ more ]
Former Member Re: Freddie Putting His Foot In It On A Daily Basis Now [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass I was actually on Rod's side during the "fight". Charlie was bang out of order and I would've been like a deranged lunatic too, if he had done that. [ more ]
watcher1 Interpretation of 'chill out' is open to debate and it can either have a calming effect or can be seen as a belittling term. I think the latter in this case. I'm also not sure about 'barking at others as usual' since I've seen several sides of Rodrigo and like him, warts and all [ more ]
Videostar Rodrigo was barking at the others as usual, Freddie was just saying chill out you will get what you want. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you vote?
Heatseek Keep your real money in your pocket and use pretend cash for voting...I've won every time It's nice in here [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I voted to save Lisa and Bea; I couldn't possibly watch Alice skipping down the path with Roddy arm in arm for another week. But it would have been intresting to see what else BB would cook up to keep us engaged with Alice. [ more ]
kattymieoww Sad that some folk voted to save Lisa,,etc. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How much does Marcus look like he wants to throttle Dave & Lisa now on LF?
prettycocoaeyes Im sure he will start saying he told them all about Hira .... I think David and Lisa have the numbers still... Bea and Marcus will still be up this week... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Agreed. Odious Marcus! He was so sure Lisa was going tonight, that he'd already started dripping poison about Hira for the next round of noms....Suppose he'll revert back to Lisa and David now.. [ more ]
Paradice to throttle Dave & Lisa, that has to be on everyones chritmas list [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM's with opinions are always hated.
Senora Reyes The minute the audience did a collective whoop and cheer for Charlie I switched channels.... [ more ]
Videostar Hey listen, im only going on what one of those magazine writers in BBBM said, they suggested that Bea and Freddie shouldn't have argued with Lisa and David because of their better intelligence. Although I added the chav bit myself. [ more ]
Free Thinking But the less intelligent someone is the less open they are and the more narrow minded potentially. Also better conversation makes someone more worth watching more. The dim ones normally just depend on having good looks to do well. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why has David got a seat belt on his shirt?
CaptVimes Somebody told him to belt up badum tish. [ more ]
Mozart some people can get away with that sort of thing, david cannot imo, his whole attire looked so stoooooooooooopid [ more ]
riversider Hmmm yes, the bondage thingy. Nice. It must be his eviction outfit, Vivienne Westwood I imagine. he thinks it's gorgeous. Unless it's some sort of remote control device Lisa has put him in. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Workers wingin about the unemployed an tax
Paradice you're totaly missing the point, as do many humans, YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE, from atoms exploding eventually creating stars which then gave berth to planets , which then gave birth to whatever life evolved to eventualy create a concience on that planet , geese were all part of the universal game plan, except those who belive the social is a bad thing [ more ]
Carnelian I don't know about 'the universe' but capitalism will screw the human race one way or another, whether it be by Nuclear War, polution or global mass starvation. The thing is, we all have our short time on earth and I see it this way as teenagers we have the best music and the best sex, as twenty somethings have the best skills that aren't rewarded and will do things much better than our parents as thirty somethings we're doing ok and have the best skills which are starting to be noticed, as... [ more ]
Paradice i think the point you're making is you have a brain willing to learn,,mind open, not brainwashed by the rulin class,, if only everyone thought that way. but then the selfish would be rather upset at the thought that intelligence is the future and not manipulating the non educated to keep themselves in a position of power, now who are the dumb fks? [ more ]
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