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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBLB: First Time
Jenny I don't like the programme, but try to watch it, as we get so little of BB this year. Today, I couldn't help smiling when Hira was on. She might not have been a great housemate, though some of that may have been down to them not showing her in the HL show, but she IS so nice! I hope she earns a little out of her experience in the BB house. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities That's very poor, very poor indeed. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen BBLB lost all credibility this year when they told viewers 2 new people would be going into the house. It turned out it was George and Davina entering the camera run. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Marcus and Siavash are so desperate to leave then why
Felix123 Unfortunately, there is a pitiful calibre of HM this year. pukus has pushed the boundaries and still not been kicked out, so they probably think 'they are BB!' [ more ]
Mollie Oh guys a bit harsh don't you think??!! Today BB should bring them both into the DR, explain if they don't nominate tomorrow they will be shown the door! or all HM's will go up except them!! if BB wants them to nominate they can get them to nominate.... last week it suited BB to have all HM's up and a vote to save... but people watching are getting tired of this, so they can shape it anyway they want... don't worry... they will nominate or go.. [ more ]
Former Member Shame really, Croc. He had a God-given chance to turn it around after that Noirin nonsense, and clawed back his "cool & out there" rep. But all I've seen since is make-up and mega whinging [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Confesssion time.
longcat Re: Confesssion time. [ more ]
jacksonb not one the hms is one dimensional,(charlie still has the jury out) bea is funny,witty,articulate and forthright, she is also haughty,waspish with an air of superiority. when we like some one,it's as much their negative aspects combined with the positive that endears them to us. god forbid if we were only progammed to like only perfect people, because none of us would ever like anyone, ever again. [ more ]
faerykelstar whispers..... I like her too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How long would you wait
Kaytee Aimee and your are both too kind-hearted, but sometimes you just have to say 'no'. Next time point her in the direction of Social Services and never lend anything to her again [ more ]
Jenny I got it the wrong way round. [ more ]
Former Member totally agree Cagney Aimee bless your daughters heart for being so unselfish but I think it's one of lifes lessons that needs to be learned - never a borrower nor a lender be good old Shakey knew what he was talking about. We've all been there at sometime or another and it certainly doesn't make you a bad mother [ more ]
See all 86 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halfwit the Oxford graduate
kimota I find 'tory anarchist to be quite an interesting position actually! If I had to label myself I would say I am 'libertarian left' As such I often find I have more in common politically, with those on the libertarian right than I do with those on the more authoritarian left! I would love to have a talk about politics with Freddie! [ more ]
porto much younger and better looking that fatso McC he's a Clydesdale - I am a Stallion. [ more ]
Former Member And there was me thinking I'd pulled ye's don't like strong, independent women huh..sulks...who are ya like, bliddy John McCririck? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*** VIDEO *** - Dogface BREAKS Nomination rules - AGAIN!!
kimota She not only put herself up, but also mentioned that she knows that Marcus and Freddie will be up! [ more ]
CaptVimes That was one of the best twists ever. Stuart come to the DR and Michelle waiting for her chicken to come back [ more ]
CaptVimes Theres a lot of things they could do, they could say nominate or be up for eviction like they did with charlie. They could say nominate or leave the house now. They could put everyone else up for eviction except those three. They could take all their food away and live off that slurp stuff till HMs nominate and stop talking about nominations. I wouldnt like to find out if I were them really. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why did Marcus
Senora Reyes Re: Why did Marcus [ more ]
porto Seriously - he is nuts - his mind is jumbled - rants and raves to suit himself and twists peoples opinions - he's the kind of guy who whould drive a sane woman to suicide. [ more ]
Felix123 It's his NEW gameplan. Say you want to leave and the public keeps you in.... all the way to the final and in his BB brain... he is convinced he will win! (IMO)!! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie moans at Bea (oooh this makes me angry)
The Guru Trying to make Bea a noms target. He did the same last night with Freddie, going on and on and on. I dislike that little shite more than Lisa. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Don't push me Felix Its not like that at all! Grrrr [ more ]
Felix123 [quote by Rawky] Fancy speaking to my lovely Bea like that? awwwwww... never mind... the crux of your anger maybe? So beatch is getting it in the ear just like she would dish out... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cagney I can't help if I don't talk proper and get confused at big words I'm from Glasgow and we have a whole language of our own so I shouldn't really complain [ more ]
Former Member That's very WORD-IST of you! Ya vile jellus bullerrrrrrh! [ more ]
Cagney I agree people shouldn't have to dumb down for the sake of others but I also feel nobody should be belittled simply because they don't understand big words or have a thesaurus handy. Sometimes on here and in RL I feel like screaming "just because you use big words doesn't make you right" [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina announced the results ,not in alphabetical order,but most popular
LoraR I think the same as others have said, Bea and Lisas names were saved till the end to make it more dramatic. Other than that I don't think there was any relevance in the order that they did it [ more ]
Liverpoollass I think it might have been correct at the end with Hira and Lisa being the last two names called out. [ more ]
Mollie I thought that too till she said david 3rd??? that kinda blew that theory outta the water Siavash prob did get the most votes though.. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Double standards.
Hotpants Helen Big double standards is that when most of the housemates were put up instead of Charlie and Lisa, Rodrigo didn't moan about people breaking the rules. Perhaps that was because he was one of the few who escaped being up for eviction that week. Last week he was lumped in with all the others as up for eviction and he was extremely quick to make his feelings known. [ more ]
Liverpoollass There's been alot of double standards in the house this year. Depending on who you are and who likes you, you can get away with all sorts. [ more ]
Felix123 Originally posted by Cold Sweat: Kris allowed Marcus to punch him, which i think helped to defuse Marcus. Sorted! weeks ago... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good one Marcus
Liverpoollass I didn't see it, but I hope he does too [ more ]
CaptVimes I think you are right compared to previous years theres a lot more sharing going on which is why the fights seem to be over really stupid things like a bit of extra butter. Its like they are looking for any little slip up. [ more ]
squiggle C'mere you lovely figtree, we will start the group hug and everyone will join in (I'm a low mac too, just did the test, got 34) [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chanelle Hayes leaves hospital
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I honestly don't keep up with ex-BB housemates, unless mentioned on here or the news, but it does not surprise me that Chanelle has ended up like this. She came across on BB as someone who has a few problems. Still, I do hope she is OK and someone close guides her to an appropriate therapist. [ more ]
Jet Blue Didn't even know she was in hospital so when I read the title of this thread I had hoped that perhaps she had undergone surgery for a personality transplant. [ more ]
Karma_ Gawd [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie talking really fast at people.
Videostar Without seeing the live coverage when this all kicked off HOW can anyone know that Freddie had a go at Sophie?? if your going only on Charlie thick boy's word then you are foolish. When LF started tonight Freddie and Sophie seemed to be getting on fine to me. oh and BTW Freddie never had a go at Hira, tell the truth guys. [ more ]
brisket ...Yea if you say so... [ more ]
Azure. nah, Fred and Bea are so devious and nasty thay make the rest of the house look like pussies mmmmmmmmm ya. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie Is So...
brisket He quickly went to Lisa with his own updated information. I wonder if he told her the truth or if he embellished it to set Lisa and Freddie further apart. [ more ]
Former Member His gobbledygook has gone way over the speed limit, so as his lips are moving...he must be lying! [ more ]
stonks Just read again but Charlie don't smoke.... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tomorrow tomorrow I love you tomorrow
queenshaks Orange ass! *light bulb moment* (just got it!) They don't call me bright for no reason! [ more ]
Leccy *mwah* I wasn't supposed to be here anyway...then I got...dragged in like a fecking tractor beam. BUT I have a few child-free days and as such will be available for drunken blatherings both earlier and without distraction! So I shall see you another night, it is a date Mr Pistol Peter Sir Esq! Another thread on here is making me want to batter my own head in with a shovel. I am away to throw health and safety to the wind and have a large drink in a coconut smelling bath! Night all [ more ]
Tom Bennett i herd that song on queen on seiba royle family [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Im just thinking what we could do tomorrow"
Former Member Funny how they don't seem to have thought of that I wish Rod would see sense [ more ]
Senora Reyes Noticed Charlie wiped his mouth after he's kissed Rodrigo....The plus side of this is if they keep it up they lose fans. [ more ]
Former Member I think we can all see through it - it's one of the most transparent showmances in history. Personally me, I'm sick of it. [ more ]
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