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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think Lisa must be loving Sophie's punishment.
Videostar BUT Sophie broke the same rule Marcus did last week, and Im sure you weren't defending him. [ more ]
~Lee~ Sophie wanted them to nominate her....Freddie and Bea were plotting against Dave....If you can't see the difference I do despair....One was being an eeegit...the others were being devious and calculating....If it had been Sophie plotting against Freddie you know for sure you'd be fit to be tied...Again. [ more ]
Videostar So Sophie's clear rule break is to be ignored totally then.? [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea: "I don't think you're as clever as you think you are"
justafriend as soon as she knew she was up for eviction last week she was all over him, even straddling him yet she dislikes him so much. I could see why she was doing it. yes she probably will try those tactics again. i hope he tell her to get on her bike. better still she leaves this week. [ more ]
Videostar "Here's Freddie" Oh well the BB public get the winner they deserve, ZzzzzSophie or gameplan Charlie. [ more ]
captain marbles But if they both stay in this week she could turn around and shed a few tears and tell him how much she appreciates him and he'll be straight under her spell again. He's got a Bea sized blind spot. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
out of that lot who is going to be the real.......
Eugene's Lair I don't think there's any doubt that Sophie will make the most money. Sophie's rather unusual in BB terms as she already had a reasonably successful modelling career before entering the house... [ more ]
kattymieoww The trash mags/ papers are too busy with the Jordan/Peter storylines just now. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Rodrigo via his new connections with the Monarchy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash vs Sophie
jackassfan Siavash [ more ]
old hippy guy Marcus cause he is without doubt the best HM this year(IMO) but between those 2? its a "no brainer" Siavash to win, and the no brainer can go and flash her tits in the mags, PROVIDED she can secure a deal where SHE decides WHO can buy the mag and who is allowed to look/make comments on her bits, of course, and they will all have to be screened of course, to ensure they are ALL under 30 and good looking, cause anyone who is OVER 30 and/or NOT "good loooking" but has an interest in matters of... [ more ]
sinkthepink Vash Cant stand the zero void of life thick dim non entity of a blonde [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T: First bra - help needed.
Soozy Woo I know girls wanna be in with their mates but 28aa................what's the point? [ more ]
Pip* John Lewis, everywhere else is poor in comparison! Plus if you get measured at M&S, you will only ever fit M&S bras, as they measure differently to other brands. (I'm not biased or anything, honest) [ more ]
lightfoot Remember taking my Granddaughter aged 12 for a fitting for her first bra (her Mum was working) bought the one which fitted. but now 3 years later, going to buy bras she says it's just wrong looking for bras with your Grandma.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus and Freddie ponder whether to vote Bea...
cup well i think marcus fred siavash have been 3 great housemates also sree and noirin classic housemates And when davina says you have been a brilliant housemate i would 100percent agree Now i will call fred a twat and siavash an idiot an marcus a twat because when they do something imo that is wrong i post it,and for every time they make me laugh are right i post the same In first 5 weeks they were brilliant the last 3 or so i am not going to make a fool of myself and blindly defend them when... [ more ]
tupps I can like or dislike any given HM at any given time. [ more ]
15:10 Oh Goody [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea knows exactly what she is doing....
shar69 Think you misunderstand what I mean KG. I am talking about her behaviour of turning other hm's against a hm. Also she started to do it to Tom, but he walked out of the door and thwarted her on that one. Its not about what the 'victim' did, I am meaning her behaviour pattern. [ more ]
*KG* I sooooooo want Dave in for longer - despite my earlier intense dislike of him. He's sooo funneh, and harmless really, (very easily influenced, but aren't we all, by people that we look up to?) but does come out with some gems Hell, in terms of Bea - I even want MINGUS KHAN to stay longer that that witch! I honestly want Bea out next, and won't stop campaigning until she's gone. Yes, she's added value - but so have the rest of them (some who are now 'coming into their own, like Dog-Breath')... [ more ]
*KG* Disagree, vigorously, shar. She (as far as we knew during the early days, with no evidential back-up) was friends with Noirin, back then. It only all came to a 'head' AFTER she played Siavash for Isaac and there was still plenty of time for us all to vote her off! Don't forget that the voting lines don't close until the end of the FIRST Friday eviction episode. NO other reason! Had Noirin had not have done what she did, she might well have survived that week! [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hira interview...
Free Thinking Marcus told a story, probably similar to one of those on his website that was posted a while back. Bea gave fashion tips. Rodrigo sounded the worst he was just sticking a load of custard creams in his mouth. A 20 sec clip of the end of that might have been enough in that case, but it would have been nice to have at least a small clip of each one as I said. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair "What was your motivation for entering the Big Brother house?" "I feel there's a lot of ignorance about the difference between Pakistani and Indian girls. When I walk down the street in Dublin, people always presume I'm Indian." Hmmm... I wonder if Hira's been told yet about Bea suggesting that she would have been culturally "more at home" on BB India ... [ more ]
15:10 That she is. And nice. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea`s confusing nomination talk...
tupps I don't see what's confusing about that at all. In addition, I don't know where all this betrayal/sold him down the river malarkey has come from. I don't ever recall seeing Bea or Freddie do a pinkie bliddy squares. It's a gameshow where the last man standing wins.. no-one is on anyone's side unless it suits them at that particular time. If some of them come out of it with a friendship all good.. but don't be surprised if contestants, on a show most people would sell their Grandmother for a... [ more ]
Baz I never said it couldn't. I was simply commenting on the Bea situation ... and as far as I know she hasn't set her sights on Rodrigo yet Oh, and much as I may like it....he isn't *my* Rodrigo [ more ]
Videostar Your Rodrigo is being used and played for a fool by Charlie. It can happen to anyone. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
charmer tomato puree is great for wrinkles-just rub some into the lines-leave it on to dry-dont rub it off and HEY PRESTO! no one can see your wrinkles cos they is covered in tomato puree [ more ]
CheekyPixie Yes LSM, it is DELICIOUS!!! [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs ooh, might try that. Love cheese on toast, but never tried it with puree!! Saw this programme a while back saying how tomato puree was good for wrinkles! [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea: I'd vote for Freddie before David
jacksonb she's dammed if she doesn't and dammed if she does. she could say nothing to freddie and nominate him, and be a back stabbing cow, or she tells him to his face she may nominate him, and she's a heartless bitch. [ more ]
cologne 1 Cheers darlo. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Depends on the insiders really, took ages last week because BB obviously knew they was all going up so probably kept quiet so if theres nothing at midnight then they probably have a twist planned . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Peacemaker
prettycocoaeyes And the church screams "AMEN" [ more ]
shar69 It seems that Freddie forgot as well then, it hasn't stopped him being part of a gang to isolate people. First with Noirin and Isaac (Isaac wasn't part of the group isolating him) and then his 3 on 1 bashing of David (who, again, wasn't part of the group isolating him). What happened to Freddie in the first few weeks was horrid, but that doesn't excuse his behaviour when doing it to others who weren't involved. [ more ]
Tayto. Don't believe it for a minute Tequila. He was bricking it on Friday night even before the names were called out. He was white in the face. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Keep Your Fingers Crossed For One Of Our Pups
Darthhoob big happy clappy yay for louis!!!! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Thanks to all who were keeping fingers crossed. It worked! Just confirmed that Louis has a new home. He's been round for a home visit/trial run today and they've fallen in love with him. He's played brilliantly with the new couple's older dog and it looks as though he'll settle really well with them. They're picking him up in 5 weeks after they come back from their honeymoon because they don't want to cause him any unnecessary distruption. I'm so relieved! [ more ]
Moomin Thant's sounding hopeful, Queenie!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie just went up 100% in my estimations!
prettycocoaeyes ... Freddie was preparing to drag Sophie under the bus.... Although I feel sorry for Freddie, he has become too smug for his own good.... I also hate it when he always talks about game plans, its a fricking game show for crissakes .... He is trying to put it out there that he doesn't need to win the money because his folks are rich but that's some old bullshit because its a recession and £100,000 for 14weeks of doing nothing is a big deal not forgetting the extra couple of thousands from mag... [ more ]
watcher1 I loved Halfwit's modest assessment of himself...'being clever means you can make observations...'. Not meant to hint at superiority, of course. [ more ]
Felix123 He stuck up for Karly to Kenny, while all were sat there quiet, like. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Alton Towers Bans Men With Speedos And Pubes
stonks Re: Alton Towers Bans Men With Speedos And Pubes [ more ]
Cariad It's not a good look in public even on a well toned body if I'm honest. Mind you the last time I was up close and personal I was in a jacuzzi with a number of men all wearing identical very small red speedos and being a bit rowdy. One of the men was very, very hairy. I stomped out in a bit of a tantrum tbh only to discover it was the Welsh football squad and the hairy fella was Mr Giggs. Glad I didn't have to clean the plughole after him... [ more ]
Kaytee Awwwwww! Stoppit!...those pics are putting me off my tea PMSL [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can of worms...
Former Member hope so but I want it to be a vote to evict not save [ more ]
Ducky That may happen if we get the twist we expect. But are they going to ban talk about nominations again next week? If they don't the whole concept of the game changes ...and that sucks! If they do... then the HM's still have a pretty good idea of how to vote tactically because of the information they learn this week..... that sucks too. I just want a NORMAL BB. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Lube? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea said she is going to nominate Marcus...
Fifi29 the only thing is, that "be careful what you wish for" may just be the writer saying that finding out who nommed who may lead to arguments within the house Or that people who thought their friends would NEVER nom them, may actually be shown a vid of why their friends did nom them. Coz I'm starting to think that BB and Endemol dont have the imagination to turn it on it's head enough to decide to "save" whomever gets nommed to "evict" - hope that makes sense! [ more ]
paace Dear oh dear oh dear oh dear BB have put the final nail into the BB coffin. Their punishments re people who discuss noms were been flouted and laughed at by this bunch, so now they give in to them, let them discuss noms, and in the process destroy one of the main reasons why the show was popular. Total, idiotic fools [ more ]
Roxi Bea is a b*tch. Get her out [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie To Win
*+*Lara*+* I've wanted Sophie to win for ages. I think she is a lovely girl. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon ok CS. Some examples for you. (1) Every time DS (dopey sophie) is drunk, she insists on hearing Freddie's posh accent. Ah go on Freddie, say something in a posh accent so I can laugh at you; (2) when Bea was piling in to Freddie this morning, DS put in her tuppence worth as per usual, slagging off Freddie for her own (and Kris') enjoyment; (3) she nominates Freddie every week for eviction, with only a few exceptions. That should do for now CS. [ more ]
Cold Sweat This doesn't actually make any sense... without examples to support it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last weeks eviction was between Hira and Bea ,not Lisa
Free Thinking But wasn't a vote to save always likely to be among the newer HMs anyway? They haven't had the time to build up support. David had probably the third least votes. [ more ]
Canicant it depends on your version of entertaining... they're not mine YMMV . [ more ]
Eugene's Lair This is interesting, and does make sense - Bob Mortimer (the other guest) was clearly a Bea fan. What I would say, though, is the "one hour before" bit is important. The voting was clearly very close, so I have no doubt that Lisa was in the picture at some point. It does however illustrate how confused (and ultimately futile) tactical voting is in vote-to-win scenarios... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Three Strikes, you're out!
tupps I don't think even the money decreasing will stop them. They are after the other prize.. their 15 minutes of fame. So, what I would do if I were BB would be to strictly enforce the rule that there is to be no noms talk. There would be no second chances and my word would be final. Punishment would be immediate removal from the house. No pomp, no ceremony, no interview, nothing. Just collect your bag and go. I would also include in their contract a clause which stated that, should they be... [ more ]
Mentalist Sorry but [ more ]
Former Member Who me? I am the most serenest, easy going and placid of all puddy tats, me. Just don't deliberately tread on my tail! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea(st) Has a Go at Freddie (videos)
Former Member All she had to do was: a) say nothing when he got to bed b) pretend to be asleep c) turn away from him d) roll over as far away from him as possible e) say she had a headache f) tell him to shut the f.. up Did she do any of this? NO! Why? Because she loves the attention and the drama queen role. What's with the annoying way of speaking, where a statement is made, but it sounds like a question? I ferking HATE that. [ more ]
TiGi Cracked me up when she said she wanted him to be quiet, after she'd banged on for 11 minutes without Freddie getting a word in Then when he shuts up, she jumps out of bed and goes and bangs on about it more in the kitchen, priceless [ more ]
The Guru Thanks for not joining in the bitchfest. I agree with your point about her ability to end the conversation if she didn't want to talk about it. She chose not to. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
treacherous .
Rosy Darling She did indeed sell him out and she couldn't wait to do it, seeing her in the kitchen talking to Lisa and co was quite sickening, but in doing that I hope she has done him a great service, perhaps not with the other housemates but with the voting public who will see how he has been used now. That may make him a fool for trusting her but it doesn't make him an inherently bad person, something that she would know all about Afternoon btw Kaytee [ more ]
Kaytee PMSL at Camp David....I agree Brisket [ more ]
brisket It was tactics. She decided to find escape from niminations in the Lisa, David, Charlie group. It was easy for her to work out the numbers. It was a survival tactic. And such a bad one! Bea`s performance was diabolical. Talk about over the top. The tirade was endless. On and on and on like a dog with a bone. Overacting something rotten! "Deeply, deeply, deeply upset" she said for the umpteenth time. This trivial issue did not merit this sad performance by any stretch of the imagination. [ more ]
See all 74 replies...

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