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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rex was just as bad to Rachel
kimota Rex was'nt that bad to Rachel. He did have the occasional dig but never upset her to the extent Bea did Freddie. Rex at least allowed Rachel room to get a word in edgeways! [ more ]
Marguerita I have to agree.. when I watched last night I felt sorry for him, but having watched it twice I thought he really milked the situation for all it was worth and the way he was telling Siavash what she said was more for the cameras ,every word was deliberate and precise ,unfortunately Freddie went along with the ganging up on Dave and other stuff she was doing in the house, she was having an arguement in the bedroom and he could not wait to get in there with a big smile on his face watching... [ more ]
fifilapew Ginger cornetto shaped heads will always be in style [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i fear for Lisa now that Bea has wormed her way into her
Marguerita Difference is they have not turned on each other like team smug and I doubt they will IMO [ more ]
wayne she saw the powerbase shift from the amigos to the dark side after the the rule breaking and abandoned them and set up Freddie for a fall to be accepted in the camp she hates if Freddie survives it will be Siavash & Freddie up next week unless there's a twist to noms. Lisa should be very thankful to Bea for giving her a ticket to the final [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Two witches, stirring the pot . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Free Thinking She's never tended to voice much of an opinion of her own on the show. No doubt support from Endemol would help her, but she still hasn't had that much of a story most of her time in the house. Unless it ends up being a vote for who you hate the least I'm not sure she can win. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Well, with no proof of whom Sophie would or would not go against, it’s a moot point at this time. What is noticeable over the past few days is BB themselves suddenly identifying her as a potential winner on BBLB and BBBM, whereas they had not done previously. Perhaps an association with Lisa will be perceived by the public as looking no worse than an association with Noirin or Bea. [ more ]
Free Thinking There's quite a few HMs who if up against I think she would have gone: Freddie, Marcus, Siavash, Charlie, maybe even Rodrigo. Realistically she is still a long shot to win. The only story she had was the fake romance. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David's nominations disclaimer
darloboy (Play The Game!) , trying to make it clear his noms are his own decisions and opinion and not influenced by Lisa. [ more ]
Hotpants Helen Do you really believe that? I don't. He follows Lisa around like a lap dog, (bit like Halfwit and Bea or Marcus and Noirin) After BB announced the housemates were free to discuss nominations Lisa stood up from the dining table and ordered David outside to discuss nominations. He duly followed. [ more ]
DanceSettee Nah Dave is his own man...otherwise the kittens wouldn't trust him [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Little Miss Spurs Yep, thats the kitten Hey, My Sandy has a lookalike! A damn good one at that! I will go and look for the pic! Have been very busy and can not get on as much as Id like. Have 5 mins til work again Will go have a quick look and may speak to you on here later. Still lovin Dave, by the way! [ more ]
DanceSettee Is this the kitten you mean? hellooo LMS That's not your Sandy, That's Tarquellina von-Prrppp ,a kitten I have been using as a model for ages, although she may be related to your Sandy ...who can tell I did see your post and I did do a pic of Dave and Robbie....It's in the Dewsbury Dave posse thread...go have a look. I will bump it in a while for you [ more ]
Little Miss Spurs It appears you vacated the forum again! Well; I want my kitten back!!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mazzystar Well I'm no Freddie fan and thought he acted like a little kid on that occassion..but I think She went too far in her attack on him last night.I know he's wittered on and on,but ironically she's made him into a victim and actually restored the popularity he had when he was at the mercy of Lisa and co [ more ]
Summer_Breeze Highly amusing? What rubbish. He may have been amused to discover she had two faces and she does have a way of delivering her insults about other people in a way which can be interpreted as funny by some people who like that sort of sadistic humour which I feel is patronising in the extreme especially as Dave is clueless about it and not "in" on the joke. Perhaps also, he was supporting her as friends do. [ more ]
Flossie Learn to write in English you educational remedial! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa: "Freddie wont be nominating me, he said he would give me a break.
Moomin Exactly, Helen. Definitely a case of double standards. He has been through a hell of a lot more regarding the nomination/eviction process than she has - and I'm not a Freddie fan. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Lisa is disgusting, and I cannot understand anyone who would want to save her, she brings absolutely nothing to the house, she should have been gone weeks ago. [ more ]
Liverpoollass That would mean her being a decent human being - and she isn't. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can BB please send Sophie in
Summer_Breeze "oooh me boobs have got bigger! Have me boobs got bigger? Oooh me boobs have got bigger! Have me boobs got bigger?" Repeat that ad nauseam because this is the person some people wish to win the show. [ more ]
Senora Reyes She has put on wieght everywhere including her boobs. [ more ]
SkyDragon When she ask if her boobs had gotten bigger, that same thing popped into my head - Was she pregnant? Since she has already owned up to having had sex with that **** Kris. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT HAS ANYONE SEEN the video about the guy asking his dad
Queen of the High Teas Oh gawd, I think my hormones just went into overdrive watching that. Sobbing my face off here, but in a good way. [ more ]
Mozart what an absolutelty beautiful father/son relationship that is, he must be a dad in a million [ more ]
Mentalist You are not pathetic anyone with special needs children know that it can be one battle after another. Your daughter gets the same strength from you as the boy does from his dad. The video made me cry because the real testament is a mans love for his son. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That GMTV woman - Emma Crosby.
GMA I'd love her figure/flat stomach but have tbh, I rarely watch daytime tv on the main channels as it so annoying and depressing - I usually have GOLD on in the background. Don't start me on Andrew or Kate , sorry Mimi. [ more ]
mummymaz close enough - she wants to be " a catwalk model or an actress" @ Mimi - really wound me up for my drive to work mate!! Parents like that wind me up giving their kids everything they ask for its never ever gonna turn out well imo [ more ]
GorgeousMimi Emma and Ben are a breath of fresh air, I dont even mind Andrew and Kate, however I wish they would get rid of Penny. MM I saw the mother and Little diva this morning.....what on earth is she setting her daughter up for? It can only end in misery. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea has ruined Freddie...
SkyDragon Never going to ****ing happen. He, Siavash, Dogface, Rodrigo, Charlie and one other will go to the final. Most likely a double eviction next week, and hopefully Bea and Lisa will finally **** off. [ more ]
bigbaws I dont think she has ruined him, most people have weak moments when they have new feelings for someone, thats all I see it as. Bea might have gained popularity in the house but when she is evicted (pray she does not make the final ) by 90 odd % she will realise the public did not fall for her bull. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I don't see it as "playing the victim". He looked genuinely upset and distraught to me. Not everyone is strong emotionally, especially when the person abusing you is someone you liked and trusted. I wish people would have a bit more empathy and compassion, instead of kicking Freddy when he is already down [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
its Freddie vs Marcus ***POLL***
Moomin I don't want to see either of them go, though neither of them are in my top 3 (if that makes sense). I voted for Freddie to go, after seeing his distress on last night's HL it is for his own mental state that I choose him. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Argghhhhh! I clicked the wrong one by mistake. Ok... I voted Marcus... but I meant to vote for Freddie. (mentally adjust the poll total! ) [ more ]
Hotpants Helen This weeks eviction is going to be very close. Closest yet this series I think. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bring back Alex, Sezer, Jen, Nikki, Craig, Charly all is forgiven...
CheekyPixie Re: Bring back Alex, Sezer, Jen, Nikki, Craig, Charly all is forgiven... [ more ]
Liverpoollass You left out Jason and Victor I loved Sezer and thought he had a raw deal. You would've thought he had murdered someone the way he was spoken about on the forum [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Most disliked ever for me has to go to Dennis. Thank god you didn't mention bringing back him else I should have had to refer you to a psychologist! But out of that lot. Not Nikki, oh noes, please not Nikki!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bea mentions the WRAP party........LF
Liverpoollass I don't think she will hesitate in not going. People like her have no self-awareness that they are in the wrong, so she will just see herself as the victim all over again. [ more ]
LGS I don't believe she thinks she has done anything wrong, she is definately not self aware. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I would say she is far worse. Her mental and emotional abuse of Freddy has been a steady drip drip over the last week or so. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Science quotes...
innais 'Tweedle dumb, tweedle dee and tweedle twat [to Anthony, Maxwell and Craig]' 'Makosi: 'Talk to the hand coz the face ain't listening'. Science: 'I don't wanna talk to your face anyway. Especially in the morning when you wake up and you haven't put your eyebrows on'' My favourite Science classics! [ more ]
Leccy " If you have power over the minions, You have power over the dominions" Science: "I am the Overlord of the Man-points league." Craig: "I am the System Lord of...." Science: [to Craig] "Shuddup....When you talk like that it makes you the system fraud. Stop scratching yer butt-cheeks" *science after max was evicted* 'I am citizen science, and it's the job of the citizen to take out the trash' "Science stands alone again. What do you expect me to do? Curl up in the corner? I'm not a... [ more ]
Leccy "7 clear bottles standing on the wall 7 clear bottles standing on the wall but in this house bottles don't accidentally fall..." "A shit is a one-man job. You do it alone." From his argument with Kemal:"You think you're slick but you're just a p****" "I’m the Crumble King, the chicken specialist. I’ve taken Roberto’s position as the Pasta Masta. I’m not a Risotto Dan. I am the man" Science: "Look at that big bumblebee. Right there....Look" [holds onto *Moloko’s elbow] Makosi: "I’m not scared... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
gawd, what a drama llama.
longcat If your having a panic attack the last thing you can do is tell someone. [ more ]
jacksonb because i listened quite closely and he upped the anti.listen again to it, when you get the chance, key words were changed, and his retelling changed the emphasis of what she said,which is why siavash was taken aback. [ more ]
skive Mr skive laughed when he said 'your voice is making me have a panic attack' and said "he just out-Bea'd Bea". He has a fair point. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie asked people to nominate her
Cold Sweat The reason you provide for Bea’s opportunity of becoming “top female” is by default – her association with Freddie. Sophie has got this far on her own merit, and with a support built steadily over time; as Marcus astutely noted; Sophie has not changed throughout the series. Success on BB can be down to what you don’t say or do, rather than what you do say and do. Keeping away from controversy can be the smart option when the supposed “big characters” are creating drama and headlines, and... [ more ]
Cold Sweat I don’t think that “less hated than others” really works, I don’t think that evidence exists to support it at all. For instance, if you take a look at “most disliked housemate” polls on various BB sites you will find that Sophie always figures at, or around the bottom. So, to be less disliked than Rodrigo or Siavash, actually suggests that she is well liked. To use a sporting analogy; you can only beat the competition that is put in front of you – in that respect – 9 other females, Sophie... [ more ]
Videostar He did nominate David. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why I'm a wuss when it comes to a fairground.
kattymieoww I have just spent the last hour on you tube looking at all the Blackpool rides.Great stuff.There's some brilliant footage from the 1920's etc,very poignant, folk enjoying holidays a day out etc,all gone now in the main. [ more ]
Lady-Jester When I was about 5, my dad took me on those umbrella things that go up high and then sweep down. Just as the ride was getting ready to go the man came round to make sure we were all locked in.... he only went and slammed the bar down on my fingers . Now, as I was only 5 and you know the way little-uns react to shock , I didn't let out the first howl untill the ride had started and was cranking up. My dad sh!t himself when I screamed and the people running the ride couldn't get it stopped... [ more ]
Leccy That's my fave ride ever! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oooh, it looks nice in here :)
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing No, has an infrquent hiccup, but that's about all. [ more ]
CaptVimes It doesnt close Its not crashed as much we had a few problems where its slowed down this week but we dont have as many posters as DS. These are the people that created Eve though so they know what they are doing . Corp Carrot is fine, wish I could send him in the house [ more ]
The Great Leveller thanx brisket I am quite impressed by these gaga peeps. Does the forum crash on fridays btw...... DS has for 2 weeks running! tut [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A click a day feeds homeless animals.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Cheers Kev, clicked and added to favourities. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Pwillow - are those Jack Russell`s in your picture? The one in front looks like my Jack Russell. [ more ]
Pwillow Cheers King Kev,i've clicked and will do every day I always support Animal charities,especially PDSA,they've been great with our dogs over the years [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
all these anti darrk horse threads are pissin me off
Paradice wtf jeeze dark horse is bb10 love him or hate him fk me personally lookin forward to him finally gettin out the chit ole this friday [ more ]
Hyjean He be missed in the house, best HM [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Marcus wants to go. That is good enough for me. So I will not enter anti-Marcus threads trying to big-up Freddie. Marcus will be missed in the house. At least he was different. He caused controversy in the house, heated debates on the forum, but he was never ever boring. [ more ]
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