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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Bea Doing it For The Money
langster Please everyone let's remeber her classic DR quotes. "I'm a nice person" "I believe in free love" "I'm esentially a really nice person" "blah blah blah, sorry you dumb bint I aint falling for it" "I want to have sex with bears and frollick around a lawn with some spaniels" Well maybe not the last two, but the first three for sure. She's a fookin fecktard of the highest order. It's just her being her. Personally I hope someone fecks around with her as much as she has done with Freddie. But I... [ more ]
WILDER X I wouldn't show myself up for 100.000 grand. It's not alot of money. Some can make more money when out of the house. [ more ]
*KG* That is purely and totally who she is. She can't help herself. She's like a dog with a bone. She's been thoroughly spoilt, and has never had someone like me, punch her in the face and tell her to shut up and FOOK OFF!!!!! That's all she's in need of [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For his own sanity, I think Freddie should go
*BB* From watching tonight's show I got the distinct impression that Freddie had asked to leave the house. Thats what I thought when watching him the diary room. [ more ]
tupps Yeah.. I'm in the green too.. that's the starting point and it moves around accordingly.. I put money on Siavash.. he looked the most interesting.. [ more ]
Former Member're right about his need to "sort it out", and not be a crybaby. But he is exactly that, isn't he? An overgrown baby, who has yet to experience some life's hard knocks. From what I've read he lives in a magical 70-room mansion, with doting and liberal-minded parents, and spends a lot of his time just chillin & having sex & singing. He was never gonne be ready for the "force-majeure" that is Bea, piddling acid all over him! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member At least she got 18 months for it. Here, she'd get a fine if that. Some US States (California being one) have actually legally defined the link between animal abuse and child abuse. If an authority is called to a home because of animal abuse and children are present, then they have a statutory obligation to inform Child Protection agencies and vice versa. Quite right too - the link between how people treat their animals and their children is well documented. We should be doing it here [ more ]
Lori I'm with you. Ruined my afternoon. Makes me want to go home and cuddle my kitty... [ more ]
skive Thanks Lori, I feel a bit of a numpty causing a fuss but I can't get stuff like that out of my head once it's in there. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone know what was Sophie’s punishment
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) So what was new team Lisa has been doing this in codes since day one. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) The fact remains Sophie’s name hasn’t even been mentioned, she is not going to get angry faces eyeballing her for getting them all up. And above all she won’t have to listen to Mr Respect telling her how disrespectful she has been. [ more ]
Azure. oh and the food was taken away because of there disgusting behaviour in the Diary room and jail not for nomination talk. Marcus, Siavash and Sophie broke the noms rule this week and punished by the whole house being able to talk noms. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When Bea goes up
*KG* We were onto her a bit earlier than some of the others, innit Senora? Glad they've now seen what we did, before She's gonna get BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD and good job too! We've all argued with someone - hell, I've argued with loads, just over here! But there is a limit and there are places that you just don't go! She HAS no limits. She will say anything that justifies in her mind that she's in the right - despite the fact that she's fooking bonkers and talks mainly self-congratulatory SHITE! Nasty... [ more ]
Senora Reyes stands corrected! [ more ]
jeanoj Got the number already programmed into my phone - can't wait for the day when I can start to use it! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea will suck Freddie's ass next week, you see...
darloboy (Play The Game!) I hope he doesn't fall back under her spell after the way she's treated him I don't think he will but you never know what that place. Siavash will be keeping his eye on proceedings thats for sure . [ more ]
Soozy Woo I would just like to see him have the balls to say ............'BEA EFF OFF' ...............if he does that - he'll get my vote for winner ..........................errrrrrrrrr well maybe far IMO Siavash hasn't blotted his copy book and will be hard to beat. But .................if Freddie grew a pair ...........I might be persuaded to change my mind. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I hope he has a large dose of Garlic and hot Chile(sp) for dinner on Friday night. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER known anyone as vile as Bea - Charley, Grace etc are angels
Soozy Woo Yes i was a vociferous Noirin supporter ...........can't see how the two can be compared TBH. Bea is a cold, calculating and very nasty individual. Noirin was an out of control flirt. I know which one I prefer. Playing with peoples minds and backstabbing isn't nice./ does bea forget that we are watching at home? HORRIBLE,HORRIBLE PERSON. [ more ]
Free Thinking Unstable can be more dangerous and uncontrollable, people can blow up and get violent (eg Emma BB5). Bea no doubt acts like a bitch and is manipulative, but that's no different to Noirin is it? Noirin had lots of support on here. I said from the start with the secret mission task that Bea was a huge gameplayer and was even ruthless. At that time alot of people here were still saying she was a peace loving hippy. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Ooooooooooooooooh I love that book too. There are similarities ........she's one evil bitch. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB have been happy to use Lisa.
Soozy Woo But ......................***takes a deep breath*** what does it matter to BB who wins. What advantage to they gain in pushing a favourite? [ more ]
Mozart if BB can manipulate a HM, where they are so sad that they go to the opening of a crisp packet then they will push that person with all their might, charlie fits that bill. [ more ]
Soozy Woo if I'm a nonentity to you ..............I really and truly dont give a shit TBH. I just think that if someone in there has a parent who is ill or in a coma or whatever would be pretty odd if they didn't speak about it. that really is all I've said on this ........I think you're a little rude TBH ...................I was simply expressing my opinion. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
'' I don't want to pick up anything from you''
Leccy It was just an extra kick when he was already down. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) She was twisting the knife in deeper, off for the kill and managed it just fine. [ more ]
tupps It'd fry my noodle all this 14 year old Valley Girl speak. The pair of them act as if it aids their communication when in fact it hinders it. If you listen to them its a lot of words and yet they say very little. No wonder they misinterpret or mishear things half the time.. you lose the important stuff under an avalanche of crap. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halfwit is acting like a child
Liverpoollass Exactly Mozart. I cannot imagine how he must be feeling and how he is going to cope. If Marcus goes on Friday, he will just have Siavash. Siavash alone will not be able to save Freddy from the lions. [ more ]
Mozart freddie was loathed by lisa and kris, and the others jumped on the band wagon in their verbal abuse of freddie for weeks, bea comes in and life in the house is not so bad for freddie, so now basically bea has shattered that friendship, so freddie is sort of regressing to his earlier weeks,and is probably trying to battle with how is going to cope, how long can a person actually bottle all that anxiety before it ruptures and spills out [ more ]
cup I think sometimes we think why is he not just getting up and telling her to f..k off and letting her know what a nasty piece of work she is,and bring her down she wouldnt do that to me. But we are all different another person could not handle that at all and would be like freddie in that situation and when its not your way it is hard to see how anyone could take that even a grown man Freddie acted that way because that is freddie its his way and yes he is university educated and book... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who'sthe worst, Noirin our Bea?
queenshaks Good post Forest. And am sure it was Bea that called her that. [ more ]
Forest I never really disliked Noirin and to be honest, thought she got a rough deal. Bea, is a bitch with a brain, something I don't think we have seen in some time (if ever?) in Big Brother and whilst I wouldn't want to be her friend or indeed endorse her actions, she is fascinating to watch. I can't remember who called Noirin a sociopath - was it Bea or Freddie? Not sure, but I would certainly be more likely to label Bea as that than Noirin. She is a clever bitch without a conscience, scary. [ more ]
stupidcupid bump the beatch! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Comments about Charlie & Bea
Cold Sweat Did anyone notice Charlie speaking over Davina last Friday? I know they all get excited - but he seemed the most vocal. Sorry, this might be off-topic and out of context with the thread (reading back). [ more ]
WILDER X Who did rodrigo nom as I missed the hls. [ more ]
stonks When Marcus went in the BR tonight Bea stooped down next to Charlie and they were talking in the background.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The vile Charlie down to 5th favourite now.
WILDER X Wow Rodrigo gone up. That's good news. Like sophie as well. [ more ]
kattymieoww Hopefully Charlie the wanker will crash and burn. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Despite her current position i do not believe that Sophie can win BB10. However, she surely has a great chance of finishing as highest placed female housemate - and even in the top 3/4 on finale night. This would be a fantastic achievement for her - and something that seemed so unlikely back on Day One - when she was in tears and looking totally out of her depth! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So if Marcus had sobbed when Noirin dropped him..
Tayto. Marcus got plenty sympathy over Noirin. The difference is Freddie is a gentleman behind all the rebel stuff he's going on with. Freddie would never treat a woman the way Marcus treated Noirin and Lisa. He would never call BB the names that Marcus does. Breeding as my Mum would say. [ more ]
Free Thinking Did he cry in the DR? Marcus was simply keeping to himself to get over it, perfectly valid thing to do. Didn't Siavash do the same (even though he had backstabbed his friend in the house and his girlfriend outside)? As for delusions, well I think others in the house can be quite deluded. Marcus at least has had good insights during the show which others have picked up on and used. Many tell Freddie he's the most intelligent and I think he's starting to believe it. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Funny how we all see it so differently. Marcus has one thing in mind (aside from a crafty grope) and that's control IMO. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just dont understand the logic of BB letting them talk about noms
Ducky There's been no word yet that BB have changed the rule back again. What if it stays this way till the end? It won't be BB anymore. [ more ]
SJ Those 3 were up to no good all week they basically nominated themselves. I think the allowed to talk is to make them paranoid - you already saw Freddie's reaction, when charlie voted him and said he was voting someone else ... its to ignite reactions. this is the first time I have liked a BB punishment - it think it'll be a slow burner, playing in HMs minds over time. [ more ]
Lockes rrrrr thanks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
God im glad that shows over.
Lazybug I found it very distressing and thought Bea was a total cow and talked to him like a child. Can someone just clarify whether she said he was a 'negative little man' I don't recall if those were her words or not but I certainly do not agree with the way she spoke to him. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Was uncomfortable viewing. I hate seeing anyone that upset, by the hands of another person. [ more ]
~Lee~ Probably...TBH she's watched BB before she went in...No doubt seeing all their strengths and weakness's so went in with a strategy how to get at each HM. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
And thats why Freddie talks slowly sometimes.
*KG* Well-observed, Vid - I've been banging on about that for donks! Its not him being patronising, he just takes a split-second or two (which might seem like ages if you watch him) to process information and then respond. And yes, it ABSOLUTELY gets worse when he's stressed out. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Spot on VS, which is why I absolutely detest the bitch. [ more ]
Liverpoollass That's correct VS, although it doesn't matter because some people who don't like Freddy will still not see that. They prefer to think that he is patronising or stuck up or talking down to people. Any excuse to dislike him really. I least us Freddy supporters love him warts and all [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who did Charlie nom last week
brisket But Charlie has been lying. He has lied when passing on information from one group (or person) to another to stir up trouble. He has stolen and hidden drink and lied about it. As for nominations he told Freddie he would not be nominating him today (yesterday.) But he DID nominate him. Bea also said she would nominate Maecus and Freddie - but she nominated Marcus and David. So the Lisa group already have their new protege attacking one of their own. [ more ]
Tom Bennett he been nominating sivash and halfwit everyweek, funny how he choosed marcus after the convo about whos nominating him [ more ]
Former Member cheers ,thought he might have been lying. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Terrifying Vision of BB Without Marcus,Freddie and Siavash
*KG* Same here Mazz! BB KNOW what to do, at this point or if they don't they need to fooking well get their arses in here! THEY NEED TO PUT THEM ALL UP BECAUSE OF DOG-BREATH'S RULE BREAKS! Sheesh, I've got a niece of 3 who could have sussed that one Then, we can get the VILE BEA TCH off the show, and go back to enjoying it [ more ]
Summer_Breeze I wonder why? Lol! Actually that's not true because little Miss Noirin was hogging a lot of the highlights for aages . [ more ]
Twee Surgeon hi pwillow. I agree that the HLs show tonight will be a taster for the future. Lots of Charlie in the pool splashing about like a performing seal. Lots of Sophie lisping her way to telling us how she has got fat and how big her boobs have grown, and then sitting down to toast and sugar. Lots of Lisa fagging it and Dave wheezily sitting at the bus stop telling us how great it is without The Three Musketeers. And the crowning glory of course will be the absolutely spiffing rows between Charlie... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
EVIL BEA ATCH............
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) He was listening to Ferddie telling Siavash “what a level headed guy Siavash was” and he didn’t like that a jot.. I was not going to vote if these two were up together but I think I would now. [ more ]
globulemc Am an ex hippy......... Plenty like her about........ Fake niceness that becomes worse than honest hatred!!!!! [ more ]
Bojangles She's a Psycho.A legend in her own mind. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Go Freddie
longcat Go Freddie. All the way home. [ more ]
Azure. and he has been the above since week one, no wonder ALL the HMs were voting him out in the early weeks. and Shakespearian actors have nothing to fear from Freddie what a numpty. [ more ]
Barolo They're all two-faced twats, they're all using game plans which, given it's a gameshow, is OK but Freddie is the most nauseating of them all imo. I cannot stand the man! [ more ]
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