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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Siavash thought Hira was game playing as well.
Free Thinking Didn't Sophie say she caught him wanking as well? Or are some HMs allowed to wank but others aren't? He really seems to think he's good looking too doesn't he? He was pissed off Rodrigo said he didn't find him attractive. He's looking a bit smug right now, again I suppose he'll feel he has been validated in the house by putting himself up and surviving. [ more ]
Former Member Poor Hira I can't believe that no one seems to have twigged it was a vote to save... [ more ]
Videostar Then so was Marcus and Freddie . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Couple jailed for gun attack on children...
pretty_p They shouldn't have done that but I bet the little children being discussed in the article weren't the innocent little things the article makes them out to be!!! [ more ]
CaptVimes Groups of kids can be right little bastards sometimes. I know what you mean. [ more ]
CaptVimes If you got a decent spud and built up the pressure really good We had a craze for laccy band guns improvised with paper clips. If you got them working good they stuck in Needless to say there was a big shakedown for paperclips at school for a long time after that [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Completly Unfair (OT: Police)
Ells No hun he would admit it to me if he hadn't been. He wouldn't have got so wound up about it if he hadn't been and he would have told me the truth because he knows that I wouldn't give him a hard time about it if he admitted the truth. He has swore on our kids lives so I know he is telling the truth. [ more ]
pretty_p aww don't be upset - are you absolutely sure he was wearing it though - he wouldn't be the first to pit his belt on as soon as he noticed the police car (as my dad did) and then be too ashamed to admit it!! [ more ]
*BB* I think they themselves may have been breaking the law by doing that. I'm very surprised that they left themselves wide open to censure. [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now Charlie tells Rodrigo that he loves him.
brisket I find Charlie obnoxious. He lies a lot. He goads Rodrigo a lot. When Rodrigo gets upset Charlie will say to others "He`s always like that?" In that case why do it Charlie. Deliberately to cause Rodrigo to make himself look bad. Do you think Charlie has found a Rodrigo weak spot. Knows which buttons to press to make him look bad? Charlie taunts like an 11-year-old might. Duplicitous and immature. I find Charlie very unpleasant. [ more ]
Gel Altho the Queen not replying to him was quite hilarious! [ more ]
Gel Rodrigo is pathetic, spoilt brat, I can't abide his hissy fits anymore [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Girls Aloud concert on Sky One
jdcoke That's crazy talk man , stark raving bonkers All of them looked so gorgeous - well nearly all of them To be fair if Kimberley & Cheryl were laying there naked side by side I'm not sure which one would have the pleasure first Great show [ more ]
Former Member There's a touch of the transvestite about her! I see Lily Savage, only ginger. [ more ]
Former Member I agree Nichola has got the best voice and Cheryl has the worst imo ***runs incase Crunchy sees this*** [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Primark,so there you nasty b****
lightfoot I really want Bea to stay.. and if wasn't for Pri-de-la-mark I would probs be walking around naked.. not a sight believe me you want to see.. so thank your lucky stars, for Primark.. [ more ]
Former Member Horrible Bea , self opinionated, know it all, conniving two faced bitch , ah feel better now [ more ]
Lil Misz Primark tights are the only tights I have that havn't ladderd after one use. besides some of us cant afford to shop in more expensive places. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rumour has it livefeed to be scrapped!
Free Thinking Cut Davina McCall and that gets rid of some of the cost. BBLB hasn't been needed for years. Why not have a subscription live feed on the internet? It can't cost that much to stream on the internet, all kinds of people do it. [ more ]
swg BB costs something like £60m a year, it's unlikely any other channel outside of the main ones could afford it - sky, five - maybe. but it's a damaged brand, it's never going to get back to the 5 million averages it got during BB5 and Five/Sky are doing pretty ok without it. £60m for >2m viewers (should it move channel) is far too much [ more ]
Former Member cheers for the link. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea Deliberately Did That To Lisa
Little Miss Spurs As I remember it she definitely asked her to swap and Lisa said "no thanks darling" [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Lord and lady halfwit! [ more ]
Hyperglad Lisa was bang on when she said Bea is a spoilt brat who does'nt like to be told no. The disbelief on her face that someone who is so beneath her could actually refuse her request. I think she may have bought Lisa a bit more time, coz if Bea's up Bea is out [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kenny boy update
Puss yup, I read it Heartache, the man owes money left right and centre, nob [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy That's right, there was a big thread on about it. [ more ]
Syd Gawd..I love the way the Sun 'reporters' get hold of a piece of cotton and weave it into a rope....and it is a shame that they are allowed to type their own reports...I have read better on Parents Evening..... According to the the Sun...We are all going to die of Swine Flu (Cos they is Scientists)...Jordan & Pete are 'People we are interested in'... Go with the Sun..... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Never ceases to amaze me
pretty_p exactly that baby should be taken away as soon as it is born and given to a family who will give it all the love and care it needs!! [ more ]
Heartache Agree with you, and the way she got pregnant AFTER she was caught, because she knew her sentence would'nt be so final. I do hope she IS given a healthy prison sentence here. These stupid people need to be deterred. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who Will Be Up For Eviction Next Week
Videostar You should watch the show instead of reading the spiteful nonsense posted on the DS. Freddie told him to chill out, thats all. [ more ]
Marguerita Sorry Cologne he did say shut up then he said chill out I am only saying what I have read in DS if he nominates him of course that is up to him it was more of the targeting Rodrigo that that caught my interst,there have been stuff brought from DS today about other HMS which everyone has had there say and opinion,nothing has been brought over about some of the Freddy threads ,I am just pointing out what I have read that is all. [ more ]
cologne 1 He didn't say shut up, he asked him to chill and have some trust. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Red Arrows!
Cinds Awwww they're fab, they were over my house 2 weeks ago, rehearsing for the Sunderland air show from Newcastle airport. [ more ]
Moomin I'm lucky enough to live very near where they are based, and look forward to the winter months when they return to practice. Though I see them regularly, it still gives me goosebumps when they are flying. [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs Wow! Thats mustve been brilliant Wish theyd come over this way and do it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any Coach Trip fans here?
skive The only time I've ever posted on DS was in a coach trip thread on one of their entertainment forums. Some of the ex-coach trippers joined up to post about it when the latest series was running, even the evil mafia queen Tracy who was as unrepentant as you'd expect. I didn't post much as the 'regulars' were a bit cliquey but it was interesting to read the inside story from the trippers. [ more ]
fabienne Did you know you can watch all 3 series on 4OD? Link here [ more ]
peggytyson Just discovered this wonderful show, on More 4 on a sunday afternoon, 5 episodes, back to back, bliss!!!!! There's some repeats weekdays at 2.30pm as well but a different series. Now i'm addicted [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't fancy you ,let's just be friends,then gets up close and personal ,who is it?
Hyperglad she's a gonna as soon as shes up, and unlike Freddie I'm always right [ more ]
cologne 1 Yes, she's a little minx, but since when was that evil (not your post )? I'm fairly sure the boys have sussed her out. Judging by some of their comments they know that she's a drama queen and moans a lot. Maybe she should be less honest. I don't think she should, but it might make her more pallatable to some viewers. [ more ]
Former Member I'll go with the 'funny' but, 'totally harmless'' is pushing it a bit for me, she's a little minx [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie isn't in the best of moods...
Kaytee Spoiled, stupid,bitter, self-centred,greedy, bitchy little brat [ more ]
justafriend alittle bit from channel 4 site after they passed task, hes really not happy chappy today Bea, "Well done everybody – Tokens. We got five, but I put one in already for alcohol," she said excitedly. But instead of congratulating her, Charlie had a face of misery. "What do you mean?" he asked Bea. "Huh?" said Bea, taken aback by Charlie's obvious disappointment. "We were going to ask for the Pimms and that," said Charlie like a spoilt child. Resisting the urge to put Charlie over her knee and... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Charlie is pissed off because Davina didn't call his name first....They all think they were called in order of popularity, Charlie was somewhere in the middle...Prior to last night, Charlie thought he had it all sewn up...Watch him closely this week. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Rodrigo keep getting involved with Charlie?
Marguerita Actually they are all getting into relationships in the house, Freddie said Siavash was only in a relationship with Noireen to get magazine deals,makes me think what his relationship with Bea is all about. [ more ]
Former Member As much as I like Rodrigo I do think their relationship is one of convenience. Don't forget that only a matter of weeks ago Charlie said to him (whilst under the duvet) "Let's make people think there is something going on". Also, the language Charlie uses towards Rod sometimes is disgraceful. [ more ]
jamieboy no mway rodders is consistent with his whingin he aint puttin on a act but charlie is diffrent everyday in that house with his stupid ugly rubbery face [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
(OT) best ways to wake yourself up
Darthhoob luckily the babysitter is free lol. managed to get him to go out now...but he has an arse on . he seems to think we need all our money to visit his parents next week. only really need fuel money and a bit of 'board' money and some spending money...comes to less than half what we have spare if he is that bothered about money he should stop his vodka and tabacco too *hopes he doesn't log in* i dont like going cinema on my own, plus i cant drive lol and it's like 20 miles away lol [ more ]
tupps awww hoob.. I'd go on my own then and buy the biggest pick 'n' mix I could wrangle.. [ more ]
ContessaQ that's just not on hoobs, tell him you want to go and if he can't aford it then go out without him, will save you the cost of a baby sitter. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Surely b.b knew Sophie and Kris had sex in the house (more than once)
frenchbread Why the confusion? I am entitled to my opinion and since when have you bought the rights to this forum [ more ]
frenchbread The footage of Noirin and Sophie chatting was shown in the hl's in my opinion mainly because of Noirin admitting to Sophie she likes Tom and Siavash both. Plus (if im right) Noirin said she would f*ck Tom everyday. I do believe what Sophie said is true i dont think she lied to Noirin that is my opinion i am entitled to it. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Visual evidence was only one of the composite parts that i outlined - lack of interest from the media and from the show itself are key elements also. Sophie made one comment that was swallowed up by Noirin having a much bigger storyline (but herself, only Daily Star front page AFTER her eviction, i should add). With Kris saying nothing, other housemates saying nothing and the show revealing nothing; this story was a damp squib. I still don't understand the 'hushed up' point though - the... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this one of BBs way of not making Charlie look bad?
paace Didn't know that swg. So did they cut out the fight between Charlie and Rod? [ more ]
swg the catchup and morning shows are different to the ones shown at 9pm, they cut out swearing/nudity and such and replace it with other content in same cases it turns it into a completely different show if there had been a big fight which dominated the highlights [ more ]
WILDER X This is what I hate about bb. They shouldn't have favourites. They should all be treated the same. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HIRA'S SPACE CADETS SUPPORTERS CLUB ....... the title may change upon request
Tayto. I wasn't here much last night and didn't come in here to commiserate. Someone like Hira restores my faith in human nature. [ more ]
kimota I will miss Hira , one of the most beautiful and sweethearted hms ever. The only consolation I take from the result is that as Hira unfortunatley tended to vote the same way as Team Lisa, there is now one less vote against Team outsider! [ more ]
squiggle So sorry to see such a gentle sweet lady booted out of the house. The house will be a poorer place without her, although they may not realise that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The 'Majority' have spoken - Hira was a cr@p HM!
Eugene's Lair The irony there is that Bea and Freddie were probably the HMs that Hira had the biggest effect on. Both of them on several occasions considered what Hira would think about a particular event or comment. Subconsciously, she was a moral presence and a calming force. Remember that it was Hira who single-handedly defused the argument between Bea and David. Hira's influence on the house may not have been as obvious as some other HMs, but her absense will definitely have an effect. Having said... [ more ]
Kris Is Bliss She was better than Halfwit or Siavash who was responsible for her going. [ more ]
Spear In other words, any way you look at it, she was/is; as dull as ditch water, irritating as ants-in-yer-pants, and boring as fook. Cheers Noty! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bad interview from McCall and guests last night
TiGi I hate this new interview format. The focus should be on the evicted housemate, not the 2 "celeb" guests on the panel. It sucks. We no longer get to see evicted housemates reactions when shown clips of what's been said about them by the housemates etc. Another reason BB is a flop this year I think. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair The thing to remember is that the HMs haven't been told it was a vote-to-save - they're still assuming it was vote-to-evict. Hira was upset because she genuinely has not done anything wrong, and therefore couldn't understand why she was so "hated" by the public that they voted to evict her. It's not insecurity or the like on her part - it's simple confusion. The remaining HMs still don't know this, and that's why they're suggesting all sorts of bizarre theories as to why "lovely Hira" was... [ more ]
Free Thinking It was a vote to save so they must have known who they were most likely to get. They should have been much better prepared. [ more ]
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